Who has accurate information about the Tyrant Fight?
Obligatory wiki link: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Magisterium_Trial
Originally Posted by ParagonWiki
The League must defeat Tyrant. Surrounding the area will be 6 respawning Lights of the Well. Use the Quills of Jocas temp power while standing next to these to defeat them, which gives the team a temporary Level Shift while weakening Tyrant.
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I keep seeing a lot of different things tossed around. I have been in 5 groups and only the first one was successful and it had 51's and 52's in it...
So what gives? What causes his gigantic health spikes? |
While the columns of light are up, the level difference between players and Tyrant is big... Purple Patch of Level Difference of Doom big. If you're not taking the columns of light down with the temp power right away, DPS goes way down allowing him to Regen.
I've also heard people say that each player-death heals him... but I don't know the veracity of that. But needless to say, death significantly lowers one's DPS, so, should be avoided. When a handful of people don't scatter at the "Air Crackles" warning and are hit with Lightning Columns, often stacked on each other... it's insta-death for them and a loss of DPS for the League. The death penalty is significant for this battle. Players really have never had to deal with significant death penalties before and have become too casual about being defeated.
The battles before Tyrant are relatively easy. Instructions to the League before start-up should be about the Tyrant battle and the instruction: "When you see the splash for beam, ignore it; when you see the splash for 'Air Crackles' RUN THE FREAK AWAY AND DON'T STOP TIL YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT CAUGHT IN LIGHTNING."
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I have a problem with the lightning beams in that they don't always all show up. I tend to inevitably get killed by an invisible one. I figure it might have to do with my particle count settings and just how many powers are going off on my screen just before they hit. :/
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
I have a problem with the lightning beams in that they don't always all show up. I tend to inevitably get killed by an invisible one. I figure it might have to do with my particle count settings and just how many powers are going off on my screen just before they hit. :/
I wish they would scale back the particle effects a lot, either by reducing the amount of powers or just reducing the effects overload of every power. It just would be nice to be able to see while things still look cool.
Was on a decent league last night, not PERFECT GAWDLIKE league, but sharp players who listened, and were able to change plans (as a entire league!) when things were not going the way we wanted them to. 6 of us split off into 1 team, and we gobsmacked those lights. we missed maybe 3 times the entire fight. (one player literally missed once?!? I was chased from mine once by the fight, didnt see the light spawn because fighting, lightning, auras, etc., and one other person missed, I think for the same reasons as me.) It did not matter, it did not help, we lost the battle, timed out. The lowest his health got was in the 20s.
Again, this was a good league, sharp players, with a plan, that we executed. Epic fail. I have not seen any league successes in this fight. I got my I exp in this via farms, and I plan to continue that way for future characters. This Trial is very interesting, but I will not be wasting anymore time on it. Is there a Rare or VR guaranteed on it or something? Cause it is crazy hard.
Also, I have posted comments similar to this (shorter) about this in LFG and Help and gotten the requisite "I did it in one go, took 3 minutes, and I think most of the team was AFK, but my tune is gnarly brah!" So, ...yeah, no.
But if you got some mad skilz that I am unaware of on how to attack this problem I would definitely be into hearing them.
Also, I have posted comments similar to this (shorter) about this in LFG and Help and gotten the requisite "I did it in one go, took 3 minutes, and I think most of the team was AFK, but my tune is gnarly brah!" So, ...yeah, no.
But if you got some mad skilz that I am unaware of on how to attack this problem I would definitely be into hearing them. |
(Frankly I just want to see the end of the story. It's hard enough trying to keep up with the captions amongst all the power spam. These trials really should give souvenirs!)
I have a problem with the lightning beams in that they don't always all show up. I tend to inevitably get killed by an invisible one. I figure it might have to do with my particle count settings and just how many powers are going off on my screen just before they hit. :/
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Posting from IPhone.
Ok spent a few hours last night and I think I figured the problem. The main issue is YOU CANNOT TELL VISUALLY WHEN LEVEL SHIFTED.
The devs need to make your "50" on the UI say 53, 55, 59 etc. Here is why:
The level shift buff from the Lightwells HAS A LIMITED AOE SIZE. I noticed people that never died did not have a level shift. I know for a fact it has limited radius, what I also think its team specific. If someone not on your team kills a well no buff. Likewise if you are not in range.
I observed this on leagues yesterday. On a league of 24 only about 40% were +9 shifted. Also, each well gives only a +2 shift because I noticed several people only 55 at times.
Ultimately, the devs need to add a numerical value to the UI that shows your level plus shifts. This is the main issue. Players are not noticing they are not shifted.
Posting from IPhone.
Ok spent a few hours last night and I think I figured the problem. The main issue is YOU CANNOT TELL VISUALLY WHEN LEVEL SHIFTED. The devs need to make your "50" on the UI say 53, 55, 59 etc. Here is why: The level shift buff from the Lightwells HAS A LIMITED AOE SIZE. I noticed people that never died did not have a level shift. I know for a fact it has limited radius, what I also think its team specific. If someone not on your team kills a well no buff. Likewise if you are not in range. I observed this on leagues yesterday. On a league of 24 only about 40% were +9 shifted. Also, each well gives only a +2 shift because I noticed several people only 55 at times. Ultimately, the devs need to add a numerical value to the UI that shows your level plus shifts. This is the main issue. Players are not noticing they are not shifted. |
Of course, that's a decidedly nonintuitive method, and I don't know if it'll show the extra shifts in this trial. It's something I'll have to try to remember to do sometime.

6 of us split off into 1 team, and we gobsmacked those lights. we missed maybe 3 times the entire fight. (one player literally missed once?!? I was chased from mine once by the fight, didnt see the light spawn because fighting, lightning, auras, etc., and one other person missed,
Are the Quills no longer an insta-kill on the lights? They were early beta, but I haven't been on since the first round of changes. Yes, you can beat down the lights, but you're supposed to use the Quills. Damage takes too long to defeat the lights.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Yeah, we were using the quills. For me hitting one button that kills is nop different than the rest of the game. Sorry for my poetical expression creating an uncertain meaning in the discourse. Gobsmacked = quilled to death.
But if we all split off onto "team quill the godlights" and what was said above is true "killing a light only helps your team", well, you see where I am going with this.
edit: I just gotta say it. I know I'll prob regret it. But the Devs are still falling down on the job of giving us info on how to overcome these challenges. I've seen many of the arguments on both sides of this. It is my 100% opinion that the Devs should give us some guide to each trial, and the more I play the game the more I feel that way. Example: Last night to get away from the Mag trial I formed a Lambda (I never lead trials, but it's a Lambda, what could go wrong....) After sabotage we had 5 nades, 5 acids. That was when almost everyone on the team spoke up "I've never done this before...." Ooof. We stayed for the Incarnate Experience, but it was un fun. A quick guide for any of those souls (some/most would read it?) would have made that little half hour of my life so much more enjoyable. But the Devs offer no info, and each time a player encounters something new it can be horrific for no particular reason other than ignorance. Why do the Devs think that is "fun?"
Reposting what I had earlier posted on the Victory forums:
I (based on last night's MP runs) would call this a fight where you really need strong debuffs, especially regeneration, and people to be +3. The +3 requirement shouldn't be that hard to meet since you have to have all the other slots unlocked to run it at all. Other than that I'd say (again based on how we did things) the keys are: 1) Keep the wells closed unless you're going for a badge. 2) As soon as you see the "Air Crackles" warning, get the heck away from him. This is probably the most important strategy bit. 3) Make sure you're behind him if you're not tanking him. Frikkin' lasers on his frikkin' head hurt. 4) Have tanky types who aren't tanking Tyrant try to keep the adds from away from squishy types. Ground-targetted area controls seemed to help with this too, but the whole thing was too frenetic for me to pay much attention to what my earthquakes and volcanic gasses were doing. |
FYI, I don't consider myself a particularly awesome player. There were others on the league that ARE awesome players, but I was more like one of those little fish that follows sharks around.
The lack of useful information about the trial mechanics is really what is dragging this one down, I think. I've not been on a successful run yet (keep timing out in that last fight), but I was thinking about the other incarnate trials and what info you're given, vs the info given in the Mag trial.
One of the strategy tricks to TPN is realizing that you have to sync clicking at least the last two terminals at once, because as soon as three terminals are clicked you're all teleported out of the building. This info is NOT in the trial instructions, BUT the trial instructions DO tell you to use the terminals to increase PO.
One of the strategy tricks to DD is knowing which heroes/villains to rescue, and which to leave, to change which buffs/debuffs the Sentinal gets. The trial info DOES tell you which heroes/villains grant what, but not what to do with that info.
Other trials generally give you stronger hints or outright instructions, in order to help you figure out the basic mechanics. Once you know the basic mechanics, you can formulate a strategy to counter them.
In the Mag trials, however, the instructions/hints fall down badly when it gets to the Tyrant fight phase. Use the Quills on the Lights, got it. But what do the Lights do, specifically? Are they just funny-looking lichen? Okay then. But I've also seen things about "don't go to the hospital when Tyrant is below 50%, because THAT affects his regen". So does the regen-Tyrant mechanic CHANGE in the trial, from Lights to hospitaling? What exactly affects the other bar (I forget the text on it), below his health? Number of player deaths overall, or amount of hospitaling, or time the Lights are up, or damage dealt to Tyrant (just like that final MoM fight) or what?
It is entirely unclear, at least to me so far, what we're supposed to be doing aside from killing the Lights (lichen) and attempting to kill Tyrant while avoiding the giant lightning storm (green stuff) and keeping the adds down. All that alone isn't doing it. We couldn't get him lower than the low 30s in a decent league the other night (three emp defenders, few deaths, lots of barrier and rez). Do we just need to load up like crazy on regen debuffers?
I don't know all the mechanics of this yet, Although I played around in the Beta I purposely didn't run magi trial because the friends I play with weren't around & its just a better experience when we go in on equal footing.
But my first two runs on day one live went very well with back-to-back successes, and the teams were not well balanced - light on support/heals, one rezzer that we decided should just not rez, and otherwise mostly melee.
Instructions for this part to us were very simple:
1- everyone use quills immediately on Pillars of light when they appear. dont worry about dps just take down the pillars asap.
2- scream like a girl & run whenever you get the "Air Crackles" message. then return to dps as soon as possible afterward.
3- try not to die, but when you do, hospital & get back immediately, dont wait around.
4- Lore pets out at about 30%
These instructions seemed to work well enough - we won anyway, though we almost lost it the first round, in a mass death around 26% - he climbed back up to 39% before we got it under control.
As for level shifts, just use the combat statistics, click it & have it monitor on the UI. It does fluctuate if your shift fluctuates (I saw mine go from +3 to -1 with Black Swan) and you'll be able to tell when you are gonna be most effective for dps.
You can monitor your level shift using the combat attributes tab, and tracking it during the fight. In doing so, I've noticed that the level shifts you get from them only last a brief time, regardless if you die or not.
There is also a bar called "Favor of the Well" (I believe?) that seems to go up and down through the fight. If you minimize the window it says "Favor of the Well(Regen)", leading me to believe the bar is tied to his regen rate. It also says in the little tooltip something to the effect of "The well will favor who is winning". Which may lend some credence to the theory that people dying increases his regen rate. (People dying -> increase in the bar -> regen goes up.)
As for beating him, both leagues I've run with managed to kill Tyrant. We got stonewalled at 36% for a good 4 minutes or so, but then got more co-coordinated on the light wells for a consistent level shift of +9, and had someone pop vengeance, and that managed to let us overcome his regen.
With regard to -Regen...
It is helpful to have Lore Longbow Cataphracts since they have -Regen. Pets die easily from normal damage in the Tyrant fight, so, time putting out pets with Barrier or other defense +Regen buffs.
Also, if you really want to ensure victory, convince a good number of the team to have the +1 Level Super Inspirations and some Team Inspirations which can have teams hit the damage cap for 5 minutes at a time.
But, those are just crutches until everyone learns how to dodge the lightning reliably, just like EoEs were for Hamidon Raids.
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I think I missed some of this..can someone summarise what/how to get the level shifts? It is from using quills on the lights?
Another guy in PD was saying that going to the hosp when he is at 30%ish, heals him.
I think in essence it doesn't heal him , the dps lowers and as the lower his health the more his regen, hosping = less dps.
Failed again..spanked him to 40..then he got a bit tougher, then at 30 he just goes unkillable. even with a lot of debuffs and people getting the lights.
It would be nice if there was some indication as to WHY he turns hard then..such as 'Tyrant enrages' etc etc. As it is..there is just no apparent reason why he becomes tough then. A huge amount of people didnt die, we didnt suddenly lack debuffs, his favour didnt move, his lights werent up.
I beat him tonight in my second attempt. I am not sure exactly what we did differently but around 18% health he suddenly transitioned and I couldn't see exactly what caused it. I know we handled the lights pretty consistently and avoided too many face plants to the lightning. I wish I could get a clear picture of how the mechanics work though.
Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30
Last night on Triumph we did a number of runs and took him down every time. One thing that worked well was the league leader calling out "Lights" with about 5 seconds left on the countdown. That got people to the light spawn points and took them out as the appeared. Other than that, it was a pretty straightforward fight.
Kyle Al'Mordu - Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrap
Fusion Force!

Last night on Triumph we did a number of runs and took him down every time. One thing that worked well was the league leader calling out "Lights" with about 5 seconds left on the countdown. That got people to the light spawn points and took them out as the appeared. Other than that, it was a pretty straightforward fight.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
I keep seeing a lot of different things tossed around. I have been in 5 groups and only the first one was successful and it had 51's and 52's in it...
So what gives? What causes his gigantic health spikes?