Body weight calculator on character creation

Ad Astra



Seems like a lot of work for something that really doesn't contribute much at all.



Originally Posted by Intussusceptor View Post
I actually think the opposite, that only people who want weak/gimped characters would use low physique. Nearly all females melees would use the top quarter of the physique slider, in its current configuration.
Nonsense. In a superheroic setting, there doesn't have to be any correlation between size and strength, or between physical strength and melee attack power. I never raise the physique slider, and often lower it to 1/4.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



What is this... I don't even...

In all my years of playing, I have never given a single thought to how much any of my toons weigh. I take it you're a very technically oriented person but trust me, you'd be in the minority for appreciating the dev time spent on this. If the only reason you want it is to help with RP..

I just can't understand how it would assist you really. I mean, if you put in your bio that the guy weighs 2 tons, even if he's the size of a kid, I'd just assume he's denser than normal.

Do you mind elaborating on how this would help your RP?

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Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
Nonsense. In a superheroic setting, there doesn't have to be any correlation between size and strength, or between physical strength and melee attack power.

Rogue, a well known super strengther doesn't look like she could lift 50tons.

While I don't mind it coming up with some sort of most likely weight for RP reasons, why stop there! Get full on measurements! \o/

Personally, I just add the weight into my bio for my own sort of completionist type of deal. I don't really think the resources need to be used in such a way. But if they did it on a spare time type of deal I wouldn't object.

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Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post

This. So much this! Something that has annoyed in this game is how all of the NPCs are seven feet tall. When I made my characters, I made them to have appropriate heights, with my tallest being 6'7". That is quite tall for any regular person, but in this game it is like he's just an average guy.
NPCs on the street are giants, but then stand your character next to mini-Manticore or the dearly departed Statesman. I never expected my character to tower over an iconic superstrength hero.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
While I don't have a desire to see it included in the game, basically, you're interested in something that would assist you in calculating the approximate weight, based on the mass of the avatar.
And I do find that interesting!

I haven't checked those links Ad Astra offered up yet, but I was going to say that I'm sure there must be some resources out there to assist (obviously, not to the degree that you were suggesting for the game to provide), but something, at least.
The links I offered are just a few of many. I used to work in life insurance administration, and height/weight tables used for underwriting insurance are easy to find. Generally, I think that target weights expressed in those tables are not realistic from a "real life human" standpoint because the weights are much lower than the general population in the US & EU, but as idealized weights for MMO avatars, they should work just fine.

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Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



What about materials? A 4ft little girl... ROBOT... may weigh much more than a 6'5" man. Your gravity troller may register as the weight of a small planet and your kheld may have volume but no actual mass.

I would think simply adding your own weight to the bio is the best way to go about measuring weight honestly.

As a best case scenario for the topic, I could see a new editable field or two at the registration form where you type your name and bio in, that let you include a typed in weight and other details. But even then if you do a costume change... turn on a toggle like STONE ARMOR... etc... not going to look right.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
OP, why not team up with a programming buddy and develop a 3rd party application like Mids' that does this outside of the game. Use costume codes to upload data linked to individual costume pieces, weight, density and so forth that then adds it all up based on character height/size. Then, at the end, you can determine if the character's base mass is based off of another element.

I'm sure a lot of people would find it a fun little app to play with. I know, when I created my main character, his costume is taken into mind with respect to his abilities. Since he's Super Reflexes, he needs clothes that give complete freedom of movement and are extremely light. Basically, a short sleeve gi with regular material for pants and tabi shoes. Later, he incorporates a puncture resistant skin-flex shirt to help guard against swords/knives and grazing bullets. Since he's only of moderate height and rather slim, I'd probably put his entire outfit at no more than 180lbs (his sword is wood too, not metal).

I can't say I specifically seek out a character's weight for customization but I do consider it. I think it'd help visualize the impact of a character's actions by adding another facet to look through, but again, only as a 3rd party program. If the devs can't even set the time to get better respec UI, I don't want them spending it on extra fluff like this.
Thanks, that's an excellent point. I got in idea about an algorithm for calculating the volume of organic objects. It's basically using a bone rigging system, with attached spheres. Then, I'll fill the space with thousands of points, and calculate the percentage that are inside at least one sphere. Visual feedback for setting up the bones and spheres are achieved by html5 canvas. If and when I get it working, and if I can calibrate the bone and sphere setup to match arbitrary input values of CoH characters, I'll make it an web application, that can take a .costume or .cohdemo file as input.

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