SSA #7 Story Discussion ** SPOILERS **




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That did seem like a heck of a lot of work for just one mission map

Not only does the Earth rotate, it also has a separate layer of cloud cover - plus the textures on the space isalnd seemed to be totally new, rather than reused rock textures from First Ward or Dark Astoria.
Many of those assets have been in the game for years. Constantly did I bite my lips when talk of moon zones came up.

Originally Posted by Everfree_Fire View Post
So, curiosity on two things.

Is it possible for SSers to get up the ships?

What happens if you get smacked with the Apocalypse Beam?

Lots of damage. My Defender with self heal ignored the beam and just healed up. My MM with a lot less HP got caught short once not being at full and faceplanted.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Many of those assets have been in the game for years.
They've had a major resolution upgrade then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Close enough
They are going to torture him for it...probably use psyches to do it right...he's gonna come out of this a vegetable probably...and then regain power and become a pain in my *** again.

Another funny moment for me in all this was that when you team up with Scirocco he tells you he will kill you later if ordered. Then the next mission when I save him and walk away he goes to attack ready. I turn away from him and the second he saw my back that sword came out and I was like "really killing me already" and wasted a Vorpal Judgement thinking we were about to fight.



Originally Posted by Everfree_Fire View Post
What happens if you get smacked with the Apocalypse Beam?
You die.

Happened to me in the last mission when they started up. I didn't exactly know where Penny was (the bubble was hidden behind some rocks) and so I died.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
They are going to torture him for it.
Vanguard aren't really like that - they work with Villains, but they don't behave like them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Vanguard aren't really like that - they work with Villains, but they don't behave like them.
...Lady Grey's youth is sustained by SUCKING IT OUT OF LIVING BEINGS.



The last mission text says he's lost in his own shell and barley aware of his surroundings (if I recall correctly) but he seemed to recognized Lady Grey as soon as he saw her...I bet the side effect of being brain probed for all the knowledge he gained is having his mind broken.



Yeah, it was ok. So many Elite bosses @_@ Every mission except the tank mission had 1. Though lots of allies too.

I was honestly expecting one of the villains to bite it. Slightly disappointed none of them did.

And uh, were Stateman's and Psyche's powers ever actually meant to come into play? Because... they don't. Like, if he had just plain murdered them and no mention of stealing their powers had been made it wouldn't have made any difference, except one throwaway line about how 'omg powerful' he is with both sets of powers. Kind of a letdown since a huge part of the plot is him trying to steal their powers and... uh, doesn't seem to matter.

And there didn't seem to be any reason to have the 2nd obelisk there except Rula-Wade (awful name btw) liked it for decoration? It certainly served no purpose this time except to remind us he still had it. I do like the effect for it though.

The beam thing was an ok mechanic, sans the fact it was not in fact a beam at all. If you're not in the bubble you just explode. in the first mission with it I didn't bother to venture out of the bubble so I honestly thought th thing was bugged because there's no visual effect if you're not hit with it. Just more iTrial training.

So, ya, it was ok. I liked that these things advance the game's plot but for the most part the surprises were kind of weak, the only actual surprise was spoiled for us, and there just seems like there wasn't a lot of cohesion between the early episodes tying neatly into the latter. That the Phalanx were targeted pretty much arbitrarily to accomplish this main goal is just kind of weak. I think more specific reasons could have been rolled in and you know, making the stolen powers actually matter beyond 'oh no he's so powerful, Mary Sue PC help us!'.

And with this I think we've also overplayed the "THE WHOLE WORLD IS IN DANGER, (RANDOM LOCATION ON EARTH) HAS BEEN (TRAGEDY), (OTHER RANDOM LOCATION) IS EXPERIENCING (PLOT RELEVANT DANGER) WE HAVE TO STOP THIS" bit. It was neat with Dark Astoria and Mot, it was ok with this. And I know we've got more world threats coming so.. let's try to not make it so formulaic? I understand these events have to be big and it helps to add emphasis to the danger but at the same time it gets a bit ridiculous and cheapens things when you have to start tacking on "AGAIN".

As for the SSAs as a whole, I'll be doing parts 1 & 2 as soon as my characters hit 20 and re-affirm their alignments, doing 3 & 4 once a piece for the 1st time completion, then waiting til 50 and I get incarnate goodies to hit episodes 5, 6, and 7 (to further help getting more incarnate goodies) then farm either episode 1 or 2 depending on hero/villain alignment for merits.

So, ya it was ok. It was satisfyingly epic-ish, though I think I liked the end to Dark Astoria more.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
And uh, were Stateman's and Psyche's powers ever actually meant to come into play? Because... they don't. Like, if he had just plain murdered them and no mention of stealing their powers had been made it wouldn't have made any difference, except one throwaway line about how 'omg powerful' he is with both sets of powers. Kind of a letdown since a huge part of the plot is him trying to steal their powers and... uh, doesn't seem to matter.
Perhaps he just didn't need them once he became Rula-Wade, but he did need them to start becoming one with Rularuu with any sort of chance for success. Pretty sure it was brought up in WWD#6.

50s: Yumi Eryuha-Arch/Energy, Mirria-Thugs/Dark, Meyami Kitsuna-Claws/SR, Celesta Seusen-SS/Invuln, Lady Mirriella-Illusion/Empathy

Arc 503982 "Dimension Xi Epsilon 22-10" Part one of a multi-part arc.



He absorbed their powers so he could be strong enough to merge with Ru.

Otherwise he was just a man and he would not have been able to do it. Tho technically, even with that massive power he would have supposedly still been overtaken.



I still just find it weak set up and a weaker excuse to kill off the characters. That could've been tightened up better so it actually mattered beyond "I just need superpowers to do this and they're convenient to kill for them".

I dunno I just wanted to see the powers actually come into play in the fight :P Then again, Recluse actually knocked Rula-Wade around a lot without me having to do all that much so maybe he did and I didn't notice?



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I still just find it weak set up and a weaker excuse to kill off the characters. That could've been tightened up better so it actually mattered beyond "I just need superpowers to do this and they're convenient to kill for them".
He seemed to have quite the inferiority complex when it came to super powers, so I think it was less a convienence thing and more of a "these are two of the most powerful and well known super powered beings on the planet, killing them will SHOW THEM ALL!!!" sort of thing.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I still just find it weak set up and a weaker excuse to kill off the characters. That could've been tightened up better so it actually mattered beyond "I just need superpowers to do this and they're convenient to kill for them".

I dunno I just wanted to see the powers actually come into play in the fight :P Then again, Recluse actually knocked Rula-Wade around a lot without me having to do all that much so maybe he did and I didn't notice?
The explanations were given on the Villain side. He needed the "infinite willpower of Zeus" from Statesman, combined with Sister Psyche's "mind-riding ability" to take over Rularuu's body/mind/powers/whatever.

Also, it REALLY bothered me that Lady Gray was not speaking with the Royal We during her dialogues in during this arc. Did somebody forget her character notes or something?

Best part in my opinion of the whole thing though was that I got to walk into the press conference on my soul-eating monster villain (who was still somewhat disappointed that she didn't get a chance to consume Rula-Wade before he... spontaneously combusted) and attack the press conference, then mangle a bunch of Vanguard on the way out. Infernia's reaction to the turn-in was priceless.

Worst part is that it appears Sister Psyche is actually dead. Too bad, since she was the only Freedom Phalanx member that I liked even a little bit. For all I care, kill the rest of them off next Sig Story. Especially Positron and Synapse. God those two are annoying.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'll tell you with pictures:
Thank you!

Rularuu-manchu makes me laugh.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I'm not so sure he ever had Psyche's powers.

In Arc #1, it's made pretty clear that the obelisk STEALS powers, it doesn't just duplicate them. So, when Sister Psyche's powers go out of control, if Wade had used the ritual and obelisk to steal her powers, her overload would have come to an end. Manticore would never have needed to kill her after all, and the obelisk would have shattered.


"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Close enough
You actually made me smile from your response.



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
I'm not so sure he ever had Psyche's powers.

In Arc #1, it's made pretty clear that the obelisk STEALS powers, it doesn't just duplicate them. So, when Sister Psyche's powers go out of control, if Wade had used the ritual and obelisk to steal her powers, her overload would have come to an end. Manticore would never have needed to kill her after all, and the obelisk would have shattered.

He also learned from the ordeal with Synapse that if the person whose powers you're stealing isn't killed that the obelisk will self-destruct. My guess is that he waited till Manticore shot her to activate the obelisk and steal her power.

Now to play devil's advocate: How bad would it have been if Wade hadn't been stopped? He did all this because he wanted power and knowledge, but he didn't seem to have any plans for ruling the world with that power, at least none that he mentioned. What if he really could keep Rularuu under control? The only information suggesting he couldn't was what Faathim said, but we don't know enough about him to know if he would lie or not.



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
He seemed to have quite the inferiority complex when it came to super powers, so I think it was less a convienence thing and more of a "these are two of the most powerful and well known super powered beings on the planet, killing them will SHOW THEM ALL!!!" sort of thing.
Which doesn't even make sense since he's a huge magic user, which is an -extremely- common hero type. Like, I get where they were trying to go with it? But it made no sense since he's clearly a magic origin villain. Honestly Malaise was way more compelling in the whole "normal talents are overlooked because of superpowers" thing.

Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
The explanations were given on the Villain side. He needed the "infinite willpower of Zeus" from Statesman, combined with Sister Psyche's "mind-riding ability" to take over Rularuu's body/mind/powers/whatever.
Ahh, fair enough. Which still just illustrates a problem with the SSAs: One side got all the explanations, the other didn't. I don't really wanna make this a "redside got all the cookies" thing, but... really? 7 episodes and we can't trade it up at all? There wasn't a single episode where Heroside got more of the story.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
It's a shame that just about everyone will have a fly power, because you *can* get to the top boat with just Sprint and Hurdle jumping from boat to boat.

That's neat!
OK, doign that next run through - since my first time was with my PB.

Doing things the old-school way (heads to Echo of Galaxy, gets the Tank badge, then hops to the top of a building in KR.)

Also... yes, that bit of scenery for the last mission... be a real, *real* pity to not see that again.

Also also... I assume this sort of thing will be a fairly common screenshot for a bit.



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
Now to play devil's advocate: How bad would it have been if Wade hadn't been stopped? He did all this because he wanted power and knowledge, but he didn't seem to have any plans for ruling the world with that power, at least none that he mentioned. What if he really could keep Rularuu under control? The only information suggesting he couldn't was what Faathim said, but we don't know enough about him to know if he would lie or not.
I have extreme doubts Faathim would lie. And as far as "How bad would it have been?" Given step one is "Killing everyone like you," as he said, I'd say "bad."



Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post

Now to play devil's advocate: How bad would it have been if Wade hadn't been stopped? He did all this because he wanted power and knowledge, but he didn't seem to have any plans for ruling the world with that power, at least none that he mentioned. What if he really could keep Rularuu under control? The only information suggesting he couldn't was what Faathim said, but we don't know enough about him to know if he would lie or not.
Lying or not, it's not really a chance many would be willing to take. Rularuu taking control would be very very bad. Like Earth vaporized bad.

And during the fight he pretty much says that the problem with the world is super powered people and they need to be wiped out. So, pretty sure he had no benevolent intentions.



Originally Posted by Everfree_Fire View Post
So, curiosity on two things.

Is it possible for SSers to get up the ships?

What happens if you get smacked with the Apocalypse Beam?

Also, I am very glad for boost range and snipes, since while waiting to be ported out in mission 3, some of the natterlings decided to hide outside of normal snipe range and promptly sit there and do nothing.
1) Yes.

2) On my L50 StJ/WP Stalker, it did a little over 900 damage and hit me with a roughly -100% recharge debuff. (Mission was run on +1/x8.)

I was a bit disappointed that Rulu-Wade spawned as an EB even though our team had set AVs to on, especially since Ghost Widow spawned as an AV in the first mission.

Still, liked the ending.



How cool it would have been, if Wade got so big at the end and pulled a Unicron and slammed his hand on the planet



Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
How cool it would have been, if Wade got so big at the end and pulled a Unicron and slammed his hand on the planet
... I read that as Unicorn the first two times and wondered what the heck you were talking about.