A thought: Loyalist Male Psychics in Praetoria

Agent White



In Praetoria, it seems, every (or almost every) female psychic who doesn't join the Syndicate or Resistance is forced to become a Seer. What I want to know is, what happens to male psychics. I don't think there are any male Seers, so would they just join Powers Division?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



It's a good question. The Praetorian Psimon Omega is on the run from Mother Mayhem, and there are several male seers among the Awakened in First Ward, so we know she collects them, just not sure what she -does- with them.



Play First Ward. Apparently, there ARE male Seers in the Network. Why don't we see them in the original Praetoria zones? No idea.

Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
just not sure what she -does- with them.
Mother loves ALL her children.




She makes them dead parrots?



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
women are more likely to have psychic powers.
Is that actually a stated fact anywhere in CoH lore?

Note: That's a serious question. Aurora Borealis, Vanessa DeVore, Sister Psyche, Penny Yin, Katie Douglas, Fortunatas and Seers greatly outnumber... Malaise, Psimon Omega and a handful of the Awakened (Is that it? I can't think of any other male psi-users). But is that just a writer tendency, or is Psychic ability somehow tied to gender?




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Is that actually a stated fact anywhere in CoH lore?

Note: That's a serious question. Aurora Borealis, Vanessa DeVore, Sister Psyche, Penny Yin, Katie Douglas, Fortunatas and Seers greatly outnumber... Malaise, Psimon Omega and a handful of the Awakened (Is that it? I can't think of any other male psi-users). But is that just a writer tendency, or is Psychic ability somehow tied to gender?
Bane spiders all have some psychic ability. They're still outnumbered by Fortunatas and Widows, though, as far as ability goes, and it's played up as being pretty minor until the mind-link enhances it. Anyway this isn't apparent unless you read the lore because they don't have any psychic attacks... it is part of the concept though.

{}... .-



Mother changes the male psychics into female seers. Drink Enriche!



I think a good deal of male Psychics in Praetoria are outright killed off, and those that aren't are cast aside to become members of the Awakened. It seems that Mother Mayhem prefers female psychics... -probably- because she is female and thus would find their bodies more comfortable should she need to reside in one for awhile.



The technical answer is that male brains work in a different way, so she might not be able to link up with them so easily to feed on their psychic energy.

The more likely answer is that she's just not into boys.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I think it's clear something is done with them, we've just seen the end result with the 'Awakened'.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Is that actually a stated fact anywhere in CoH lore?

Note: That's a serious question. Aurora Borealis, Vanessa DeVore, Sister Psyche, Penny Yin, Katie Douglas, Fortunatas and Seers greatly outnumber... Malaise, Psimon Omega and a handful of the Awakened (Is that it? I can't think of any other male psi-users).
There's the PPD Psi-Division, they seem all male. Although their abilities appear to come from training, not inborn powers. And in Praetoria the Syndicate is full of male psi-users, right up to Wu Yin himself.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Is that actually a stated fact anywhere in CoH lore?

Note: That's a serious question. Aurora Borealis, Vanessa DeVore, Sister Psyche, Penny Yin, Katie Douglas, Fortunatas and Seers greatly outnumber... Malaise, Psimon Omega and a handful of the Awakened (Is that it? I can't think of any other male psi-users). But is that just a writer tendency, or is Psychic ability somehow tied to gender?
Stated in lore, it is not. Enforced in lore... that is a different story. I always just saw it like this as far as the game goes.

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Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Is that actually a stated fact anywhere in CoH lore?

Note: That's a serious question. Aurora Borealis, Vanessa DeVore, Sister Psyche, Penny Yin, Katie Douglas, Fortunatas and Seers greatly outnumber... Malaise, Psimon Omega and a handful of the Awakened (Is that it? I can't think of any other male psi-users). But is that just a writer tendency, or is Psychic ability somehow tied to gender?
I think they're just tryng to make the game world more relaistic

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think they're just tryng to make the game world more relaistic

I will just pretend this makes any sense at all.



Plastic surgery. We all know Mother Mayhem isn't entirely real, if you know what I mean. Neither are many of the "female" Seers. It all makes sense.

TW/Elec Optimization



The way I had always heard it, women have several times greater connectivity between the right and left lobes of their brain (not sure how this works, since I heard this from a dumb-down version many years before I even learned what Corpus Callosum), and because of this they are more likely to harness hidden abilities with their mind in superhero lore. Men, having less connectivity, go with the simpler solution of bashing things with a rock.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
The way I had always heard it, women have several times greater connectivity between the right and left lobes of their brain (not sure how this works, since I heard this from a dumb-down version many years before I even learned what Corpus Callosum), and because of this they are more likely to harness hidden abilities with their mind in superhero lore. Men, having less connectivity, go with the simpler solution of bashing things with a rock.
How utterly sexist.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
How utterly sexist.
Comic book logic? Sexist?

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



It balances out though - so while woman have more joined up brains and can withstand pain better than men, men are generally taller, faster and stronger than women.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



How about we leave Praetoria and anything related to it after i23. Let's go for something new and fresh...no more goatee universe or anything like that.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Is that actually a stated fact anywhere in CoH lore?

Note: That's a serious question. Aurora Borealis, Vanessa DeVore, Sister Psyche, Penny Yin, Katie Douglas, Fortunatas and Seers greatly outnumber... Malaise, Psimon Omega and a handful of the Awakened (Is that it? I can't think of any other male psi-users). But is that just a writer tendency, or is Psychic ability somehow tied to gender?
There's the PPD Psi-Division, they seem all male. Although their abilities appear to come from training, not inborn powers. And in Praetoria the Syndicate is full of male psi-users, right up to Wu Yin himself.
There's also the Clockwork King.

Ultimately I think it's just a tendency of people to think of Psi based powers as being feminine. Psi Blast's base color is even bright pink, a "feminine color."

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Sure most psychics are female. They're also mostly evil.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
Sure most psychics are female. They're also mostly evil.
Only when they've been corrupted by evil men

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork