Staff Fighting and VIP
When freedom came out the devs said there would be 2 free power sets each year and the other sets would be pay sets.
In part Staff Fighting uses shared tech from both Dual Pistols & Street Justice, as well as new animation stances and the weapon models as well.
To be honest, I don't see a issue with Staff Fighting being a "all Pay" set. It is a rather Mechanically and Visually intensive Powerset. Also don't forget the tweaks made to it to be useable to Stalkers as well.
Thank you for the time...

Dark Control/Affinity/Assault was our new free powerset for the time being. And Time back in i21.
Really i can't be bother with all this. Im paying for the game allready and i dont have the Points to buy this or half the other stuff i want from the market. !! i Flatly refuse to pay any more real money for points. Give me the contents i pay for !! thats what i say !!
There are only three alternatives. It thinks were either a threat, food, or a mate. Its gonna either kill us, eat us, or hump us.
I don't necessarily remember the "2 free a year" statement. I'm only asking this since I was getting grilled by a new VIP player who didn't understand why it wasn't free. I tried to explain as best as I could why it wasn't free for VIPs, but I was curious myself as to why it wasn't.
Really i can't be bother with all this. Im paying for the game allready and i dont have the Points to buy this or half the other stuff i want from the market. !! i Flatly refuse to pay any more real money for points. Give me the contents i pay for !! thats what i say !!
We've had powersets introduced in the past that only came with a purchase (Dual Pistols, Kinetic Melee, Demon Summoning, and Electric Control required purchasing the GR expansion).
There are free for VIP powersets that have been released since Freedom launched and there are paid powersets that have been released since Freedom launched.
Nothing has ever been stated that all powersets that are ever released will be included as part of the subscription.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
You are getting the contents you pay for.
We've had powersets introduced in the past that only came with a purchase (Dual Pistols, Kinetic Melee, Demon Summoning, and Electric Control required purchasing the GR expansion). There are free for VIP powersets that have been released since Freedom launched and there are paid powersets that have been released since Freedom launched. Nothing has ever been stated that all powersets that are ever released will be included as part of the subscription. |
There are only three alternatives. It thinks were either a threat, food, or a mate. Its gonna either kill us, eat us, or hump us.
I don't necessarily require the "2 free a year" statement. I'm only asking this since I was getting grilled by a new VIP player who didn't understand why it wasn't free. I tried to explain as best as I could why it wasn't free for VIPs, but I was curious myself as to why it wasn't.
Well they need to make money off of the Freems, which started this whole new buying individual power sets deal. It not being free for VIPs is basically just a way to mooch off some extra money. I'm not saying that in a way to insult Paragon/NCsoft, either. It's a great idea.
The way I see it is that we're getting way more powersets way more often by paying for them individually than we did getting them free in individual Issues.
Not taking into account powersets an archetype launched with or had proliferated from another archetype (so only counting powersets added to the game after the fact), we got Sonic Blast/Resonance and Archery/Trick Arrow in Issue 5, Thugs (Masterminds) in Issue 7, Dual Blades and Willpower in Issue 11, Shield Defense and Pain Domination in Issue 13, and the four powersets that came with Going Rogue (though arguably those aren't 'free' powersets). So after launch we got 4 powersets in 2005, 1 in 2006, 2 in 2007, 2 in 2008, and then 4 in 2010.
With/After Freedom's launch we've gotten Time Manipulation, Dark Control, and (if you want to count them as new powersets, despite mostly being comprised of powers copied from other sources) Dark Affinity and Dark Assault as free for VIP sets. That's 2 (or 4) free powersets in less than a year since Freedom's launch, which is essentially putting us back on track with the same number of powersets we got free a year.
HOWEVER on top of these free powersets we're getting even more powersets released that not only use new animations and weapon models, but totally new mechanics, too. Since Freedom's launch we've had Beam Rifle, Street Justice, Titan Weapons, Beast Mastery, and Staff Fighting added to the game on top of the free sets. We've had a total of 7 (or 9) new powersets in less than a year since Freedom's launch.
TL;DR... We're paying for them because they're pumping them out faster than they used to.
Light of the Phoenix - lvl 50 Fire/Emp Controller; Snow Panther - lvl 50 Cold/Ice Defender; Dragonfly. - lvl 50 Willpower/Fire Tanker; Magic Minx - lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller; Dust Walker - lvl 50 Storm/Dark (Sand) Defender; And more...
Because you're getting more now for free than pre-Freedom... and that's not even counting what you can get from the monthly stipend.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Texas Justice beat me to it, so I'll agree with him. When the game was paid subscription only, they would include new powersets in expansions ( like Going Rogue). They would also release powersets as part of the free issues. With Freedom, there is a lot more flexibility now. The devs can release new content when it's ready, not just as part of expansions or issues. Some of that content is paid, some is free (for VIPs). The players have the option of whether they want to buy the content or not. If they have enough Paragon Points built up from the monthly stipend, then it would be "free." Otherwise, it's a choice to buy the set or wait.
Kyle Al'Mordu - Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrap
Fusion Force!

I don't necessarily require the "2 free a year" statement. I'm only asking this since I was getting grilled by a new VIP player who didn't understand why it wasn't free. I tried to explain as best as I could why it wasn't free for VIPs, but I was curious myself as to why it wasn't.
Some people don't want the new powersets, for example I did not buy Street Justice or Titan Weapons, but I did buy Beast Mastery and Staff Fighting. That leaves my other points from subscribing to buy other things on the Paragon Market.
Sometimes they give out new costume pieces and sometimes we need to buy them like before Freedom. Now you can save those points to buy them whereas before you had to pay above the subscription to get them.
Before Freedom we did have to buy some powersets or the release like Going Rogue which they were part of so not everything was "free" to subscribers even before Freedom.
So really, technically under Freedom if a subscriber is willing to wait they can have the stuff for "free" using points awarded as a subscriber.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
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I don't necessarily remember the "2 free a year" statement. I'm only asking this since I was getting grilled by a new VIP player who didn't understand why it wasn't free. I tried to explain as best as I could why it wasn't free for VIPs, but I was curious myself as to why it wasn't.
I don't recall "two free power sets per year" either. I suspect that someone is misremembering.
My feeling is we weren't promised all free power sets for VIPs, and I assume that there was something announced to that effect. However, VIPs *do* get free points each month. So if you are clever, you save those points and always have about 800 points (only two months worth) on hand, so you can just buy any new power sets with your free points.
The way I see it is that we're getting way more powersets way more often by paying for them individually than we did getting them free in individual Issues.
This is a good point and it's definitely my impression that we are getting new power sets much faster now. Extra gaming dollars mean extra development and goodies. There's ain't no other way.
I'm definitely appreciative of the amount of powersets we've seen since the launch of Freedom. I, personally, am not complaining about having had to pay for Staff Fighting, but I remembered it being said - and I could be remembering incorrectly or once again fabricating memories - that VIPs would have to pay for sets that included "new tech."
Either way, if my $15 PP purchase helps fuel the development of Crap Blast, then it's a win.
Man you guys don't stop Complaining do you, if you don't want to pay for it, save up you Paragon Points, since you should have done it along time ago when talks about Staff Fighting was coming out..
I don't mind paying, this game is free to play, it need another Source of Income to grow.
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You only really need to 'buy' it with real $$ if you don't have points saved up and you want the set right now. If you want to wait, in 2 months your monthly stipend will allow you to get Staff for 'free'. Or is my math off on that?
- Xyzor, Lightning.Rod, Kagyx - Rubber Mulch / Wholesale Candy - Freedom Server
I'm definitely appreciative of the amount of powersets we've seen since the launch of Freedom. I, personally, am not complaining about having had to pay for Staff Fighting, but I remembered it being said - and I could be remembering incorrectly or once again fabricating memories - that VIPs would have to pay for sets that included "new tech."
Logically, I would asume that they'd want the more popular powersets to go on the market (for obvious reasons). It's too early to say, but so far that looks to be the way things are going. Based on that, I'm therefore guessing that "new tech" sets will probably not be VIP freebies too often, but I don't think they've necessarily ruled that out either.
Personally I don't want to spend my points on a power set I won't play... so I choose not to...and that's the beauty of options.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"
Pardon my Search-Fu, but I'll ask anyway. Why did VIPs have to pay [for] Staff Fighting?
Yes, VIPs might have to save their points for a month or two to get Staff Fighting "for free." They might have to make choices and tradeoffs, deferring the purchase of a costume set to get Staff Fighting. But I haven't spent a nickel on points since Freedom came out.
Additionally, VIPs can test-drive power sets before purchasing them by going to Beta, where they're free for testing. I decided against Beam Rifle and for Staff Fighting after testing them both on Beta. VIPs don't have to buy a pig in poke if they don't want to.
I can see why a newly subscribed VIP would be a little impatient to try out the latest thing. But if they're new they have dozens of other free power sets that they've never played before. What's the rush?
Explain to them that as VIP they will get points each month. Those points can be used to buy the sets without spending any money.
They may not realize that if they've only just subscribed.
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Hmmm, have they knocked down the price for powersets from 1600 to 800 recently? I cancelled sometime ago due to what I consider an exhorbitant amount of time to have to wait for a powerset ( 4 months ).
edit: why is it showing "PERC Representative" under my sig now? Very odd.
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Pardon my Search-Fu, but I'll ask anyway. Why did VIPs have to pay Staff Fighting?
To be upfront - I paid for Staff Fighting and it doesn't bother me in the least. Instead I am asking this after a new VIP subscriber asked me to explain to them why VIPs had to pay for this set.
My understand was that powersets that used new tech - i.e. Beam Rifle, Beast Mastery - and yet I don't see what new tech Staff Fighting uses besides animations. Time Manipulation was free for VIPs and it used new animations, so why wasn't Staff Fighting free for VIPs as well?
I'm happy with my grossly overpowered Staff Fighting power and looking forward to beating up a lot of Circle of Thorns with my broom on my character "The Homeless Lady."