Four Shots at Loot?

Agent White



After your initial run throughs... you can replay the arcs in Ouroborus for another reward table.

However, the reward selected is then locked out for 20 hours. Similar to how the SSA's work currently.

ie: You Ouro Heather's arc and select a salvage reward... that reward is locked out from all the other arcs as well. You can select the merits or other rewards though.



A common mechanic during the beta was to run either the same arc or different ones 3 times plus the daily. That gave you: component, merits, threads, and 2 threads.
If you want to and can get to it I'd recommend reading Columb2's "A Month in Dark Astoria Take 2" thread for his results.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
If you want to and can get to it I'd recommend reading Columb2's "A Month in Dark Astoria Take 2" thread for his results.
Don't put him off DA right off the bat, let him "enjoy" the reward tables a few times.



There are six arcs in all... and you end up with six tables, even though one arc (Max's) doesn't give a reward table at all, while another (the Dream Doctor's) gives you two. (Those two from the Doc do share the same 20-hour cool-down timer, though, so after the first run you wouldn't be able to pick the same type of reward from both.)

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Don't put him off DA right off the bat, let him "enjoy" the reward tables a few times.
LOL! I really liked those posts of his. I can deal with repetition from time to time. Heck, I got my 2 pairs of PvP IOs with Hero Merits.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you collect the 3 Malta, it does.
I freed all three Malta 2 nights ago. There was no reward table at the end.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you collect the 3 Malta, it does.
I wish.

Four times I've run that arc... three beta-testing and once live... doing all of the missions each time, and never once has it given me a reward table.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you collect the 3 Malta, it does.
I did and it didn't.



Yeah I begrudgingly freed all 3 even though breaking into the Zig made me feel a lil skeezy. And no, I received no reward at the end.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Pity there's no option to redo them in DA itself, but that's good info! Thanks kindly!
What they should do, is when you finish the last arc, last contact guy should go "Great job. Here, I borrowed this Crystal of Ice and Flame from the Midnight Club and put in this protected area near the entrance of Dark Astoria if you need it."

And use phasing tech to have it appear there for heroes and villains. That would be awesome.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
What they should do, is when you finish the last arc, last contact guy should go "Great job. Here, I borrowed this Crystal of Ice and Flame from the Midnight Club and put in this protected area near the entrance of Dark Astoria if you need it."

And use phasing tech to have it appear there for heroes and villains. That would be awesome.


I really hate that by locking repeat play through Oro, they've turned co-op content in a co-op zone into something that's absolutely impossible to run more than once with a "mixed" team. <_<

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



I did Max's arc twice, once with help from the freed Malta agents and once without. I received no reward either time.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you collect the 3 Malta, it does.
The game lied, cause I just finished that arc.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
"Great job. Here, I borrowed this Crystal of Ice and Flame from the Midnight Club and put in this protected area near the entrance of Dark Astoria if you need it."
*Runs over to the crystal and clicks it*

*Zones into Cimerora*

WTF. O_o

The Midnighter Club only has ONE crystal, and it's tuned specifically to Cimerora and doesn't go anywhere else. I suppose they could re-tune it to be a normal crystal if they wanted, but I still doubt that they'd be willing to give away their only crystal.

I agree that it sucks that we can't redo the arcs in-zone though. Originally, I had thought you could just go back to the contact to redo the arc, but when I did, I was just offered the story-only non-combat arc. Ah, well. At least we still do have some sort of option to redo them.




Just part of the continuing schizophrenia of CoH. You've got a player base that clearly and unquestionably wants solo rewards at a reasonable rate, but you've got a design team, particularly Positron, who seem s like they'd rather be designing for the WoW hardcore raiding crowd than their actual customers.



It's really within the realm of reasonable, no more than a few tweaks would set it solidly -to- 'reasonable'. Which is kind of what they intended, they started slow so they could tweak it up. Now that they're datamining a much larger population I would expect we'll see changes eventually to the rates.

The component drops seem a -lil- too heavily weighted toward common again. I won't be surprised if a few folks do some drop testing. Of my run through DA I got 3 common drops, 4 astrals, and 1 emp. Obviously too small a sample size but I'm hearing a lot of others getting mostly commons. Though getting a free choice for every arc the first time through is very nice.

There needs to be a way to earn a guaranteed empyreal every day so someone could reasonably work toward that magic 8 emps for a rare (not to mention the mythic 30 for a VR). The random roll between the two merits is too chancy. Honestly I'd rather just have the arcs award an astral simply for completing the arcs, no table choice, just something you get in addition. They drop like candy in iTrials and they have so little actual buying power in terms of incarnate progress. They're only good for burning for commons, maybe an uncommon if you're desperate, but it takes 4 astrals for a shard common, 5 for a thread common, 15 for an uncommon. Otherwise they're mostly worth blowing on costumes and other overpriced stuff. I honestly don't get the logic where 2 astrals and 1 emp is considered equal enough, getting the astrals feels like a complete jip.

And the repeatable mission reward needs to be tweaked up. 2 threads is a joke and can even be earned over the course of doing the mission. Honestly I've found myself taking the reward merits and the super insp, but then I don't need threads. Even so, 2 is so meager. It could at least be 5. Ideally I'd like to see an incarnate merit attached at the least. Emp would be super nice, but an astral would be ok since they're pretty fast and easy.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
And the repeatable mission reward needs to be tweaked up. 2 threads is a joke and can even be earned over the course of doing the mission.
Heh. It's actually only 1 thread. If you DARE to repeat the repeatable missions, there's a 20 hour cool down that takes the 2 threads option off the table and makes it 1 thread or reward merits.




I went through the arcs on my +3 Broadsword/Regen/Mu Scrapper (Read: Flying death engine; Did missions solo where given the option without realizing there would be badges involved). Out of six reward tables, I picked the Component every time. Except for Mu'Vorkan's table, all of them were Commons. Mu'Vorkan netted me an uncommon. Is it not actually possible to get a rare/VR component from these arcs, or is it just extremely... well, rare?

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
PPD Mastermind



Originally Posted by Kadmon View Post
I went through the arcs on my +3 Broadsword/Regen/Mu Scrapper (Read: Flying death engine; Did missions solo where given the option without realizing there would be badges involved). Out of six reward tables, I picked the Component every time. Except for Mu'Vorkan's table, all of them were Commons. Mu'Vorkan netted me an uncommon. Is it not actually possible to get a rare/VR component from these arcs, or is it just extremely... well, rare?
I got a very rare on my very first DA arc completion, so it is possible.

I'm a published amateur comic book author:
******MA Arcs****
Arc 5909: "Amazon-Avatars"
Arc 6143: "Escalation" (Nominee: Architect Awards, Nominee: Player Awards, and Dev's Choice!)



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
The component drops seem a -lil- too heavily weighted toward common again. I won't be surprised if a few folks do some drop testing. Of my run through DA I got 3 common drops, 4 astrals, and 1 emp. Obviously too small a sample size but I'm hearing a lot of others getting mostly commons. Though getting a free choice for every arc the first time through is very nice.

Coulomb2's most recent summary:
75 Commons (79.8%)
12 Uncommons (12.8%)
5 Rares (5.3%)
2 Very Rare (2.1%)