The long wait may be over.. but did they wait too long? (opinions??)




No I am not referring to Issue 23 which I have done ome testing on Beta and am looking foreard to but more specifically Incarnate powers.

I did an inventory the other day just to see how I will be set once 23 hits and I open my Hybrid slot running 4-5 Magi trial.

I currenty have 16 characters that can slot a hybrid power with a Tier 4 as soon as they earn enough IXP to open the power. All of these 16 characters rurrently have tier 4s in all of the other incarnate powers and each has two additional destiny powers slotted to tier 3... I like to have Clarion, Barrier and reborth available to assist with whatever is needed on a run.

I have another 6 character that can lot a Hybrid power with a Tier 3 as fast as they open Hybrid. Like the ones about all their current powers are tier 4 and thy too have the addition tier 3 destiny powers.

Finaly I have a 23 character that can slot a tier 2 in the hybrid power slot as soon as it opens. That characte also has all teir 4s in each power currently available.. the only difference is that haracter has no added destiny powers .. just the one slotted to t4.

Now let me clarify that I have been to the Astral and Empyrean stores and have every emote, aura and costume piece I desire. There were a few I skipped but not many. And I have also used some Astrals to purchase the ATO enhancers for certain characters that were low on reward merits.

My point is once I-23 hits I will start running Magi trials until my eyes bleed and then ... POOF as fast as the slot opens the majority of my characters will hav it fillwed to its highest level.

I think they may have done better by having an issue 22.5 and releasing Hybrid then and given us yet another to work on once 23 hits (supposedly next week). There will be the typical SURGE of players when the issue hits and as soon as all the badges are acquired, all the charactrs have powers slotted and whatever else.. there will be a drop off once again.

I know they want to use the trials and the powers as a way to entice us to stick around but let's be honest.. I actually took more than a full month off from running any trials at all while I leveled a Brute and Stalker to 50 using Staff Weapos and a MasterMind to 50 using Beast Mastery. I currenly have a corruptor at 43 that utilizes the new Dark powers and that will be my next 50 level to start the incarnate trials. So it not like I simply have done nothing else BUT run trials since they started. I play on virtue and for MONTHS it was easy to find just about any trial day or night and aside from the Underground most take no more than 30-40 minutes to complete. Heck I have seen it take longer to recruit a league than it did to complete the trial. I have aslo seen a definate decline in the number of trials being run up until a week or so ago. Once players discovered that 1) hybrid would use the same salvage as the current trials drop and 2) Issue 23 was very close to release Things picked up a leaders are now actually advertising.. " Get your salvage now and be ready when Hybrid goes live!"

NO this i NOT a plea for yet another TYPE of salvage PLEASE NO but I think if we had Hybrid to work towards a while back we wouldn't have so many players all ready to slot Hybrid to the max and be bored to teas again as fast as its released.

Okay that's my ramblings so what do any of you think? Look forward to the replies and please don't hurt each other [keep the flame wars to a minimum its only a hypothetical question) lol

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post

I currenty have 16 characters that can slot a hybrid power with a Tier 4 as soon as they earn enough IXP to open the power.
Doesn't it take Advanced iXP to open the Hybrid slot? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?

Isn't the only place to gain Advanced iXP in the Magisterium Trial? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Doesn't it take Advanced iXP to open the Hybrid slot? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?

Isn't the only place to gain Advanced iXP in the Magisterium Trial? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?
All of that is correct - right now, the Magisterium Trial is the only way to open the Hybrid slot.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Did they wait too long? Possibly. For one slot? To me, that only compounds it.

Then again, I don't actually worry all that much about the incarnate stuff. *shrug* it's just... *waves hands* over there somewhere, I rarely bother with it. I do, however, feel a bit of concern over the possibility that, whenever I *do* feel like running it (or getting another 50, since I did over the weekend and have several 40+ characters ready to go,) people are going to be too busy in the upper end trials to want to run the lower (and conversely see the lower-tier Incanrates as undesirable to bring along.)



Is there a TLR version of this thread?



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Doesn't it take Advanced iXP to open the Hybrid slot? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?

Isn't the only place to gain Advanced iXP in the Magisterium Trial? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?
Nope, still uses "Advanced" IXP to unlock it. So no, they didn't wait too long since everyone HAS to run the Magisterium Trial four or five times to unlock the slot.

The problem I have with it is by trying the Empyrean unlock and now "Advanced" psychic IXP; there's going to be "Advanced" physical IXP too. So the entire playerbase, regardless of whether they're on Freedom or Zunkunft is being treated with equal concern; that we're all salvage-hoarding farmers who do the trials so we can stock up on everything for the next set of everything.

Oh and that if you don't like trials: "tough, you must run them now, lol".

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Doesn't it take Advanced iXP to open the Hybrid slot? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?

Isn't the only place to gain Advanced iXP in the Magisterium Trial? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?
This is correct. However, you can craft a Hybrid ability before you unlock the slot, so that when you unlock the slot all you need is to put the ability in the slot and voom you're all set.

So yeah, I've got eight characters that as soon as I unlock Hybrid on, I'm done with again, out of ten 50s. One of the other two is my badger who I may still be chasing some of the Magisterium badges with. (And until I get Master of Magisterium, she's the only one I'm going to be running it with. Chance for badges >> power that isn't terribly exciting.) The other is my newest 50 who just got tier 3 Destiny/the second Incarnate level shift last night, so she'd be my project character anyway.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Doesn't it take Advanced iXP to open the Hybrid slot? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?

Isn't the only place to gain Advanced iXP in the Magisterium Trial? Or has that changed since I last looked at Beta?
Yes and Yes as far as I know nothing has changed but still On Beta I earned around 22% from One Magin trial . That's where i came up with the 4-5 trials. So ALL I have to do is run about 100+ Magisterium trials and I open Hybrid on all my characters .. And the NEVER want to see the trial ever again heheheh

That was sort of my point they took so long giving us a new power to aim for how many people just like me now have dozens of characters powered to the MAX and with all the salvage they need to slot Hybrid.. All that's left is to run the trial again and again and again . If we'd had hybrid sooner we wouldn't have as much salavge built up and probably less characters powered up as well. Depending of course on the individual, their time available on line, and the amount of time it takes fo them to get bored doing the same thing again and again.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Is there a TLR version of this thread?
if the only thing you care about in the game is the hybrid slot, didn't you want it to be out sooner?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Did they wait too long? Possibly. For one slot? To me, that only compounds it.

Then again, I don't actually worry all that much about the incarnate stuff. *shrug* it's just... *waves hands* over there somewhere, I rarely bother with it. I do, however, feel a bit of concern over the possibility that, whenever I *do* feel like running it (or getting another 50, since I did over the weekend and have several 40+ characters ready to go,) people are going to be too busy in the upper end trials to want to run the lower (and conversely see the lower-tier Incanrates as undesirable to bring along.)

Actually Bill its been interesting in Dark Astoria lately. Things picked back up the past week or so since a lot of us assume 23 will go live on June 5th ( I am pretty sure as well but been around long enough not to assume anything until I either see it first hand or hear it direct from a red Name here). Players are running a lot of trials and in particular UGs and TPNs .. for the 60 thread bonus and the guarenteed rare or V R on a UG.

Prior to that when I got back into doing trials after my month long hiatus to level characters .. there were times it was almost impossible to find enough people to buld a team and when there were it seemed like most of the leaders had no desire to do anything but LAMBDA and BAFS.. by far the easiest of all the trials out there now. You could find a few Keyes and TPNs running but no one seemed to care to do the Underground, MOM or the new DD.

Judging from past history yes I'd say for a while after 23 goes live almost everyone will be focused on the Magi Trial. Once they fullfil their neds for that .. It seems like quick and easy wins out over chalenging so I'd say your new 50s would have little trouble finding a Lambda or BAF. Hey I am part of a group that has its own pivate global designed primarily to make recruiting fot the trials easier. At one point we use to log on around 8-9 PM Eastern time and start with Keyes, then TPN, the UG and as things thinned out a bit MOM. That usually took us about 2 hours since we stuck together and took very short breaks between trials and NEVER did badge runs. Then we'd add in the BAF and LAm to complete the set for the night. In about 3 hours we'd run every trial then available once and had earned 10 Emps, more tha 120 threads and at the very least 1 rare or very rare. We did that 5 nights a week .. so you can see how I wound up with over 20 t4ed incarnates.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Yes and Yes as far as I know nothing has changed but still On Beta I earned around 22% from One Magin trial . That's where i came up with the 4-5 trials. So ALL I have to do is run about 100+ Magisterium trials and I open Hybrid on all my characters .. And the NEVER want to see the trial ever again heheheh
Want to trade? New 50 this weekend, think I'm up to 28 now....



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Yes and Yes as far as I know nothing has changed but still On Beta I earned around 22% from One Magin trial . That's where i came up with the 4-5 trials. So ALL I have to do is run about 100+ Magisterium trials and I open Hybrid on all my characters .. And the NEVER want to see the trial ever again heheheh

That was sort of my point they took so long giving us a new power to aim for how many people just like me now have dozens of characters powered to the MAX and with all the salvage they need to slot Hybrid.. All that's left is to run the trial again and again and again . If we'd had hybrid sooner we wouldn't have as much salavge built up and probably less characters powered up as well. Depending of course on the individual, their time available on line, and the amount of time it takes fo them to get bored doing the same thing again and again.

You, and everyone else that quoted my post, missed the point completely.

Maybe you need to re-read the quote in my post again and then read my post to see the connection.

Context people, context.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I tell you, it's just in time. I finally managed to craft the last T4 two weeks ago, so I'm all set for some new ways to grow my main. Still a little lonely without primal clockwork to go with the name - maybe it's time for another optional Lore update they can slap together?

Or rather than implementing new salvage, maybe they could add T5s to each option?

Edit: All attempts to be pelted with rotten tomatoes aside, the Hybrid slot is unique enough that I'd hope people would expand to slot multiple versions on a single character. If they get the courage to bump up the Support slot some more then each option will be worth getting on a single character. It's even more versatile than Destiny, which is saying something.

I have a feeling we won't be seeing trials stop just because someone reaches one level of T4 Hybrid. That'd be denying your character a vast array of power - the slot that most embodies the "grow sideways" power of the incarnate system to date.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Naaa. Not everyone has saved up hundreds and hundreds of EMPs/Astrals/Threads to convert and make the Hybrid slot.

I know I haven't.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Naaa. Not everyone has saved up hundreds and hundreds of EMPs/Astrals/Threads to convert and make the Hybrid slot.

I know I haven't.
I havent even T3'd my half dozen 50's yet.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
I tell you, it's just in time. I finally managed to craft the last T4 two weeks ago, so I'm all set for some new ways to grow my main. Still a little lonely without primal clockwork to go with the name - maybe it's time for another optional Lore update they can slap together?

Or rather than implementing new salvage, maybe they could add T5s to each option?

Edit: All attempts to be pelted with rotten tomatoes aside, the Hybrid slot is unique enough that I'd hope people would expand to slot multiple versions on a single character. If they get the courage to bump up the Support slot some more then each option will be worth getting on a single character. It's even more versatile than Destiny, which is saying something.

I have a feeling we won't be seeing trials stop just because someone reaches one level of T4 Hybrid. That'd be denying your character a vast array of power - the slot that most embodies the "grow sideways" power of the incarnate system to date.
You have both T4's in every single tree? Am I reading this right?



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
You have both T4's in every single tree? Am I reading this right?
Yes sir. Leveling up my main (even if the leveling up is a sideways option to be more versatile) is a side goal that keeps the game interesting for me. It took 6 years to get an end-game going, but it's the best end-game in an MMO I can think of. The trials are still fun even after running them 500 times - Leading the leagues is the key to keeping things active and interesting. Playing a character with active powersets that can fall back and sub for as many roles as possible leaves each experience unique enough to not get boring.

All my own opinion, of course.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Congratulations. "20 t4ed incarnates"

"In about 3 hours we'd run every trial" is most definately not all of us. That is a dedicated group that someone would be lucky to fall in with.

Great game while it lasts.



On the contrary, being as there's still probably not enough content to get the current slots completed without repeating content, I'd say they didn't wait long enough.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Did they wait too long? Possibly. For one slot? To me, that only compounds it.

Then again, I don't actually worry all that much about the incarnate stuff. *shrug* it's just... *waves hands* over there somewhere, I rarely bother with it. I do, however, feel a bit of concern over the possibility that, whenever I *do* feel like running it (or getting another 50, since I did over the weekend and have several 40+ characters ready to go,) people are going to be too busy in the upper end trials to want to run the lower (and conversely see the lower-tier Incanrates as undesirable to bring along.)
So happy to see it isn't just me. About half of my 50s are Alpha'd, the rest haven't touched anything Incarnate, and every time I think about doing something Incarnate, I talk myself out of it because I would be so "newbie" at it and all the posts I see talk about people leaching and how awful it is when the team has to "carry their weight".

I also have a small stable of characters in the 40s which will just add to my number of non-Incarnates.

So to me, the timing of this latest iTrial is a non-issue.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post

You, and everyone else that quoted my post, missed the point completely.

Maybe you need to re-read the quote in my post again and then read my post to see the connection.

Context people, context.
While they may have missed the subtext of your post, Wendy's point still stands: Many of her characters have had enough time to accumulate so much salvage and so many merits that they need only run the Magisterium Trial a handful of times, then immediately slot the newly unlocked power with a T3 or T4 due to stockpiled salvage/merits. The problem the Devs were trying to avoid in i20 (i.e. people crafting top tier Judgement, Interface, Destiny, and Lore powers due to saved up Shards) is present anyway.

As for me... I have no interest in the Hybrid power. Kind of boring in my opinion. *shrug* I'll run the Magisterium Trial once, for the experience, with my one character that I've decided will be my semi-phenomenal-nearly-cosmically-powered character, then go back to the rest of the game.

I'm in Bill's and Astra's camp: most of my 50s have an Incarnate Power or two, but they are mostly just conceptual extensions. I gave up trying to keep up with multiple incarnates long ago.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
every time I think about doing something Incarnate, I talk myself out of it because I would be so "newbie" at it and all the posts I see talk about people leaching and how awful it is when the team has to "carry their weight".
Don't be put off by that

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I have 6 50's ... all of which are t3 on everything and a few t4'd. When Hybrid comes out I am not sure if I will be getting it on all my toons....I will test it out on my main and see if I like it. But yes..due to the long duration between powers...once unlocked I would have enough components on every toon to tier 3 them easily.

I think they should have released Judgment/Lore together... waited 3-4 months and then done Interface/Destiny...instead of all 4 at once.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
So happy to see it isn't just me. About half of my 50s are Alpha'd, the rest haven't touched anything Incarnate, and every time I think about doing something Incarnate, I talk myself out of it because I would be so "newbie" at it and all the posts I see talk about people leaching and how awful it is when the team has to "carry their weight".

I also have a small stable of characters in the 40s which will just add to my number of non-Incarnates.

So to me, the timing of this latest iTrial is a non-issue.
Run 4-5 Baf's & LAM's, you're not useless for all that long, just follow the crowds and shoot at whatever they do (and listen to league chat) most of these trials have a whole bunch of +3 incarnates that do most of the work anyhoo . And if you're support oriented it doesn't matter how newbie you are.

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier