Really Hard Way get!




Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
Don't mind the sour grapes, kis. Your lovely inmates know what happened and stand by you as always. :3
The problem isn't with Kis its with an unnamed who left our league while we were queueing to join your league

[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.

[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child



Originally Posted by Black_Assassin View Post
The problem isn't with Kis its with an unnamed who left our league while we were queueing to join your league
Be that as it may, it doesn't really excuse your league leader to take it out on our league leader since we specifically waited until your league set off before we started looking for people to come on ours.

But let's not bring this up in a congratulatory thread because I believe Union might be the first to have got this badge... unless another server got it earlier?

Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller



Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
we specifically waited until your league set off before we started looking for people to come on ours.
Except the unnamed joined you and forced us to have to fill again so....

[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.

[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child



Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
Be that as it may, it doesn't really excuse your league leader to take it out on our league leader since we specifically waited until your league set off before we started looking for people to come on ours.

But let's not bring this up in a congratulatory thread because I believe Union might be the first to have got this badge... unless another server got it earlier?
agreed, a big congrats to kis.



Back to a positive note, we now know what it takes and can recreate it, it involved sacrifice for some who alted from badgers to make it work so that means we now have more peeps with thier badge able to help further runs, im sure in no time everyone will be badged up right nice.

and for those who asked

Hybrids that were used tended to be Assault radial (as with the 4- kins we were dmg capped)
Lore was Longbow for the warden regen debuff and drones where poss, thou some random lores were in the mix.
Destiny was as stated a mix of rebirth and ageless with few barriers in for the guys in close.

Kins and darks with thier -regen heals were a massive help and then just as much dmg and debuff as we could muster, and ofc only one tank.



Guys please.

It looks like there's already been moderator activity in this thread.

Keep it civil, OK?

It was posted (in a hurry, as you can tell by the currently ugly, quick and dirty screenshot I posted) as a Congratulations to the League that managed it, and as an 'It can be done' encouragement to players on other servers still trying for it.

Congratulations all round to the league that succeeded, and I'm now off to re-edit the screenshot in an attempt to make it less huge <grin>


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Congratulations! Very impressive.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Canine View Post
Guys please.

It looks like there's already been moderator activity in this thread.

Keep it civil, OK?

It was posted (in a hurry, as you can tell by the currently ugly, quick and dirty screenshot I posted) as a Congratulations to the League that managed it, and as an 'It can be done' encouragement to players on other servers still trying for it.

Congratulations all round to the league that succeeded, and I'm now off to re-edit the screenshot in an attempt to make it less huge <grin>
appreciate the message, no problems here as i said a big congratulations to kis' team as they have every right to flaunt this, i would too, takes alot to organise as i ahve tried and failed, so i can sympathise with kis how extremely focused you have to be, no matter whats been said i have the up most respect for leading a very hard badge run.



Awesome job!


Also on Steam



the run couldnt of gone any sweeter tbh, was a epic job by everyone great weekend of Magi runs!

*Union* Dark lord of mercs and cookies!

@EU Great Cthulhu



Congratulations to all who got it. It was AWESOME to hear.
A pity I missed that run... and more the attempt after that. (The latter due to connection)
But, better luck for me next time (I hope)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Congratulations for that epic run,do you think you can post how you did it to give everyone an idea of team makeup and powers for it Thanks and again congratulations.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



I was considering putting a guide together, but after last night I think that the only person really qualified to do that is @Kisana, an amazing job of keeping the league on target!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Indeed, great teamwork and leadership on this one! Should you need me for more runs, feel free to give me a call, I'll help out if I have the time.
Now to hybrid-ize all of my other incarnates *sigh*

For kins in this trial I'd like to offer the following suggestion:

Since people mostly stay in melee with Cole, it always pays to target Speed Boost directly at him which keeps most of the league SBed even in all of the ensuing chaos. Not only does SB reduce the recharge of all the important debuff and also buff powers, it also helps a TON in getting away once Cole is about to unleash his big lightning attack. SBed people will be hit not only a lot less in lightning columns (especially when that nasty movement suppression after attacks strikes!) but also the columns will be spread out much further allowing people to get back at Cole that much more quickly which is absolutely vital in this trial.
The most important thing to hit as often as possible is of course transfusion to stack that nasty -50% regen on Cole. SB, Siphon Power, Fulcrum Shift (and Siphon Speed to speed up your own powers) are a distant second.

Also, Skye: At least you are GETTING any stars *sniff*!

@Manipulative Maiden

Mission Architect Arc: Tales of the Weird Dimensions: Grand Convergence (ID 521409)



Do the impossible, see the invisible
Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable



Originally Posted by SisterMimi View Post
Also, Skye: At least you are GETTING any stars *sniff*!
Oh, for the love of...

<sigh> Star rating paranoia strikes again.

I use the ratings as follows.

1 Star - You're a numpty and I want nothing to do with you, ever.
2 Stars - You're a minor irritation and I want to remind myself that I may need to keep an eye on you.
3 Stars - I've teamed with you several times and I consider you to be a good player.
4 Stars - I've teamed with you a lot, you're thoroughly competent and I don't need to keep an eye on what you're doing.
5 Stars - I know you in real life.

No stars means nothing other than I've not teamed with you enough to have a firm opinion either way. Nothing else. I'm not slighting you.

Also, my current player ratings are somewhat out of date, but I only update them when I think about it, and mid trial is NOT the place to do that, and also I play solo a lot so probably haven't teamed with too many people enough to form an opinion.

So ner :P


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Heh that's pretty much my rating system too Canine

Originally Posted by SisterMimi View Post
For kins in this trial I'd like to offer the following suggestion:

Since people mostly stay in melee with Cole, it always pays to target Speed Boost directly at him which keeps most of the league SBed even in all of the ensuing chaos. Not only does SB reduce the recharge of all the important debuff and also buff powers, it also helps a TON in getting away once Cole is about to unleash his big lightning attack. SBed people will be hit not only a lot less in lightning columns (especially when that nasty movement suppression after attacks strikes!) but also the columns will be spread out much further allowing people to get back at Cole that much more quickly which is absolutely vital in this trial.
The most important thing to hit as often as possible is of course transfusion to stack that nasty -50% regen on Cole. SB, Siphon Power, Fulcrum Shift (and Siphon Speed to speed up your own powers) are a distant second.
That's exactly my view too. Also, ID gives good resistance to his "punching the ground" attack which can kill squishies pretty quickly.

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.



Originally Posted by Canine View Post
Oh, for the love of...

No stars means nothing other than I've not teamed with you enough to have a firm opinion either way. Nothing else. I'm not slighting you.

So ner :P

No worries, I was just kidding I know it's not possible to know and team with everyone
No hurt feelings anywhere.

Also I pretty much use the same system, especially the 1-2 stars bit. 3 I don't use at all, 4-5 only rarely if someone catches my eye.

@Manipulative Maiden

Mission Architect Arc: Tales of the Weird Dimensions: Grand Convergence (ID 521409)



Originally Posted by badmartialarts View Post
Do the impossible, see the invisible
Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable
lol how did you know this was playing on my PC during the fight?

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide




The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Well done!

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Congratz. Im looking forward to getting that badge and the others.



Just wanna thank everyone on Union for the awesome Magesterium runs, and not just the run that got us the Really Hard Way Badge last night but every run since Thursday

A VERY special thanks to everyone who alted from their Main Badgers to help us, it really was appreciated and you KNOW I wont stop until you all get the badges on the toons you want them on.

Took us a few runs to figure out what exactly was happening and how we could best work together as a league and do the job

I'm not a number cruncher, I have no idea of Tyrants Regen rate or hit points, I dont know or care about statistics for his powers, for me there were only three important elements for this trial when I put the league together on Saturday night for the first Really Hard Way attempts.

I wanted as many -regen powers available as possible
I wanted as much damage and ST damage as possible
I wanted people who could follow instructions and stay at their keyboards for 20 minutes

My advice to anyone trying for this badge would be this:

Run a few Lambdas
Ask Team 1 to head to the Warehouse and Team 2 to the Labs
Ask people to use acids on only 2 doors
Ask people to Back away from Marauder when they see the warning for his Nova Fist

After 2 or 3 runs you should hopefully have 24 people who can follow instructions and stay alive, and who hopefully have enough damage and debuffs to work as a league for the badge.

You can be maxed out on damage and debuffs but if the league doesnt move when they see that warning then whats the point?

The Magesterium trial for me was a fight between Tyrants Regeneration V Our DPS and Debuffs and dead people don't do damage

