All Things Character Art




Thankyou for the new thread!

I'd love to see some turn up trousers and the option of a boater neck style top.

Both options would work well for male and female (though might look a bit hippy-ish on the male toons )

The dodgy mock up I've done there is based on one from the "baggy tops" section, and it would be great to see more of the options from the tighter regular tops, made available in baggy version generally. (IE some looser looking clothing outside of the robes).

A version of the spangly new Pocket D jeans, as cut offs (like the tattered baggy trousers existing) would be great too. You could make these options into a "Shipwreck Survival" set, with a hawaiian shirt, grass skirt and maybe a tattered/burnt out suit option, or a tattered/burnt out version of the existing skirt options.

Kephra's ideas on pg 1 (here were awesome. I've been wanting to see some more egyptian bits for ages- since we have the head-piece, it seems a shame not to be able to make up the rest of an outfit with the theme.

The most useful bits would be...

Collar (from Detail 2 in the Head section)
Here is a picture of a collar.

Skirt/Kilt/Loincloth and/or belt

Oooh look, but you already HAVE the template!

And here's a chappie wearing both.

Can work on both male and female alts (and reckon it'd be good on huge sorts too...).
I'd love all the other amazing ideas Kephra suggested too- but I reckon I could make a costume with existing bits, plus those.

AND... I want to be able to colour the VEAT helms when I put them with a regular costume please! Pretty pretty please!




also, mayhaps you can get some ideas for pieces from :cough:cha:cough:mpions:coughnline:cough:, particularly their Swamp King set and Serpent Armor set. we could use some more organic-nature pieces, especially with nature affinity coming out in the not too distantr future. [for example, has screenies of the costume parts mentioned. not to copy from, but to get inspiration from, cuz dink is the superior costume artist]

seeing as how some of the sets are... strangely similar... even with name and pieces in the same sets... :cough:retro-scifi:cough: simply due to the nature that is super-hero-ness, perhaps those two sets mentioned above can give insight as to armor pieces and organic body parts that are not yet in game but have been requested for for ages.

yes, even the belts from both those sets :P. especially.

NO i'm not asking you to copy [especially because you all can make SUCH better items], but they have examples of things that i think would be good additions to this game, and have been asked for before. tree-stumps, branches, chest/groin armor, arm wings, culturally inspired yet inoffensive costume parts, lots and lots of back details...

for all body types.

cuz everything should be on all body types.

XD keep up the good work!



Dink, I'm assuming it was you who made the freebie princess Hat, and that it was probably something you thought up yourself and worked on when you had space in your schedule, which means that you're a secret member of the princess club, and must know just how important long dresses are

So is there any chance you could try and give us something similar to the "solid" style of skirt used by the Tsoo and old Circle of Thorns models, as that would avoid a lot of the clipping issues that would happen with a long dress that was made to cover legs like the other skirt options in the game?
The "solid" skirt used by the Tsoo and old CoT was pretty flexible, and covered movements as subtle as stances right up to extreme moves like Martial Arts atttack moves, plus the ragdoll physics - plus, with the massively improved clothing textures we've been getting recently, the solidness of the skirt could be made to look a lot less solid by using folds and shadowing on it.

A long dress costume part would have loads of uses for the girls, and even the boys could use it for wizards or other mystical types, and basic texture options could range from silky, to patchwork, to tattered.
There's been quite a lot of magical/fantasy/old fashioned content recently, and long dresses have been requested for so long that I think that the big majority of players really wouldn't mind any of the minor clipping issues that might come from using an NPC style solid skirt model.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I've always thought we could use a jewelry set of costume add ons... RINGS for one thing, although that could lead to a flush of lantern wannabes...

I'd love to see several amulets and or pendants. You could hit several cultures with those as well, not just Egyptian. For some concepts, such could replace their chest detail insignia quite easily. That and something smaller and similar to the Ring/Jewel chest detail, hanging from a chain. Toons of Magical characters would probably love that -- but you could probably come up with some high tech examples as well. Even some less gaudy neck options than the current gold chain could prove advantageous for secret identities and street clothes variations.

We've got BASIC earrings, but they are buried in other options.

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track



**Apologies if my example pics don't show up right. Not sure I used the right coding.**

Masks/face stuff - I really would love it if we got some new mask love. As heroes or villains, some of us would like our identity hidden and the masks under Face could be more interesting.

A Mask pack would be super cool with say 5-10 masks with maybe matching belts? It could be similar to the Carnival of Light pack in price. The masks could be any of the ones currently under the face options to start and then some detail added? A little depth and some shadows. Not super detail like the Carnival masks but somewhere in between the painted ones and the carnival ones. It would give them the feel of actually being a mask rather than look like they are painted on the characters faces. Here are some examples:

These would be great to help disguise my heroes true identities in a more stylish way.

Thanks for looking over my ideas and thanks for the SWEET princess hat!



I'm back to an old standby of mine - more custom weapons. I'll break this down into two parts.

More custom weapons in general. Broadsword has a zillion, but pretty much anything that's not Broadsword has a handful of decent ones and a handful of weird ones and that's it. We have scarcely any bows and over half of War Mace looks like joke weapons. We need more custom weapons for all sets to cover a variety of visual themes. We need larger weapons, smaller weapons, more realistic weapons, more unrealistic weapons and so forth. In fact, we need so many I'd like to see that "Weapon Pack" we keep bringing up made, eventually. Just make a single pack that has, say, two or three new weapons for EVERY set. I'm sure that'll add up to 30 or 40 new models total, but it'll sell like hot cakes, definitely. Besides, I have to assume making new weapons needs less fine-fitting than making new clothing costume details.

More real weapons for Titan Weapons. I know the point of that set was to be ridiculous and absurd, and I don't want the weapons to become any smaller, but come on, now. Can we get a sword that looks like an actual sword got supersized? The Buster Sword and the Fusion Swords look good, but they're bizarre and they both come from Final Fantasy. Pendragon's Exaclibur is cool, but I'll never be able to have it, and it's missing the point - I don't want a signature character's weapon, I want a Titan Sword that actually looks like a sword as opposed to a giant boat paddle.

I'd like to see, at the very least, a giant sword-looking sword, a giant two-handed hammer that doesn't have a jet engine on the back and probably a more traditional morning star mace supersized. Yes, even if I have to pay for them like the Titan Weapons extra weapon pack.


Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



We need a weapon pack for Staff. Period.
Naginata used by Tsoo, Nemesis staff, Black wand, Vanguard energy staff, Rularuu staff, Cure of the lost wand... A lot of stuff already exist and could be included.



Can we get this belt (for both male and female)?

I noticed it on a merit vendor in Sharkhead near the Black Market and thought it looked great. We need this! Oh and make the gem in the middle of the buckle colorable with a 2nd color!

Jem - Ill/Rad Controller Lv 50+3 Nic - Mind/Psi Dominator Lv 50+3 Lady Liberation - Invuln/SS Tanker Lv 50+1 Invicitx - Demon/Pain Mastermind Lv 50+1 Celeste - Emp/Arch Defender Lv 50+1 Nightsilver - DB/WP Scrapper Lv 34 Dusk Howl - StJ/Regen Brute Lv 32 Kyriani - Time/Energy Defender Lv 41Psifire - FF/Psi Defender Lv 50
Star Lighter - LB/LA Peacebringer Lv 30



At one time, there was a thread for "lost" costume pieces, pieces that had once been in the game but had vanished for various reasons.

Some things that once existed (in CoV beta, I believe) that are no longer with us that I'd like to see return include the Wrapped face, chest, and legs (think mummies) and the Monstrous Fur shoulders (similar to those on the original model for Shadowhunter). I believe the stated reason for removing the second item was "clipping," but given the amount of clipping several "modern" shoulder options create, I'm not sure design policy on shoulders hasn't changed.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Yes! A new thread!

I've asked for these in the past, and will continue to ask until we get it, the servers go dark, or I get kicked from the forums because I won't stop asking for this. Here's a link to my all-time #1 request for costumes: full-body capes/cloaks. The post linked goes more into detail of what I'm looking for and I guess what I'd envision it to look like in-game. In short, since I was younger and watching Batman: TAS, I've always loved the large, full-body cape he wore. My main character is my idea of who I'd be if I were a superhero, and for the most part he looks about like I've always imagined, however that full-body cape would be the one thing needed to complete the look.

Also, opaque eyes for masks would be neat as well, but I can live.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Having finally run into them in-game, I want to lend my voice to asking that we get access to the various Black Knight pieces. I don't know if they've been made for the female and huge models, but if they aren't, they should be. In the meantime, weapon models don't have model restrictions, and I'd like to see the various Black Knight swords and shields put in the editor. I can see why Excalibur might be held back (I can't, but let's say I can for the sake of argument), but the others don't really have this excuse.

Please, let me have those pieces. I'd be willing to pay for them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Black Knights: Armor
Knives of Artemis: Hoods with hair, wrapped band, metallic corset and boots...
DA Tsoo: Hats, belts and glowing/no glowing tattoos

Can we please have this costume sets on the Paragon Market?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Having finally run into them in-game, I want to lend my voice to asking that we get access to the various Black Knight pieces. I don't know if they've been made for the female and huge models, but if they aren't, they should be. In the meantime, weapon models don't have model restrictions, and I'd like to see the various Black Knight swords and shields put in the editor. I can see why Excalibur might be held back (I can't, but let's say I can for the sake of argument), but the others don't really have this excuse.

Please, let me have those pieces. I'd be willing to pay for them.
You can weild Excalibur for your TW character after running the Magisterium trial, as very rare drop or at Empyrean Michael for 10 Empyreans if Im right.



I don't like playing on an archery-based powerset simply because my character pulls their arrows out of thin air.

Can we please have quivers?

On the less important side of my suggestion: I would greatly love a energy melee alternate animation similar to icy fists, but more like a glowing/radiating wire-frame version of it. Just energy formed into solid lines.

If i can manipulate energy so well on my blaster, why must he wield pom-poms of light?



I just would like all the masks and "__ with skin" options to be solid instead of looking like very thin body-paint.
Actually, keep the body-paint looking options and make a solid look an addition, since some body-paint looks work for some ideas.

It just really sucks to see skin-tone through what should be a solid shirt on females or a solid mask or a solid strap outfit(angelic pattern, a.k.a. Fifth Element: Leeloo thermal wraps).



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
I don't like playing on an archery-based powerset simply because my character pulls their arrows out of thin air.

Can we please have quivers?
What about all the weapons that come out of thin air?

I think it would take a tech change for weapons, but arrows could be made to work with an illusion created by clever quiver(hehe) placement.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
You can weild Excalibur for your TW character after running the Magisterium trial, as very rare drop or at Empyrean Michael for 10 Empyreans if Im right.
That's what I mean. I can understand Excalibur being unlockable by extreme measures, but I see no reason for the rest of the pieces to not be let loose in general population.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's what I mean. I can understand Excalibur being unlockable by extreme measures, but I see no reason for the rest of the pieces to not be let loose in general population.
Their chainmail is a "market only" set, so I doubt the armor pieces and sword would be anything less.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
Their chainmail is a "market only" set, so I doubt the armor pieces and sword would be anything less.
So long as they don't have to be unlocked by in-game action per character, that's "general population" enough for me. And I come back bearing picks, just to show you what I mean.

Again, I get that Excalibur has to be earned, but what about this sword:

And, in general, what about this armour:

We have a weapon, shoulder pads, boots, gloves, a belt, two separate chest pieces at least one of which ought to be player-usable.

Also, I've always felt Archery looked quite boring, to be just a no-effect set of a bow that goes "thunk," and the Black Knights have a very good depiction of what fancier, prettier archery might look like. Take a look at this freezing arrow:

See, it's not just an arrow prop, it has effects, too. Granted, the Black Knight effects linger on for far too long and have the tendency to fill a room with blue and black smoke right quick, but a faster-fading player version of this would turn Archery from something I tried to use and failed into something that I'd really want to try. Well, at least on a Ninja Mastermind.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm not arguing against you, just being Captain Obvious.

If you want a close look to the Black Knight armor you can go with valkyrie pieces and possibly barbarian pieces as well.
Maybe they didn't add the black knight armor because it was rather close looking to valkyrie, but I think that would be a dumb reason.



I just wish we had more "completely free" option.

Actually, I would like the way the vanguard pieces are obtained to be more common.
Where we could get them immediately from level one on all characters through a purchase or unlock them per character through play.
That would be perfect.



Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
If you want a close look to the Black Knight armor you can go with valkyrie pieces and possibly barbarian pieces as well.
It's quite the opposite for me. I don't want to look like a Black Knight. I want their costume pieces to make costumes that look nothing at all like the Black Knights. You know, mixing and matching pieces and giving them unusual tints.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I just noticed this:

Originally Posted by Arbiter Warrant View Post
The wings stay closed when Super Jumping. This is Working as Designed. If you wish you can add this to any of the costume wishlist threads. It is not a bad idea, just not a bug!
When wings proper were first introduced, they didn't flap when chracters jumped, and we fight tooth and nail to get them to do so, such that the wings were usable for more characters than those who had Fly. I feel the same is true for the Mecha Armour wings. Yes, they are technically "wings," but wings can be used for more than flight. They can also be used for gliding, as seen in both birds and enginless glider aircraft. If need be, go the same route as Celestial Wings and add a version that opens when jumping and a separate one that only opens when flying.

For my own use, I'd like to create a fairly giant robot who's too heavy to fly, but is able to super-jump thanks to giant glider wings.


Similarly, could we please make Jet Boots and the various Jet Packs fire up when jumping so we can simulate jump jets? Pretty please? I'd be OK if that came as a separate costume bit option.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.