Think of everything fun




I honestly don't get all the hate, yes it's hard, yes the lvl shifting doesn't seem to be working as it should in the last battle, but the five times I played it I only lost on one, and the one I lead lastnight had several who never played it and was very successful at it. It's a new itrial, its also the end of the Praetoria story, so it *should* be hard, but if you have at least one person who knows some of the tricks, and enough league members who can listen, I can't see it going too badly, of course DPS & debuff requirements aside. This may have been brought up before, but I just found this thread & didn't really read through all the pages, but even so it's a point that should probably be made again.


And the one I lead I lead as a tank and only died once in the Tyrant fight and that due to typing instead of moving away from the lightning, just to toss my 2 cents into the melee can't do this trial argument.

Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Devs will adjust down if not enough people run it.
Underground Trial was in the same boat as was Keyes and look at Keyes's no harder than a Respec Trial or whatnot. UG is still fairly grindy but it's doable.

Give it a few weeks Shubbie and it will either be rote-run or adjusted downward in difficulty.

Absolutely not.

Keyes getting nerfed as hard as it was, was completely unnecessary. I won't argue it needed to be toned down, but the fact that it's "no harder than a Respec Trial" is a sign they filed it's fangs down one or two steps too much.

Keyes was my favorite trial because there was an actual sense of "We have to get it together or we WILL fail."

Now it's "Oh look I can AFK through half the trial and it won't mean a thing"



It probably will get nerfed, because having half the teams running magi farms and half the teams running full trials and both not being happy when they get people looking for the other type.

Yeah something is going to change.

probably a nerf to Tyrant and to the front loading of the trial ixp.

Right now it seems a little too easy for just a few bad, lagged, new players to make the trial undoable by getting hit by the lightning and making him unkillable no matter how good the rest of the team is, since its very hard to tell who's doing it and who's messing up on pugs. Its going to make this much harder to be pugged later not easier.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Heck no. This is one of the easiest and most straightforward trials. This will be part of the daily rotations. It is fast, simple, and high reward. I expect the reward may get lowered in the future.
Yah, I don't get the drama around this. I ran it on 2 PUGs the first night and succeeded both times. Only my "want it NAO!" mentality kept me from doing full runs to get the slot unlocked all the way. So yes, I did run farms to finish out 2 of my characters.

The front-loading of iXP-granting mobs is one of the more questionable design decisions I've seen, though. Just swapping the order of the first two encounters (fight through some token IDF, deal with 3 bosses, fight through reinforcements before Swan arrives, then Swan/Tyrant) would have made more sense IMO.

I felt like I'd accomplished something when we succeeded. That's something fun, to me.

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Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
Yah, I don't get the drama around this. I ran it on 2 PUGs the first night and succeeded both times. Only my "want it NAO!" mentality kept me from doing full runs to get the slot unlocked all the way. So yes, I did run farms to finish out 2 of my characters.

The front-loading of iXP-granting mobs is one of the more questionable design decisions I've seen, though. Just swapping the order of the first two encounters (fight through some token IDF, deal with 3 bosses, fight through reinforcements before Swan arrives, then Swan/Tyrant) would have made more sense IMO.

I felt like I'd accomplished something when we succeeded. That's something fun, to me.
Its not likely that the ixp will be changed without a change in difficulty of tyrant, not impossible, just not likely.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
The problem seems to be if even a few people are new, dont follow direction dont do everything perfect it falls apart quickly and you cant finish.

You have no room for error, no room to carry bads, disconects, new players, etc.

This means its always going to have a high failure rate even when people know what they are doing.
Thankfully this isn't true, proven during beta and when the servers came up after issue 23 kicked in - just like I said - the first failed, then all 5 after that succeeded, and naturally I had to recruit after every run, and it made no difference - we beat it every time after the first.

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Thankfully this isn't true, proven during beta and when the servers came up after issue 23 kicked in - just like I said - the first failed, then all 5 after that succeeded, and naturally I had to recruit after every run, and it made no difference - we beat it every time after the first.
Like most itrials there is a DOOM surrounding the Mag initially after it is released. My only hope is the aixp is tweaked so less farms are ran and more full Mag trials.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Difficulty is definitely a relative concept. So are fun and novelty. I've been spending time on another game's boards recently and listening to people taunt each other because they aren't leet enough to play at the highest challenge setting, and some of it is revelatory (it also demonstrates to me that compared to other gaming communities, CoX forum members are tame).

This is in an Action RPG I know some of you will immediately recognize, because it is being touted by gamig magazines as some sort of revolution in gaming. This is a game where the developers decided to just let you respec the character at more or less any time, so there is no permanence to any decision you make (picture CoX if the character creation screen only had options like "Defender," "Blaster," etc. and then you could just pick whatever 6 powers for that AT you wanted at the moment). So on that face, the game is babified by our standards.

But then there is this other component, that generates random-ish monsters of such absurdity that if CoX ever had something similar there would be riots. Like, an enemy with a damage patch you have to stay out of that also has the ability to teleport you into said damage patch and then freeze you in place. Imagine if the game just randomly generated Carnie bosses and Malta sappers with a list of randomly chosen powers, and among them were stuff like Glacier, Wormhole, Oil Slick Arrow, Hot Feet, Nova, and Battle Maiden's death patch, then at the same time it gave the boss 10x as much HP, plus farming these random enemies was the main way to get recipe drops. Behold, the future of gaming.

There's something elegant about "cruise mode" in CoX.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Another possible fix would be to add a 20 hour cooldown on earning the Hybrid slot IXP if Tyrant wasn't brought under 50% health.
There are what half a dozen posts here now complainig about the situation as it stand and your solution is .. I actually join a league planning to do the entire trial. We defeat Shadowhunter, Pendragon, Chimare and the Black Swan before getting totally destroyed trying to deal with tyrant for .. whatever reason. And your solution is .. Now I can't earn ANY more XP for 20 hours?


You think you have players complaining now? Let them even TRY doing that and see just how many cancel subsciption and leave forever. That's not a solution that is pure insanity. I have done both to date.. Run full trials and succeeded or failed in the attempt and farmed for IXP. You show me any other situation in game, aside from the option players have now to shut off xp themselves in options, where a limit like THAT is placed on earning ANY type of XP. You can't because none exists and for a very good reason.. the Dev team knows perfectly well something like that would upset the entire community. Don't thinks so.. Imagine the screaming here and in game if your suggestion had been put into effect when all of us were after XP to open judgement, lore, interface and destiny .. Fail a BAF, which happened back in the early days, and dont drop both Siege and Nightstar below 50% at least .. No Physic XP for you till sometime tomorow. Fail a Lambda, which happened a lot more often in the early days than the BAF, and don't drop Maurarder to 50% and no Physical XP for 20 hours. If they had done that it is questionable if there would even BE a City of Heroes today.. That many people probably would have rage quit in disgust.

Try thinking lie the average player who never SEES a new trial until it goes live and is here to have FUN. New challenges are fine and its what keeps the game fresh and players coming back... HEAVY HANDED restrictions because "Your not playing the way we want you to" will cost them players and profit EVERY TIME.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Hooray for hyperbole!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Hyperbole or not, it's a pretty poor idea.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...