Starship Troopers: Invasion




Thankfully, it's a animated movie this time around and looks pretty damn good even though it's a teaser.

Liked the first movie, liked the animated series...the last two movies that came out (that I know of...) were garbage...



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Loved the first one had zero idea there were any more lol.



If it's anything like the animated series was, I'll be interested in it.

The animated series was a rare find I happened to stumble upon, thought to myself 'this is going to be garbage' and was actually shocked it wasn't.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
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I liked the movie, and I LOVED the animated series. I remember having to rush home from school because it was on at an obscure time that meant no one could watch it... friggen network.

But as an adult, I can rent the DVDs and watch the whole series. Unfortunately they never quite ended it...

Friggen network...

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
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Kinda eerie how accurate that was for what we are quickly approaching now.

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Kinda eerie how accurate that was for what we are quickly approaching now.

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Hmm wonder if they'll include the bigass Mecha and the other alien bug race (that could talk in their own language) from the books.

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Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Please tell me I´m not the only one who has actually read the book
Far from it. I love the book, and hated the movie until I managed to (in my mind) "divorce" it from the book. At that point, it became good clean fun.

As much as anything Paul Verhoeven touches can be considered clean.



Originally Posted by Elf_Sniper View Post
Far from it. I love the book, and hated the movie until I managed to (in my mind) "divorce" it from the book. At that point, it became good clean fun.

As much as anything Paul Verhoeven touches can be considered clean.
I can't get past the sticking point that they have the same name and characters. Thus I still despise the movie. Oh yeah, and skipping powered armor, and the cool tech. Nevermind that.

Too many alts to list.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Fun Fact: Paul Verhoeven didn´t read the book before filming... he said it would only get in the way of his vision.
Well at least he was honest about it. Most of the time when Hollywood tries to make movies out of books they do their best to try to convince us that they are "being true" to the source material so that they can trick people into thinking we are getting perfect translations. Obviously translating books to movies is never going to be 100% perfect.

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Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Please tell me I´m not the only one who has actually read the book
Nope, I read it long before the movie ever came out. The movie is nice, popcorn fun; I just try to think of it as a non-named movie, instead of a literary translation. The first time I saw it, though, it bothered me because of the connection to the book.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Please tell me I´m not the only one who has actually read the book
Book? There was a book?

Half the fun of beating on the movie is the ludicrous signature commercial inserts. They practically were Verhoven's signature in films for a while.

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Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Please tell me I´m not the only one who has actually read the book
You're not. Loved the book which is why I was at first disappointed with the first movie. Turned out to be a good flick tho, despite what that idiot Paul Verhoeven did to it.

Edit: One of the things I found funny about the first movie was the criticism it got from some people about the films political environment(?) compared to our democracy, and I ask myself did any of those self righteous morons actually read Heinlein's book before opening their stupid traps? He explained how it came about.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Book? There was a book?

Half the fun of beating on the movie is the ludicrous signature commercial inserts. They practically were Verhoven's signature in films for a while.
I got past that by looking at the film from the perspective of what a war propaganda film from the 40's would look like if they had our modern technology.

Back in the WWII they'd have buy bonds advertising and stuff going on before and between films, so I can imagine the commercial sigs being believable in the world of Starship Troopers.



Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
Please tell me I´m not the only one who has actually read the book
No but I hated the fact that the movie missed the fundamental point about tying government service to voting.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
They practically were Verhoven's signature in films for a while.
I'd buy that for a dollar!

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I found Starship Troopers to be a rare instance where the movie was better than the book, and I thought the movie sucked. I tip my hat to Verhoeven for not reading the source material, he made a better movie because of it (but it was still terrible).

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Better books than Starship Troopers are either The Forever War or Armor. I recommend both.

Though the Roughneck Chronicles cartoon was pretty good, I thought.

But as for this... well, I'm pretty sure the lines in the trailer were the opening lines to the book. And hey, it's power armor.

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Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
The Forever War or Armor.
Both excellent books. Personally I'm also fond of John Ringo's Posleen Wars:

A Hymn Before Battle
Gust Front
When the Devil Dances
Hell's Faire



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Both excellent books. Personally I'm also fond of John Ringo's Posleen Wars:

A Hymn Before Battle
Gust Front

When the Devil Dances
Hell's Faire
Fixed, at least in part. All four can be found here, too.

And there are tons of other great books available for free via the Baen Free Library, and the BaenCD Archive at the Fifth Imperium.

And before anyone gets upset about piracy, the first link is part of the Baen website, and the second... well:
Baen knows all about this site, to the point where the publisher has my phone number and she's not afraid to use it.
Baen's OK with them too. Those CD's that he's hosting the images of are meant for free distribution.




Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
Loved the first one had zero idea there were any more lol.
There weren't.




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