


Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
In the part where the three latecomers are crashing into downtown to join the fight there is a shot where they fly past a window viewing it from the interior. There are two people inside. I believe them to be Clark Kent and Lois Lane, as a cameo. But it happens pretty quickly. Can anyone check that for me? Thanks.
Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Why would Clark and Lois be making a cameo in an Avengers movie?
Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
You're not imagining things! It happens really fast, but I specifically remember a guy looking suspiciously close to Brandon Routh's Clark Kent standing in front of a window; he's facing away from the camera, but his reflection is easy enough to see in the window. I didn't have time to check if the woman was Lois-esque or not, but that wouldn't surprise me.
Originally Posted by Sith_Rose View Post
It seems highly unlikely, since Clark Kent and Lois Lane are DC characters. The Avengers are Marvel characters. I REALLY don't think they'd put in a cameo of their strongest competitor's characters in their own studio's movie. It'd be kind of like trying to have Statesman showing up as a cameo in Champions Online...not gonna happen.
Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Oh I dunno. I'm betting that as long as they didn't get TOO explicit, they could get away with a sight gag.
iirc, in the first episode of Lois and Clark, when Clark is trying on various super costumes in front of Ma and Pa Kent, one of the costumes is a dead ringer for Captain America's costume sans shield, of course.

Also, in Spider-Man I, doesn't Aunt May say to Peter "you're not Superman, you know"?

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



As I didn't see it mentioned before...

Hawkeye's select-a-warhead quiver was pretty nifty. With wireless control!

I will be surprised if it doesn't make it's way into the comics.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

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Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
As I didn't see it mentioned before...

Hawkeye's select-a-warhead quiver was pretty nifty. With wireless control!

I will be surprised if it doesn't make it's way into the comics.

Ya, they seemed to put a lot of thought into how an archery hero would actually work. I was a bit impressed with that. Especially when they showed him grabbing up previously used arrows to use again.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I work with someone who's in her mid 50's with a toddler. It's not like this doesn't happen.
My dad was 50, and my mom 35 when they had me back in the late 60's. My dad was a line supervisor building Grumman TBF Avengers during WWII because he is deaf in one ear due to a childhood illness.

The movie version of Howard Stern is Tony's father. People just have to deal with it.

Edit: STERN? WTF was I thinking when I typed that?



While the movies do indeed have Howard Stark as his father, we have to give credit to Samothrake for making a great case and providing a pretty air-tight proposal for working out of it.
If they make an Iron Man reboot in a few years, I'd say it is time to add another Stark in the timeline.

Don't get me wrong... this doesn't bother me at all. Time gets really weird with all these sorts of things (fictional characters carried on, and having their stories retold, for generations). This especially becomes an issue when things are attached to the WWII era (or any significant period in history).
We're drifting farther and farther away from it, hehe...
That started happening with the returning Vietnam war background characters a few decades ago... Hmm, wait, did he just say, "when we came back from Nam"?? He'd be like... 10 years old when the US left Nam!

Anyway... The Stark thing does still work today (albeit a bit sloppily). In a few years, it'll be a lot worse. And Samothrake's suggestion should work.

The timey wimey stuff isn't a problem for me though.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
The movie version of Howard Stern is Tony's father. People just have to deal with it.
Howard Stern is Tony Stark's father?!?!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
The movie version of Howard Stern is Tony's father. People just have to deal with it.
Howard Stern is Tony Stark's father?!?!

Stark.. Stern... Stoic...

Doesn't matter. Tony's father was distant and so he's still acting out.

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Howard Stern is Tony Stark's father?!?!

Yes. He faked his death and had plastic surgery to go into Radio after discovering the serum for immortality.

Sorry, I don't know where "Stern" came from. Huge brainfart on my part.



On a slightly side note, because I'm still fairly new to CoX: If the Avengers were CoX characters, what would their archtype/skill sets be? I'm sure this will cause a giant can of worms to be unleashed, but I'm just curious.



Originally Posted by Amethyst Rose View Post
On a slightly side note, because I'm still fairly new to CoX: If the Avengers were CoX characters, what would their archtype/skill sets be? I'm sure this will cause a giant can of worms to be unleashed, but I'm just curious.
Iron Man - Energy/Energy Blaster
Thor - Inv/War Mace Tank
Hulk - SS/Inv Brute (or Inv/SS Tank)
Black Widow - Dual Pistol/Devices Blaster
Hawkeye - Trick Arrow/Archery Defender
Captain America - Street Justice/Shield Defense Scrapper



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Iron Man - Energy/Energy Blaster
Thor - Inv/War Mace Tank
Hulk - SS/Inv Brute (or Inv/SS Tank)
Black Widow - Dual Pistol/Devices Blaster
Hawkeye - Trick Arrow/Archery Defender
Captain America - Street Justice/Shield Defense Scrapper
Thor's a little hard to place only because his Storm Summoning powers are just as powerful if not superior to his Tank powers.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Thor's a little hard to place only because his Storm Summoning powers are just as powerful if not superior to his Tank powers.
Eh, I'd consider his storm bit to be an APP style thing, Electrical Mastery if that was available to tanks. His main thing is smashy and taking the hits.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Eh, I'd consider his storm bit to be an APP style thing, Electrical Mastery if that was available to tanks. His main thing is smashy and taking the hits.
With all due respect, it's not just Electric Mastery. When Loki sent the golem to kill him in the first movie he created a controlled tornado to suck it up into the air and he fried the flying whale thing with storm summoned lightning in the Avengers. He may prefer smashy being raised in a warrior culture like Asgard, but his storm powers are no weak sister APP set.

It would be much easier to create Thor in the AE as an NPC rather than as a PC.

Or as a dev. I've seen a couple of their characters builds at events in game and they can have every power set all at once if the want.



Iron Man is a tankmage.

Iron Man is THE tankmage.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Originally Posted by Amethyst Rose View Post
On a slightly side note, because I'm still fairly new to CoX: If the Avengers were CoX characters, what would their archtype/skill sets be? I'm sure this will cause a giant can of worms to be unleashed, but I'm just curious.
Iron Man - Energy/Energy Blaster
Thor - Inv/War Mace Tank
Hulk - SS/Inv Brute (or Inv/SS Tank)
Black Widow - Dual Pistol/Devices Blaster
Hawkeye - Trick Arrow/Archery Defender
Captain America - Street Justice/Shield Defense Scrapper
It's funny, the GF & I kinda had a similar chat while waiting for a friend to meet us to see the Film last Saturday.

Shell head is dead on.
With Thor, yes you could try and work a electrical type in, but for general use, I'd go Inv/WM as well.
Hulk is dead on for a Brute as well. The GF wondered why not a Tank. I mentioned that the Brute suits the Hulk's nature better.
Black Widow could go a couple of ways: DP/Dev Blaster, MA/Nin Stalker, MA/SR Scrapper. Personally, I'd go Stalker and pick up Pistol Temps.
Hawkeye would go Arch/TA Corr, personally.
I'd say Cap is dead on as well.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by Tymers_Realm View Post
It's funny, the GF & I kinda had a similar chat while waiting for a friend to meet us to see the Film last Saturday.

Shell head is dead on.
With Thor, yes you could try and work a electrical type in, but for general use, I'd go Inv/WM as well.
Hulk is dead on for a Brute as well. The GF wondered why not a Tank. I mentioned that the Brute suits the Hulk's nature better.
Black Widow could go a couple of ways: DP/Dev Blaster, MA/Nin Stalker, MA/SR Scrapper. Personally, I'd go Stalker and pick up Pistol Temps.
Hawkeye would go Arch/TA Corr, personally.
I'd say Cap is dead on as well.

Thank you for the time...
I agree on Iron Man, but it doesn't portray him all that well, just the closest we can get in-game.
I, personally, think Thor would be a WM/Inv Brute. Am I alone?
As for Hulk, I cast my vote for a SS/WP Brute.
I agree with almost everything you said about Black Widow, except I would go with Stj/? instead.
With you on Hawkeye.
Yep. Cap is perfect as StJ/Shield.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Whedon was indicating about 30 minutes at least was cut from Avengers for the cinema.
That's what I've heard as well; I'm very sure a lot of extra footage will go in and if I can watch it as an extended cut, I'll be happy to.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It occurs to me I didn't mention my favorite scene. Its the scene where Banner says "that's my secret Cap, I'm always angry" and then turns into the Hulk.

Earlier in the movie Banner tells the rest of them that at one point he did in fact try to stop the Hulk by attempting suicide: he put a gun in his mouth and "he" spit out the bullet. It reminded me of Peter David's last issue of his run on the Hulk where a future Rick Jones is telling the story about what happened to Banner after Betty Ross died. At one point he recalls that Banner tried to kill himself through increasingly bizarre and spectacular ways, and how it almost seemed like the Hulk was taunting him by letting him get very close to succeeding before changing and saving him.

So when Banner says "I'm always angry" and turns I was reminded of that same comic when Rick Jones recounts when he last saw Banner. Banner had come to say goodbye, and just before he leaves he stops, takes off his glasses, and then turns into the Hulk. No pain, no struggle, one second he's Banner and the next he's the Hulk. Jones remarks how odd it was, as if Banner had finally given in to the Hulk and for the first time he just let the Hulk emerge.

That's sort of what I saw. To me Banner was showing everyone how much he struggles with the Hulk by showing what it looks like when he decides to simply let the Hulk loose. No pain, no struggle, no drawn out transformation: the Hulk simply emerges. I found that to be a pitch-perfect encapsulation of the character in that one moment. What we normally see is Banner losing the fight with the Hulk he normally wrestles with constantly. What we see in that last transformation is what happens when Banner decides to stop fighting for a moment.

I also know there are people who think there are little hints that Banner is in there in partial control of the Hulk, but I think that except for the fact that the Hulk is Banner, or at least a part of him, I don't think that is the case. Rather, I think that unlike the first time the Hulk emerges on the Helicarrier this time Banner allowed the Hulk to simply emerge; his subconsicous and conscious mind were on the same page, and the Hulk behaved accordingly. Banner knew this was a time the Hulk was needed and needed to work with the others, so the Hulk instinctively knew that also and was far more cooperative. I don't think Banner even consciously remembered the events that occurred when the Hulk went on a rampage on the Helicarrier, so he couldn't have taken any satisfaction from sucker punching Thor. But the Hulk obviously remembered.

At least that's my interpretation of those events, and why I like that one moment in the movie. Its a little thing that evokes a lot of background on the Hulk, possibly better than anything in either of the actual Hulk movies combined.

This is absolutely true; I know 2008's Incredible Hulk wasn't the best recieved of the recent Marvel movies, but it did lay some groundwork which was intelligently built upon.

In what ultimately became an alternate scene, the original opening of the movie had Banner do just what was described, him on an ice floe about to commit suicide only to Hulk out and stop it happening; interestingly, one of the original trailers showed some soldiers walking past what appeared to be someone frozen in the ice ala Captain America, replete with shield....the implication being that the Hulk's actions inadvertantly freed Rogers.

In reference to how much Banner is aware of, one of the things they establish in the movie is that Banner's brain, particularly his amyglada, was overloaded when he transformed, making him unable to think clearly beyond the rage. By the end of that movie, he's been treated and is clearly being shown to have achieved some level of control over the transformation.

Then by the time we come to this movie, we're seeing that although he still Hulks out, Banner's mind is still in there, affecting things. He may refer to the Hulk as 'the other guy', but it's Banner. Banner who I think looks genuinely a bit worried that Cap is going to reprimand him before telling him to go smash. It's all in the expression, the same one that he gives Natasha before he transforms the first time, that 'I'm sorry' look. He's in there, and he's pushing his way forward into the Hulk's mind more and more. It's also Banner's frustration at possibly losing Stark that causes that wonderfully funny 'wake the pancake UP!' roar.

Ruffalo has come out and said he wants to play a Hulk more merged and in control, and Arcana...if you've read as much Peter David as I have (I own his entire run on the Hulk book), then you know a merged Hulk can be a tremendously fun thing, especially with someone like Ruffalo in the role.

To me, this is a subtle, intelligent, and more importantly aware step forward in the character, giving me hope we may see more to a Hulk than just 'Smash' on film.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I don't think it's a coincidence that this is the first movie in which the Hulk is performance captured from the actor playing Banner. I think has two effects - a more emotive and Banner-ish Hulk, and a more authentic performance from Ruffalo, who is thinking "any minute now I'm going to get to suit up and smash stuff".

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Eh, I'd consider his storm bit to be an APP style thing, Electrical Mastery if that was available to tanks. His main thing is smashy and taking the hits.
It's his Ion Judgement. If anyone is an Incarnate, it's Thor.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
I don't think it's a coincidence that this is the first movie in which the Hulk is performance captured from the actor playing Banner. I think has two effects - a more emotive and Banner-ish Hulk, and a more authentic performance from Ruffalo, who is thinking "any minute now I'm going to get to suit up and smash stuff".
Except it is the second, I'm pretty sure. One of the on-set issues with the last one was Norton's insistence on using himself for the capture, as I recall reading...

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
It's his Ion Judgement. If anyone is an Incarnate, it's Thor.

I was looking up the Patron Pools and it looks like a Tank with Scirocco's would probably fit. Combine that with Preemptive Interface, Resilient Alpha (for Stun duration), Ion Judgement, Barrier Destiny (Resistance), and Melee Hybrid. Some are questionable, like the Alpha could be the Damage one.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
It's his Ion Judgement. If anyone is an Incarnate, it's Thor.

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Yeah, I was going to say that, too.

One could possibly say the same with Iron Man, but he's possibly more like a Blaster that's purpled-out to soft cap defense. Pay-to-win, indeed!
Is it really that powerful? I don't pretend to know anything about the Incarnate stuff, never bothered with it. So I'll bow to your superior knowledge on that topic.



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Except it is the second, I'm pretty sure. One of the on-set issues with the last one was Norton's insistence on using himself for the capture, as I recall reading...
I heard it was the first, but I could have heard wrong. These days, it seems surprising not to use perf cap.

I really should do something about this signature.