Transformers Beast Wars...
i might have to go pick up my DP/Storm robot Aeroblade Skyrazor and look for my Tigerbot.
"What's a warrior without weapons?"
"..a warrior still."
I love that show.
"And for us this is the end of all stories, and we can mostly say they lived happily ever after. But for them it was the beginning of the real story. All there life in this world and all there adventures in Narnia had only be the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of The Great Story which no one on earth has ever read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before" - C.S Lewis, The Last Battle.
Oh hell yes!
I'm going to have to convince the wife to switch from DVD to streaming for the summer so I can re-watch the whole series.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
"What's a warrior without weapons?"
"..a warrior still." I love that show. |
"Unwilling though I was to follow my namesake's instructions, it has all come down to this. The ultimate risk for the ultimate prize! A day of reckoning with those that made US into slaves!"
Too bad that Cybertronian culture wasn't explored more as I'd like to get more on Predacon Megatron's viewpoint that the Autobots and Maximals somehow made the Predacons a slave race as such a thing should go against both Autobot and Maximal philosophy.
Another great quote:
"And there came a hero that said 'Hurt not the Earth, nor the trees, nor the seas, nor the fabric of time!' But there hero would NOT prevail!"
"Finish the quote Megatron! 'Nor would he surrender!' "
Better yet: Optimal Optimus enters the Nemesis bridge for the big fight
Megatron: "Oh well, let's have it! The usual destiny and honor speech!"
Optimal Optimus: "SPEECH THIS!" and punches Megatron
"We're all gonna die..."
I love Rattrap <3
On a semi-related note, I really wish Beast Wars II and Beast Wars Neo had been brought States side.
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"We're all gonna die..."
I love Rattrap <3 On a semi-related note, I really wish Beast Wars II and Beast Wars Neo had been brought States side. |
Rattrap was one of my favorites in Beast Wars. It is too bad that the season 3 script Dark Glass (or was it Glass Darkly?) was rejected. It was supposed to have had Megatron testing what would have become the virus he used in Beast Machines, and Rattrap found out that Dinobot copied his memories and personality into the Axalon computers and managed to capture TM2 Dinobot and put that data into him in an effort to restore his lost friend. I thought it was a nice story that had Rattrap fully realize that despite all their arguing and fighting that Dinobot was his best friend.
Yes better BW 2 and Neo then Armada/Energon/ those were awful.
Rattrap was one of my favorites in Beast Wars. It is too bad that the season 3 script Dark Glass (or was it Glass Darkly?) was rejected. It was supposed to have had Megatron testing what would have become the virus he used in Beast Machines, and Rattrap found out that Dinobot copied his memories and personality into the Axalon computers and managed to capture TM2 Dinobot and put that data into him in an effort to restore his lost friend. I thought it was a nice story that had Rattrap fully realize that despite all their arguing and fighting that Dinobot was his best friend. |
The Rattrap / Dinobot relationship definitely made Beast Wars an interesting watch. I don't remember the show well enough to quote their interactions, but I can say that they were probably the most memorable characters, along with Silverbolt and Black Arachnia.
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Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
"We're all gonna die..."
I love Rattrap <3 On a semi-related note, I really wish Beast Wars II and Beast Wars Neo had been brought States side. |
is there someplace online to watch these? with subtitles naturally....
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker

Sick of being Predacon! And Waspinator sick of being blown to scrap all the time! Sooo, Waspinator quits! As of NOW!
Which means Ant-bot and Two-head can just pucker up their mandibles and plant big wet juicy ones right here on Waspinator's big, fat, stripy...
[Inferno and Quickstrike blast Waspinator]

well this gives me another show to watch. never gonna get star trek finished.
was in S1 on star trek till transformers and gi joe got there.
been watching the 80's transformers and H20: Just Add Water.
man now if they will put beast machines on there. will be very happy
@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!,4877.0.html
Petition to end shutting down CoH:
Dinobot was my Fav, Rattrap was funny. The show was just Prime.
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
I don't think I can watch it again, though. It looks so bad, and I'm reminded how much I hated the whole turning-into-actual-animals thing. The story eventually got past that for me the first time, but now... yeesh.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
When I first saw it, I thought it was only season 3 since the box art was for 'Beast Wars the Complete Third Season'.
I don't think I can watch it again, though. It looks so bad, and I'm reminded how much I hated the whole turning-into-actual-animals thing. The story eventually got past that for me the first time, but now... yeesh. |
And yes, Dinobot is the shizz.
When I first saw it, I thought it was only season 3 since the box art was for 'Beast Wars the Complete Third Season'.
I don't think I can watch it again, though. It looks so bad, and I'm reminded how much I hated the whole turning-into-actual-animals thing. The story eventually got past that for me the first time, but now... yeesh. |
Season 3 could have benefited greatly from a few more episodes as somethings weren't fully explained:
1. The Vok: one writer felt they were the Swarm from the Marvel G2 comic, the other felt they were simply an alien race (I prefer this)
2. the transmetal 2 driver: when did Megatron get it and where? It was apparently Vok technology and where did it go after it healed and upgraded Black Arachnia
3. Tarantulas: he states that he and Tripredacus council are not descended from Autobot or Decepticon and thus would likely be immune to a change in the time stream. One writer felt they were descended from the G2 Decepticons (yuck!) the other felt they were Unicron creations before Unicron's head was taken from Cybertronian orbit and destroyed. Megatron later called Tarantulas a "unicron spawn" and later botcon comics I think have confirmed that Tarantulas is indeed a unicron creation. This would greatly explain how Tarantulas kept regenerating himself from damage that would have surely killed another Transformer.
4. The full powers and abilites of Transmetal 2 Transformers were never explored. Super healing and telekinesis were all we saw....
5. When Depthcharge arrived, Optimus tells him to let it go and that "You were not responsible for what happened to Colony Omicron and neither am I". Protoform X leveled the colony and Depthcharge hunted him down and helped cage him, but the Council decided Optimus should exile Protoform X instead. Still that statement from Optimus makes me wonder....did Optimus Primal have a hand in the creation of Protoform X? It was never stated, but it would be interesting and help explain why Depthcharge wasn't too keen on following Optimus' orders. Though I do laugh when Primal confronts Depthcharge about what happened to Cheetor and Depthcharge gives him attitude until Primal gets mad, slams DC into a wall and tells him to talk or he will extract the data from him one bit at a time. Depthcharge then says "Well since you asked so NICELY......"
6. The plot point of Rattrap finding Dinobot's memory/personality copy in the Axalon computers and then inputting it into TM2 Dinobot should have happened. That rejected script would have shown that Rattrap finally realized Dinobot was indeed his best friend and it would have helped explain TM2 Dinobot awakening after Rampage was blown up.
7. Dragon Megatron contained the spark of the original Megatron until he was finally defeated. Would have been interesting to see just how he was coping with having another maniacally evil spark coexisting with him. The power boost was obvious and was why only Tigerhawk could face him since Tigerhawk was empowered first by the two Vok and then by the merged spark of Tigatron and Air Razor. Had Optimus reclaimed the spark of Optimus Prime before the final fight he likely could have taken Dragon Megatron down.
One of the biggest unexplained plot holes of Beast Machines was just what happened to Megatron after he got loose from the Autobot shuttle and tumbled away in transwarp space. When and where did he emerge?
The CGI improved as the series went but the first few episodes did look a bit rough even back then, but the story was and still is great. As to turning into animals, to me the Maximals and Predacons were an evolution/combination of Micromasters and Pretender armor tech.
Season 3 could have benefited greatly from a few more episodes as somethings weren't fully explained: 1. The Vok: one writer felt they were the Swarm from the Marvel G2 comic, the other felt they were simply an alien race (I prefer this) 2. the transmetal 2 driver: when did Megatron get it and where? It was apparently Vok technology and where did it go after it healed and upgraded Black Arachnia 3. Tarantulas: he states that he and Tripredacus council are not descended from Autobot or Decepticon and thus would likely be immune to a change in the time stream. One writer felt they were descended from the G2 Decepticons (yuck!) the other felt they were Unicron creations before Unicron's head was taken from Cybertronian orbit and destroyed. Megatron later called Tarantulas a "unicron spawn" and later botcon comics I think have confirmed that Tarantulas is indeed a unicron creation. This would greatly explain how Tarantulas kept regenerating himself from damage that would have surely killed another Transformer. 4. The full powers and abilites of Transmetal 2 Transformers were never explored. Super healing and telekinesis were all we saw.... 5. When Depthcharge arrived, Optimus tells him to let it go and that "You were not responsible for what happened to Colony Omicron and neither am I". Protoform X leveled the colony and Depthcharge hunted him down and helped cage him, but the Council decided Optimus should exile Protoform X instead. Still that statement from Optimus makes me wonder....did Optimus Primal have a hand in the creation of Protoform X? It was never stated, but it would be interesting and help explain why Depthcharge wasn't too keen on following Optimus' orders. Though I do laugh when Primal confronts Depthcharge about what happened to Cheetor and Depthcharge gives him attitude until Primal gets mad, slams DC into a wall and tells him to talk or he will extract the data from him one bit at a time. Depthcharge then says "Well since you asked so NICELY......" 6. The plot point of Rattrap finding Dinobot's memory/personality copy in the Axalon computers and then inputting it into TM2 Dinobot should have happened. That rejected script would have shown that Rattrap finally realized Dinobot was indeed his best friend and it would have helped explain TM2 Dinobot awakening after Rampage was blown up. 7. Dragon Megatron contained the spark of the original Megatron until he was finally defeated. Would have been interesting to see just how he was coping with having another maniacally evil spark coexisting with him. The power boost was obvious and was why only Tigerhawk could face him since Tigerhawk was empowered first by the two Vok and then by the merged spark of Tigatron and Air Razor. Had Optimus reclaimed the spark of Optimus Prime before the final fight he likely could have taken Dragon Megatron down. One of the biggest unexplained plot holes of Beast Machines was just what happened to Megatron after he got loose from the Autobot shuttle and tumbled away in transwarp space. When and where did he emerge? |
very pertinent questions....I do wish Beast Wars would have lasted a bit longer though....or perhaps wrap up some of these issues in comic book form....
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker
Incidentally, when I checked this morning, the episode count was up to 39 from 26.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker
The CGI improved as the series went but the first few episodes did look a bit rough even back then, but the story was and still is great. As to turning into animals, to me the Maximals and Predacons were an evolution/combination of Micromasters and Pretender armor tech.
Season 3 could have benefited greatly from a few more episodes as somethings weren't fully explained: 1. The Vok: one writer felt they were the Swarm from the Marvel G2 comic, the other felt they were simply an alien race (I prefer this) 2. the transmetal 2 driver: when did Megatron get it and where? It was apparently Vok technology and where did it go after it healed and upgraded Black Arachnia 3. Tarantulas: he states that he and Tripredacus council are not descended from Autobot or Decepticon and thus would likely be immune to a change in the time stream. One writer felt they were descended from the G2 Decepticons (yuck!) the other felt they were Unicron creations before Unicron's head was taken from Cybertronian orbit and destroyed. Megatron later called Tarantulas a "unicron spawn" and later botcon comics I think have confirmed that Tarantulas is indeed a unicron creation. This would greatly explain how Tarantulas kept regenerating himself from damage that would have surely killed another Transformer. 4. The full powers and abilites of Transmetal 2 Transformers were never explored. Super healing and telekinesis were all we saw.... 5. When Depthcharge arrived, Optimus tells him to let it go and that "You were not responsible for what happened to Colony Omicron and neither am I". Protoform X leveled the colony and Depthcharge hunted him down and helped cage him, but the Council decided Optimus should exile Protoform X instead. Still that statement from Optimus makes me wonder....did Optimus Primal have a hand in the creation of Protoform X? It was never stated, but it would be interesting and help explain why Depthcharge wasn't too keen on following Optimus' orders. Though I do laugh when Primal confronts Depthcharge about what happened to Cheetor and Depthcharge gives him attitude until Primal gets mad, slams DC into a wall and tells him to talk or he will extract the data from him one bit at a time. Depthcharge then says "Well since you asked so NICELY......" 6. The plot point of Rattrap finding Dinobot's memory/personality copy in the Axalon computers and then inputting it into TM2 Dinobot should have happened. That rejected script would have shown that Rattrap finally realized Dinobot was indeed his best friend and it would have helped explain TM2 Dinobot awakening after Rampage was blown up. 7. Dragon Megatron contained the spark of the original Megatron until he was finally defeated. Would have been interesting to see just how he was coping with having another maniacally evil spark coexisting with him. The power boost was obvious and was why only Tigerhawk could face him since Tigerhawk was empowered first by the two Vok and then by the merged spark of Tigatron and Air Razor. Had Optimus reclaimed the spark of Optimus Prime before the final fight he likely could have taken Dragon Megatron down. One of the biggest unexplained plot holes of Beast Machines was just what happened to Megatron after he got loose from the Autobot shuttle and tumbled away in transwarp space. When and where did he emerge? |
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker
I have noticed that the CGI did get better between season one and two.....although it isn't that difficult to do.
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker
Season 3 could have benefited greatly from a few more episodes as somethings weren't fully explained:
One of the biggest unexplained plot holes of Beast Machines was just what happened to Megatron after he got loose from the Autobot shuttle and tumbled away in transwarp space. When and where did he emerge? |
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
One of the episodes I liked the most was: Code of was a very well done episode.
How about you? What is your favorite Beast Wars episode?
oh and the 'Bot I feel for is Waspinator.....poor guy....he is the comic
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker
finally up on Netflix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker