What if we removed faceplanting?
If they did ever decide to change it, they could make it so that we were "out of action" for 30-60 seconds, using that collapsed-to-your-knees emote they use for NPCs we defeat but don't knock out - rez/revive powers would still work normally, and the time penalty until we recovered on our own would just be there to replace the trip to and from the hospital/base and the 2 loading screens it uses.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
purchasable defeat emotes
robots could do the power down
ninja's could disappear in a puff of smoke
jedi could just leave a cloak behind
It's an interesting idea, not all defeats are equal, after all.
However, there are a few reasons why faceplanting is a good pose for defeats in the game, some game design related, some story related.
First of all, flat on the ground is a very easy to recognize pose for being KO'd. There's no real ambiguity here, a character flat on the ground and not moving is out of the fight. Easy to read, easy to understand. A character kneeling is... maybe out of the fight? Can I heal them? Can the enemies still attack them? If they can't attack them, why not? It's an uncertain pose, full of maybes when reading it. For something as important as being defeated, it really can't leave much doubt.
So while I'm not against changing the defeated animation, it still needs to be snap readable for new players, and "on the ground, not moving" is really, really hard to beat for "out of the fight". Now if there was a 5-10 second near-defeat status where you could still be healed, but couldn't act? Yeah, a kneeling animation would be perfect for that. But we don't have that. 0.1 HP is fully active, 0 is instantly defeated. Or Awakens could be changed to use this animation when getting back up. You're back, but weak. It'd be a fitting pose for that.
Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"
Lord knows this game is too hard as it stands. Maybe there's time to convince the devs to add -defeat to the -kb IO?
purchasable defeat emotes
robots could do the power down ninja's could disappear in a puff of smoke jedi could just leave a cloak behind |
Ninja one would have to leave something behind for targeting by teammates with rez/veng though. Robots could also maybe explode, leaving behind a targetable soot patch.
{}... .-
purchasable defeat emotes
robots could do the power down ninja's could disappear in a puff of smoke jedi could just leave a cloak behind |
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
What about ghosts? Maybe they could fade away like ghost/spirit NPC's do?
frankly, im wondering if dying in video games(all of em, not jsut mmos) isnt ready to go the way of 25 cent buy ins and 3 lives. It really only serves to break up the narrative, make continuing immersion breaking and, with most major games having checkpoints lots of places, largely an annoyance rather than a real consequence. Worse, in games with persistance like mmos, the explaination as to why death was so minor an inconvenience is almost always awkward and silly.
I didnt miss it in fable 2 or 3, and i didnt miss it in kirby's epic yarn. these games still made getting hurt a problem because it interfered with your progress or attainment of higher rewards, but didnt rely on the jarring idea that you died..oops, you are fine now. Really, id say those games actually made it hurt more, because you you were going for a great new ability in fable, or a secret stage patch in kirby, getting tagged and falling short SUCKED, and you couldn't just reload from 5 seconds a go and do it again. it really serves little narrative purpose and is a relic of a bygoen age.
(ok, it kind of works in dark/demons souls, but thats because the whole game is about dying over and over again)
Not a bad idea. On the other hand, there's something fun about the indignity of lying on your face bemoaning things,
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)
I've suggested this before. I called it "death emotes," but the idea was similar - let people choose the animation they undergo when they die. Off the top of my head, I had the following:
Explode: When defeated, your character explodes, leaving only a defeat marker behind that can be targeted. Used for robots who explode on defeat, heroes with unstable powers and so forth. How you can come back to life after exploding is up to the player to explain.
Weep: Your character breaks down, drops to the ground and starts crying, possibly using the /em grief emote. Used for pyschics who lose control of their powers, insane people who lose their minds or characters who can't die but can still be "suppressed."
Run away: Your character becomes scared, then turns around and runs out of the game, leaving targetable defeat marker. Useful for cowards, obviously, as well as characters who don't lose, but rather make tactical retreats.
Hibernate: Your character locks himself within a structure of ice, rock, fire, armour or anything else ubrekable as a defensive mechanism, and will not return to the fight unless "healed." Useful in similar situations as regular Hibernate.
Concede defeat: Your character crosses his arms and refuses to participate in the fight any longer. Useful for characters who play by unconventional rules, such as bored immortals holding back their full power and playing defeated, or otherwise stubborn fools who refuse to help their allies when they don't feel like it.
That's all I remember.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I like this and Sam's ideas (I think I posted in Sam's thread when he proposed it.)
But personally I already find this game too easy so maybe another level of difficulty could be added to the defeat - optional of course - that allows you to decide how "badly" beaten you are and the ramifications of that. Maybe there could be a trade off with greater rewards, XP or shards etc.
On the other hand it's adding a whole extra few levels of complexity to the game that could take up an awful lot of resource for limited benefit, so I won't be holding my breath

Thelonious Monk
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I like this and Sam's ideas (I think I posted in Sam's thread when he proposed it.)
But personally I already find this game too easy so maybe another level of difficulty could be added to the defeat - optional of course - that allows you to decide how "badly" beaten you are and the ramifications of that. Maybe there could be a trade off with greater rewards, XP or shards etc. On the other hand it's adding a whole extra few levels of complexity to the game that could take up an awful lot of resource for limited benefit, so I won't be holding my breath ![]() |
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Had he not gone on to talk about "the frustration of defeat" you might have a point. This is how these things get started around here.
I'd like a replacement for the mid-air defeat emote, where my character flings around wildly like a rapidly deflating balloon before settling down gently on the ground.
I like the idea.
But I am concerned.
Without regular floor level inspection, we will be faced with a "rise of the dustbunnies" of epic proportions.
Players still find ways to die. Especially new players. Who are maybe trying the game for the first time as F2P. And if something as simple as changing the defeat pose can help even a little with retaining them so they'll stick around and maybe spend some money, I'd explore that. Presentation, even the presentation of defeat, counts.
Do people really quit playing the game because of the defeat pose?
You can look at it two ways...
1. Where you are correct and people do get discouraged from playing because they were defeated and "embarrassed" by the defeat pose.
2. They can't stand the "embarrassing" defeat pose so they strive to level up and get better and be better players.
I personally believe number 2 happens more than number 1...though there is no way I could know this for certain.
I would personally rather be laying down flat, actually "hurt" or "unconscious", instead of being on my hands and knees (in what I believe to be an even more ridiculous pose) basically "catching my breath" while my teammates are still fighting.
To each their own.
Another reason is, and this may sound petty, faceplanting is kind of humiliating. I've read a bit on the psychology of game design, and if a player is frustrated because they "died", the wrong kind of death animation can only exacerbate their frustration and in extreme cases, you could be looking at a rage quit. Think about it: if slot machines laughed at you when you lost at them, would anyone play them?
I would personally rather be laying down flat, actually "hurt" or "unconscious", instead of being on my hands and knees (in what I believe to be an even more ridiculous pose) basically "catching my breath" while my teammates are still fighting.
To each their own. |
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
Actually I really like this idea. Lord knows it actually does massively annoy me when I 'die' in the game. I agree with the psychology of it, and I agree with just the sheer cool fun of it. I have characters I'd like to go into elemental 'hibernation', and I know that all my Khoraks would like some kind of 'tactical withdrawl'. Not fleeing (which should also be available, because I have characters for that too!), but more the idea of being 'forced back' momentarily.
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
Off the wall idea here. More of a thought exercise.
What if we removed faceplanting from the game?
I don't mean that nobody could ever be defeated.
I mean changing up the pose for defeat.
I've noticed that recently there's been a number of missions where you fight a NPC and then you're given a choice to spare them or strike the finishing blow, etc. At that point they're on their hands and knees on the ground. That is the pose I was thinking of substituting for.
Well I've been meditating on the nature of "defeat" in this game. It doesn't represent death, or near death. It doesn't even necessarily represent being knocked out. You'd have to be conscious, because you're making a decision to "tap out" and go to the hospital or wait for a rez. Also, if you were truly out cold, no amount of will power would "Revive" you, for example. Defeat as faceplanting makes some assumptions about your character that, from a RP standpoint, may not be true. Defeat is just your character faltering, for whatever reason.
Another reason is, and this may sound petty, faceplanting is kind of humiliating. I've read a bit on the psychology of game design, and if a player is frustrated because they "died", the wrong kind of death animation can only exacerbate their frustration and in extreme cases, you could be looking at a rage quit. Think about it: if slot machines laughed at you when you lost at them, would anyone play them?
I'm just thinking, if we changed the faceplant to something else, would it change the way players felt about defeat? I figured it warranted a discussion at least.