A thought: Loyalist Male Psychics in Praetoria

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Got any examples to back that up? Or do you just mean something like Katie Douglas in FW ignoring the earlier morality choice with her?
I wouldn't say that it's 'ignoring' the morality choice as it is choosing which choice became canon. With katie being free it's highly unlikely she was handed back over to Mother.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I wouldn't say that it's 'ignoring' the morality choice as it is choosing which choice became canon.
That's still ignoring it

FW assumes that every player chose the Resistance option to free Katie in her GR arc - which fits with design of the Praetorian meta-storyline of everyone siding with the Resistance to set up the eventual fall of the dictatorship in the Trials - but it's still an example of them simply ignoring a pro-loyalist choice, rather than writing around it like they did for other situations.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
That makes me picture them floating in front of computers, typing with their minds.
Pretty much, unless one of the new seers is obligated to go on a coffee run.

Fortunately, it's pretty easy to remember your co-worker's orders.

Unfortunately, if you decide to go out for coffee, everyone in the office pool instantly knows.