This is why I'm not PvPing.




I was mostly referring to folks who don't like being competitive, or who are put off by trash talkers and "ganky" players, stuff like that. Things that nothing strictly mechanical is going to really sway one way or the other.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I simply can't accept the idea that a video game requires skill.
hand-eye coordination
reaction time

basic necessities.



There is also three-dimensional thinking and planning that can be considered skill. In one of the few arena matches I got into, I managed to win it by using my toon's shift+click to teleport power to warp around while sniping the tank who was chasing me and could obviously bash my head in. I got a few shots before he figured out that he could use a nearby ledge to block attacks from a certain direction, forcing me to have to engage him in a more head-on manner.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In either case, however, this only shows what the challenges are in doing it right. It is not a justification to claim its impossible to do.

I don't PVP 'cuz it's way too hard to understand.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I was mostly referring to folks who don't like being competitive, or who are put off by trash talkers and "ganky" players, stuff like that. Things that nothing strictly mechanical is going to really sway one way or the other.

Yes, some people no matter what will never try PvP. Samuel Tow said pretty much that (I believe).

Those other things will repell some players from trying pvp as well.

What we attempted to do with Boot Camp was to remove as many of those as possible.

It was made clear from the get go, that this was only for learning and having fun, rather than a true competition.

Trash talking was strongly frowned upon, pretty much every PvP event I have ever hosted on Victory has been free of Trash Talk.

Most of the reasons people dislike PvP is their experience with Zone play, that is really unforunate.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
A trio of us moved to infinity because it was "the" arena pvp server. I became friends with players in the dUmb channnel and had my @$$ handed to me by shu and stella.

I did mostly zone RV on infinity for maybe a year with the occasional duel against critakill, warlust and such. I believe but don't quote me that tpvpl season 1 was about this time, or perhaps just prior.
miss Shu and Stella

and there should have been a drinking game for whenever Crita would say "YOU'VE BEEN CRITA-KILLED!" ...if there wasn't one already <.<

Originally Posted by rsclark View Post



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Besides that, it's easy to say that it could be improved on just because other parts of the game were improved on. But the devil's always in the details. Exactly how is it supposed to be improved? The devs have already made several attempts to improve it and those have all pretty much failed. What more could they do? Give all PCs in PvP zones an equal number of hitpoints? I don't know!
I know how to fix it and I've been saying it ever since PvP was first mentioned: everyone has to be equal. Full stop.

Anyone who's played an FPS knows that's the only way to truly have workable PvP. Even in games like Team Fortress 2 where you have classes, each class has one specific advantage and one specific detriment to balance things out. And then you have equal teams. When they become imbalanced, there's a feature that switches a player to the opposite side to even things out again. Everyone has to be equal individually and each team has to be equal.

Problem is, almost no one wants that to happen in this game. People would have a fit if a Stalker and Tank had equal hit points and did equal damage, and people would further lament over their hero being forced to switch to villain and vice versa. I would happily play that way, but I doubt many others would.

All of which is why I say PvP doesn't fit MMOs unless the game was designed for it from Day One.

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I know how to fix it and I've been saying it ever since PvP was first mentioned: everyone has to be equal. Full stop.

Anyone who's played an FPS knows that's the only way to truly have workable PvP. Even in games like Team Fortress 2 where you have classes, each class has one specific advantage and one specific detriment to balance things out. And then you have equal teams. When they become imbalanced, there's a feature that switches a player to the opposite side to even things out again. Everyone has to be equal individually and each team has to be equal.

Problem is, almost no one wants that to happen in this game. People would have a fit if a Stalker and Tank had equal hit points and did equal damage, and people would further lament over their hero being forced to switch to villain and vice versa. I would happily play that way, but I doubt many others would.

All of which is why I say PvP doesn't fit MMOs unless the game was designed for it from Day One.
Yeah a system like that would not encourage me to pvp....just saying.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I was mostly referring to folks who don't like being competitive, or who are put off by trash talkers and "ganky" players, stuff like that. Things that nothing strictly mechanical is going to really sway one way or the other.
This might be me. I deal with so many needy and jerky people in real life I'm not sure I could bring myself to deal with any even in the best PvP system in the world.

That said, for those who love it, I hope it gets fixed. My buddy would love it and I know that many on this thread do as well.

It's kinda the same reason I don't like to lead. I have to make decisions and herd cats all day, at night I just don't want to be responsible for anybody but me. Maybe selfish, but very relaxing just to have somebody else do it and just bash bad guys.



I always wanted to try some sort of scenario based PvP myself based off of game missions

One Person is a Giant Monster and fights a team of players

Terra Volta Trial where one side spawns in as random Freakshow Lts and Bosses againt a team of heroes

One Person is fully powered Statesman and fights a team of villains

One side plays as the Shooting Stars against a villain team

The current PvP reminds me too much of chess nerds. If I go into PvP I will fight an uninteresting characters who is focused on game math. I don't feel like I am fighting a hero or a villain I feel like I am fighting a Math Teacher. It really ruins the moment.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I know how to fix it and I've been saying it ever since PvP was first mentioned: everyone has to be equal. Full stop.

Anyone who's played an FPS knows that's the only way to truly have workable PvP. Even in games like Team Fortress 2 where you have classes, each class has one specific advantage and one specific detriment to balance things out. And then you have equal teams. When they become imbalanced, there's a feature that switches a player to the opposite side to even things out again. Everyone has to be equal individually and each team has to be equal.

Problem is, almost no one wants that to happen in this game. People would have a fit if a Stalker and Tank had equal hit points and did equal damage, and people would further lament over their hero being forced to switch to villain and vice versa. I would happily play that way, but I doubt many others would.

All of which is why I say PvP doesn't fit MMOs unless the game was designed for it from Day One.
FPS PvP is not the same thing as MMO PvP. Not even close. It's very possible to have enjoyable PvP mechanics in an MMO (EVE does this, WoW does this, pre-I13 CoH did this, and to an extent post-I13 as well) without having everyone be the same. To illustrate an example, let's look at two of the major FPS games on the market right now - Battlefield and Call of Duty. Battlefield is, arguably, a much more team-centric game due to having character classes with different weapons, equipment, strengths, and weaknesses, with some degree of customizability. You might be able to lone-wolf in Battlefield, but there will always be some situations where you're at a disadvantage because you aren't the right class to handle a particular encounter (for example, a medic going up against a tank really only has one possible outcome). In Call of Duty, other than weapon and perk choices there aren't any character classes and every player is more or less capable of lone-wolfing the game. Communication and team play factor more heavily into the Battlefield experience simply because the game is designed around it.

MMOs are more like Battlefield than Call of Duty - there are character classes with their own strengths and weaknesses, and some classes won't be as well-equipped to deal with a situation as another class might be. Teaming solves those weaknesses in PvE as well as PvP. In a multiplayer, class-based game, it's nigh-impossible to have "perfect" PvP balance in 1 vs 1 encounters (or even small-team encounters) because everything has a counter. However, the picture of balance starts to become more clear once you factor in large-team PvP, which has, at least in CoH, generally been considered the pinnacle of organized PvP pretty much since PvP was introduced. A particular one of your characters might be at a disadvantage against another player's character, but odds are pretty good that you've got a character that would be at an advantage over that character, and so on. That's just the way class-based PvP works, whether it's in an MMO or an FPS. When you've got two full teams working together and communicating, you can make up for each others' deficiencies, allowing two roughly-balanced teams.

In short: everyone does not have to be equal for PvP balance to occur. Even if that were the case, the idea of balance you have would be impossible since it fails to take player skill into account, which is something you can't adjust for no matter how good you are at "balancing" - it's just too big a variable. Just as in the PvE game, Stalkers are good at doing lots of damage really fast to a single target, while Tankers are good at soaking up damage and managing aggro. What players fail to realize is that to an extent these roles carry over to the PvP side of the game (though to less of an extent than they did pre-I13), so they complain that X always beats Y so nerf X when really Z can beat X and A can beat Z and so on. Characters are designed to have weaknesses so they can't "do it all," nor should they be able to. To use the FPS example again, if I'm a medic going up against a sniper from hundreds of yards away, it doesn't mean the sniper should be nerfed, because that's the role a sniper excels at.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I know how to fix it and I've been saying it ever since PvP was first mentioned: everyone has to be equal. Full stop.

Anyone who's played an FPS knows that's the only way to truly have workable PvP. Even in games like Team Fortress 2 where you have classes, each class has one specific advantage and one specific detriment to balance things out. And then you have equal teams. When they become imbalanced, there's a feature that switches a player to the opposite side to even things out again. Everyone has to be equal individually and each team has to be equal.
I truly don't accept that as true. I think PvP in Guild Wars was really well done, back when I played it. (That was back before the first expansion, so if it sucks now, I missed it.) There was definitely no one-on-one "balance", and PvP was very much about the whole-team build. It created a huge variety in rock/paper/scissors type interactions between different themed teams - you could have a team that dominated a bunch of other teams but would completely collapse if the other team was some other specific build. And harkening back to Zwil's comments about good PvP requiring tons of dev investment, GW's powers were constantly being tweaked and changed with the rather express intent of keeping the FoTM a shifting target.

Sure, if people define "PvP" as one-on-one duels or deathmatch, then yeah, the only way to have decent PvP is if everyone is basically the same. But any time you have a team game, that stops being required to have "balance".

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
"Castle broke PvP"

1/2 truth- It was Castle's *work* that became I13 but if you are to believe what has been posted on other forums, the finished product was not how he envisioned it nor was it the actual "finished" product. Just like with most things I13 was suppose to be a work in progress, however, since his departure and the less than warm welcome to the changes, people just aren't willing to set up and take a swing at that hornet's nest.
There was also some implications at the time of Executive Meddling, though I don't think that was or ever will be confirmed.

Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
"The Dev's don't listen"

I13, actually came about due to the Dev's listening in my opinion *TOO MUCH* Pre-13, community reps got on vent with PvPers and had a meeting to talk about what changes were desired and what was a priority#
Indeed, the problem was that the Dev team at the time ignored a sizable portion of the establishment to cater towards potential new participants. In Business Economics, I believe they call this "Churn". This gamble didn't work because the changes failed to attract new members to replace the old, even though the instructions they provided for garnering their interest were followed almost to the letter.

But as your entire post laid out, this whole thing was way more complicated than an Us VS Them scenario. PvP has always been a series of complicated problems.

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
HD really you can get around that with incandesence.
I dont want to get around it. Incadescance is retarded. No HD is much better than being able to chain AP without being punished.



Vaguley on topic:



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Hey TRT, I wanted to chime in about this.

I don't know if its legal to talk about this but (and I forget where I read this- either the PvPEC boards or the PvPEC GP site). Part of the issue with the T-shirts for U2BG was that people were requesting XS or 4XL t-shirts which Paragon Studios (idk if they were called that back then) didn't even have access too. I don't know what ended up happening but I'm sure communications broke down.

The champion league, Bud told me (while we were still both on Sporks) that he was pulling all the prizes and telling paragon studios that he didn't want any swag for the event. That is why if you look at the rules now on the GP site there is no mention of prizes nor were any of those "full sets of pvp Ios" given to team captains after the 2nd week.

When I talk about lack of support I'm talking about when I was leading PvPEC and was told "no we can't get you any swag". We then went almost 4 months with no communication with that rep, we couldn't add anyone to the hidden PvPEC forums nor remove people who had left/quit. The fustration was tremendous, and I was personally funding all the events with my own "swag", this actually was a common practice for PvPEC, the leader prior to myself would actually buy time cards or DVD box sets and offer them as prizes, because there was a lack of support from the devs at that time.

So to go from that to what we have now, where I could talk to Avatea or Z and get 20 codes with no issues is amazing. For Kat to get the, idk, 30+ codes he got is unheard of.
Afaik Kat didn't get any codes. they were pm'ed out randomly to people that they felt like on the list submitted to them where people with pm access could ask for one if they overlooked it. Thats why i have an issue with Zwillinger nonchalant saying "my bad?" several months later. Idgaf about the code myself, its the principle.

As far as the t-shirts: