Open questions left from the SSA




reviews have been discussed elsewhere, the only thing i will say about the first SSA series, is that I liked it and it is well written, but some unanswered questions left open for future content.

1 The Freedom Phalanx is still one man down, two were killed, but only one new member

2 Now that States is out of the picture, will anyone out there become more active, thinking the Freedom Phalanx is now vulnerable

3 While Recluse may not shed any tears for States, what would he do if he found out that Wade is still alive (saying in LR's view it was HIS right to kill States), and out of whatever feelings he had about the death of his niece. Likewise with Ms. Liberty, what would she do if she found out the man who killed her grandfather was still alive.

4. Aurora II, I suspect she is going to be a big feature in futute content, what will be her goals, and how will everything work out with the original Aurora and Calvin Scott( and is he now married to two women?)

5 Is Manticore falling to the dark side?



1. Devs want us to make a character, or it's implied a de-riktified Honoree will take over. But Positron will probably not allow that since Hero One would obviously outshine and overshadow Positron.

2. Yes

3. Recluse: AndNotASingleF#%$WasGivenThatDay.jpeg

4. Nope.avi

5. M.BisonOFCOURSE.avi

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I've got a bigger question: If Sister Psyche's in the Dilemma Diabolique trial, does that mean she may make a return? After all, States isn't in it either, so I'd assume the whole DA arc and trial took place after the first SSA.

So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United



Originally Posted by Black_Wildfire_EU View Post
I've got a bigger question: If Sister Psyche's in the Dilemma Diabolique trial, does that mean she may make a return? After all, States isn't in it either, so I'd assume the whole DA arc and trial took place after the first SSA.
I thought someone (Dr. Aeon?) had been quoted to say that she would be removed as part of i23, and that they had left her in the trial to not spoil the surprise.

I may misremember though.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I thought someone (Dr. Aeon?) had been quoted to say that she would be removed as part of i23, and that they had left her in the trial to not spoil the surprise.

I may misremember though.
You don't misremember it.

Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Just to be clear:

The actual removal of Statesman from the game content will come at a later date. It's a big effort that is better tied into a full issue release due to the number of bugs and edge-cases it can cause.
However, Positron didn't specifically state that the devs would be removing Sister Psyche from the game, only that they would be changing the game to remove Statesman in a future issue, which we all assume is i23. Considering i23 is probably at least six months away, it's possible that whatever takes place in SSA #2 will make this talk redundant (after all, Sister Psyche was a fairly popular character, and "comic-book" death isn't very reliable).



1 Im guessing either Honouree, Scirocco or someone entirely new. The team seem to lack a tank now. However, with the possible destruction of Praetoria on the cards, we could save a couple of heroes from that world. Dezzy would be the obvious choice there. Since the world has a deep history, its possible that one of the old heroes might come back from the dead, such as Atlas or Minotaur.

2 Im hoping that there will be a dramtic increase in the lesser groups making a push for a place in the new scheme of things. With Mrs. recluse back in the frame, its possible that Arachnos will make a diviation in their usual tactics. With Battle Maidens help, Malta will probably start up bigger operations, and Marshal Blitz was rescued by an unknown group which will probably show their hands soon.

3 I dont think that they will touch the Darrin Wade angle for a little while. They'll wait an issue or two before he comes back and I think they'll take their Rularuu angle alongside the revamp of the Shadow Shard.

4. I dont know enough about Aurora to know what plans Aurora II might have. She seemed a little unhinged so what ever she does will be chaotic and big!

5 I think Mantibore will most likely turn rogue instead of villain in a misguided sense of justice and revenge. Im hoping that Scirocco will turn Vigilante too.

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



My hunch is that a de-riktified Hero 1 will be joining Vanguard. It makes the most sense.

In the Dilemma Diabolique trial, it will be easy to replace Sister Psyche with Penelope Yin with "phasing tech".

It makes sense that Positron becomes the new leader of the Phalanx. He's the one that pushed for Statesman to bring the group together at the beginning. Sure, he lacks experience in leading, but so does the rest of the Phalanx. It will be interesting to see how his leadership tests the new Phalanx, too, and what complications arise (if any).

Back Alley Brawler might have more experience at leading, but he has less experience with the members of the Phalanx, the extent of their powers, their psychology, their personality traits, and how they interact with each other. In my mind it would be like a manager at Burger King being assigned to manage a McDonalds (I like hamburgers). Or, for a sports metaphor, the manager of the Pittsburg Steelers being placed in charge of the Browns.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



1) There's supposed to be a contest where a player created character gets added to the game to fill in that last spot. (Similar to how Numina was created.)

2) No opinion about this one really. I hope so?

3) I was frankly hoping they'd drop Recluse too. He no longer has a "blueside equivalent" so I'd kind of like to see a shakeup with Arachnos. (All hail Lady Ghost Widow.)

4) I kinda doubt it.

5) Of all the Phalanx members, he's always been the one that struck me as most likely to turn Vigilante/Villain. They've also been doing a good deal of suggesting at Scirocco's possible redemption, so maybe they trade places.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Rockshock View Post
The team seem to lack a tank now.
BAB could step in, but he's also semi-retired, so he might not want to take up full-time hero work again.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hero 1 is Britain's analog of Statesman. He'd be a lot more likely to go home if he was cured. I could sort of see him joining Vanguard, for obvious reasons, though.



I posted a couple in another thread, but there's the Marshall Blitz storyline (which someone upthread mentioned).

Also, Lady Grey makes a point of questioning why and where Statesman and Sister Psyche's power profiles disappeared. Statesman's power probably went back to the Well, but SP? Could very well be something the devs hope to explore with that, up to and including a resurrection (let's face it, with her power, she stood a pretty good chance of surviving somehow. Maybe she took the Aurora-Psyche route and is mindriding in Wade's old Aurora-possessed underling. It would be fitting.)



Yeah, I noticed that about Marshall Blitz, too. Between him getting broken out of jail by forces unknown (is there any way that that's not Malta?) and Vanguard launching (supposedly) every remaining rocket in Warburg, is issue 23 going to get a Warburg revamp? Have we seen the end of Warburg Nuke temp powers?

Regarding Manticore, does anybody else remember the pre-launch, first announcement, trailer for Going Rogue? There's a sequence there where Desdemona thinks about a series of heroes and villains. All of the villains have red auras except for Ghost Widow; all of the heroes have blue auras except for Manticore. People have wondered ever since then what that meant, but I could very easily see Red Widow's return and Scirocco's actions in Dark Astoria meaning that Arachnos is getting one or more new patrons, say, Red Widow for Ghost Widow (although who her sidekick would be, I have no idea) and Mu'Drakhan/Mu'Vorkhan for Scirocco/Ice Mistral.

As I game that out, that moves Manticore to the Rogue Isles as a contact or just in morality missions, with somebody else picking up the anti-Crey TF. The three openings in Freedom Phalanx get filled by Penny Yin, Desdemona, and a player-created contest winner. Presumably Penny Yin takes over the revamped Sister Psyche TF. Red Widow and Mu'Drakhan get replacement arcs for the Ghost Widow and Scirocco patron arcs; Mu'Vorkhan takes over the Ice Mistral SF.

(Before anybody says that Ghost Widow can't go Rogue, two things: Posi/Numi shows that no, the dead can actually change, if you throw enough magic at it, and also, loyalty to Arachnos can become awfully flexible if she concludes that Recluse, et al, are not acting in the best interest of the Arachnos party or according to true Arachnos methodology. They left themselves a loophole if they want to write her over to some neutral side. Heck, maybe Ghost Widow, Scirocco, Ice Mistral, and Serafina replace Marshall Blitz in Warburg. Weirder things have happened.)

And I still think that in issue 24 or 25 we quite possibly find out that Sister Psyche escaped death by mind-riding Tyrka, she ends up taking over that body in one or more story arcs or TFs the way she did Aurora Borealis after the First Rikti War.

Now, one of my questions: if Hero-1 gets de-Riktified, does Ms. Liberty lose her nifty belt and sword talismans? And another: between WWD and the DA arcs, they worked overtime to make sure that we noticed that Vernor von Grun and Pyriss have moved to the big time. Where's that story arc going? Fifth patron and sidekick?



Originally Posted by Tocharon View Post
reviews have been discussed elsewhere, the only thing i will say about the first SSA series, is that I liked it and it is well written, but some unanswered questions left open for future content.

1 The Freedom Phalanx is still one man down, two were killed, but only one new member

2 Now that States is out of the picture, will anyone out there become more active, thinking the Freedom Phalanx is now vulnerable

3 While Recluse may not shed any tears for States, what would he do if he found out that Wade is still alive (saying in LR's view it was HIS right to kill States), and out of whatever feelings he had about the death of his niece. Likewise with Ms. Liberty, what would she do if she found out the man who killed her grandfather was still alive.

4. Aurora II, I suspect she is going to be a big feature in futute content, what will be her goals, and how will everything work out with the original Aurora and Calvin Scott( and is he now married to two women?)

5 Is Manticore falling to the dark side?
6 Has someone been slipping lead dust into the Freedom Phalanx's drinks for the last several months or dosing their burgers with low levels of Thorazine?

Seriously, it's like they were all running around with concussions for most of the entire arc with the amount of tactical awareness, planning, and common sense they showed.

New signature supergroup: Feeldumb Flanks. Lead by Positraction with Staysdead, Sistah Psycho, Derpicore, Numa-numa, Sugar Snaps, Ms. Bribery, and, occasionally a member except when he's not, Backdoor Basher filling out the ranks. Seriously though, they didn't act any dumber than most published comic storylines require of their characters when there's a plot railroad to push through to the West coast. Maybe Sistah Psycho will get her One More Day in the next SSA.

More to the point, i have enjoyed running SSA 1 for more than the rewards. There's been some fun set pieces and maps and battles, and even if there's been multiple moments where i facepalmed, it's been a lark as long as you don't take it too seriously. (Something i usually don't have much difficulty with.) i'm really rather interested in where the Scirocco and Red Widow threads go.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
(Before anybody says that Ghost Widow can't go Rogue, two things: Posi/Numi shows that no, the dead can actually change, if you throw enough magic at it, and also, loyalty to Arachnos can become awfully flexible if she concludes that Recluse, et al, are not acting in the best interest of the Arachnos party or according to true Arachnos methodology. They left themselves a loophole if they want to write her over to some neutral side. Heck, maybe Ghost Widow, Scirocco, Ice Mistral, and Serafina replace Marshall Blitz in Warburg. Weirder things have happened.)
Numina isn't dead, though. She's an astral form. Her body did die, yes, but her spirit never did, and she never became a ghost. She just doesn't NEED a body to exist any more.

THAT having been said, I think Ghost Widow is full of cow droppings. She can change far more than she realizes, her shifting attitudes towards you in her patron arc show she can change somewhat. If Arachnos changes, I'm sure she can change as well to respond to the situation.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Now, one of my questions: if Hero-1 gets de-Riktified, does Ms. Liberty lose her nifty belt and sword talismans? And another: between WWD and the DA arcs, they worked overtime to make sure that we noticed that Vernor von Grun and Pyriss have moved to the big time. Where's that story arc going? Fifth patron and sidekick?
At most she'll lose the sword, since that tiny little thing is meant to be Excalibur. The belt, however, is her 'Liberty belt', also known as the Girdle of Hera, which is the major source of her powers. This is why the Orestes Rifle is particularly effective on her, as it nullifies enchantments granted by the Well of the Furies. However, ingame lore says it has no effect on Statesman or Recluse, who are proper Incarnates.

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Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
However, Positron didn't specifically state that the devs would be removing Sister Psyche from the game, only that they would be changing the game to remove Statesman in a future issue, which we all assume is i23. Considering i23 is probably at least six months away, it's possible that whatever takes place in SSA #2 will make this talk redundant (after all, Sister Psyche was a fairly popular character, and "comic-book" death isn't very reliable).
I think this is a definate possibility. It's already been discussed in game on several globals I belong to. Sister P has the ability to Mind Ride, which caused some of the problems she encoutered in the SSA when a small portion of Aurora that remained trapped inside her mind resurfaces with the help of Malaise. Speculation is that she could be sitting comfortably inside Manticore's head waiting for the opportunity to return once more.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
And I still think that in issue 24 or 25 we quite possibly find out that Sister Psyche escaped death by mind-riding Tyrka, she ends up taking over that body in one or more story arcs or TFs the way she did Aurora Borealis after the First Rikti War.
Just a note, Aurora (the one Jean helped) is already in control of Tyrka's body. In the Villain arc, you find out she was flung out of SP's mind right before she died (she says she didn't know why SP did that), and you rescue her from Tyrka, then weaken Tyrka enough for her to be taken over.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!