Body weight calculator on character creation

Ad Astra



I think the character creation interface should have a numeric feedback on height and weight. It should be visible on body creation and while adjusting sliders.

That way I could have realistic stats in my character bios. I know I can ask something like seven friends, remove the lowest and highest estimate, and average the remaining. But I think that most people have more trouble estimating the mass of a computer generated human than an actual human.

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No... then everyone will make their female characters even SMALLER.



Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
I think the character creation interface should have a numeric feedback on height and weight. It should be visible on body creation and while adjusting sliders.

That way I could have realistic stats in my character bios. I know I can ask something like seven friends, remove the lowest and highest estimate, and average the remaining. But I think that most people have more trouble estimating the mass of a computer generated human than an actual human.
How would the character creator know if my character is supposed to be made out of granite or lead, or if I have hollow bones like a bird, affecting the total?

Wouldn't it just be easier to put in your own weight for what you THINK it should be?

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~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
No... then everyone will make their female characters even SMALLER.
I actually think the opposite, that only people who want weak/gimped characters would use low physique. Nearly all females melees would use the top quarter of the physique slider, in its current configuration.

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Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
How would the character creator know if my character is supposed to be made out of granite or lead, or if I have hollow bones like a bird, affecting the total?

Wouldn't it just be easier to put in your own weight for what you THINK it should be?
The calculation is based on the average density on human flesh. It's just a guideline, multiply it by the ratio of lead/flesh (approx 10, I quess) if you want a number for your lead character.

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Yeah I think the only thing the character creator needs to make it better is two things:

1) An actual output of the exact height.
2) All NPCs to be resized so that they have more normal uniform heights making it easier to know if we will have a tall or short character by comparison.



Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
The calculation is based on the average density on human flesh. It's just a guideline, multiply it by the ratio of lead/flesh (approx 10, I quess) if you want a number for your lead character.
But if I have to make assumptions like that, then what's the point of having the number there in the first place? Why not just make the assumption up front of how much my character weighs?

If I want to roleplay the character as a 4-foot tall girl who weighs 800 pounds because she's made of some superdense material, there's nothing stopping me from saying that in the bio.

Basically, right now you can make a character weigh whatever you want, and the game doesn't disagree. If this suggestion were implemented, I could make the character weigh whatever I want, but it might be in direct contrast to what the game is telling me. Why would that system be better?

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Yeah I think the only thing the character creator needs to make it better is two things:

1) An actual output of the exact height.
2) All NPCs to be resized so that they have more normal uniform heights making it easier to know if we will have a tall or short character by comparison.
This. Make it so, NOW! /Signed

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GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
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Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
But if I have to make assumptions like that, then what's the point of having the number there in the first place? Why not just make the assumption up front of how much my character weighs?

If I want to roleplay the character as a 4-foot tall girl who weighs 800 pounds because she's made of some superdense material, there's nothing stopping me from saying that in the bio.

Basically, right now you can make a character weigh whatever you want, and the game doesn't disagree. If this suggestion were implemented, I could make the character weigh whatever I want, but it might be in direct contrast to what the game is telling me. Why would that system be better?
The point is that you get a reference value. Something you can easily multiply with the density of any known material. And regarding your 800 lbs toon, you can just divide that mass with the estimated mass to see if you are in the sub-iron range (< 7.8), heavy metal range (8-23) or need exotic matter (23 or greater).

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Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
The point is that you get a reference value. Something you can easily multiply with the density of any known material. And regarding your 800 lbs toon, you can just divide that mass with the estimated mass to see if you are in the sub-iron range (< 7.8), heavy metal range (8-23) or need exotic matter (23 or greater).
The fact is this number is only useful in RP context. Like origin.
And if you're going to calculate a normative weight, then tell the player "do these mental gymnastics to calculate your weight if you're anything other than human norm", there's exactly ZERO point to expressing the number in-game. If you REALLY want to say "MY player wieighs 110 pounds (25 of that being her boobs) and stands 6 feet tall" do it in your bio space.

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Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
But I think that most people have more trouble estimating the mass of a computer generated human than an actual human.
I think most people don't care what an imaginary character weighs because it has no effect on game mechanics.

Been playing 8 years and this is the first time I've ever seen it brought up.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
1) An actual output of the exact height.
Sure, exact height is fine. But height AND weight is better

Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
2) All NPCs to be resized so that they have more normal uniform heights making it easier to know if we will have a tall or short character by comparison.
Good idea, as some character concepts might require that your character size is comparable to a certain NPC, as in NPC height * x. But I would prefer to have a drop down list for selecting an NPC to compare it with yours, of course with accurate height. That way, current NPC's can keep their actual size.

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Can't agree that this would be a good idea. It's as bad as insisting natural origin should be restricted to what humans can do.

Plus, as mentioned, "weight" makes no difference whatsoever in game. I can make a scrawny kid-hero who is almost never knocked back, or a super-buff hero with heavy boots who's knocked back if someone sneezes in his direction.

Go look up averages and type them into your bio.

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I think that if the Devs wasted any code time on this, instead of giving us something we really want, you'd see a backlash.

Seriously man, think for yourself. It's a GAME! There are SO many variables that would go into calculating the weight of a character that the math alone could take a year. Or if you're going to make numbers up, why have a scale at all?

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Add me to the group of players who wouldn't mind the game doing something better to give me the exact height of my characters but leave off doing anything about weight because that value is completely subjective.

Think of it this way: I can SEE the relative height of my character on the screen but I can't SEE how heavy my character might be due to any roleplay rationale I might be able to come up with. Therefore the game shouldn't bother to try to "guess" my weight for any reason. If a weight value is important to you then record it in your bio.

P.S. I noticed that Intussusceptor noted his "forum location" was Sweden. Like most of the rest of the world I suspect he's used to using the metric system for heights and weights. Ironically for him if this game started giving us calculated heights and weights it'd probably be in feet/inches and pounds. That would probably be almost as annoying to him as not having that info at all.

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Well, I am in no way suggesting that character size should affect in-game mechanics. Nor I suggest that calculated body mass should be automatically visible when you view someones bio.

What I suggest is a numeric feedback that is only visible for you when you create or modify a character, which you can use in you bio if you want. For me, building character storylines is an important aspect of the gaming experience. And I prefer calculations before guesses. It can be something simple as displaying the vital stats of a character, or to calculate the impact energy when a robot made by hafnium (density 13.31) charge into something at his running speed (which is not hidden for me).

PS: While I'm used to metrics, I have no problems with feet/inches and pounds. I rather expect it, since height is described in feet, and so are the coordinates saved in demo files.

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Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
I actually think the opposite, that only people who want weak/gimped characters would use low physique. Nearly all females melees would use the top quarter of the physique slider, in its current configuration.

Really? Back when I first started on COV every single Brute I saw was a HUGE... so I decided to drive them all crazy and created BAM BEE .. she was about 5' 0" tall, thin and very cute. Then she'd show up and pound the crap out of mobs. hehehe None of my characters are really big .. at some point here on the forums someone suggested that a smaller character could move through caves and tight spots easier .. No idea if that is actually true or not but I sort of adopted it as a standard and none of my characters are reallt HUGE.

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Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
Well, I am in no way suggesting that character size should affect in-game mechanics. Nor I suggest that calculated body mass should be automatically visible when you view someones bio.

What I suggest is a numeric feedback that is only visible for you when you create or modify a character, which you can use in you bio if you want. For me, building character storylines is an important aspect of the gaming experience. And I prefer calculations before guesses. It can be something simple as displaying the vital stats of a character, or to calculate the impact energy when a robot made by hafnium (density 13.31) charge into something at his running speed (which is not hidden for me).

PS: While I'm used to metrics, I have no problems with feet/inches and pounds. I rather expect it, since height is described in feet, and so are the coordinates saved in demo files.
Having the game provide "hard numbers" is all fine and well. But you have to ask yourself what purpose does it serve. At least if this game used exact numbers for height then it would be easier to copy that value when creating new costumes.

But concerning the weight question I at first thought you wanted the game to provide you a weight value just to have a number to look at for RP purposes. But now as I re-read the posts in this thread it almost seems like you want a player-definable value that would somehow have some kind of in-game effect. It turns out "weight" is not actually a factor that this game uses for handling physics calculations. If it was, and especially if it was something players could manipulate, then you could rest-assured that everyone would set their characters to either be the heaviest (or lightest) the game would allow to take the most advantage of the system.

I agree it might be cool if this game took into account weight values for in-game physics. But since it doesn't I highly doubt it'll be worked into the system at this point. Once again I think it's far simpler to just come up with your own values for weight if it's an aspect of your characters that's important to you. The game can't "guess" what substances my characters are made of so why let it try in the first place?

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While having a tool included in the Character Creator would be more convenitent for the OP, there are sources available online to calculate reasonable weight and/or body mass indexes for various heights, such as:

Lots of pretty colorful porintable images:

Height & weight tables used for life & health insurance underwriting:

If it really matters for RP purposes (to get it right in the bio) any one of these sources would work.

If the OP is proposing that it matter in how a character performs, then, no thank you.

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Lothic, your first assumption was correct, that I just want the number to look at for RP purposes.

Ad Astra, thanks for your links, I'll have a look to see if I can use them to calculate accurate weights.

I don't want the weight (neither calculated or user specified) affect the game mechanics, since it would mess up a lot of balancing, where the devs have made an excellent work, and restrict high performing characters to a certain body type. Knockback IOs etc serve all my needs for making my character behavior feel realistic.

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If it's exclusively for RP reasons, I'd prefer the game not specify or even suggest a weight. To be remotely realistic or useful it would have to specify a wide range of weights, anyway, before even considering the ways in which supers can break that mold.



I've never seen the point of explicitly mentionning a character's weight in their bio, unless it's several orders of magnitude higher or lower than you'd expect from looking at the model.

People would only complain when they couldn't make their 6' tall Amazon with huge muscles weigh less than 160 pounds (because as everyone knows, any woman that weighs more than 160 pounds is horribly obese and disgusting).

Character index



OP, why not team up with a programming buddy and develop a 3rd party application like Mids' that does this outside of the game. Use costume codes to upload data linked to individual costume pieces, weight, density and so forth that then adds it all up based on character height/size. Then, at the end, you can determine if the character's base mass is based off of another element.

I'm sure a lot of people would find it a fun little app to play with. I know, when I created my main character, his costume is taken into mind with respect to his abilities. Since he's Super Reflexes, he needs clothes that give complete freedom of movement and are extremely light. Basically, a short sleeve gi with regular material for pants and tabi shoes. Later, he incorporates a puncture resistant skin-flex shirt to help guard against swords/knives and grazing bullets. Since he's only of moderate height and rather slim, I'd probably put his entire outfit at no more than 180lbs (his sword is wood too, not metal).

I can't say I specifically seek out a character's weight for customization but I do consider it. I think it'd help visualize the impact of a character's actions by adding another facet to look through, but again, only as a 3rd party program. If the devs can't even set the time to get better respec UI, I don't want them spending it on extra fluff like this.



I think this suggestion is pretty cool. There are two ways in which I could use this. First, for those instances when I wonder just how unrealistic the proportions of the female characters are. Second, for my natural characters, since I like to be able to gauge their strength based on weight class. Don't ask why, but it is kind of important to me.

Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Yeah I think the only thing the character creator needs to make it better is two things:

1) An actual output of the exact height.
2) All NPCs to be resized so that they have more normal uniform heights making it easier to know if we will have a tall or short character by comparison.
This. So much this! Something that has annoyed in this game is how all of the NPCs are seven feet tall. When I made my characters, I made them to have appropriate heights, with my tallest being 6'7". That is quite tall for any regular person, but in this game it is like he's just an average guy.

Now, normally players make their characters tall in MMOs where they can do so, so I can understand why the game made be made tall. This doesn't sit well for anyone who doesn't make a 7' sparkling Adonis.

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While I don't have a desire to see it included in the game, basically, you're interested in something that would assist you in calculating the approximate weight, based on the mass of the avatar.
And I do find that interesting!

I haven't checked those links Ad Astra offered up yet, but I was going to say that I'm sure there must be some resources out there to assist (obviously, not to the degree that you were suggesting for the game to provide), but something, at least.

I used to be a fan of professional wrestling and then in multiple sports... So, I used to remember a lot of heights and weights of exceptional physical specimens (of course, the wrestlers used exaggerated numbers, hehe... and, then again, the official listings of most professional athletes are not always accurate either... haha).

Still... I think we could come up with average ranges for a human's weight based on height and the body sliders... How to divide that information up though... Hmmm...

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