Wonder Woman movie now has a writer




The issue is either finding someone with the body, who can act, or an actress willing to bulk up for the role. Christian Bale is an example of someone who will do this sort of thing, but I can't really recall ever seeing a female role where the actress bulked up. They train and get super fit and all that, but adding a bit of muscle tone doesn't seem to happen for Hollywood woman, and Wonder Woman is buff.

After thinking about it, I haven't got a freaking clue.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Listening to Kevin Smith talk, I sometimes wonder, "Just how much does the writer actually write the movie?"

A writer can write the best script ever, and then have it ruined by the directors and actors.
There's at least some evidence that this happened to Green Lantern. If I recall as well, Goldenburg was only one of several writers that took at pass at the script.

I'd kill for a great Wonder Woman movie, so I hope this works. That said, WB hasn't shown much in the way of competance when it comes to managing their DC IPs onscreen, so I'm not holding my breath.

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Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
There's at least some evidence that this happened to Green Lantern. If I recall as well, Goldenburg was only one of several writers that took at pass at the script.

I'd kill for a great Wonder Woman movie, so I hope this works. That said, WB hasn't shown much in the way of competance when it comes to managing their DC IPs onscreen, so I'm not holding my breath.
The Hal Jordan we got in the GL Movie was basically Hal Jordan from Emerald Dawn. A bit down on his luck as a pilot, hung up on what happened to his father, not well liked by many characters for many reasons but still a hero on the inside. Then comes the ring from Abin Sur, then soon after Hal learns a few things from his ring's memory bank then the ring warps him to Oa where he undergoes training by Kilowog. He saved Oa, the GLC and the Guardians by beating a yellow armored creature called Legion and by merging with the Central Battery to fully pull Legion off of Oa and into space where the GL's contained and took it away. The Guardians at the end of Emerald Dawn stated that Abin Sur found another like himself, intelligent, strong willed, opinionated.....

Basically the GL movie was Emerald Dawn with Parallax in place of Legion, and Hal learning that courage/will power trumps fear. The dialog could have been far better, giving us the Hal from Emerald Dawn was a mistake, and also Ryan Reynolds as Hal was a BIG mistake.

I still need to see the BLu Ray extended cut version and see if that helps it or not.



Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
The issue is either finding someone with the body, who can act, or an actress willing to bulk up for the role. Christian Bale is an example of someone who will do this sort of thing, but I can't really recall ever seeing a female role where the actress bulked up.
Angelina Jolie. Sigorny Weaver.

Not that either of them should be WW, but it's not completely unknown.

The problem is due to the Hollywood obsession with matchstick women, not a shortage of women prepared to do what it takes. Will the film-makers accept a buff woman in a leading role?

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Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
The issue is either finding someone with the body, who can act, or an actress willing to bulk up for the role. Christian Bale is an example of someone who will do this sort of thing, but I can't really recall ever seeing a female role where the actress bulked up. They train and get super fit and all that, but adding a bit of muscle tone doesn't seem to happen for Hollywood woman, and Wonder Woman is buff.

After thinking about it, I haven't got a freaking clue.
Now, these two actresses didn't gain the muscle mass of certain fitness and bodybuilding women - and I'm not suggesting them for Wonder Woman.

A ways back, Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 got the buffed body treatment, and she looked like a very lethal (and unhinged) Sarah Connor.

And more recently, Katee Sackhoff buffed up for the role of a mercenary in the sequel to Chronicles of Riddick (she's quoted as saying she had to lose about 10lbs of muscle post-filming for upcoming television work).



Call me psycho, but I think Natalie Portman could pull it off. It would be a reinvention of the character of course, but it's going to be regardless of casting.

My #1 pick for the role used to be Morena Baccarin, but she has sadly aged out at this point. I think you really don't bring in an unknown or someone from modeling or sports. You really need to bring in a real actress to keep it from becoming a joke. As Catwoman and Electra showed us, even bringing in an A-Lister is no guarantee of quality.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The Hal Jordan we got in the GL Movie was basically Hal Jordan from Emerald Dawn. A bit down on his luck as a pilot, hung up on what happened to his father, not well liked by many characters for many reasons but still a hero on the inside. Then comes the ring from Abin Sur, then soon after Hal learns a few things from his ring's memory bank then the ring warps him to Oa where he undergoes training by Kilowog. He saved Oa, the GLC and the Guardians by beating a yellow armored creature called Legion and by merging with the Central Battery to fully pull Legion off of Oa and into space where the GL's contained and took it away. The Guardians at the end of Emerald Dawn stated that Abin Sur found another like himself, intelligent, strong willed, opinionated.....

Basically the GL movie was Emerald Dawn with Parallax in place of Legion, and Hal learning that courage/will power trumps fear. The dialog could have been far better, giving us the Hal from Emerald Dawn was a mistake, and also Ryan Reynolds as Hal was a BIG mistake.

I still need to see the BLu Ray extended cut version and see if that helps it or not.
I think the big problem wasn't so much Ryan Reynolds specifically, but the fact that he had to play an unplayable character arc: it was just too much to accept in one short movie that Hal Jordan goes from being an irresponsible goofball with a heart of gold but a brain of yogurt and has serious PTSD combined with daddy issues, to the most powerful green lantern in the universe in about two days of movie time. Reynolds is not a strong enough character actor for that, and I'm not sure any character actor is strong enough for that.

That just makes seeing wind in outer space just that much more grating.

Which is a shame, because I think Mark Strong plays a pitch-perfect Sinestro. I found myself really wanting to see more of him at the end of the movie, not Hal Jordan.

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For all its faults I didn't totally hate the Green Lantern movie. As someone who'd never really read any Green Lantern comics even I could tell this probably wasn't the easiest character to do an "origin" story for without it feeling stripped down and/or rushed in the span of an average length movie. But even accounting for the rough edges I thought it was better than some other superhero movies I've seen.

I think much of the reason why it's been decades since the last live-action Wonder Woman show/movie has much to do with the same challenges that faced the Green Lantern movie. Her origin story is not exactly the easiest to translate into a workable movie script for audiences in 2012. There are many ways it can be approached, not the least of which is trying to decide if they want to keep it based on the 1940s WWII setting or try to rework it into something more modern.

We can be assured that no matter how a Wonder Woman movie is made there's probably going to be far more fan angst and bickering about it than most superhero movies. Apart from the story there's going to be all sorts quibbles about whether the actress is better or worse in the role than Lynda Carter was. I honestly don't envy the people who make any future WW movie who are likely going to chewed apart with criticisms even if it turns out that the movie itself is relatively entertaining.

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I honestly don't jive with all the negativity I've seen about the Green lantern movie.

I really don't know, and I'm curious to watch it again, but my wife and I both very much enjoyed it.
Neither of us are very knowledgeable of GL and the comics (the only GL experience I really have was, as a child, he was my favorite member of the old Super Friends cartoons... mainly because that was the best super power ever).
We didn't go to see it in the theatre. We rented it as soon as it became available and we had no - or possibly somewhat low - expectations, to be honest.
That last bit may be why we enjoyed it more than most around here seemed to have.

It didn't exactly blow me away as a great movie, but it was completely enjoyable and I thought it was a successful ride of fun for an origin story of an awesome super power.

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I'm not convinced you need to start with an "origin story" movie at all. Tim Burton's Batman just had bits of origin filled in as flashbacks. I think you could do something similar for GL or WW. Start with the character as is, fill in backstory in flashbacks (which then only have key points).

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I honestly don't jive with all the negativity I've seen about the Green lantern movie.

I really don't know, and I'm curious to watch it again, but my wife and I both very much enjoyed it.
Neither of us are very knowledgeable of GL and the comics (the only GL experience I really have was, as a child, he was my favorite member of the old Super Friends cartoons... mainly because that was the best super power ever).
We didn't go to see it in the theatre. We rented it as soon as it became available and we had no - or possibly somewhat low - expectations, to be honest.
That last bit may be why we enjoyed it more than most around here seemed to have.

It didn't exactly blow me away as a great movie, but it was completely enjoyable and I thought it was a successful ride of fun for an origin story of an awesome super power.
Maybe X-Men, Spiderman, Iron Man, and Batman Begins have spoiled people, but while I personally didn't find Green Lantern offensive like some people did, I felt it was a very weak movie overall. Mostly, I think it tried to do too much and didn't give enough time for any of it.

For me personally, where the movie failed is that I simply did not buy Hal Jordan as a hero. As a popcorn movie it was acceptable, but I didn't leave the theater wanting to see more Hal Jordan. I suspect deep down that's where a lot of the negativity comes from. Fans want to see a Green Lantern movie that is full of promise; that makes them want to see more. But whatever else anyone says about Green Lantern, I doubt anyone can argue that the movie is full of promise for future stories.

That lack of potential turns to disappointment, and that disappointment turns to anger.

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Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
I'm not convinced you need to start with an "origin story" movie at all. Tim Burton's Batman just had bits of origin filled in as flashbacks. I think you could do something similar for GL or WW. Start with the character as is, fill in backstory in flashbacks (which then only have key points).
I could see the possibility of a good Wonder Woman movie that basically "sidestepped" the whole Paradise Island thing. In fact it'd probably be easier to come up with a good modern story for her if they didn't have to bridge the huge gap between the "Greek Amazon" material and current 21st century America.

But we all know there would be comic purists out there who'd have a conniption fit if we got a Wonder Woman movie that minimized/modified her background story in any way. Much of the rabid fan criticism that doomed last year's Wonder Woman TV show focused on the fact that they tried to disconnect the character from her Paradise Island origins. If a movie glossed over that in any way (even without directly retconning her) there'd be a bunch of people claiming the movie was a failure even if it otherwise turned out to be a good movie.

I just hope someone, somewhere can eventually handle the tricky balance between making a good movie which -also- happens to be a Wonder Woman movie at the same time.

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Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
The issue is either finding someone with the body, who can act, or an actress willing to bulk up for the role. Christian Bale is an example of someone who will do this sort of thing, but I can't really recall ever seeing a female role where the actress bulked up. They train and get super fit and all that, but adding a bit of muscle tone doesn't seem to happen for Hollywood woman, and Wonder Woman is buff.

After thinking about it, I haven't got a freaking clue.
Lynn Collins, who was Dejah Thoris in the "John Carter" film and Silver Fox in Wolverine, would do a great job as Wonder Woman. She's beautiful, is a very good actress and can handle action very well.

Regardless of what you think about those other two films (I disliked Wolverine but really liked John Carter), she was very good in both. It shows that she is open to genre films. She went to Juliard Drama and has done a lot of Shakespeare, so she has some acting chops. And she has the look and the build. She's 5' 8" and not "too skinny."

While she has some pretty good credits, her name is not big enough to headline a big budget film, so they need some other big names in supporting roles. I would love to see Lynda Carter as Hippolyta. That would draw a lot of attention to the film, and Lynda still looks damn good.

Personally, I like the idea of just touching on the origin in flashbacks. If the film is a success, the sequel can always go back to cover more origin later. But I'm sure they probably want to include the origin because of the "fish out of water" aspect where she is introduced to the modern world. That's an easy source of comedy.

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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Lynn Collins, who was Dejah Thoris in the "John Carter" film and Silver Fox in Wolverine, would do a great job as Wonder Woman. She's beautiful, is a very good actress and can handle action very well.

Regardless of what you think about those other two films (I disliked Wolverine but really liked John Carter), she was very good in both. It shows that she is open to genre films. She went to Juliard Drama and has done a lot of Shakespeare, so she has some acting chops. And she has the look and the build. She's 5' 8" and not "too skinny."

While she has some pretty good credits, her name is not big enough to headline a big budget film, so they need some other big names in supporting roles. I would love to see Lynda Carter as Hippolyta. That would draw a lot of attention to the film, and Lynda still looks damn good.
Lynda Carter making an appearance in a Wonder Woman movie is inevitable

Lucy Lawless and Charisma Carpenter I wouldn't have minded seeing as Wonder Woman as they have the height, build and I think enough talent to play the part. But I think too much time may have passed for them both to now play such a role.



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Lynn Collins, who was Dejah Thoris in the "John Carter" film and Silver Fox in Wolverine, would do a great job as Wonder Woman. She's beautiful, is a very good actress and can handle action very well.
Lynn Collins would be a reasonably good candidate for the role. I'd rather have someone like her who can act much more than a fitness model who simply "looks" like they could be Wonder Woman IRL.

Obviously I don't think the typical 90 lbs beanpole starlet would be appropriate either - the woman they pick should be at least relatively close to the character from a physical point of view. But as long as they get a great actress then it'll be relatively easy for them to use "Hollywood magic" to make that actress look completely believable as formidable Amazon warrior.

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Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
The issue is either finding someone with the body, who can act, or an actress willing to bulk up for the role. Christian Bale is an example of someone who will do this sort of thing, but I can't really recall ever seeing a female role where the actress bulked up. They train and get super fit and all that, but adding a bit of muscle tone doesn't seem to happen for Hollywood woman, and Wonder Woman is buff.

After thinking about it, I haven't got a freaking clue.
Linda Hamilton comes to mind.

Edit to clarify: I mean as an example of a woman who bulked up for a role, not as someone who should play WW today, obviously.


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i would cast an unkown actress based on her ability to fit the bill, and then fill the surrounding cast with moderately known but good actors and then cast the villain with a big-name.

My Wonder Woman needs to be tall enough, olive-skinned, black hair blue eyes [easy to do with contacts but id prefer the rest to be actually part of the actress]. I'd be fine with an actress of color, in fact i'd almost prefer it, but one who you cant tell specifically what ethnicity. also she must be muscular, not body-building muscular, but i'd prefer biceps you can see and a flat toned stomach. i dont need ginormous boobs, and i REALLY hope they dont cast based on that. i'd choose an actress in her very early twenties for an agless amazon starting her journey.

i'm also picky as to who they cast as steve [if they use the steve origin]. just dont make him be like every other dang character of similar description, i'd want him to have/be something interesting.

as for the villain...

Circe. would be an older than Wondy [30ish], very well known actress.

now, to keep from needing wondy to be super-sexified, i'd prefer the villain to be super sexified, to still have some sexy but not focus it on wondy who is attractive because she embodies a much different sexy than what america has come to find as sexy [although she does have all of that too.] ...does that make sense? O_o

anyway... ya... XD



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I honestly don't jive with all the negativity I've seen about the Green lantern movie.

I really don't know, and I'm curious to watch it again, but my wife and I both very much enjoyed it.

It didn't exactly blow me away as a great movie, but it was completely enjoyable and I thought it was a successful ride of fun for an origin story of an awesome super power.
Cliches, cliches, cliches, bad writing, bad acting, bad story, trying to cram too much into the first movie, bad lead, bad love interest, the humor was awkward and not very humorous, cliches, felt like Top Gun but with CGI tights, the CGI tights, bad CGI mask, a bad villain for an introduction to a franchise, meh action and cliches.

On the plus side parts of it did look cool. But overall, yeah steaming pile.

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Lynn Collins as Wonder Woman.


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