Intriguing Massively Article

Agent White



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
For a lot of made up BS with no actual facts, I suppose it could be true but it all seems a little unlikely.

Business plan things out in years not weeks. Heck look at the latest interview with Black pebble. He said they know what's going to be on the market, when it's going to be on, when it will be discounted, when new stuff will be added out to 12 months. So no. Pretty much all conjecture with no basis in fact.

I grantee you, despite what Zwill says, they know exactly when they are going to have the Retro Sci-fi set on the market. They don't want to commit in case they miss their target date. Trust me these people, the dev's, all have their projects scheduled to the day if not the hour.
All this article did was make me realize that Massively is basically clueless when it comes to CoH. The line that sums up the article for me:
"Do I have any proof of all this? Of course not -- just a lot of hearsay, conjecture, and external observation. "

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
This is true Red Side, Blue Side, or Gold Side. Nothing new here.
What having to drop a team cause a solo mission? Cause your wrong I have never had to drop a team cause of a solo mission red of blue side. Gold side just sucks and the fact it's deserted proves it.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
What having to drop a team cause a solo mission? Cause your wrong I have never had to drop a team cause of a solo mission red of blue side. Gold side just sucks and the fact it's deserted proves it.
Not one to nitpick, but that doesn't "prove" anything; especially that it sucks. What it COULD prove is that people prefer the content of blue side or red side over gold. What it COULD prove is that people do not like change in their lower level experience. It COULD prove a lot of things.

I do not play Gold side because...I did it a few times and it serves no benefit for me to run it more often. Back in the day it was an easy way to make a hero to a villain easily...or vice that we can start a hero AT as a villain...that took away one of the selling points for me.

I am not an anti-DFB person...disclaimer, but DFB is a huge draw to lowbie toons...I mean let's be real here...I have played for 7 years...I have no desire to run the same missions over and over and get to 20 on ANY side. So now I can run a a DiB...and voila.. I am 20. In other words there are other attractants to blue/red aside from content which many people have grown tired of when they are rolling their 20,30, 100th alt. Personally I would love to be able to do a DFB on Gold side..then do some of the a DiB..a lil more content then BOOM choose my side.

As an aside; the solo mission; which takes a whopping 3-5 in no way a deterrent to Gold side for me....neither is having to run Captain Nolan's arc to get access to DA/DA Contacts.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
What having to drop a team cause a solo mission? Cause your wrong I have never had to drop a team cause of a solo mission red of blue side. Gold side just sucks and the fact it's deserted proves it.
I can't speak for your server, but I've never been alone in any of the Praetorian zones on Virtue. People are almost all soloing, but I never cross a city zone there, any time of day or night (and I play at a lot of odd times), without seeing at least two other people going this way or that on their way to their own missions.

Teaming in Praetoria is almost completely non-existent, as far as I can tell, and that makes for slow leveling, but there are people using it.

But where I don't disagree with the Massively blogger's speculation is this: from the revenue side, I am almost certain that Going Rogue was a horrific disappointment for NCsoft, and quite probably a money-loser.



Business plan things out in years not weeks.
You're not from America, are you....

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
I dunno. 20 levels was not good in GR. I am still pissed about that. I really liked GR. A lot. I utterly despised how empty it was. I could maybe group with 1 person a day if I was lucky.

Redside sucks too. Why? Nobody plays. Blueside rewards are just THAT MUCH BETTER. Any blueside TF generates sometimes as much as 2-3 times as many merits as an equivalent redside TF. Who wants to play with nobody for worse rewards? Just because story is better? Sorry, that just isnt acceptable.
Redside had population problems well before the introduction of any of the various reward systems we take for granted these days.

People might use that for an excuse, but they didn't play redside even back when NOBODY was getting 'rewards'.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Which makes me believe the playerbase doesn't know what the heck they want. Moonbase? Underwater zone? Wilderness/Jurassic zone? Yeah, that's not Paragon City, so no, you're not going to get those.
Zone, Zone, Zone, Zone.

The 'rogue isles' would've made a great CoH zone, but they made it a whole other game and players didn't like it.

Praetoria would've made a great CoH zone, but they made it a whole other game and the players didn't like it.

Stay in Paragon City.
Yes, that's the game people enjoy the most, so it should be the game that gets resources allocated to it.

If you're going to reply to someone it helps to read their post first, as my original comment made all these points very clear.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The 1-20 content was designed to build up to the co-op content - that's why all 4 paths end with Tyrant as the enemy - there's no "yes, my Lord" ending anywhere in GR - you're either continuing to fight for freedom, or you turn against your former master.
Um, no? Not all 4 end with "OMG TYRANT IS A MONSTER". In fact the Power storyline ends, assuming you choose the loyalist ending, with you alerting Tyrant to the fact that Neuron is trying to continue his project against the Emperor's wishes and you get to meet Cole personally. He even thanks you for your service to the empire. Then you can skip along merrily into First Ward as a Loyalist. Where, of course, you're shunted into anti-Cole territory and dealing with dregs even the Resistance see as disposable assets with little possibility of aiding D.U.S.T. or the like. Which really is a shame because all it would've taken is -1- loyalist contact asking you to help out in First Ward then leading you into the regular contact chain to set it up.

And the same can be said for the Resistance. By the end of the GR content it's very firmly established what horrible monsters Scott and his Crusader goons are and the lengths they'll go to. But that's pretty clearly getting whitewashed out and forgotten since it's in the name of the greater good. At least Calvin gets exposed as a true lunatic.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Tyrant's fall has been planned from the start - the dimensional war has always been "A Hero's Hero" on steroids - they took one of the most popular bits of original "endgame" content, and ramped is up to the level of a superpowered war, but kept the same structure - only now, instead of tracking down and defeating the Praetor's in their lairs, before finally defeating Tyrant and setting Statesman free, we now track down and defeat the Praetors in their lairs, before finally defeating Tyrant and setting a whole world free.

The 1-20 pacing leaves it difficult to continue the "who's really right?" guessing game - by 20, the major reveals have been made, and the dictatirship has ben exposed as the enemy of everyone - there's not enough left to keep up another 30 levels of mystery when the mystery's already been revealed.
Who needs mystery? There were plenty of ways to take the story post Invasion plan reveal. I'm just saying that it feels like whatever plans were set in motion with the release of Going Rogue, they didn't end up following through and instead we have what we've got now. It doesn't feel consistent looking at the whole.

And I didn't mean that Cole falling would be different, the way the iTrials have been set up that has always been the intended outcome. I mean I think they've changed gears and are wrapping up Praetoria -now-. I don't think that the Magisterium trial was supposed to come out now. But fans are tired of Praetoria so they're just rushing to wrap things up instead of letting it go on another issue or two. That is, whatever overarching sketch they decided on has been cut down to better get to upcoming storylines.

of course it's all opinion, but then so is yours. We don't have the devs design bible or whatever document they've been using to sketch out the future of the game. I'm just saying that whatever that document looked like back when they set up Going Rogue, it feels like plans changed considerably to get to where we are now and have even changed again fairly recently to cut to the chase and wrap up the story.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
all it would've taken is -1- loyalist contact asking you to help out in First Ward then leading you into the regular contact chain to set it up.

You mean the regular FW contact chain where you're helping the Resistance?

And the same can be said for the Resistance. By the end of the GR content it's very firmly established what horrible monsters Scott and his Crusader goons are and the lengths they'll go to. But that's pretty clearly getting whitewashed out and forgotten since it's in the name of the greater good. At least Calvin gets exposed as a true lunatic.

It's not being whitewashed at all - it's just that in the meta-stoty, the Resistance are the right side.

Who needs mystery? There were plenty of ways to take the story post Invasion plan reveal. I'm just saying that it feels like whatever plans were set in motion with the release of Going Rogue, they didn't end up following through and instead we have what we've got now. It doesn't feel consistent looking at the whole.

And I didn't mean that Cole falling would be different, the way the iTrials have been set up that has always been the intended outcome. I mean I think they've changed gears and are wrapping up Praetoria -now-. I don't think that the Magisterium trial was supposed to come out now.
What other Trials are left? We've hunted down and takien out all the loyalist AVs, and there's only Tyrant and the Hamidon left as a challenge for Incarnates in Praetoria - the Magisterium Trial is happening now because we've run out of major loyalist threats to crush - this is the final mission of the dimensional war arc - we've fought our way through the city, up to the end boss - there's nothing else left to fight - we've smashed the loyalist thought police, destroyed their war robots, wiped out the IDF, taken control of Neutropolis, Imperial City, the TPN campus, and the Keyes Island reactors, and now we're advancing on Tyrant's bunker for the final part of our war of liberation.
We've dismantled the loyalist dictatoship bit by bit during the previous 6 Trials, and now it's time for Tyrant's last stand in the heart of his evil empire.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Which really is a shame because all it would've taken is -1- loyalist contact asking you to help out in First Ward then leading you into the regular contact chain to set it up.
I'd love to see a smooth transition like that, and it wouldn't be hard to work it into FW's structure. At level 20 a Preaetorian would get two new contacts, one about the portal to Primal Earth and another asking for your help with First Ward: that one-off Praetorian contact would replace Mistress Eva's role for Primals in Talos Island. Either a Resistance contact tells you that the regime is hiding something in FW and they want you to find out what and try to stop it (pretty much exactly what the FW story is now), or a Loyalist contact tells you that Cole's not happy with the situation in FW but doesn't want anything traced back to him (for the public good, of course!), and so he's sending you deep undercover in First Ward to uncover the truth. That could also lend some fun dramatic irony and extra layers of meaning to some of the dialogue in First Ward, with the FW contacts not realizing that you're secretly there on Cole's behalf.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Quite possibly the -last- Praetorian content though.

The devs have said they feel the fanbase is sick of Praetoria and wants out so I really get the feeling they're just boxing up Praetoria.
As a fan I am not tired of it, war takes a LONG time and I expected another year of Praetoria. I think it is a shame they are just moving past it. I think they should take some of the suggestions in this thread, and turn Praetoria into a full accessible from level 1 part of the game. At the end of the tutorial you are given three options. Hero, Villain, Inter-Dimensional Super Spy. If you take the gold option first thing you do is the Praetorian tutorial for full xp. Then you are contacted once in in each zone by your Primal handler, this contact gives radio missions, but the missions are designed around doing the spy job you have chosen.

Doing that would make Preatoria more playable, make us feel more invested in it, and allow them to do one last zone for 40-50 called The Wild. It would be like the eden zone in primal except larger and dialed up to 11. Contacts that allow you to run missions that set up the imprisoning/Destroying of Preatorian Hammi. They could also do the last bit of reveal about what that creature is, rather than us assuming it is just the Preatorian version of our own Dr. Hammidon.

That is my take on it any way. I want to see it finished, not left hanging like so many other things in this game...Power Customization....

At some point Paragon needs to actually finish something.

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Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
I'd love to see a smooth transition like that, and it wouldn't be hard to work it into FW's structure. At level 20 a Preaetorian would get two new contacts, one about the portal to Primal Earth and another asking for your help with First Ward: that one-off Praetorian contact would replace Mistress Eva's role for Primals in Talos Island. Either a Resistance contact tells you that the regime is hiding something in FW and they want you to find out what and try to stop it (pretty much exactly what the FW story is now), or a Loyalist contact tells you that Cole's not happy with the situation in FW but doesn't want anything traced back to him (for the public good, of course!), and so he's sending you deep undercover in First Ward to uncover the truth. That could also lend some fun dramatic irony and extra layers of meaning to some of the dialogue in First Ward, with the FW contacts not realizing that you're secretly there on Cole's behalf.
That still runs into the brick wall of the Praetorian war - the loyalists were the losing side even before GR launched, and the higher level the content, the closer it is to the start of the war, and the end of their empty hopes.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What other Trials are left? We've hunted down and takien out all the loyalist AVs, and there's only Tyrant and the Hamidon left as a challenge for Incarnates in Praetoria - the Magisterium Trial is happening now because we've run out of major loyalist threats to crush - this is the final mission of the dimensional war arc - we've fought our way through the city, up to the end boss - there's nothing else left to fight - we've smashed the loyalist thought police, destroyed their war robots, wiped out the IDF, taken control of Neutropolis, Imperial City, the TPN campus, and the Keyes Island reactors, and now we're advancing on Tyrant's bunker for the final part of our war of liberation.
We've dismantled the loyalist dictatoship bit by bit during the previous 6 Trials, and now it's time for Tyrant's last stand in the heart of his evil empire.
No, we've only run out of loyalists to fight because all of the remainder got crammed into the Magisterium trial (and even then we're still missing Infernal). Any of them could have had their own trial. One for each? Probably stretching it too far but I think any of the non-Cole AVs could have easily fit into their own trial, like Chimera trying to pull off a plan (which I think instead got turned into the Belladonna Arc) or something that developed Shadowhunter and Pendragon more (You have to admit they really feel like a last minute inclusion even with Night Ward in there). But there are a lot of elements that could have been used elsewhere. We didn't have to fight Tyrant on his own lawn. And maybe if things had gone longer Hamidon might have played a role.

I'm not arguing that we weren't running into the end of the line. But there are enough elements the devs could have put out another trial, possibly 2 before the capstone. Or even another zone/more arcs somewhere. They at least have reached a point where it makes sense to stop it, but again from comments they've made I think they had more in mind to build up to the finale but because of fan displeasure they're cutting it shorter than it would've been.



I agree with most of the artlcle. Let's face it, this game just doesn't have a lot of repeat appeal going for it once you have played it three our four times. Sure a Controller plays different from a Blaster and a Stalker plays different from a Defender but in the end it is the same maps seeded with the same enemies and unless you make your own fun it gets old really, really quickly.

On top of that, You have the population spread across 10-12 servers...and it gets lonley pretty fast. Going Rogue split thinkgs up even more...people met in Praetoria then a bunch headed to heroside and the few others redisde and saw even fewer people and then either unsubbed or went blueside.

It's a fun game...I used to stay for the PvP but even that can't gain much of my attention now (though i weirdly keep making and Accoing and IOing toons "just in case") but Freedom has been great. Even if you just have a bunch of people logging in to try and getting on sewer runs it still does have new accounts being created and more life than before...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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That still runs into the brick wall of the Praetorian war - the loyalists were the losing side even before GR launched, and the higher level the content, the closer it is to the start of the war, and the end of their empty hopes.
What brick wall? You can be a loyalist character at level 20. There's even a loyalist justification for going to Primal Earth. First Ward is level 20-29. Praetoria is intact all the way up to the Incarnate trial. For any character in First Ward's level range, the fall of Praetoria is a long way off.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



What I think hurt was the fact they aped what the Big Game on the market does for endgames: raids. Alot folks want something to do with their 50s but raiding was not in the top three. They should have gone with more story arcs, TF/SFs, and keep the Mirror/Mirror as your lvl 50 content like it was design in the first place.



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
What brick wall? You can be a loyalist character at level 20. There's even a loyalist justification for going to Primal Earth. First Ward is level 20-29. Praetoria is intact all the way up to the Incarnate trial. For any character in First Ward's level range, the fall of Praetoria is a long way off.
But it's still closer than 20 - and if there was a loyalist option in Night Ward, that takes their dead end path to within 10 levels of needing a U-turn to join the right side.
The further away from the war the loyalist path ends, the gentler the transition to joining the right side.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Sparkly Soldier View Post
What brick wall? You can be a loyalist character at level 20. There's even a loyalist justification for going to Primal Earth. First Ward is level 20-29. Praetoria is intact all the way up to the Incarnate trial. For any character in First Ward's level range, the fall of Praetoria is a long way off.
Well her point is that there's no future for the loyalist alignment. There is room for them to expand, but the Praetorian alignments are, ultimately, pretty pointless because even though you can do 1-35 as a Resistance or Loyalist, by the time the iTrials come around every Incarnate is working for the Resistance to take down Cole. You're railroaded however you choose because every road eventually leads to Primal Earth and the iTrials. And once the Praetorian storyline is wrapped up and the game moves on the alignments will mean even less except as just a novelty left over from it.



Then it could be the last loyalist contact in the game. Geez, I was just complimenting an idea that I thought sounded interesting... it wasn't even my idea, it was yours.

Edit: Though thinking about it, FW could also be used to end the loyalist storyline. An extra clue could pop up at the end for loyalists saying that, due to your actions (perhaps stealing Diabolique's amulet) and/or just knowing too much, you've now been branded an enemy of the state. That way anyone who plays through First Ward can't help but get moved in-universe to the resistance/Primal side.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What other Trials are left? We've hunted down and takien out all the loyalist AVs, and there's only Tyrant and the Hamidon left as a challenge for Incarnates in Praetoria - the Magisterium Trial is happening now because we've run out of major loyalist threats to crush - this is the final mission of the dimensional war arc - we've fought our way through the city, up to the end boss - there's nothing else left to fight - we've smashed the loyalist thought police, destroyed their war robots, wiped out the IDF, taken control of Neutropolis, Imperial City, the TPN campus, and the Keyes Island reactors, and now we're advancing on Tyrant's bunker for the final part of our war of liberation.
We've dismantled the loyalist dictatoship bit by bit during the previous 6 Trials, and now it's time for Tyrant's last stand in the heart of his evil empire.
So now we have destroyed their lives because we are going to either bring them all to primal and relocate them, or we are going to have to deal with Praetorian Hammi. There is more to do after Tyrant falls. I guess the res side character could just bail, but then they are missing a chance at being in on the ground floor of whatever corruption that takes hold. Heroes are going to stay because it is the right thing to do. We have destroyed what was protecting them, now we should protect them. I was a Loyalist/Responsibility Character, I however was loyal to the people of Praetoria, and could care less about the political power struggles. If I went after a resistance cell, it was because they were going to hurt citizens, not because they were disloyal to Cole. I came to Primal earth to make peace before Cole could attack, I told him so to his face. I failed in that. I will not fail to protect my people again.

See GG Some Loyalist were not evil.

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Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
There's also the perceived difficulty of the enemy groups in Praetoria, though I don't think that was a significant factor
Can't speak for everyone, but it's sure a factor in MY staying out of there.

The mere memory of my level 19? 'troller facing off against Vanessa DeVore and EIGHT copies of Vanessa.... uh, how about no.

Overall the mobs are absolutely brutal for squishies, and instead of facing three at once, solo players on +0 often faced swarms of seven or more - AT LOW LEVELS. And another wave will be comin' 'round the mountain in 5... 4... 3... 2...

Every now and then I run someone with shields through the First Wards arcs for giggles. But squishies? Hell to the no.

This kind of brutality is not how you win hearts and minds into sticking around in a zone.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
If you're going to reply to someone it helps to read their post first, as my original comment made all these points very clear.
You're a vain one, are you? I wasn't even replying to you, just making an observation. I could have skimmed through and quoted the other 2 posts that had a similar flavor but I don't think it's necessary (and you'd still feel attacked regardless).

All in all, it doesn't change what I'm observing. Cimerora? Shadow Shard? Yeah, those are 'zones' too and they're deserted, barely utilized and some people even dislike them. But the way you try and defend your statement doesn't make me feel you're any more reasonable, just more a whiny git that doesn't know what he wants.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
What I think hurt was the fact they aped what the Big Game on the market does for endgames: raids. Alot folks want something to do with their 50s but raiding was not in the top three. They should have gone with more story arcs, TF/SFs, and keep the Mirror/Mirror as your lvl 50 content like it was design in the first place.
It is hard for me to look at SLAM, BAF, DD, and KEYS as raids. They are either long missions, or short TFs. They are not what the rest of the MMO world would call a raid though.

TPN, MOM, and Magi are getting close but they are more like a TF.

The only one that really feels like a raid to me is UG. That is more because it is a pain in the butt than time.

The only thing in this game that I have ever done that felt like raids in other games is Old style Hammi. I have been told that new Hammi is still raid like, and the SG raid (sorry it is late) is very raid like.

Well, I guess we could call them raids because they require more than a full team, but then not all of them even fit that.

I think tradition is the only reason these are called raids at all. Shoot I am not sure some should even be called trials. The old respec trial puts some of them to shame when it comes to difficulty.

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