[Spoilers!] Who is the Well?




So, since getting my stalker to 50, I have run all the trials. So last night I decided to chat up Prometheus, and I saw something rather interesting.

Namely, the Well is a he. A gendered personage.

It is strongly implied, if not outright said, that the Well used to be a person. A being who agreed to serve as an arbiter of power.

The question is... Who is it? I am going to make an assumption here, and assume the Well was once a human, as an alien serving as the arbiter of power would be silly.

However, the Well has existed for as long as humanity. So that poses kind of a Paradox. But then again, stable time loops are a thing.

So, who is it? We don't know. Prommy won't say.

I have a guess. It's a wild one, with little proof.

So, let's look at the Well. In his modern incarnation, he likes power. He likes it quite a bit.

Displays of power, in particular. Statesman was a wimp, Recluse is more appealing, Tyrant is the ideal.

This sounds kind of familiar. Who do we know that values displays of power over all things?

It's almost like if someone like this existed, they might... I don't know, have a small country. Maybe they would set up a social darwinism experiment. Test people's worth...

It's too bad no one like that exists...


That does sound a lot like Lord Recluse, doesn't it? Maybe a bit less malicious, but the core value of "might makes right" matches up. Except he is obviously not the Well. He's too busy snogging Red Widow and trying to take over the world.

But there is another Stefan Richter. The Praetorian version. Who is dead. Prometheus conveniently mentions this. It's why the Talons are in First Ward.

But he died as he was about to drink from the well.

Now, my wild unproven likely incorrect theory is that this act of murder bound Stefan's consciousness to the well.
If he isn't the sole consciousness of the well, he's at least a part of it.

Obviously, there are counter-arguments to this.

1)Richter died after WW2. The Well has existed for all of human history. So for this to be true, time travel would need to be involved. This is the least of the issues with this.

2)The well is linked strongly to the minds of humanity. That is why the old well was (somewhat) honorable, while the new one is petty and capricious. The argument I made only makes sense for the modern well. Now, you can blame this on lots of things. Being thrall to the will of the species can do that. But it does cast doubt on this theory.

3) The Well REALLY LIKES TYRANT. This is the biggest WTF of the theory. I have kind of a theory for this too. Aside from self preservation (the nominal reason for this favor), there is a certain irony I doubt would be lost on Richter. By giving himself to the well, Tyrant has become bound to it for life. He is an emperor and a slave. Wouldn't it be deliciously ironic if the being he was thrall to was the same person he killed in an attempt to keep power to himself?

Now, I have no proof. I am likely wrong. But it has to be someone, right?

I'd love to hear your guesses.



Actually, according the Dr Manha- sorry, Prometheus the Well is in fact Wells, and there is one for each race throughout the galaxy. There is more explanation, which I'm pretty sure others will recall/recount more accurately than me.

It's like a big font of power, basically. The Battalion, for instance, have increased their to the point of all being Incarnate, apparently, by feeding their Well with the Wells of conquered races.
The lore really does need compiling properly at some point...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Actually, according the Dr Manha- sorry, Prometheus the Well is in fact Wells, and there is one for each race throughout the galaxy. There is more explanation, which I'm pretty sure others will recall/recount more accurately than me.

It's like a big font of power, basically. The Battalion, for instance, have increased their to the point of all being Incarnate, apparently, by feeding their Well with the Wells of conquered races.
The lore really does need compiling properly at some point...

Oh, I know.

But he refers to our well, the human well, as a he. He also implies that it is a being who has agreed to the position.

ItÂ’s weird. I know. Also not fully confirmed, but the fact that he kerps talking to it like it's a person makes me wonder.



I think it is Rularuu. Which would explain why the menders stopped him from being killed. The well makes us incarnates, and we need to be incarnates to defeat the coming storm. If Dream Doctor had managed to Kill Rularuu then there would be no incarnates, and we would be screwed.

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The Well is Nemesis, of course. He's playing us all like puppets, like the great chessmaster villain that he is. He probably took over the power of the Well a long, long time ago.



Captain Outhouse.
That joke probably escaped some peoples memories by now, but whatever.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



But Rularuu was imprisoned in another dimension so would he even be able to empower us? The entity in the Storm Palace isn't even Rularuu according to the WWD arcs.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
But Rularuu was imprisoned in another dimension so would he even be able to empower us? The entity in the Storm Palace isn't even Rularuu according to the WWD arcs.
The same Well empowers Cole in all of the Dimensions. So I am sure It could.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I think it is Rularuu.
I don't think so. It was said that Rularuu was an 'unauthorized' Ascended and that Prometheus' organization would have stopped his ascension if they had known about it.

NCSoft will be getting no more of my money and my GW2 purchase was halted the day of the announcement. I'm a loyal and very profitable customer. I hope to return to giving them all of my money, should CoH survive.



I personally just hope we get to flip that big blue git the bird from atop the epic, smouldering mountain of his defeat...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Pandora looked down at the box in her hands; hands which now trembled so badly they were barely able to perform the duty of holding the box aloft. Deep in the coffer's interior, far deeper than its outer dimensions would seem to allow, glimmered a soft spark, the final taunt in the trap her curiosity had inadvertantly sprung... buried under all the afflictions and horrors she'd unleashed upon the world... hope.

All Hope was in the box; she could find none within herself.

The box tumbled towards the floor as she brought her hands to her face to press against weeping eyes. It struck with the muted thunder of doom; flinging the spark of hope high and wide from its tumbling. The ember described a graceful arc through the air, leaving the faintest impression of a rainbow in its wake.

The landscape around the sobbing girl was ravaged, torn assunder by the passage of the horrors she'd unleashed. The only thing left standing was the broken shell of a river stone ring that had once been her family's well. The spark of hope reached the apex of its short leap and began to descend directly towards that gaping wound in the earth.

A hand reached out and caught it, halting its journey. When the hand caught the spark it was a crude mixture of talon and paw, hooked fingers built for snatching and thievery. The moment the spark touched those scaly digits they shifted and flowed into human semblance. In later years the man who now held the fate of the world would be known by other names... Crow... Loki... Steelclaw... In the box he had only been Mischief... but the spark had lent him power and vision of the myriad of possible futures for this world.

A sharp and wicked grin spread his features as he selected the chain of events that would prove to be the most... entertaining.

He brought the spark to his lips and whispered to it. It's glow had been unerringly blue but as he instructed and cajoled, it began to pulse with streaks of reds and vibrant purples. With a wide and manic smile he held his hand out over the well's maw, then turned it to allow the spark to complete its journey.

He lifted Pandora to her feet from where her misery had left her collapsed.

"Now, now, my dear..." he crooned, collecting one crystaline tear from her cheek with the knuckle of one finger. "No need to cry. Soon enough there will be heroes who will rise to fight the enemies of man you've unleashed today. Come with me and we shall watch together. I shall give you eternal life; you shall be my constant companion and we shall watch this child... this juggernaut of destiny... we have created together."

He was gentle as he helped her along the path towards the future. He knew he was likely damning her to an eternity of madness. But he hated attending the theater by himself.

But an entire world of people where EVERYONE had the potential to be a god... well... that would prove to be a show worth watching.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
Pandora looked down at the box in her hands; hands which now trembled so badly they were barely able to perform the duty of holding the box aloft. Deep in the coffer's interior, far deeper than its outer dimensions would seem to allow, glimmered a soft spark, the final taunt in the trap her curiosity had inadvertantly sprung... buried under all the afflictions and horrors she'd unleashed upon the world... hope.

All Hope was in the box; she could find none within herself.

The box tumbled towards the floor as she brought her hands to her face to press against weeping eyes. It struck with the muted thunder of doom; flinging the spark of hope high and wide from its tumbling. The ember described a graceful arc through the air, leaving the faintest impression of a rainbow in its wake.

The landscape around the sobbing girl was ravaged, torn assunder by the passage of the horrors she'd unleashed. The only thing left standing was the broken shell of a river stone ring that had once been her family's well. The spark of hope reached the apex of its short leap and began to descend directly towards that gaping wound in the earth.

A hand reached out and caught it, halting its journey. When the hand caught the spark it was a crude mixture of talon and paw, hooked fingers built for snatching and thievery. The moment the spark touched those scaly digits they shifted and flowed into human semblance. In later years the man who now held the fate of the world would be known by other names... Crow... Loki... Steelclaw... In the box he had only been Mischief... but the spark had lent him power and vision of the myriad of possible futures for this world.

A sharp and wicked grin spread his features as he selected the chain of events that would prove to be the most... entertaining.

He brought the spark to his lips and whispered to it. It's glow had been unerringly blue but as he instructed and cajoled, it began to pulse with streaks of reds and vibrant purples. With a wide and manic smile he held his hand out over the well's maw, then turned it to allow the spark to complete its journey.

He lifted Pandora to her feet from where her misery had left her collapsed.

"Now, now, my dear..." he crooned, collecting one crystaline tear from her cheek with the knuckle of one finger. "No need to cry. Soon enough there will be heroes who will rise to fight the enemies of man you've unleashed today. Come with me and we shall watch together. I shall give you eternal life; you shall be my constant companion and we shall watch this child... this juggernaut of destiny... we have created together."

He was gentle as he helped her along the path towards the future. He knew he was likely damning her to an eternity of madness. But he hated attending the theater by himself.

But an entire world of people where EVERYONE had the potential to be a god... well... that would prove to be a show worth watching.
Steelclaw is totally the Well. Yes.

...I would actually have guessed Pandora if Prommy hadn't said the well was a "He". Hrm...



What's that, girl? Timmy is in the Well?




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
What's that, girl? Timmy is in the Well?


...This brings new meaning to trapped in a Well, doesn't it?



Ya know what I think? I think Prommy is keeping a secret. I think the incident that lead to Prometheus being chained to a mountain has something to Prometheus starting mankind once again on a path toward the Well. I think Zeus and the rest of the pantheons of the era got tired of the cycle of war and destruction among those of power. I think they got together and decided to hide away all access to the Well by mortal man. Prometheus didn't want the party to end, but now that it looks like the Battalion is coming to stop everything, he has no choice but to back humanity or fall with them.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Surgepoint View Post
I don't think so. It was said that Rularuu was an 'unauthorized' Ascended and that Prometheus' organization would have stopped his ascension if they had known about it.
Who would they let ascend to that level of power though? Is there paperwork that needs to be submitted.

I am basing my opinion on some hints that were dropped in a ustream a (long) while back. I will see if I can dig it up and post a link to it later.

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Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
What's that, girl? Timmy is in the Well?

There we have it. The REAL reason they were working on the four legged rig...



The Well is the gestalt manifestation of humanity, and its closest off-shoots. It takes on the personification of humanity. I wouldn't be surprised that it used masculine terms as generic parts of speech.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



It seems to be insane and power-crazed, so that'd make it male by default

But Prometheus also mentions that he thinks that it's being controlled/guided in some way.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But Prometheus also mentions that he thinks that it's being controlled/guided in some way.
Oh, heavens. Is Sean McCann pulling a Morrison here?

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It seems to be insanse and power-crazed, so that'd make it male by default
And right on cue, here comes GG with a snarky "feminist" comment.

Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
Oh, heavens. Is Sean McCann pulling a Morrison here?
Well, they are both bald ...

Ye gods! It makes so much sense!

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It seems to be insane and power-crazed, so that'd make it male by default

But Prometheus also mentions that he thinks that it's being controlled/guided in some way.
Oh get stuffed with your irritating and massively unwelcome bigotry. Seriously.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But Prometheus also mentions that he thinks that it's being controlled/guided in some way.

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