the New 52: having seen it, what do you think?
I stopped buying all DC titles when they went to the new 52. I liked the Post-Crisis continuity and the genuine character growth, particularly of the younger "next generation" characters (Dick Grayson, Wally West, Roy Harper, Tim Drake, etc). When they re-booted and either just threw a lot of that out, or tried to compress it all into some ridiculous five-year timeframe, I just lost interest. When they essentially wrote the Justice Society out (who are my all-time favorite characters), I was just done.
I've browsed through the new issues, but have yet to see anything that has interested me enough to get me to come back to the fold.
�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne
�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin
Only book I would really recommend is Demon Knights. It's alot of fun.. anything with Etrigran and Vandal Savage is okay in my book!
Very much tied into Autirian Lore.
I'm also reading Red Laterns but I might drop that.. The pacing is a bit too slow for my tastes.
"And for us this is the end of all stories, and we can mostly say they lived happily ever after. But for them it was the beginning of the real story. All there life in this world and all there adventures in Narnia had only be the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of The Great Story which no one on earth has ever read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before" - C.S Lewis, The Last Battle.
I've actually been enjoying the Superman 'family' of books. Supergirl, Superboy, Action and Superman. I'd never really gotten into Supes as a character and there's been some good issues so far.
Batgirl is okay, but that's the only Bat book I read.
Redhood and Teen Titans are both good reads, at least for my tastes.
New Guardians is actually my favorite Lantern book now, Green Lantern has been kind of meh, and Red Lanterns has a pacing issue.
Justice League is pretty good, but that first story arc almost killed it. Its picking up now.
I'm a fan of Booster Gold, so JLI is my kind of schtick.
Blue Beetle is retreading all the old ground his original series did, only badly.
I think the only other one I was getting was Hawk and Dove, which crashed hard when they started letting Leifeld push the writer off the book. That's no longer an issue, because the book got canned.
They just added a Power Girl and Huntress book which could be fun. I'm hopeful at least.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
I'd be okay if they went back to the pre-Flashpoint stuff, but I think I'm reading more stuff now than then.
It's been hit-or-miss. I dipped my toe in a lot of stuff. At this point, I'm still getting Swamp Thing, Justice League Dark, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Batwoman, I... Vampire, Batgirl, and Action Comics.
Just started picking up World's Finest and Earth-2 to see what the new JSA looks like.
I'll probably TPB Animal Man, Demon Knights, Justice League, and Batman and Robin. Everything else hasn't really held my interest. "Savage" Hawkman I've actively disliked, which is a shame given Hawkman one of my favs.
Global name: @k26dp
For the titles I've picked up, I continue to hope they get better, while at the same time, hate some of the changes that have been done.
Grifter was one of my favorites from Wildstorm/Image days, so I hope that becomes better. Hasn't felt to much like the Grifter I fell in love with though :/
They do this big reboot, have Wildstorm as part of the DC universe, and yet still can't seem to bring back the Wildstorm characters? I want my original Gen13 and DV8!
Saddened by the changes to Starfire. While I HATE the Shortpack comic now, and doubt turning Starfire into her Teen Titan Cartoon counterpart would getting any extra readers, the change for Starfire does suck, and if they had changed her, why not change her to be more like the cartoon version?
But I like what I've read of the Red Hood so far to keep interrested, I dont agree with all the changes at all.
Harkey Quinn's change is...okay still undecided. I like the idea of her showing off her intelligence, I like the idea of her reforming to be a hero, and I don't hate the new costume, but it isn't superhero/villain at all.
While the costume would likely be great for a new character, I still wish to have the old Harley back, instead of them trying to bring in Arkam Asylum's Harley (which had a better outfit anyways )
So Suicide Squad lends itself to being like the Red Hood for me. However, I'd prefere a stable cast of characters and not the kill members off way (though I dont care for all the members anyways).
Over all changes have left me feeling meh, but I've been giving the titles that interrest me a chance.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I stopped buying all DC titles when they went to the new 52. I liked the Post-Crisis continuity and the genuine character growth, particularly of the younger "next generation" characters (Dick Grayson, Wally West, Roy Harper, Tim Drake, etc). When they re-booted and either just threw a lot of that out, or tried to compress it all into some ridiculous five-year timeframe, I just lost interest. When they essentially wrote the Justice Society out (who are my all-time favorite characters), I was just done.
I've browsed through the new issues, but have yet to see anything that has interested me enough to get me to come back to the fold. |
"Savage" Hawkman I've actively disliked, which is a shame given Hawkman one of my favs.
I am just happy to see Aquaman back in print.
The recent Green Arrow arc left me "meh".
I've been buying Flash but don't think I've read them yet.
From what I have seen
a couple good titles worth following a few ok titles that are ok and a large amount of forgetable stuff |
There are ALWAYS far too many books in circulation, and not enough talent to do them justice. This leaves you with a few really great titles, a few more titles that are worth reading but could be better if only "X were writing it" or "Y were doing the art." And the rest is ultimately forgettable.
For every Wolfman / Perez era Titans, there are dozens of Darkhawks.
New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
So far, the only two comics I've enjoyed out of New 52 are Batman and Nightwing. I tried most of the other Bat-family books (including Justice League and Justice League International), but none have retained my interest.
I have to say though, the series I'm most enjoying atm isn't even a DC title. Scarlet Spider. I've been away from collecting lately, but last night I bought issues 2-5 and read through all of them in roughly an hour. The art's really good on that one too, which seems to be a rarity these days. Which is why I'm sure in a month or two they'll swap writers and artists, just to irritate me.
Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
I have read Justice League 0-7 and Wonder Woman 1-9.
I liked the Justice League story. I am not sure where the power levels stand now. It looks like Flash is more powerful as he seems to have lightning abilities. Cyborg seems to have been ramped up as well. Superman seems to have been toned down a bit or maybe they haven't shown him off yet, though it may be that Darkseid may have been ramped a good bit. Green Lantern is a bit over confidant. Wonder Woman doesn't seem to fly now and uses a sword. How much of her old power remains is unknown right now though she is strong enough for Superman to notice.
Steve Trevor runs a government operation that was attached to Wonder Woman, but now branched out to the League. However he is not mentioned at all in Wonder Woman's series.
Some of the narration boxes kind of leaves you wondering who is talking.
Over-all it seems to be a good start.
Wonder Woman is good. I like where it is going though i do have a few problems with it.
I don't mind the change to her back story. I have always felt that it is where they should have taken her to separate her from Supes and Bats.
I don't like the way they depict most of the Greek gods. Hermes has chicken feet? Hades went to the Boy George school of dress? He has melting candles dripping down his face. Why does Poseidon look like a giant mutant octoguppy?
I don't know how old Diana is supposed to be, but there are a few things that happen that there is no way she would not have found out and another things that happened that her mother kept secret from her and the Amazons that the Amazons would have figured out.
Notice that I am trying to avoid spoilers?
I think I know where Zeus is hiding.
I've only been keeping up with Captain Atom. It's been alright. Little too Dr. Manhattan for my tastes, as opposed to the original Atom who was more energy based and less "I'm god like in power". That and, at times, the story feels like it's going all over the place.
From what I have seen
a couple good titles worth following a few ok titles that are ok and a large amount of forgetable stuff |
I think the negative press surrounding the New 52 concept boils down to two things: people not giving it a chance at all, and a very vocal minority causing others to prejudge based solely upon their hyperbolic complaints about ultimately mundane things (i.e., Harley Quinn and Starfire no longer being their precious animated wives).
I haven't read every title, as some concepts just don't interest me. For example: Stormwatch does nothing for me, and I've never been a JLA fan as I think most members work better in their solo books. But I do follow some, and have given up on others:
The Superman line in general has been good, and I love the new Supergirl title.
Batman & Robin is the only Bat-title I still read. I haven't read Incorporated #1 yet, so I can't comment.
Birds of Prey does nothing for me. And it's not because I'm a Gail Simone fanboy or anything and hold her run upon some pedestal. It just doesn't hook me in.
Speaking of Gail Simone, I tried Batgirl and gave up after four issues.
Batwoman, on the other hand, is great.
Both Swamp Thing and Animal Man have been fun. Animal Man in particular.
Suicide Squad had an iffy start, but it's slowly, steadily getting better.
Red Hood and the Outlaws is, in my opinion, very underrated. Too many people dismissed it outright as a result of that stupid pseudo-feminist "Starfire isn't characterized as a vapid, naive ball of cute like she was in the cartoon, and is instead still very close to her established comic characterization! WAAAAAAH!" nonsense. Like Suicide squad, it hit the ground running so the readers have had to be caught up on-the-fly. Maybe the upcoming space arc will get people to quit kvetching about Starfire ...
I'm sticking with World's Finest for the time being just to see how the characterization of Power Girl continues to unfold. I'm still not a fan of her costume redesign, but it's a lot better than the first images we saw of it.
I'm probably forgetting some.
Originally Posted by KowaiKawaii
I'm also reading Red Laterns but I might drop that.. The pacing is a bit too slow for my tastes.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
For Marvel it ended for me with "One More Day"
For DC it ended for me with "The New 52"
Rebooting out of two iconic marriages does not fly (or swing) with me. They should have hired writers to end said marriages another way. Mary Jane divorcing Peter after the events of the Civil War would have been believable. The whole "deal with the devil" left a very sour taste in my mouth. Superman and Lois? Maybe this was the best way to end it, but the whole proposal through marriage plot was amazing (especially since it included Doomsday.) Ignoring the past has never set well with readers.
As to Starfire's change, I don't think people are upset that she's not like her cartoon counterpart, it's more like she is now an emtionless sex toy whereas before she was completely full of emotion, heck her powers are based upon it. She reads like drying paint now and its very sad. Again, ignoring the Titans past is part of what is ticking fans off where she is concerned and its not just her. Me, I'm praying they reboot the reboot. All of the energy they had coming off of Blackest Night (a fantastic arc) seems to have petered out and gone poof.
From what I have seen
a couple good titles worth following
a few ok titles that are ok
and a large amount of forgetable stuff
I have noticed, a lot of places around here aren't even bothering picking up all of the titles
The other day I think I realized what my problem with the New 52 is, I just can't connect to the majority stuff, it feels like an Elseworlds or Age of A storyline that has lasted too long for me