The Signature Story Arc is Epic




Some interesting replies. I know it's relatively new content, I was levelling while most of it was released. But only now did I reach level 40 and could I do the whole story.

I agree that not all parts are equally good, but it all comes together very well in part 7. I compared it to a Superhero movie, and I think most have a plot of similar quality.

What made it great is that you really feel part of the story. Although from the comments I get the impression that it works less well if you play a Hero. The Villain story line works quite well, especially because Darrin Wade is someone you encountered in Sharkhead as well.

As to the whole Freedom Phalanx acting in or out of character. As I posted in some other feedback threads: I don't know them. I'm level 43 and haven't encountered any of them in game. The same is true for Recluse and entourage. With the exception of Ghost Widow.

Because of this I could easily justify the in game actions of my character, coming from a Resistance background, the Freedom Phalanx just seems to be Primal Earth's version of Emperor Cole and the Praetors. I have no in game reason to believe differently. I do trust Vanguard, as I worked with them in the Rikti War Zone.

Killing a major hero, after (s)he's been cunningly avoiding death for many years is always a stretch in any superhero universe. There probably is a TV trope for it.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
You must be new around here.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
I don't mind if any character is being written out for whatever reason...
I do. I'm the type of person to consider whether to stop watching a show when one of the main characters gets innexplicably canned. Who the hell would want to watch the X-Files without Mulder and Scully? How about Two and a Half Men without Charlie? 24 without Agent Bauer? MacGyver without MacGyver? USM without Peter Parker? Is the game really better without States, Psyche, Miss Liberty and Malaise? I don't think so.

Mainstream fiction on a serial basis is different from a novel or a movie - once they end the audience moves on. But a weekly show or comic book (or MMO) has to continue to attract its audience after each episode - killing its most popular characters isn't generally a good idea on the long run.

OP, while I hated it myself, I'm really glad you liked WWD, and hopefully there's more people like you out there. Lately I've begun to question whether City of Heroes is still being designed for its target audience - with every aspect of the game tested to exhaustion to ensure the players' maximum enjoyment. Some of the most recent decisions stink of "artistic" integrity and all the crap it entails, and I really don't want my favorite game to degenerate into "art" that no one wants to buy.

On a side note, they've begun testing the SSAs on beta before they launch, which is a step in the right direction - assuming the testers themselves aren't sycophants or blatantly ignored by the devs, things like WWD #6 cave-escorting nightmare shouldn't happen again.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Unchecked positive feedback might result in *shudder* more content like SSA#1.
So, wait, one (or more) positive comments would undo all the criticism left in previous threads?

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
I'm the type of person to consider whether to stop watching a show when one of the main characters gets innexplicably canned. Who the hell would want to watch the X-Files without Mulder and Scully?
If you think that Statesman and Sister Psyche are the "main characters" of this game, then you're probably in the minority.



Originally Posted by Chyron HR View Post
If you think that Statesman and Sister Psyche are the "main characters" of this game, then you're probably in the minority.
Statesman and Psyche are featured prominently in the comics, in the novels, in all official artwork and promo videos, in the main screen picture, in the character creation screen, in the official chronology, in the web-site, they're the main antagonists of vanilla City of Villains, their evil alter-egos are the main antagonists of current incarnate content, and even the forum picture above features States fighting a Warworks droid...

Minority, huh?



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Statesman and Psyche are featured prominently in the comics,
(A) nobody's seen the comics for years, and
(b) they didn't really feature "prominently" - or even all that much until the second set. The first run was Apex, War Witch and Horus - which felt far closer to the players.

in the novels,
Both of them... which focused on the FP, and at least one was primarily on Posi and Synapse reforming the Phalanx.

in all official artwork and promo videos,
in the main screen picture,
Which "main screen" are you referring to, and at what point? For the longest time we had an (unnamed) states and a pile of heroes. The character who eventually *became* Psyche was there, but she wasn't there because she *was* psyche.

in the character creation screen,
Not for a long time, and even now, it's on a (very skippable) "What's your playstyle" section - you only see them if you go through that and pick a specific playstyle.

in the official chronology,
They're *semi* prominent there, much like histories of WWII would have a lot of mention of Patton and Eisenhower, but not Lt. Murphy.

in the web-site,
... you mean the ones getting replaced?

they're the main antagonists of vanilla City of Villains,
Nooooooooooo, they aren't. I don't "Go to fight Statesman/the Phalanx" continually. I fight other villains. I fight low level heroes. I fight a lot of Longbow - way the hell too much Longbow. The "main antagonists" end up being the leadership of Arachnos themselves. Honestly, until the (very badly done and rather ham handed) VEAT storyline ending, I don't think I was ever forced to go fight States. Positron, yes - I think we end up going against him, BAB and Synapse the most. Numina once or twice. I don't even think Psyche's brought up, much less Statesman, in the main 1-50 run - the first time I remember doign anything about them was going to the rather sideline Ouroboros stories to do the bit with the jade spider.

their evil alter-egos are the main antagonists of current incarnate content,
True of the entire phalanx, pretty much,
and even the forum picture above features States fighting a Warworks droid...
And is getting changed!
Minority, huh?
Yep. You just aren't exposed to those two very much, and that was true even while COH/COV was under Cryptic's watch. Even heroside, you don't really deal with States until the Hero's Hero arc, and Psyche... well, not at all other than being given a TF from her.

There's pretty close to zero player investment or interaction (other than "give me levels/a TF") with the characters.



Every silver lining has a cloud!

For the record, I think that the SSA arc is pretty good. It's not completely awesome in every mission of every arc throughout the whole story but the entire arc holds together pretty well and does throw up a few surprises that will have a lasting impact on the game.

I play this game to be entertained.

SSA:WWD entertained me.

Job done!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I liked the arc a lot, excluding the very first mish where I just got utterly beat down depending on what char I played. I am still peeved that they killed lava damage.

Hew in drag baby



I played the hero arcs on a 'rookie' young hero and the villain arcs on an infamous rogue with background ties to the well and incarnates. They seemed to work just fine for them. Did the cast of heroes feel mis-played? Nope. Did my rogue feel railroaded or misrepresented with his involvement? Not particularly more than any other content. Everything did feel a tad rushed though but all in all, it was fine. Not great (although there were some great parts in there) but not bad.

It's no Bioware but certainly a cut above most other content in the game...or maybe because it fit the characters I played them with quite good, which is all that I'd ever expect from this game. Some arcs will run better with some types of character types and not others.

I'll still repeat them, most likely for the rewards but skip over the story for other characters.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
You must be new around here.



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
Minority, huh?
Memphis Bill already said everything I would have, but I'd also like to point out that "I agree with everything I said earlier" does not constitute a majority.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
You must be new around here.
Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Well you're wrong. "Hating everything" is only applicable to Venture. I've actually seen Sam praise content.



The SSA was a promising first draft that had the misfortune of being published. Or maybe it just crams too much into a series of three mission episodes.

Despite being rather rough, episode one was still good enough that I stayed up late waiting for episode two to drop.

Episode two was interesting, but suffers greatly from "who are these people and why do we care?" Numina is painfully underdeveloped and unless you've played red-side, you've likely never heard of Darrin Wade. Although, in Darrin's case that becomes important later.

Episode three: Snuggle that idiot ball. On the upside, I thought the boss fight was fun. Alexis Cole Duncan and Marshal Blitiz were both interesting enough that I wanted to learn more about them...unfortunately. *hugs the idiot ball tighter*

Episode four: Here is where the SSA started to crash and burn for me. Still, I loved many parts of the episode. *pets the idiot ball*

Episode five: I'm so mixed about this episode. Victim tragically walks into a tragically obvious trap. But that's this guy's deal, so YMMV. Pluses include having Darrin Wade get bored and, run from us in terror, and giving us the chance to try in vain to revive States. Still, the feeling States was killed just to kill him lingers.

Episode six: Welcome to the Penny Sue Power half-hour (or 10 mins, whatevers) This episode felt that a demo for Penny that someone at the last moment realized it was part of a seven part series NOT about Penny.

Episode seven: Heroes (and demonic spider incarnates) In SPACE! Flawed and unfinished, but still pretty awesome. Interesting that I found Lord Recluse the most likable person on the ship of fools. Cap'n Mako was pretty nifty too. Unfortunately, my crowning moment of awesome was made at least partly possible by Penny Sue--or not, my corruptor pretty much just shook off the beam.

On the whole, I liked the SSA. It's only when I think too hard or look at the pieces individually that I don't.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
True - the press conference has multiple endings.




Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
So, wait, one (or more) positive comments would undo all the criticism left in previous threads?
^^^ This

There's a point where criticism (or vocal praise, for that matter) loses its credibility. That point is roughly at the stage where you see the same people repeating the same opinions in most every thread that brings up a particular topic.

_Who Will Die?_ has been hashed into very fine hash at this point. There's little to be gained by jumping into a praise thread and detailing all of the reasons it should not be considered praise-worthy, when those details have already been pointed out many times in multiple threads in the past.

In the end, it's a subjective experience. If someone enjoyed it then they're entitled to share their good feelings about the story without becoming a target for nay-saying, when the nay-saying is mostly just a repeat of previous nay-saying.

The devs know how the regulars feel by now. Hearing from new people who try the content and other new people who respond to that appraisal is what they need. If some people think it's good content (and there were plenty who did) then it's alright to let them celebrate their enjoyment. That won't somehow erase the dissatisfaction on the other side of the scale unless the devs are self-serving egomaniacs and I would not describe either Matt or Melissa as such.

I say this as someone who pretty much /facepalmed at 85% of SSA1. However, I had my say about it and behaving like a broken record isn't going to make a better impression on any Powers That Be than they already have, assuming that anything I said already even made an impression in the first place.

It's okay for people to like the SSA.