If there was a April First Event what would it be?
You log in to see a big MotD window, telling you about all the cool things in the April Fool's event, but not where they are or how to find them. That's part of the fun of the event! In reality, that MotD window is the entirety of the event.
A one month suspension from the forums and games for alerting people that April Fools Day is coming or for breaking their arms patting themselves on the back for spotting an April Fools Day prank and letting everyone else know how clever they were to spot it and spoil it.
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Sally is buffed into an unkillable GM destroying all who cross her
You log in and see that magic green arrow that indicates a level up. When you go to the trainer you can get all the way to 50 where upon completion and exit the trainer a pop up simply says "GOTCHA!".
It'd involve a moonbase.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
Main Hero: Mazey - level 50 + 1 fire/fire/fire blaster.
Main Villain: Chained Bot - level 50 + 1 Robot/FF Mastermind.
BattleEngine - "And the prize for the most level headed response ever goes to Mazey"
Everyone would log in to find that they are level 53.
We'd all be told we'd get the chance to fight each other for that one XP that levels us to 51.
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
Every character recieves a temporary power called "Lowered Accuracy" which says it debuffs your accuracy but actually does nothing.
Players complain about their lowered accuracy anyway.
We'd get given this:
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I'd love an april fools day event.
Be fun to be able to give players a gift(prank).
Here are some pranks I'd like to see..
1)If you open a gift(prank) from another player, you turn into a Rikti Monkey(think secondary mutation de-evolution), for 30 seconds, or get hit with another funny costume change.
2)You get a rock.
3)Maybe get a special mission that is very comical.
NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.
Every character recieves a temporary power called "Lowered Accuracy" which says it debuffs your accuracy but actually does nothing.
Players complain about their lowered accuracy anyway. |
New AT: Sidekick / Henchmen
Melee/support. No defense set, low HP. No range in any of their sets, and all support skills are also melee range or melee PBAoE size so they have to run all over the place to heal people and hit things. Limited to two pool power sets, can not take missions of their own, and does not get half their power/slot picks, instead they get free tailor tokens on those levels so they can make sure to stay worse looking than their superior.
All secondary sets start with a 60sec recharge self rez at 10%hp 100% stamina as the first pick, but the power requires a friend to be targeted and in melee range. (Friend can be incapacitated!)
Nothing comes close to FREEEEEEM!!! on any level to be honest x)
The purple recipe idea though would kill me! I already get a mini heart attack when im on a 50 and i see i get a long named recipe drop, always think its a purple!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Pedestrians don't simply push you if you happen to be in their way... they target you and follow you in order to push you.
Temporary pet: Nemesis Automaton. Appears as a normal guy in a suit who does nothing but random chit-chat: Did you see the game yesterday? How about this weather? War, huh! What is it good for?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Strangely enough, you're allowed to run around all over the map while that message is on screen ...

Statesman wakes up
"It was only a dream"
April Fools Event!
A pop up tells you the message of the day:
Our new update i22.5 contains all remaining incarnate powers, a brand new zone, 2 new powersets, 2 new costume packs, and new story arcs. To gain access just talk to the new contact Bamboozle in the recently made co op zone The Storm Palace. You go through the zone, find the contact out in the middle of nowhere after searching for what seems like an hour. Click the contact and he says:
Happy April Fool's Day!
Be sure to drink your

Your character turns around and slaps you through the screen, wanting to be the driver of his own destiny!
Or thousands of Pigeons pooping on people...
April Fools Event!
A pop up tells you the message of the day: Our new update i22.5 contains all remaining incarnate powers, a brand new zone, 2 new powersets, 2 new costume packs, and new story arcs. To gain access just talk to the new contact Bamboozle in the recently made co op zone The Storm Palace. You go through the zone, find the contact out in the middle of nowhere after searching for what seems like an hour. Click the contact and he says: Happy April Fool's Day! ![]() |
* Atlas Statue stands up... throws the globe through a nearby war-wall which shatters... says "screw this" and stomps off...
* Pocket D suddenly filled with enemies of spongey, fluffy grayish matter who just sort of drift aimlessly from corner to corner... Info on them says they are "Pocket Lint"..
* The two Hydra globs at the end of the Death from Below trial hold a conversation while you're fighting them... "We used to be famous, you know..." "Well, WE weren't famous... but we were attached to famous people..." "Then he had to go and splash in a foreign pond, don't you know..." "The pond had some sort o' virulent pond scum on it, so sad the story..." "We were lookin' like this by the time the Pig found out..." "Oooh... she had a right temper... ripped off the offending bits and flushed 'em down the toilet she did..." "Poor bloke was never the same... 'eard he needs someone else's hands to do 'is movin' around for him these days..."
* Turndown girl finally says "yes" to Desperate Guy... Anyone going to Pocket D will see him being worked on by a paramedic crew who are desperately trying to get his heart started again... by the time he recovers on April 2nd, she's changed her mind.
* In the BAF cutscene the areas between Siege and Nightstar's legs will be video distorted.
* The Anti-Matter soliloquy in the Keyes cutscene will begin a little differently... "You know... I didn't want to be a scientist... I wanted to be a fireman... but Noooooo... Mom wanted a DOCTOR in the family... and don't even get me STARTED on my Daddy issues..."
* "Who Will Die?" SSA changed for one day into a Survivor-Vote-Off-The-Island-Style elimination reality show... the player and the Freedom Phalanx being the ones on the island...
* Every time someone gets a Computer Virus as a salvage drop their computer screen will flicker alarmingly.
* Anyone who attempts to make inventions will be taken through a series of branching question/answer screens such as "You have the boresight and the luck charm... do you A) Cook them at 350 degrees, B) touch them together while mumbling "abra-cadokie" under your breath or C) run to the next room and ask the Professor"...
* When talking to Statesman in Independence Port the first thing he will say is "Apparently... I was only MOSTLY dead..."
* City Hall dome is removed and laying off to one side... Atlas globe is likewise on the ground... Atlas sitting on top of City Hall buttocks strategically located over hole left by dome removal... very loud... very graphic and gross sounds eminating into general area along with Atlas's groans and pleas for mercy... Entrance to the Hall is blocked off by police line tape and people wearing full Hazmat suits...
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
It would be serious. It would be fun. It would release March 31st.
Devs announce a server merge ...
... with World of Warcraft.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
) You get a special event mission invite called Duped. When you enter the mission its completely empty and you get mission complete
) You PUG gets a PM asking for an invite from Manticore. Everyone is thrilled. Halfway through the mission ... "Oh no my mind is being controlled" *twang* Urk! *twang* Ack!! *twang* Boom!
) The Hamidon spawns in Atlas Park unannounced. Heros start coming in from all over the server. Then a giant pink monster with a gaping maw spawns in by Hamidon. Then in comes the surviving Freedom Phalanx to gather all heroes. Then a second giant pink fanged monster spawns by Hamidon. Just when it looks like there will be a massive battle ....... The Hamidon and the other 2 creatures start performing the Mahna Mahna song and then return to their lair.
) The dialogue for the Longbow ambush is changed in villain mayhem missions to "And They're coming to take me away Ha Ha They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha"
)Wentworth starts selling Henweighs. When you buy one you get an e-mail saying "about 2 pounds".
) Players start getting handed clues called Fifth Column for Dummies. The clues says First put on uniform, second grab weapon from box, third stand by boxes in neighborhood
) The music on the sewer trial is changed to Yakity Sax
) The system announces that Bloody Bay is full and Bloody Bay 2 instance is forming
) All the Fake Nemesis have a contest in Atlas Park asking people to vote for the real Nemesis