R.I.P the City of Heroes Collectible Card Game.
This game had a card game?
huh, I just found a whole box full of these things too
Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math
Honestly, I miss those days. It made the game feel like it was part of something bigger that was City of Heroes. Now, it's only a game. A decent game, but just a game.
CoH had a card game, Heroclix, a monthly comic book published by Dark Horse, two full length novels (with a third that never happened) as well as misc busts, t-shirts and even had the movie rights optioned.
Honestly, I miss those days. It made the game feel like it was part of something bigger that was City of Heroes. Now, it's only a game. A decent game, but just a game. . |
As for the card game, at the time CoH was first released practically every IP with "nerd appeal" was having a CCG release for it. Most, of course, vanished without a trace in a short time.
Did anyone ever write a software program so you could play the game online?
I know I used to play Legend of the Five Rings (produced by the same company) and used to use a java application to play online with people (since it was such a niche game it was rare to find people locally to play).
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I recently bought this because I wanted the Arachnos cape, and I was happily surprised to see the box also included all 7 HeroClix. Mainly because the one Statesman one I had out of the normal CoV box somehow got trashed.
Maybe this will come back.... If they ever do a COH 2. Which will happen after Sony screws up and looses DC rights and the Marvel game gets scrapped before release for the umpteenth time.

Running City of Heroes Panel - Dragon*Con 2012 MMORPG track
"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me
@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn
Yes, and people who bought the CoV DVD Collector's Edition box even got a sample pack and an exclusive Statesman card.
I recently bought this because I wanted the Arachnos cape, and I was happily surprised to see the box also included all 7 HeroClix. Mainly because the one Statesman one I had out of the normal CoV box somehow got trashed. |
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
Did anyone ever write a software program so you could play the game online?
I know I used to play Legend of the Five Rings (produced by the same company) and used to use a java application to play online with people (since it was such a niche game it was rare to find people locally to play). |
Dave Williams designed the game with a lot of story input from Sean Fish (and much of the art is borrowed from the comics). Dave was hired away from AEG to work on an unspecified MMO. That was just after Secret Origins was released and more-or-less tanked, and AEG hit hard times as the recession clobbered pretty much every gaming company out there.
I doubt that AEG would be willing to license online client given that the MMO is still running and therefore the IP has some sort of intrinsic value. However, I suspect that they'd take a "dont' ask, don't tell" approach towards any fan-made online client whose purpose was to promote the game without making a profit on it.
For that matter, if a business case could be made for a profitable online game, they might be all ears, so to speak. I don't know that there's a market for an online version of the existing CoH game, though. I think something new might have to be designed and the subset of CoH players that would buy into a CCG at this point is a very small one, in any case.
If Paragon Studios was rolling in excess dollars, I'd suggest that they buy the CCG license back and implement the CCG as a sub-game of the MMO, much as one or two other MMO publishers have done by releasing a companion online card game to complement their MMO offering.
Anyone have the images from the Generator? if so I could possibly remake it.
Victory Wiki
Login Screen changer (OS X/Windows/*nix)
Web based Base designer
SO/DO Enhancement Standardization Pack
CoH Community Mods Installer
I would love if they could bring the CCG generator back and make some kind of smart phone app. I want to be able to play anywhere, anytime from my iphone.
I would love to see someone recreate it with all the powersets.
Neo - Just google City of Heroes card game and you should be able to see all kinds of pictures of actual cards and player created cards.
Oh ya I forgot there was a card game for this game...
Yep. One of many things that was dropped along the wayside. At least it got farther than the PnP RPG. Seem to remember a contest for a player character getting made into one of the cards, too.
And the card game, I looked for it everywhere but couldn't find a single vendor that sold it. These things could have be great if marketing was better. I mean they could have at least let us buy it or linked us to someplace where we could buy it via the coh.com website.

Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at cohcomicindex.com
www.jkcomics.com for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,
I was looking for the PnP game for the longest time until I realized it was canceled. I would have bought it.
![]() |
A table top game would be pretty using Paragon Wiki as a resource for power and world building with one of the above systems.
As for the CCG, iirc Jack got his start making CCGs. AEG was a great company, but they sold their rights to there big table top games (L5R and 7 Seas) both great games that are now part of the d20 system. :/ Really I think the 7 Seas d10 system was the best ever made, putting the crap WoD to shame (horrible system).
I am pretty sure if you really want the cards they can be found somewhere on the internet or at a con.
It is weird, for a while there people in the table top industry were worried that CCGs may be the death (or a hard blow) to table top games. That obviously was not the case, and I never really thought it would be. CCGs tend to take a heavy investment (I played the L5R CCG) where as I can buy one or two books and some dice and be set for life if I want.
Types of Swords
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Really I think the 7 Seas d10 system was the best ever made, putting the crap WoD to shame (horrible system).
Shadowrun 2nd Edition still is IMHO one of the best (unfortunately some updates were required to make it better), and i *STILL* need to find someone to run Earthdawn with, and also maybe some nice Star Wars D6 era...
Hell, for a "magic based" system, i still reckon that Ars Magica was one of the most flexible ones out there.
AEG was a great company, but they sold their rights to there big table top games (L5R and 7 Seas) both great games that are now part of the d20 system.

Rokugan was adopted as the "Oriental" setting for D20, but that may not currently be the case, haven't played D20 in some time.
L5R's D10 system is alive and well, and into it's 4th Edition (I'm currently in a weekly game). Not 100% sure what AEG's ownership status is, but their logo still appears on the books.
![]() Rokugan was adopted as the "Oriental" setting for D20, but that may not currently be the case, haven't played D20 in some time. |
Types of Swords
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I used the editor to start a edit project for myself one day. This is the result...
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

They had some sample cardsets that you could print out does anyone have or remember these?
Lady Power-Elec/Elec Blaster
Stone Earth-Tanker
Death Tomato-Tanker
For real this time. The site's domain has expired, so one can't even access the CCG generator anymore.
It was a neat little way to have one's characters used in a card game too!