do you use your creativity to work with or against the game?




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
While your whole list is quite interesting, I want to comment on this particular point, just because my stance on it seems to be slightly in the minority.

While I don't really envision a fight with the Kronos Titan as consisting of slashing at its shins, that doesn't mean the fight devolves into attacking its weak point for massive damage. Just because a monster is giant and incredibly powerful does not mean that my relatively not giant but still incredibly powerful character can't actually overpower it and and defeat it through direct means.

I'll break my own rules a tad and quote a character: Crash, whom you might remember from my soliloquy on Inventions Sets. Probably her one real signature attack (that the game doesn't let me do) is spearing elbow dash at nearly the speed of sound, where she utilizes all of her abilities - resilience, strength and speed - all at the same time. Depending on how a fight with a Kronos goes, I could very well see her taking several direct blasts from the thing's rockets and ray guns, then elbow-charging a giant hole square through its chest within a split second. Yes, my view of Crash and her level of powers is exaggerated, but that's just what I see in my head.
That works as well

The key for me is imagining some kind of "how this could go down" method that fits my characters personalities and capabilities, much as you're doing here. That's something the devs can't really include in their storytelling, obviously, and I don't fault them for it. Its what *I* can bring to my part in the story-telling, though.

While I used the 'critical vulnerability' example, I'm not above brute force tales myself. Heck, the main "pair" of my wife and I are a /kin controller and a fire blaster that's practically damage incarnate after a good fulcrum shift. With the way that duo's mechanics compliment off one another, melting a hole through the friggin titan (and the building behind it) seems somewhat mundane.

There's a reason why Chase's battle cry is "... don't make me get my wife."



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
You're, um, upgrading the first heart to double its effectiveness, casting more magic on the lone pair of gauntlets, uh... yeah.
If the above was not tongue in cheek, then that still makes no sense.

What if my character uses a power-armoured suit, and doesn't have or WANT a cybernetic heart? What if they don't have a heart at all (two of my characters are robotic). How on earth is my Invul/Energy tanker putting munitions in his fists to increase damage? What is this I don't even

End of

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



It really just depends for me. Something it isnt a lack of imagination, but rather I find the idea dumb

Having to go to a trainer. Nope. Don't care for that idea. Would of been better if it was "You level up" an a box opens up for you to train.

Enhancements. Dumb! Don't care for that idea either.

So obviously stores to buy them seem stupid to me. I ignore those.

I treat Icon as a clothing store that also happens to sell hero wear. I figure anyone can shop there.

Dr Aeon (or whoever it was) making it so powers were proliferated? Also to stupid for me to care for. I ignore it.

Why wouldn't you ignore some things in game? So you get captured, put ina cell, yet they don't take away weapons or put a power dampenner on...or barring all that...kill you? Or tie you up?

Now lots of the storylines I keep wiith when they're in game.

I also tend to ignore players who's characters are some how related to/in a relationship with an NPC. I don't care if they do it, but that seems like a concept that just steps on others toes.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I sort of 'compartmentalize' my characters. My characters as I conceive them don't exist in the COH universe, even though they 'play' there.

My characters exist in a world where super powers tend to be of the low key variety - think anything a human could really do, but enhanced to superhuman levels: so, super strength, reflexes, senses, etc, but even then those obey real world physics. No 100lb girl throwing a tank by its gun barrel... Some seemingly supernatural things are allowed, but with allowances to believe they could somehow have been 'natural' all along: Telepathy, certain ESPs, Healing...

So, as COH is the only game (worth a damn) in town where I can sort of bring these characters to life, it's what I use. I try to make my 'mains' fit within the above parameters as much as possible, but I don't sweat it if I use a power that doesn't fully fit. Likewise, all the COH missions I do I mentally modify after the fact to fit within my own created universe. Hard to do with some of the more cosmic things, like fighting Rularuu, but I don't let any of it bother me.

My PB, being much more flashy, is an exception to the above, but even she exists in her own universe, not COH, using the same mental acrobatics as above.



I really enjoy making my concepts work with the lore, and a lot of my stuff has been created because something in the game itself inspired me.

However, I do choose to ignore the 'no mutants before the split atom' crap.

On the subject of stores and trainers, depending on the character the trainer visit is usually just a check up about security level in my head. I do like the idea of shopping, especially with robotic characters.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



All of my characters are part of the game world.

Since very few of them had any kind of existence before the game it just makes sense.

The only part of the game lore I actively ignore is the bit where they try and tell me how my characters got their powers. They're MY characters, if my cyborg scrapper is Science origin instead of Technology because he gained his powers through his own scientific research into how the brain tells your muscles to move, then the game isn't going to tell me otherwise. But, that same character is a cyborg in the first place because Crey blew up his robotics lab. With him in it.

I also flat out ignore the "no mutants until year X" bit. My DM/SR brute is a direct descendent of Vlad the Impaler (AKA Dracula). The vampire legends arose from the fact that he was a mutant with weird powers, but no one understood what that was back then so they attributed it to the supernatural. The mutation popped back up every couple generations, fueling more vampire legends along the way.

And of course superheroes buy things in stores. Who ever heard of a superhero with the "Summon Groceries" power?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

And of course superheroes buy things in stores. Who ever heard of a superhero with the "Summon Groceries" power?
Tier 1: Milk, eggs, bread.

Tier 2: Meat, Kraft Dinner

Tier 3: Takeout menu

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



I can take it or leave it.

Whilst all of my characters fit into the lore of the game (some heavily some not so heavily) there are a couple that live in their own worlds and Paragon is just an illusion.

Medicat for instance is from the Thundercats lore, but is currently in a radation induced coma. Paragon city is just his brain trying to heal the damage (think Life on Mars).

Dwarf From the North is a fat computer analyst from Newcastle but after playing a famous fantasy MMO for 7days straight without sleep his mind became so warped that, not only did he belive himself to be a dwarf mage but the entire world seemed to be an MMO to him. So although Paragon is real to him, he sees it as a game, including health bars and mana potions.

I can see some of my characters going shopping or out on the town, where as some live off the land and are self sufficent. While I can imagine my Natural characters having Military training, I have difficulty figuring out exactly what an aspect of grey is, or how I can have 5 telescopic lenses. I tend to just ignore that part.

I tend to change my costume to something suitable for my day job (all my toons have a 'Day Job' costume) and tend to use the 'walk' ability when the situation demands it (such as walking in the press conferance in SSA7, cant run about the place!)

Rockshock (Druid Tanker), Medicat (Combat Medic), Dwarf From the North (Ice Mage), Rocket Gal (Energy Blaster), Graveborn (Undead Mastermind), Streeker (Punching Speedster), Op. Sidewinder (Recluse's pet Spider)



Originally Posted by Rockshock View Post
Medicat for instance is from the Thundercats lore, but is currently in a radation induced coma. Paragon city is just his brain trying to heal the damage (think Life on Mars).
Wait, so everyone in Paragon-- all the other players' characters-- are just creations of Medicat's delusional mind?

::Looks around at a random sample of characters

That's one sick cat.



Why does medicat have so many futa catgirls on his mind?



My slate of characters includes a Peacebringer (who actually is a Kheldian, unlike some ), a former Sky Raider, a Vahzilok Abomination, a Resistance Heavy Hands, a Wolf Spider Huntsman, and the spirit of Kings Row itself.

On the other hand, I reject and ignore what I feel to be ill-considered, problematic and deeply flawed attempts to explain game mechanics in terms of lore - for me, the Origin of Power arc is as absurd as "midichlorians" (and for many of the same reasons), and trying to pass off the Mission Architect / player-generated content as a public joint venture of Crey and Dr. Aeon, and expecting people who really should know better to use it anyway, strains my disbelief past the breaking point. Finally, while some of my Incarnates are empowered by the Well, others are just that powerful (or have the potential to become so) because of what they are - e.g., the aforementioned spirit of the Row.

EDIT: Looking at the above responses, I'd say I'm pretty much on the same page as Techbot Alpha and others. I try to work within the universe, not the game, because many elements of the latter are nonsensical if taken literally.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



My characters either exist within the "white list" of the lore, or don't exist within the "black list" of the lore.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



I consider the way the character stories are written in my head to be a collaborative effort. I take my ideas, they got their ideas, and then the mix-mash between the two. It is... scary how often it is that these two ideas will match perfectly, though. Maybe Spoilers up ahead.

For example, The Dean MacArthur arc about cloning and stuff. For the majority of my toons, cloning isn't a big deal at all, since their powers come from places completely unrelated to their genes. I had one mutant Villain, and also only one Villain at the time that had a grand design of taking over the world. The arc was released, and since that character happened to be the appropriate level, I played through. It made perfect sense, with her powers being from her genes and trying to make an army to replicate those genes for a grand design that only she had out of all of my toons... it made me all tingly inside. Now, for the "official lore" that is in my head, she has a non-villainous clone of herself running around that she'll use if ever she needs to prove innocence or need to be in two places at once.

A more recent example is the Bane Spider Ruben arc. Now, I decided to play this through with a Mercs/Pain Mastermind that was just fresh out of Praetoria. The story behind this guy is that he was a scientist with a god complex who obtained his Ph. D on manipulating behaviors of "animals" (*coughorphanscough*) through specifically administering and relieving pain to these individuals. This was my first MM ever, and he was going to be the Lord Nemesis of my personal villain lore; that one guy who actually does have the resources and the know-how to take over the world. Not knowing anything about Ruben's arc, I signed on to it only to discover that the arc is based around using technology and psychic powers to manipulate peoples behavior, and at the end of the arc it had my Mastermind controlling an incredibly large army of superheroes through using the device! I got goosebumps from that arc. I mean, what are the chances that the Mastermind who's story is that they have a Ph. D from studies of behavior manipulation would do an arc specifically about behavior manipulation and commanding an army?

So to that I say keep it up NCsoft. This stuff rocks, even if it is making me slightly paranoid that the world as I know it doesn't exist.

TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
fire stalkers are stupid - no one on fire can be hidden. Say that, and people who want to play fire stalkers will come up with magic or some other explanation as to why fire stalkers can be hidden.

many players are very good at being creative about how or why something works the way they want it to work.

but then some players simply refuse. Superheroes do not buy things in stores. They are just blocked by that. They cannot come up with a reason why they would in the game, they just find negative examples in comics where they do not. Rather than figure out how to make the game work, they will argue endlessly and inventively on why it does not.

So where do you fit in? Do you make your characters work with the game, or are you painfully aware of how the game does not meet your character's needs?


While I am a minimal roleplayer, all of my character concepts fit into the game world. A siren from Cimmerora, an electric demon from Cap Diable, a carnival ringmaster from the world. So they all work with the lore. And all of my characters are at least semi-pulp. A voodoo hougan buying magic items works. A brain in a jar in a robot body buying tech parts works for me.

I make characters in the game CoX, rather than making characters and trying to squeeze them into CoX.
For me personally, I tend to play the game making two assumptions:

1. The world is what it is. Its not a poor imitation of our world, or a comic book world, it is what it is, period, and I have to live in it.

2. My character is what I conceive her origin to be, but in all other respects is me. I don't roleplay someone else: I tend to roleplay me with a different history.

95% of the time, that works fine. Gameplay conventions tend to be easily ignorable. Sometimes it glitches a little, usually when game presents situations that are contradictory even within its own world, but that's usually not a problem either. Occasionally, like when I side switch for badges, its highly confrontational. Badging is itself a meta-gaming activity, and side switching requires proceeding through content that is often highly morally objectionable. I can't be me but different in them. Me but different usually wouldn't run them. So I have to turn my brain off and tell my hands to do it without me.

You can only pretend to be mind controlled or possessed or drugged or insane so many times before your character would probably just kill herself already.

Both interestingly and disturbingly, SSA7 demonstrates the devs do not seem to intend to keep a Chinese Wall between the mechanics of side-switching and the canonical storytelling of side-switching. From a game design perspective I'm intrigued. From a player perspective, I'm personally disturbed.

In any case, the direct answer to your question is that in general I see the game as an environment I choose to enter, and I obey its rules once I do. I fit into the game. I do not see the game as a tool to instantiate my own environment. I do not write my story. I *act* my story, within the limits of the game. I'm perfectly fine with other players seeing the game as a canvas to create their own story, such that everything that isn't a tool is an impediment, but that's not how I see it.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I make up my own lore.

Yes, I said that.

I have been a PnP gamer since June 1981. I started with superheroes with 1st edition That Other MMO (which I've never tried).

Most of my characters come from over 30 years of playing/gming in my own worlds, be they Fantasy, Sci Gi, or Superhero. As such, they fit into CoH about as much as I allow. If the CoH lore fits, I'll allow it. If not (incarnate system/no one can "ascend" and create their own dimension) then it's rewritten for me.

If those I RP with use the lore, great. They know how I operate and I just go with the flow. Not all darkness powers are nether.... Lady Omen's are a manifestation of her power as a walking, living, physical mana pool. No nether there and no powers taken that have that skull head.

Stores? Sure! Mally goes to the Farmer's Market all the time.

I agree with Sam (can't believe that! :P ) in that just using game lore stifles my creativity and restricts me into a shoehorned concept. Just because I play in the game world doesn't restrict me to it.

I play what I want.

"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
Virtue Server: Kheprera, Malefic Elf, Lady Omen, Night Rune, La Muerte Roja, Scarab Lafayette, Serena Ravensong, Kyrse, and Arachnavoodoo among others.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Dr Aeon (or whoever it was) making it so powers were proliferated? Also to stupid for me to care for. I ignore it.
Geez, and here his name was mentioned three or four times already in this thread. That was Doctor Brainstorm.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Geez, and here his name was mentioned three or four times already in this thread. That was Doctor Brainstorm.
I thought I was wrong, but I didn't care for that story so much I just forget the important details of it

Also, i ignore that night only lasts like 15minutes.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
What they DON'T do is buy cybernetic hearts and fill themselves with 13 of them
You're missing out. Major Decoy is up to 26 cybernetic hearts and it's AWESOME. Really. His blood pressure is high enough now that I'm thinking about turning him into a blaster as soon as they introduce a Water Blast power set that can be tinted red.

I'll ignore game lore as I find it convenient.

Doctor Brattleboro: Demon Summoning/Pain Domination.
This character gives his Rats the BEST drugs. You know, the ones not cleared for human testing yet. I'm a little disturbed that they speak, but I haven't decided if that's because he gave the rats near human intelligence or just because he like to imagine the rats are talking. Either way, all the demon chatter is slightly ironic.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I also tend to ignore players who's characters are some how related to/in a relationship with an NPC. I don't care if they do it, but that seems like a concept that just steps on others toes.
I agree fully. This pisses me off to no end and reeks of prima donna. Seriously, how many illegitimate daughters does Ghost Widow HAVE, anyway?

{}... .-



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
I agree fully. This pisses me off to no end and reeks of prima donna. Seriously, how many illegitimate daughters does Ghost Widow HAVE, anyway?
On average? 4.71



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
... I also tend to ignore players who's characters are some how related to/in a relationship with an NPC. I don't care if they do it, but that seems like a concept that just steps on others toes.
Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
I agree fully. This pisses me off to no end and reeks of prima donna. ...
There is a statement about players pushing their character's relationship with signature NPCs that I want to make but it would make me (more) unpopular with the more frequent forum folk, and I genuinely like the person I am referencing which makes it hard.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Until someone reports a massive cookie shortage in game, I'm working against cannon.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
What they DON'T do is buy cybernetic hearts and fill themselves with 13 of them, or lace their arms with ammunition, or wear 15 pairs of gauntlets, or-

I agree that the flavor text on enhancements is really bad. To the extent that I acknowledge it, I just add a "trained with" or "enhanced in accordance with the principles of." So you trained yourself with a grenade as practice, or studied a cyberheart and implemented what you learned, or whatever.



I do what I can to make my characters plausible within existing lore if they bother to utilize existing lore at all. You almost need to suspend your disbelief when working out a character that has assumed a role within an in-game organization as to precisely why they're so much more amazing than everyone else (see: every Arachnos Soldier/Widow ever), so I use that as a little leeway to make those characters "super." I try to be as plausible as possible when considering anything that brushes up against major characters, and always work around future cannon to ensure it's never an egregious offender. It's admittedly almost never necessary to work in major characters, but if it's done properly (ie, not being Recluse's stepsister who's also secretly Captain Mako's wife) it can add a little flavor.

As far as actual game mechanics go, I tend to follow the lead of whatever the established handwave technique might be. Mediporters are totally a thing that exists. Badges are apparently physically in spots (admittedly that's never come up). Inspirations are really sort of just that, your character being inspired. Enhancements I take with a grain of salt, for obvious reasons, and much like badges it's never actually come up. I don't see any real harm in actually finding salvage, or blueprints for a helpful device, etc. Everything can offer a good springboard, and I'd prefer to take as much into account as possible when convenient, but obviously not every last thing can work that way.