"Good" Griefing Stories




This thread is beginning to put Andy Kaufman to shame. I can't tell who is being fully serious versus wry satire in several of the posts above.



Originally Posted by DocSachiel View Post
If Ryu Planeswalker knew what he was doing, it wouldn't have turned out that way. It's an odd reverse grief, where the griefer is the one accusing others of griefing, thus ruining it for everyone else by ruining it for himself.

And if you don't like the concept of a naked butterfly man, you might need to check your prejudices at the door. Insect otherkin get trashed even worse than the usual ones, and its sad to see a community that cannot accept others for who they truly are
I have no problem with our six-and-eight legged otherkin brothers!!! But the Goons Squad character is not a REAL otherkin just a fat naked man w/ clown makeup and pink wings. His costumeis very triggering to me



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Are we talking about SA Goons, or just a generic "goon squad." Also, when did the Hive become a PvP zone?
If this is the SA Goons it wouldn't surprise me. The Goons don't so much play an MMO as they "professionally grief." But really, there are many small griefer cultures and copycats that just notice an advertised event and realize they have someone they can harass. The unpredictability is often as big of a rush as the harrassment itself.

They don't care if they die a dozen times if they ultimately make you quit trying to do a raid or can't get a particular badge. In a F2P game, even banning isn't a big deal, although many try to skirt the line just because they don't want the complainant to get the satisfaction of a banning.

They're there to revel in the power of making others miserable. If you let even a hint irritation show, you've given them what they want.



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
But I never take it too far. I try to keep it in the "not sure if serious" level of awkwardness. Nothing overt.

Because screwing with someone's good time is ok if it's only just a little bit?

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Well it's fairly easy to just head over to SA and check the CoH thread. I called pre-emptive shenanigans earlier, and it looks like I was right.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
They're there to revel in the power of making others miserable. If you let even a hint irritation show, you've given them what they want.
...And that's one of the problems with this thread. If the OP is serious, what he doesn't understand is that anyone who was griefing the raid who reads this will be immensely satisfied. This is exactly what a griefer wants. I mean, first, they mess with and event to the point that it cannot succeed, and then on top of that, a forum thread about it too? SCORE!

What exactly did you think this thread would accomplish? For people to read it and hate this "Goon Squad"? If so, then you've broken a forum rule and you risk getting punished yourself for it. (Which, incidentally, takes the griefing to yet a whole 'nother level.) For people to hate griefing that goes on in the game? Uh... We already do?

The best way by far to deal with a griefer is to ignore them and work around any grief that they're trying to impose on you. Don't even acknowledge their presence. If it's simply impossible and they have ruined your event beyond repair, then politely inform everyone that you're not going to complete the event, and go your merry way. The more upset you get about it, the more you gripe about it no matter how justified you are, the more ruckus you raise about it, the more jolly they get. On the other hand, the more happy and casual you are, the more that it's obvious that they're not getting under your skin, the more miserable they are because they've just wasted their time and effort for nothing.

Unfortunately, there are griefers in the game. It's a sad fact of life, but a fact nonetheless. Fortunately, the relative number of them to good players or even average players is pretty low, so try the raid again some other time. Petition them, and encourage your friends (preferably privately so that they don't know they're getting to you) to do so as well. DO NOT engage the griefer, because 1) it makes people less sympathetic to your cause, and 2) when a GM reads the logs, they will see it as two people arguing, not one person harassing another. Be as nice and polite as possible, and not in a passive aggressive kind of way.

I wish they'd put a part on effectively dealing with griefers into the tutorial. So many people screw it up. They're not bad people or dumb people; dealing with griefers is one of the most frustrating things an MMORPGer faces. But ragequitting a raid, getting all worked up about it, posting messages here... Those actions are counterproductive and only encourages the griefer.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I was one person on that raid. Yes, the griefers were annoying, but the league leader didn't help, rage quitting at the drop of a hat, when I'm pretty sure we could have recovered and finished the thing. And ohmigods, the swearing from that guy. Now I've been known to use the occasional cussword when something cheesy or stupid happens, but I don't drop the F-bomb multiple times in one message, screaming at the whole league about how put-upon I am, because oh how awful, I'm running it all on my own. Especially after volunteering to run it on my own.

And yes, I did petition the griefer. Not only was he griefing, he also had a name that was a clear reference to genitalia- just another rope to hang him with. And yes, I heard quite a few others doing the same, which is the proper thing. I didn't argue with the griefer, just petitioned and encouraged others to do likewise.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Originally Posted by Amanita View Post
And yes, I did petition the griefer. Not only was he griefing, he also had a name that was a clear reference to genitalia-
i have petitined the Goons for their bad names before and NOTHING EVER COME OF IT!!!!! they have names that trigger and insult and sicken and they never are banned! soon we find a GMis in the goons squad and SUPPORT their grief!



I, too, am deeply offended by clinical terms for parts of the anatomy located in the same general area as the naughty bits, regardless of how innocent they seem on the surface. Why, I once reported a saucy gent by the name of Pelvis Presley because science has proven that thinking about the pelvis puts the innocent mind in jeopardy by its inextricable association with the butt

And let me tell you fellows, thinking about butts NEVER leads anywhere good!



For what it's worth, it sounds like the raid leader kinda sucked too. As he's described, even without any griefers, it probably would have failed because someone wasn't "doing it right." I admire people for trying to run an event like this, but part of being a leader is keeping your cool and working with out-of-the-ordinary situations.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



When X-Funk was still around he'd break up PvP farms on Pinnacle...one time he TP Foed a victim to all the Explore Badges in Warburg before finishing him, ending with a message like: "You're welcome for the badges, from Nites of Darkness!"

Classic stuff.

Then there was the time some people on Champion went under the Hive's map during a Hami raid and Snow Storm pulled GMs into the bowl, or the other time they just attacked Hami from under the map, thankfully enough of us rushed in to get our hit in.

Awesome stuff.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



When I petitioned that guy, a GM showed up shortly after and asked me to confirm the player name I was referring to. I've never had that happen before, so I'm guessing he was looking into it, at least.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Originally Posted by Crippl3 View Post
Didn't think they cared about us anymore.
I have no clue what happened, but yea....we don't care about you.



PK Squadron on Guardian used to behave exactly like what I'm hearing about Goon Squad. Though I have heard it said that they mostly obeyed the directives of their masters: Ownage.



Originally Posted by Pasiphae View Post
i have petitined the Goons for their bad names before and NOTHING EVER COME OF IT!!!!! they have names that trigger and insult and sicken and they never are banned! soon we find a GMis in the goons squad and SUPPORT their grief!
i no, rite? Darn things getting all up in the doohickeys and causing charlie foxtrots.

Sorry, but while some of the people posting here may actually be serious, this thread is overall quite silly. From the days of the old Hami raids on Champion i've seen really concerted efforts at griefing and seen them fail. If half of what's been posted here about the raid in question is halfway true, then ultimately the raid failed more because the leader let someone's antics get to him than any actual griefing of the raid itself.

Which can happen, and isn't really a condemnation of the leader as a player. One of the reasons i generally avoid leadership roles in large events is that i know i lack the required tolerance for stupidity. i'll help coordinate, but someone else can lead.

*runs out of the thread flailing like a Muppet*

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I think this entire thread is one big grief.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
This thread is beginning to put Andy Kaufman to shame. I can't tell who is being fully serious versus wry satire in several of the posts above.
Okay, it's not just me then.



Does griefing your own raid count? I organized a Hamidon raid about 3 months ago and was entirely too overconfident. I made sure we all had EoEs and Break frees, then had our league of somewhere between 24 and 32 people engage in a 100% push. Hamidon really couldn't touch us, but eventually it became clear that merely surviving against Hamidon wouldn't net a reward - defeating the heals put out by his Greens was part of the equation that, in my glory-lust, I completely forgot to factor in. The strategy can work for 6 full teams of incarnates, but part of leading a raid is working with what you have instead of expecting a "one-size-fits-all" approach to tactics.

Outside of that the only griefing I know about is the Kronos vs. Hamidon battle, which was pretty amazing and creative. If you keep the game in perspective random events can add to the fun and epic-ness of an encounter. Or fill your server's end-game "black list." Either way it's important not to lose your head.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Pasiphae View Post
Member of this "Goons Squad" are the kind of element that is DESTROYING our game. I have REPEATEDLY had my costume contests crashed by certain members of Goons Squad. I work very hard to put on fun, interactive community activities where many members of Virtue's vibrant furry and otherkin community can come together and share their experiences, and it is VERY FRUSTRATING to have the Goons Squad come in with their terrible costumes of nude men with butterfly wings and destroy my work!!!!!
The Goon Squad can be annoying, and their leader kind of bossy... but this sort of thing right here is why I tolerate them. The mental picture this evokes is worth the price of admission alone!

p.s. public events are public; to avoid The Wrong Element I suggest events held in your SG base.



Originally Posted by TommyTrD View Post
Also the irony of people in this game complaining about comedic names/costumes isn't measurable considering the sheer amount of futa
Wait, what

Does that **** really happen on Virtue?



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
On occasion, my friends and I do a form of griefing that involves powerset conflicts.

For example, all four of us had illusion/storm controllers, so sometimes we would team up and then invite scrappers and tanks to our team. With all the knockback and repel and wild storms ... well at least the melee guys got xp.
My main Tank got invited to a TF once, and two Storm Controllers were on the team. I had an idea that my life was about to be made a misery, and politely bowed out before start.

This kind of thing is what makes people avoid teaming with stormies, just saying. What's all in good fun to you might end up with you being quietly one-starred by your victim.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
The Goon Squad can be annoying, and their leader kind of bossy...
Who's their leader? I thought they were just kind of a collective.



Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
Wait, what

Does that **** really happen on Virtue?
Ohhh, yeah. Let me tell you, I've been on Virtue since 2005. And they deserve every single thing they get. There's some good people, but mostly you just see really horrible and stupid things. Eventually you learn to just enjoy it and laugh at them.



Originally Posted by Ein_Dose View Post
Ohhh, yeah. Let me tell you, I've been on Virtue since 2005. And they deserve every single thing they get. There's some good people, but mostly you just see really horrible and stupid things. Eventually you learn to just enjoy it and laugh at them.
Hey, if they want to pretend their girls have foot-long Coneys, that's all well and good. What's creepy is that they're waggling them around in front of other players.



Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
Wait, what

Does that **** really happen on Virtue?
There's a few. They mostly hide in the Pocket D. It's another perfect instance where the global note feature comes in handy.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue
