Intriguing Massively Article

Agent White



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
If any of you have ever played the PC version of The Temple of Elemental Evil, it has a very cool intro which is customized for your party's alignment. Basically they went through the trouble of creating 9 different intros to the game so that you could choose the one that would give your character proper motivation to get to the starting point of the game.

It's a concept that's so very rare.

One of the things I like about CoX and that keeps me coming back is that, seemingly unlike most other MMORPG developers out there, these guys actually seem to care about the low-level experience. In seemingly every other major-market game out there, the early levels only exist in order to get past them in order to experience the 'real' (i.e.: end-game) content.

I missed GR when it launched and came back just as Freedom was being marketed and I'm still not done exploring Praetorian starting content. I also haven't gotten any of my toons to level 50 yet, and I'm not feeling all that bad about it, either.




Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
I've been saying a somewhat darker version of that all along. My version is even simpler: after the nuclear whale abortion that was Tabula Rasa, after becoming an industry laughing-stock, NCsoft tripled the development and maintenance budget for City of Heroes, in a Hail-Mary pass attempt to try to make up for what years of neglect had done to the game.

It was way, way too late for that to work.

Look, this part isn't speculation: if you triple your operating costs, you have to triple your revenues just to break even. The studio went from 15 developers to a hair under 50 overnight. Have revenues tripled since then? No. They've risen modestly, but they haven't tripled.

Or have they?

I keep running into people who admit to having spent insane gobs of money on the Paragon Market. New content turns out to be a money-loser for them, but new prizes for spins of the virtual slot machine (Super Packs) and new costume sets and new powersets are all selling like hotcakes. What was a $15/month game is now, for I wonder how many people, a $30 or $50 or more per month game, and if enough people compulsively buy every new powerset, every new costume pack, and buy $12 per power purple sets for the resulting alts? That could have ended up way more than tripling the revenues.

If you like getting new costume sets and new powersets and don't mind paying double or triple what you were paying before, and don't mind the fact that we're probably never again going to see an expansion the size of City of Villains or even a smaller one like Going Rogue, that's a good thing.
Brad, I gotta say man, you make some awesome posts. Oddly we are having a very similar discussion on my SG boards. There it is more about how certain people dislike the hybrid model, than GR. But the premise is the same because in the end it all falls back to money.

I am one of those people who has spent insane amounts of money on the paragon market. Long story short, I bought a year sub in Jan. I then dropped all other hobbies and buy $40 a month in points, and at two point I bought $100 in points., and there were a few times where I did $60 instead of $40 for a month. I found out I had cancer, and that was my pity party, I do not regret it at all.

I loved the content in GR because I liked having a choice that actually made an impact on the world. Be it black and white, or morally ambiguous, my choices changed things. That was cool and new. Not only that, some of my choices bothered me. That was good... the first two times I did it. After that it became a pain. I even stopped reading the text during the beta so the content would be fresh when it went live.

Really it is not too late to save Pretoria. There are several things in this thread that could still be done. I hope they are done, because I would hate to see all of that great content rot. When I say content I am not only talking about the stories, but maps and mobs also. Right now, it is rotting.

Oddly the main reason I will never touch it again as a new character has nothing to do with most of what has been named. The main reason I will never do that content again in its current form is that once I leave it is never acknowledged again that I am a praetorian.

Going to Pretoria should be a 3rd choice in the regular game tutorial. Where when you leave the first mission you run is the Praetorian tutorial. They need to leave the ability to go between worlds, and also make it so those contacts can't be out leveled.

The old reason given for out leveling content was the level range in which the mobs for that arc existed. The game has better tech than that now, and very few people actually street sweep now except to finish out a level or as part of a mission.

Really though, it falls to if Paragon believes that Gold side is worth saving. I find the storied written in Preatoria tend to be better than everything else in the game. Yup, that includes the SSA missions. FW and NW are filled with interesting content, While the rest of CoX is a hit or a miss, especially blue side. There are some gems in the old blue side content, but it is a lot like going to a yard sale. It is mostly just junk, and this is even more true about launch content. Around i8 was when the writing started to get better imo.

So... That was longer than intended.

Edit: Side note, the reason most blue side TF's have larger merit rewards is because they take longer to do. There is a formula they use. I however do not think that is why less people play red than blue.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
As I've said before, my own personal theory was that all the content in Going Rogue was designed to be level 50 content which got retrofitted to be 1-20 because at the time the 'meh' of low level legacy content was apparently losing them subscribers.
There wasn't nearly enough time for that, even with the ramped up dev team size - don't forget that they weren't just making 1-20 once - they were making 1-20 four times, as well as creating zones to fit those storylines.
Plus, story-wise and XP-wise, it wouldn't have made sense at 50 - they wouldn't have spent all that effort on zones, mobs and missions just for content at the level cap.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There wasn't nearly enough time for that, even with the ramped up dev team size - don't forget that they weren't just making 1-20 once - they were making 1-20 four times, as well as creating zones to fit those storylines.
Plus, story-wise and XP-wise, it wouldn't have made sense at 50 - they wouldn't have spent all that effort on zones, mobs and missions just for content at the level cap.
Not that I really disagree, but other games have been known to put that much into end game expansion.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
That article is wrong on so many levels.
The layoff theory is especially weird - the dev team was increased specially for GR beacsue they were working on multiple new zones, power sets mobs and systems and graphics - and unless they were planning to add the same amount of stuff in all future Issues, then the team was naturally going to get downsized after the launch, just like all MMO dev teams.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Had it not been rushed, overpriced and poorly tested
It was around 2 years in development, cost half the price of CoV, and had an extended closed and open beta testing period.

Had they allowed Praetoria to evolve into a well-tested, lvl 1-50 solo-friendly experience, coupled up with a few Praetorian TFs and Trials
It was never planned to be anything like that - the 1-20 content was paced to come to a natural end at 20.

I think the next issue will be the last Praetorian content ever released
There's more Praetorian stuff in I24

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by jfp2004 View Post
I doubt the story will expand beyond the 1-20 zones in which it currently exists. Yeah, there's First Ward and the upcoming Night Ward, but those kind of exist in their own little world, referencing events in Praetoria proper but open to all factions and existing within it's own area and with it's own lore. It doesn't have the same feel as the 1-20 content.
That's because the 1-20 content was paced to deliver the major revelations about Tyrant and the dictatorship by level 20 - there's no where else to go with the Resistance vs loyalists dynamic - once the evil has been exposed, the story moves smoothly into First Ward, building on the 1-20 content, and revisitng contacts and NPCs from GR, expaning on the world of Praetoria, and drawing the plot threads closer together for the start of the war.
There's a clear story path that leads directly from the first act of defiance in the Precinct 5 tutorial, where you try to turn in you Powers Division badge, to the fall of Tyrant and the destruction of the loyalist dictatorship in the Magisterium Trial.
The Praetorian storyline is the largest and most complex one they've added to the game so far, and it covers normal story arcs, solo-only morality missions, NPC personal stories, repeatable contacts, Incarnate arcs, TFs and Trials - the devs have used every type of design tool and system available to them to tell the story of Praetoria, and the game would be worse off without it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Quite possibly the -last- Praetorian content though.

The devs have said they feel the fanbase is sick of Praetoria and wants out so I really get the feeling they're just boxing up Praetoria. I don't believe the Magisterium trial and Night Ward etc were actually planned to be the wrap ups. I kind of get the feeling they intended there to be more but seeing how unhappy people have been with the trials and war, they're capping it off quicker than they would have and we're moving on to the Battalion.

Praetoria in general just feels like a project of great ambitions that have sloughed off and now they're just trying to finish it up quick and let it die quietly while they dazzle us with more new shinies. Like, the alignment system dies at 20. The only thing in First Ward to cater to it is the repeatable contacts. I don't think Night Ward even has that much.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
AE in general just feels like a project of great ambitions that have sloughed off and now they're just trying to finish it up quick and let it die quietly while they dazzle us with more new shinies.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
You wanna cry about bases and pvp while you're at it too?



There's a lot of cool discussion that made me think a bit about Praetoria and what could be done to make it more open to players/more popular in general.

But first, after what someone mentioned about how F2P has been used to "save" games and what might have happened to Tabula Rasa, I now regret that the model wasn't around when Earth & Beyond was getting canned. Ah well.


Like others have mentioned, Praetoria is too closed off. I kind of like that in some ways, but I acknowledge that it's an odd decision in an online game. I think it needs to be opened up to people in two ways:
1) It needs to let both heroes and villains enter the zone and initiate the storylines under the guise of being undercover/infiltraiting the regime. Sure, they can already go to Praetoria and assist in content at any levels, but they can't initiate anything aside from zone events on their own. Change that, and find a way to add them to some kind of flashback system for those that are too high for it, and I think a lot of characters outside of Praetoria would give the content a look.
2) It needs to let Praetorians leave Praetoria BEFORE level 20, without changing their alignment, and visit BOTH Paragon and the Rogue Isles. I think being a Praetorian should make it so you're the equivalent to a rogue/vigilante rolled into one. Not able to start most content on either side (except for news/radio missions, to help with missing out on those if you roll a Praetorian and participating in DFB or something) but able to explore the zones and team up with Primals for whatever you like.

I think with those two options, you'd enable a lot of crossover. Now Primals have a new starting option beyond what they already have by being able to run Praetorian content if they want without having to start there exclusively. You could have Praetorians go to Primal and run content there if they want.

I also acknowledge that the Praetorian enemies can be annoyingly difficult for their level range. Destroyers, for instance, are a huge pain to fight before you get some kind of protection against what they can do. Seers as well, with their constant knockback. Not to mention ghouls and their heal-death-aura. These are cool enemies to fight, and don't get me wrong - I like the challenge - but they might be better off saving some of those more advanced abilities for higher levels.

As for the FUTURE of Praetorian content, well - I believe that it's pretty much going to be over after i24, and that makes me sad, but oh well. But if they WERE going to continue to expand it, this is what I would like to see, and how I would like to see it done:

1) Getting a direct continuation of the resistance/loyalist arcs IN Praetoria proper seems like it's just not going to happen at this point, and so, I'm not really going to take that into consideration. It's a shame, but there's not much I can do about that. So...

I think what they need to do is add Resistance/Loyalist content to Primal Earth. It needs to establish a story of "you're new in Primal Earth, and now your job is to get support for the Resistance/Loyalists, and/or cause trouble for the villain groups here, or the hero groups here, or gain power for yourself to achieve X" and so on. Start out by establishing your character in Primal Earth, either in Paragon or the Rogue Isles. It can evolve from establishing yourself to trying to achieve certain goals or whatever - like, for instance, First Ward and Night Ward. Since the 'leave Praetoria' mission pretty much always takes place BEFORE First Ward, send a Praetorian to Primal Earth at 20, have them establish themselves, then say, hey, you're kind of needed in Praetoria again, go take care of that.

This should ALSO be open to heroes/villains to run as well - with slightly changed text to acknowledge that they are Primals seeking to help the Praetorian cause, and not vice versa. Once again, this will help make it open to everyone and not lead to the same problem of isolation and exclusion that we currently have.

2) At some point, I'd like to be able to go BACK to Praetoria. I know earlier I said that a direct continuation won't likely happen, but this is mostly just my wish list, so I'm going to include this anyway. Basically, at level 40 or 45, I'd like the ability for a character to go back to Praetoria and run new content there.

I'd also like for Heroes/Villains to be able to change their faction to Loyalist/Resistance as well, once again, treating them like a vigilante/rogue hybrid. (Also, and this is important, making them able to run all the TF's, SF's, and Incarnate Trials even if they are Praetorian).

They don't even need new zones for this. I'd be happy if they just included some new contacts in the three established city zones and added more storylines that included content that leads DIRECTLY to the trials that happen later in the game. (In a perfect world, I'd like to see a Praetorian perspective on the Maria Jenkins missions, where you either attempt to stop or aid the Praetors in their plots. I can't see that happening, though.)

Beyond that, I'd also like their to be some missions dealing with the aftermath of the trials. I think Dark Astoria has spoiled me in that regard, but I want story epilogues to open up after running the trials that lets you see and experience some of the aftermath, like Calvin Scott after the Minds of Mayhem trial and so on.

Apologies for the wall of text.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It was never planned to be anything like that - the 1-20 content was paced to come to a natural end at 20.
I wouldn't argue that you are wrong about this point. But I do believe that their original plan to structure Praetoria around a strict level 1-20 setting was fundamentally flawed to begin with and yielded this unfortunate vibe that all we got was a "level 1-20 tutorial" out if it.

In fact I believe the only reason we got First Ward and Night Ward was that the Devs decided to make an attempt to "correct" the original level 1-20 design flaw and give players the higher level Praetorian content they wanted from the beginning.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Yeah, it really doesn't feel like a natural from from the 1-20 content into First Ward. When you hit 20 you get separate messages of "YOU NEED TO GO THROUGH THE PORTAL" And "oh hey, there's this other place too, might wanna check it out and stuff". But the two are pretty mutually exclusive and even just doing First Ward (and eventually Night Ward) you still end up going back to those portals eventually. It's more about just putting the choice off than feeling like a natural flow.

Not to mention that so much of what was built up in Praetoria with the alignment system and all that is tossed out the window into the co-op storyline.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I don't believe the Magisterium trial and Night Ward etc were actually planned to be the wrap ups. I kind of get the feeling they intended there to be more but seeing how unhappy people have been with the trials and war, they're capping it off quicker than they would have and we're moving on to the Battalion.
Tyrant's fall has been planned from the start - the dimensional war has always been "A Hero's Hero" on steroids - they took one of the most popular bits of original "endgame" content, and ramped is up to the level of a superpowered war, but kept the same structure - only now, instead of tracking down and defeating the Praetor's in their lairs, before finally defeating Tyrant and setting Statesman free, we now track down and defeat the Praetors in their lairs, before finally defeating Tyrant and setting a whole world free.

Like, the alignment system dies at 20.
The 1-20 pacing leaves it difficult to continue the "who's really right?" guessing game - by 20, the major reveals have been made, and the dictatirship has ben exposed as the enemy of everyone - there's not enough left to keep up another 30 levels of mystery when the mystery's already been revealed.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Not to mention that so much of what was built up in Praetoria with the alignment system and all that is tossed out the window into the co-op storyline.
The 1-20 content was designed to build up to the co-op content - that's why all 4 paths end with Tyrant as the enemy - there's no "yes, my Lord" ending anywhere in GR - you're either continuing to fight for freedom, or you turn against your former master.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
there's no "yes, my Lord" ending anywhere in GR - you're either continuing to fight for freedom, or you turn against your former master.
My first Praetorian character did the 'Power' arcs and chose to maintain Loyalist throughout all morality missions, and I got the impression that I was going to Primal Earth as something of an advance scout/one-man strike team for the coming Loyalist invasion.

All of my other Praetorian toons have finished level 20 in the way you describe, though.




Going Rogue was okay. But even in the first 48 hours I remember being a little annoyed with it. The game seemed to be built for what a solo character would want and not a team. Prior to Going Rogue I was already rolling characters and hitting level 20 on the same day by doing (old-style) Sewer runs, followed by Kings Row, followed by Steel Canyon. It was a mystery to me then and still is why the game keeps adding more low level content.

In addition, in Praetoria we have:

Task Forces: 0.
Radio missions: 0.
Tip missions: 0.

The one thing GR did add were Tip Missions to regular zones.

What I personally wanted (and still want) were more interesting equivalents of radio missions. Content that is easy to access, not very hard to explain, tends not to send you out of the current zone, and respects Super Sidekicking (which rules out ANY of the incarnate level content).

On a side note as of Freedom I have introduced many people to this game. Many quit for various reasons. But what strikes me that is that no one cited "stories" or "characterization" as their reason for quitting. It was mainly inability to understand game mechanics, the impression that low level combat is representative of later gameplay, and frustration related to inability to communicate with other players to find teams. That's anecdotal evidence, but its what I observed none-the-less.

I should also add that the "ah-ha-ness" of the characters in Praetoria seems to depends very strongly on familiarity with the "prime" universe. Someone who knows nothing about the primal areas would have no reason to care about whoever "Praetor Duncan" is a clone of.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The 1-20 content was designed to build up to the co-op content - that's why all 4 paths end with Tyrant as the enemy - there's no "yes, my Lord" ending anywhere in GR - you're either continuing to fight for freedom, or you turn against your former master.
While it's true that a lot of the content DOES end up with realizing "Hey, Cole and his Praetors are kinda nuts" the content doesn't really lead ANYWHERE once you leave Praetoria. Not immediately. It just stops dead in it's tracks. Not until the trials, and the story there is very straightforward and one sided, and doesn't really reflect the choices of anyone in the game previous.

I mean, First Ward doesn't really continue the content of Praetoria DIRECTLY. It's more open and not strictly related, as it's open to all factions.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
4) I will now put on my fortune teller's hat (no badge here, sorry) and say that there are enough clues in recent and upcoming content to suggest that leadership/marketing is going to try and re-launch and uber-promote CoH:Freedom in Korea at some point in the future. That alone should tell you the game is doing well (certainly much better than it was) in NCsoft's eyes.
Up until recently, it didn't have the microtransaction backing that seems to be the mainstay of Korean MMOs. And I'm willing to bet that, if it does relaunch in Korea, within six months we'll see them release a smartphone app that lets you log into your CoX account, view your characters and their slotting, make purchases from the store, and spend Paragon Points, with an auction-house interface being a possibility, and a costume editor being a real stretch pie-in-the-sky outside chance (simply due to how graphics-intensive it would be) to hook more players from that side of the Pacific.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
The other problem they had was that they set up Praetoria as a land of moral ambiguity and then once the iTrials came along, seemingly stuck for ideas, they went "nope, evil all along...lulz!" which basically undoes all the work put into the starting content and the mythos of Praetoria.
They were always evil from level 1 of GR - and in several cases, the GR versions of the AVs actually became even more evil than their originals in Maria Jenkin's arc.
The Trials and the Trial storyline were planned out at the same time as GR was being made, and since the NCSoft buy out, they've been planning way further in advance than beofre - like with the Coming Storm storyline - the Battalion doesn't arrive until I25, but they've already said that they've been planning out content up to I32, so before we've even seen what they look like this year, the devs have already got an idea of what we'll be doing with them all the way up to 2015.
Just like they didn't finish I18, and then sit down and wonder what to do next with the storyline.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
You wanna cry about bases and pvp while you're at it too?
Nope, those are not areas of enjoyment for me, but I see they were for you. Nice try.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post

On a side note as of Freedom I have introduced many people to this game. Many quit for various reasons. But what strikes me that is that no one cited "stories" or "characterization" as their reason for quitting. It was mainly inability to understand game mechanics, the impression that low level combat is representative of later gameplay, and frustration related to inability to communicate with other players to find teams. That's anecdotal evidence, but its what I observed none-the-less.
I would quit to as a complete freebie.... this game as a freebie is a preview advanced trial. Then again the people I have brought into the game are still here...and VIP after getting their freebie sample.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
I really enjoy Praetoria. The only thing wrong with it, for me, is the lack of ability to travel freely from Praetoria to Primal Earth before level 20. If that were fixed, I would probably start all my characters there, even if the access were just on a Rogue/Vigilante basis, where I could join teams but not get contacts.

I've always assumed it's some kind of technical limitation of the alignment system that keeps Resistance and Loyalist aligned characters stranded in Praetoria. I guess that's always going to be a problem with trying to do cool new things in a creaky old game system.
Particularly with the fact that Praetoria is still playing games in Paragon, just more covertly. Something I think the developers should do is add more missions to goldside, down all the morality lines, where you get a contact that sends you through a portal to either Paragon City or the Rogue Isles to meet with another contact, who gives you a mission arc, the completion of which will allow you to transfer back to Praetoria, where your original contact there sends you to the other side, to another contact with their arc for the same 'now you can go back' status, at which time the original contact will give you free access through the portal, and the Praetorian contacts blueside and redside would have additional arcs you can do (or a chain of Praetorian contacts on each side) -- but while you're doing those arcs, you're also able to join teams where you are, and when you finally choose to go redside or blueside, if you have these contacts, you can continue to get missions from them (i.e., Powers Division sends you to Paragon City, where you'll act like one of their 'heroes' -- but you'll still be working undercover for us).

On the flip side of this would be contacts blueside or redside who would be able to send you to Praetoria, with contacts there tracing blueside or redside interests, with the additional fillip of being able to get contacts in the Resistance and/or Powers Division who see your presence in Praetoria as a resource to further their own interests, with (if sufficient work is put into the contact tree) full sets of Warden/Crusader/Responsibility/Power contacts.

Of course, the additional opportunity to gain XP would mean that the level range for Praetoria would need to be expanded, with more regular content there as well, but I think that the additional depth that it would give to all sides would be worth it.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



For a lot of made up BS with no actual facts, I suppose it could be true but it all seems a little unlikely.

Business plan things out in years not weeks. Heck look at the latest interview with Black pebble. He said they know what's going to be on the market, when it's going to be on, when it will be discounted, when new stuff will be added out to 12 months. So no. Pretty much all conjecture with no basis in fact.

I grantee you, despite what Zwill says, they know exactly when they are going to have the Retro Sci-fi set on the market. They don't want to commit in case they miss their target date. Trust me these people, the dev's, all have their projects scheduled to the day if not the hour.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
The other thing was that if you teamed you blew past the story levels and missed out on the arcs, plus the having to unteam to do the solo missions at the end of each arc. While I very much enjoyed the stories there I found I had to be very careful of my leveling speed.
This is true Red Side, Blue Side, or Gold Side. Nothing new here.

Something witty and profound