Really Hard Way get!




Congratulations all - I was there for the "dry run" (the hard way badge)
The night before. Well done all



Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
Heh that's pretty much my rating system too Canine

That's exactly my view too. Also, ID gives good resistance to his "punching the ground" attack which can kill squishies pretty quickly.
His 'Punching the ground' attack is Hammer of Justice, which you may recognize from Statesman's attack, only it has longer range and he can use it in midair. :3

The general tactic we seem to have worked out for the last phase is:

1. After nuke hits, everyone is gathered together. Stay together so the people with heals or rebirths can heal you. Buffs may or may not happen at this point, if they don't, they'll be activated around Tyrant
2. Regardless of what AT you are, go into melee range against Tyrant (if he's not making the air crackle). This is so buffs and heals can reach you easily.
3. Every so often, a group of Olympian Guards will be spawned to attack the league. Unlike normal EB Olympian Guards, these are boss-class, but they can fly and still pack a hefty punch. Since everyone is together next to Tyrant, AoEs and PBAoEs are usually enough to take them out before they start hurting the league too much.
4. Tyrant's Beam Sweep attack is autohit, but is a cone in front of him. Since everyone is together, people can usually survive it and get healed and continue attacking.
5. Tyrant's Hammer of Justice is a 60ft PBAoE which can be used in midair and deals quite a bit of damage. There's no message for it, so don't bother attempting to fly out of range if everyone is fighting him in melee range. Buffs and heals will hopefully keep you alive, and if you fall, hopefully someone has a resurrection power to use.
5. As soon as Tyrant makes the air crackle (big message) every 35 seconds, everyone without exception must move. Not only is this to avoid the initial PBAoE from Tyrant's Zeus' Lightning Bolt, but also to spread out the Flow Lightning which will spawn at player locations away from Tyrant. Since people should be moving, at most, they'll take around 1-2 ticks of damage and survive it. If everything went as planned, no Flow Lightning should be around Tyrant, and so everyone immediately goes back to smack him. This is also a good time to save range judgement and normal range attacks for attacking Tyrant at range when nobody should be in melee. Flying is fine here as long as you flew away from him (and other players). Pets appear to be immune to Flow Lightning, but not to the initial PBAoE, but leave them to attack anyway.
6. Go back to step 2. :3

The bit about Tyrant having extra regeneration if people go hospital, we're not too sure of that and testing it. But regardless, if you go hospital, you'll have to help the doctor break the portal open which takes time, and means you do 0 DPS against Tyrant. So if you fall, try to wait a little if your league has Barriers with rez or rez powers that you know of.

As mentioned, Ultimate inspirations will help a bit due to Tyrant's level shifts. You can buy them from Ouroboros from the astral vendor for 2 astrals. Lore pets will also help when Tyrant hits 30% health, make sure you're under the influence of an ultimate inspiration before using Lore.

Regarding incarnate powers:
Destiny: We had a mix of Barrier, Rebirth and Ageless which seems to work well.
Interface: Since Reactive is still the most common one, we had people switching to Degenerative (not sure if that's really effective or not) and some such as Diamagnetic to help against his regen.
Lore: A lot of people were busting out Longbow pets for the Cataphract boss with it's insane -regen power, but don't try to make one before the league starts if it won't give you a level shift, which is more important. :3 Cimerorans obviously deal the best damage, but they might find it hard to hit Tyrant due to the number of people in melee range. People were also bringing out Warworks, Robotic Drones and other pets which can do -regen, so that's something to consider.
Hybrid: I don't know enough about this yet, I don't think many people on the league really took this into account, haha. The Support and Assault ones should probably be the best ones to use at the 30% health mark.

Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller



Way to go! You've seriously outdone most feats in the game so far, and deserve to wear this badge with pride. It takes a league of people who are on their toes, and all it takes is one or two people not taking the effort seriously for this sort of thing to fail - so you ALL did an incredible thing. Again, congratulations!

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Well done to all involved. I am glad to see it wasn't trivial at least

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Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Well done to all involved. I am glad to see it wasn't trivial at least
This and Avoids the Green Stuff are probably the toughest trial badges.
Well, bombs in Underground too for timing.

GG on making these.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Well done to all involved. I am glad to see it wasn't trivial at least
It certainly wasn't trivial. Quite a few resources went into this.

@Manipulative Maiden

Mission Architect Arc: Tales of the Weird Dimensions: Grand Convergence (ID 521409)



Originally Posted by Canine View Post

Union, 5 mins ago <grin>

:edit: edited the screnshot to make it slightly less huge and ugly

btw. what´s it about these stars? I´ve never seen those before.



A lot of people are asking me if Hybrid being slotted was important:

A full league with Hybrid slotted certainly would help, but I began trying for this badge on Saturday night after we had got the other badges, by then yes a few of us had hybrid unlocked and slotted.

The league I built on Saturday tho, I didnt ask at all about Hybrids, in fact a lot of people were alting off their Hybrid unlocked characters onto characters that had never run the trial to add to our debuffs and damage.

I did ask for everyone to be +3
I asked for people to equip Longbow Wardens if they had them
I asked people to get Ultimate Inspirations (even just one for the final push would help)
I asked people to get Large Red and Green Inspirations

On the failed RHW attempts we managed to get Tyrant down to mid around 40, after it became clear we werent going to get him below that on our own, when we got him into the 30's I gave the call for lore pets, even tho I knew it was too early.

I had a back up team ready to take out 3 wells on my Go, which would give us the chance to get the Hard Way badge instead. On my go the nominated 3 players watched the timer and clicked 3 wells simultaneously and immediately after they had spawned. Im not sure how many wells they took out, but Tyrant went down pretty fast, and must have been less than 12 cos we got the Hard Way badge.

I had a third back up plan in that the whole of team 1 was was prepped to take out all 6 wells simultaneously on my Go, which ensured the league at least finished the trial and got rewards.

I didnt want to continuously fail the trial cos my calls were late, nor did I want to call too early and ruin a chance at one of the badges. Motivation was key, and I wanted as many players to stick around for another go




Originally Posted by X_the_Gambler View Post

btw. what´s it about these stars? I´ve never seen those before.
If you right click a player, then click add note, you can click up to 5 stars and create your own rating system. In addition, you can add a note to remind you something about that player.

You have to then go into menu : options : windows and make sure that it says show always on the player rating part




Did they ever make this harder to get than it was on beta? Cause on beta, with an entire pug with no planning and no AT stacking this was pretty much a joke to get.

Grats anyways though.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I think some of those 3-starred players probably deserve to be bumped up a star or two after this.
Originally Posted by Skye Jast View Post
im only 3 stars!!?
That is hilarious! Boy, you really know who your friends are when they POST SCREENSHOTS OF YOUR RATING TO THEM!!!

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Did they ever make this harder to get than it was on beta? Cause on beta, with an entire pug with no planning and no AT stacking this was pretty much a joke to get.

Grats anyways though.
Have you TRIED to get it on live? o_O

Put it this way, so far as I know, and nobody's popped up yet to claim otherwise, we are the only league to get the badge yet since i23 went live.

Yes, it was apparently bumped up the difficulty scale quite a lot going from beta to live.

Also, note to self: next time taking a screenshot to post to the boards, turn off player ratings as apparently they get more attention than getting one of the hardest to acquire badges in the game does <grin>


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Canine View Post
Have you TRIED to get it on live? o_O
Nope, which is why I asked. It's pretty obvious my account is f2p right now, so I can't do trials.

Put it this way, so far as I know, and nobody's popped up yet to claim otherwise, we are the only league to get the badge yet since i23 went live.
AFAIK, you're the only ones that have actually tried. Number of successes is only important relative to the number of attempts. I haven't really been keeping up so I didn't know either, hence why I asked.



One of the main things they did to him was make him extremely resistant to -regen. In fact, because I'm a little fuzzy on how having two powers that resist -regen works, I'm not positive that he's not completely immune. He has two powers that resist regen - one by 87% (basically for being a level 54 iTrial AV) and another 80% resistance added to his version of Resist Physical Damage.

So either he resists it by 167% (reducing it to zero) or reduces it to (1-0.87)*(1-0.8) = 0.026 = 2.6% of normal. That's before counting any levels he has on you.

So basically -regen is going to do nothing to him now, whether it's literally nothing or not.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Did they ever make this harder to get than it was on beta? Cause on beta, with an entire pug with no planning and no AT stacking this was pretty much a joke to get.

Grats anyways though.
Let's not sell the efforts of those on beta short, now. There was around the same level of planning and buffs as on live; the people involved in beta were willing to move quickly, avoided lightning strikes, and worked together - all still critical in getting this badge on live. The only thing we weren't stressing was stacking ATs, and we still had a nice selection of buffs and debuffs anyway.

Congratulations again to those who have this on Live. You guys really earned it.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Kisana View Post
If you right click a player, then click add note, you can click up to 5 stars and create your own rating system. In addition, you can add a note to remind you something about that player.

You have to then go into menu : options : windows and make sure that it says show always on the player rating part
thank you



We just got it on Virtue. Woo hoo!



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
We just got it on Virtue. Woo hoo!
Was a great team, and everyone did a great job. Glad to finally have it!