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  1. I live in Orange County NY (just a train ride away... well an hour long one but eh), been a lurker for a long only popping my head into a tread on the really rare occasion. Not that Im anti-social I love meeting new people.
  2. White_Apostle

    Elec/WP help

    Well I have a lvl 50 elec/WP brute that I haven't played since CoV was a separate game. I am attached to the character as I had fleshed out a whole back story and was my first villain created. I have looked at the first 20 pages here in the brute forum and didn't see a build or even a topic about elec/wp brute. So can I assume that this is not a good combo?

    If indeed that is the case what can I do to make this brute a monster? Lets assume INF is not an issue and I have a set of the Purple brute ATOs. And that I can get whatever a Incarnate slots and abilities needed in a few days of trial grinding. What can I do?

    Also I just got MIDS and am working out how to recreate my current build to post up.

  3. You log in and see that magic green arrow that indicates a level up. When you go to the trainer you can get all the way to 50 where upon completion and exit the trainer a pop up simply says "GOTCHA!".
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    But not by Ms. Liberty if she has her legs cut off
    Had one of those "Why am I drinking and reading the forums?" moments. haha
  5. Yea I also have this aura. Ironically on an old widow just like that other post. I was wondering what it was and stumbled onto this post.
  6. White_Apostle

    Is "Gratz" dead?

    I usually say it as well, when I see it that is. But i usually run the team interface so all the buffs are visiable. So all those inspiration icons get noticed.