Changes drive ya out, 2xp hauls you in....




OK, I admit it... back for a bit. Solely because of 2xp and wanting to have all my characters available for whatever we run!

... well, and wanting to try the Stalker changes. And grav on my grav/kin. And grav/elec dom...

... and really missing actual travel at speed you don't have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for.

.... and not having your look change because you need more defense...

... er, and...

... bah. Frigging COH, I tell ya.

(Now once billing and the forums talk so I show up as VIP for at least this month....)

Hi all.

* OK. Not just 2xp. Bout of life sucking badly, parent dying, etc. and just wanting the mindless stress relief that hauling a Fire/SS tank into a mob of enemies and pounding the snot out of them - as opposed to 1-2 enemies being a hassle - brings.



Welcome back Bill.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Temporarily back! >.> No, really! (No, really. Moving at some point here.)

How's Dark Control?

And for a scouting report:
Yeah, was off in TOR. Still kind of like it... but there are more times than not that something there would make me go "Y'know, COH does this better."

I *hate* slowly sprinting everywhere - and paying for training and power upgrades! (Even the speeder isn't that much faster.) Plus smaller teams (4). And having stuff stay lethal well past when they shouldn't be a concern, IMHO.

I do think they've come closest to the COH costume/every other MMO gear balance, though, with their upgradeable/moddable armors and weapons. Can't customize the look that much, though, which is disappointing. At least not that I found. Found myself really wishing that I could at least assign a default color combo to the armor, so it wouldn't look like such a mishmash as stuff got changed.

I'm half tempted to write a SWTOR to COH swapper's guide - though, admittedly, I wouldn't call myself even near-pro at SWTOR. I just go in and blow stuff up or stick a lightsaber through it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
We're running out of Stones of Shame
*Just get in line for his Stone of Shame behind Bill.*



Welcome back, M_B!

You were missed, stay as long as you can, please.

Condolences on your loss of a parent.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again!

WB Bill. Here's your crack pipe.


Missed the other thing.

My condolences man.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



dark control is ridiculously good for soloing, haven't really teamed with it
possession (mind control) to open a fight
then single target hold
if there are a group of foes you have a fear cone every 40 seconds base

I did notice Freedom was at 3 dots today. Haven't seen that in awhile



*attaches the cone of shame*

We ran out of stones, so this will have to do.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Sorry to hear about that Bill.

Welcome back, take your mind off of RL by bashing a multiple hundred heads. I find it more relaxing than golf or bowling.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Bill glad to see you! Sorry to hear about real life. PM me if you need anything.

Best wishes.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Sorry for you loss Bill, welcome back.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Welcome back my son.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
OK, I admit it... back for a bit. Solely because of 2xp and wanting to have all my characters available for whatever we run!

... well, and wanting to try the Stalker changes. And grav on my grav/kin. And grav/elec dom...

... and really missing actual travel at speed you don't have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for.

.... and not having your look change because you need more defense...

... er, and...

... bah. Frigging COH, I tell ya.

(Now once billing and the forums talk so I show up as VIP for at least this month....)

Hi all.

* OK. Not just 2xp. Bout of life sucking badly, parent dying, etc. and just wanting the mindless stress relief that hauling a Fire/SS tank into a mob of enemies and pounding the snot out of them - as opposed to 1-2 enemies being a hassle - brings.

Glad you back Bill. Missed you being around to provide a voice of reason here from time to time when it gets crazy.. Oh wait IT'S ALWAYS CRAZY! heheh

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



CoH. Like Hotel California with death rays and tights.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Welcome back, Bill.

I hope you find what you need in the City. It is a great place for stress relief.

And yes, Dark Control is AMAZING.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
CoH. Like Hotel California with death rays and tights.
... so, desert zone with creepy hotel in I23? >.>

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
full of sand from that passing superspeeder over there
Up ahead in the distance, I saw some shimmering lights
Obviously an incarnate trial, Judgements popped left and right....

And thanks everyone. Kinda nice to be missed!



Mmmm. Scone of Shame.

With delicious Residual Guilt Jam and the Butter of Remorsefulness.



Welcome back.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
OK, I admit it... back for a bit. Solely because of 2xp and wanting to have all my characters available for whatever we run!

... well, and wanting to try the Stalker changes. And grav on my grav/kin. And grav/elec dom...

... and really missing actual travel at speed you don't have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for.

.... and not having your look change because you need more defense...

... er, and...

... bah. Frigging COH, I tell ya.

(Now once billing and the forums talk so I show up as VIP for at least this month....)

Hi all.

* OK. Not just 2xp. Bout of life sucking badly, parent dying, etc. and just wanting the mindless stress relief that hauling a Fire/SS tank into a mob of enemies and pounding the snot out of them - as opposed to 1-2 enemies being a hassle - brings.
*looks at Bill's avatar*

Well, if it isn't the White Wolf of Icicle Creek...

Welcome back Nancy! Er, Bill...



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
full of sand from that passing superspeeder over there
Up ahead in the distance, I saw some shimmering lights
Obviously an incarnate trial, Judgements popped left and right....
We stabbed it with our steely knives, but just could not defeat the AV

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
We stabbed it with our steely knives, but just could not defeat the AV
Damn it. When did the devs nerf Steely Knives?

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Damn it. When did the devs nerf Steely Knives?

... someone needs to make a supergroup of characters that all wear the metallic outfit.

They can be the Steely Knaves.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Damn it. When did the devs nerf Steely Knives?
You don't want [Steely Knives], you want [Envenomed Dagger].

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.