23 Years old and 'Totally a trained Superhero' (minor spoilers)




Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
And it works the other way, too; my father was 6'4" tall since he was 12, and I hit 6'5" at 15 and stopped there.
My baby cousin's like that.

I, however, am stuck at 5'4 and my only comfort is that Wolverine's official height was 5'3...

On the subject of Penelope, except for her height change, I'm not really having much of a problem. I've been treating CoH time as a timey wimey ball anyway, based on whatever I need to be doing at any given moment.

So what I'm saying is no, I don't feel she was eighteen when I met her the first time (I felt she was sixteen) but I can ignore that and just assume enough time has passed.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
I challenged you earlier to apply for a position as one of their freelance writers. If you believe you can do better, submit any or all of your published writing as part of your résumé. If they think they can use you, you have your foot in the door and can now put your writing where your mouth is. As I said before, "It is easier to stand by and criticize than it is to actively participate and do something about it." Otherwise, you will sound like a useless broken record.
Once again you make the assumption that Paragon is even looking to hire new writers. I wouldn't assume they are.

So applying is irrelevant.

Criticizing the writing IS a valid point regardless if you yourself have written shakespeare.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Once again you make the assumption that Paragon is even looking to hire new writers. I wouldn't assume they are.

So applying is irrelevant.

Criticizing the writing IS a valid point regardless if you yourself have written shakespeare.
There kind sir or ma'am, you doth assume too much putting words in my mouth where they were never before found.

Had I said or indicated in such a manner, I would speak directly to that subject, not beat around the bush, or have some hidden message for someone to read into.

Gaming companies do not make it a habit to advertise their need for writers, especially ones that are successful as NCsoft or others that I had previous involvement.

The fact remains, both people I challenged can still submit their published writings to the Developers to be part of their writing stable. IF (let me put that qualifier in there to satisfy your needing for clarification), if they want to use these two, they can. If not, they at least attempted and can have satisfaction in putting for the effort. You would have them not do anything based on an assumption.

Moreover, yes, one can complain, gripe, moan, and decry writing all they want. They are welcome to it. However, my point still stands that they will still sound like a broken useless record. I will take it further, those who continue to act in such a manner; eventually they will lose all credibility. That kind sir or ma'am is a fact, not supposition or an assumption.

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
I'm having a little trouble with why we're caring about this...

We're comics geeks.

This is a relatively sane point of contention.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



I challenged you earlier to apply for a position as one of their freelance writers.
Not only is this objection completely unfair, but thanks to MA I can point to no small number of arcs I've reviewed that are far better than anything we've gotten lately. (Assuming they still work, that is.)

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post

Actually it might be because she's Asian.
Whenever I shave, people in my class mistake my for my late teens, my dad, were it not for his salt and pepper hair, is sometimes mistake to be in his forties or thirties, my sister is easily mistaken for teenager despite being older than me.
A dentist's assistant who used to work at my, well, dentist's office looked to be in her early twenties when she was only a few years younger than my parents.
Heck, my grandfather is in his 90s and still looks the same as he did twenty years ago, so this should tell you something.
It tells me I wish I could exchange my genes' preponderance for diabetes in for the fountain of youth that my half brothers and sister received from their Thai mother. They look fabulous, and she looks young enough to be my sister. The first time I met her I was 17 and she was 45 and looked to be my age with the body of a supermodel. Now she's in her late 60s and finally looks the age she was then. It can't be just diet because I'm the only one in the family that will eat her native recipe cooking.

Anyway, back to the point....

The interview was hilarious, and I so agree with the 'your pet was accepted'. Can you say "INCARNATE", because the pet and that nuke of hers.... definitely. Lorewise it would also fill the no-incarnate gap in the FP now that Statesman is gone.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
It tells me I wish I could exchange my genes' preponderance for diabetes in for the fountain of youth that my half brothers received from their Thai mother. They look fabulous, and she looks young enough to be my sister. The first time I met her I was 17 and she was 45 and looked to be my age with the body of a supermodel. Now she's in her late 60s and finally looks the age she was then.
I'm amused that I still get carded for alcohol. I always thought I looked older, but many perceive that I look younger.



Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
I will take it further, those who continue to act in such a manner; eventually they will lose all credibility. That kind sir or ma'am is a fact, not supposition or an assumption.
Then it's a good thing that my ego isn't wrapped up in my credibility with you.

Were you around when the RWZ first launched? When Lady Grey's task force first opened there was a lot of snickering, nudging and winking on the forums over the fact that the Clockwork King was depicted as a borderline child molester.

The reason that occurred was that many players with no other information about Penny then her depiction in Faultline had drawn the same conclusion - that she was mid-teenaged, at most.

You can call it "horse blinders" all you want. I call it faulty writing. You know what they did about it back then? Not a thing. They knew years ago about this age problem and they did nothing to correct anyone's assumptions back then. Now, they pop out this factoid and expect everyone to just nod their heads and say "Oh, yeah, alright."

I don't think so. It's indicative of a problem that's endemic to the dev staff that they don't give us any more information than is strictly necessary.

You want another example? A couple of years ago if you looked up Miss Liberty and Freedom Corps in the Paragon Wiki you would have found that Miss Liberty was the founder of Freedom Corps or the leader of it or some other such "nonsense". Except that it wasn't nonsense back then. Miss Liberty wrote on Freedom Corps stationary and awarded Jingle Jets to the community in the name of Freedom Corps. People were left with almost no information about her otherwise or her affiliation, and the devs knew about the questions and chose not to answer them.

Now, we find in just the last few weeks that Miss Liberty gave up heroing years ago to be a consulate(sic). She apparently had nothing to do with Freedom Corps, she considers her hero days to be something semi-frivolous, and one can only speculate on why she was bothering to hand out jingle jets when she had diplomatic crises to be administering.

Once again, the devs had information that would have corrected the impressions people had or that were formed out of thin air in order to make sense of what they DID know, and the devs chose instead to leave everyone in the dark until such time as they burst everyone's bubble for their own purposes.

So, you'll have to forgive me but I do NOT view this as some kind of hard-headed blindness on my part, nor do I see it as an issue where "if you can do as good a job as the devs then either put up and get hired by them or shut up". It's an issue with the game's developers treating us like "shrooms" when it comes to the game's back story and I will protest against that as much as I please. If it annoys you to the point that you find me non-credible, well, the ignore button exists for a reason.



You can call it "horse blinders" all you want. I call it faulty writing. You know what they did about it back then? Not a thing. They knew years ago about this age problem and they did nothing to correct anyone's assumptions back then.
Untrue. The bit about Penny being college-age came out at or before the release of the RWZ. It was only discussed on the forums so I'm sure a lot of people missed it, but it was there.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



if she was younger than 23 right now people would be angry about her outfit being inappropriate for her age instead




((I apologize, this next post is satirical and filled with blantant exaggerations but... Sometimes this is how this thread is translating in my mind.))

I can't help but be vaguely reminded of some buzzwords from 4chan that feel they aptly describe some people's rebellion to the idea of Penny becoming a hero: Autistic, Waifu, White knighting.
"What? she can't be a hero now! It ruins my views of her as a sweet, naive, pure flower!"
"She couldn't have developed attitude problems from people treating her the way I see her! That ruins her child-like cuteness!"
"Why is she dressed like a skank! Nooooo! Mai waifu!"

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Untrue. The bit about Penny being college-age came out at or before the release of the RWZ. It was only discussed on the forums so I'm sure a lot of people missed it, but it was there.
I know better than to argue with Venture about these things, but I'd ask what "it was there" actually means?

If there was a post on the forums by a red name then I'd say "Okay, you're right." If it was simply hearsay then I'd say that they didn't actually do anything to correct the problem. A note sent to a curious player like BlueBattler is not "action" that fixes anything. Adjusting Penny's description to include that information would be taking action, in my mind. Heck, even just putting it in some official place like Manticore's old Canon Fodder thread would at least be something.

My original assertion still stands - the devs follow the forums or they have people to follow the forums, and they knew or should have known that many people believed Penny to be a teen. They took no official action to correct that misconception.

Ironically enough, Google does show me that Bluebattler posted the information given him by Hero 1 in the "sister" thread, "Fodder for the Canon" back in 2009. I guess that puts it in at least one official place, even if it's one I wouldn't normally think to look in, and it's still basically hearsay.

I'm still dissatisfied but I'll concede that the information was floating out there in some form even if it's not the form I would have preferred.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I can't help but be vaguely reminded of some buzzwords from 4chan that feel
Without judging your chosen buzzwords, they pretty much all boil down to the fact that many of us didn't think of her as "child-like", we thought of her as a child, period.

Turning her into a mid-twenties adult is a bit more chaw than we were prepared to chew.



Just for the record, I always pegged Penny in Faultline as 14, with Faultline and Fusionette as 18-19. Maybe its just because they treat her like a little sister, so I just filled in the ages, especially with how bubbly Penny was.

I don't really have a problem with her being older now, but it did shock me a bit that she's supposed to be 18 back then.

As a side note, I thought it funny she refers to Faultline as "Jim" in her dialogue but Fusionette is always Fusionette.



I'm still dissatisfied but I'll concede that the information was floating out there in some form even if it's not the form I would have preferred.
I agree that they weren't clear about Penny's age, that the misconceptions were not cleared up properly, etc. But I call's 'em as I see's 'em, and this one isn't a canon error or a retcon. It's an obscurity fault.

Now if you really want to get bent out of shape, try figuring out how old Vanessa DeVore must have been when Mr. Yin nailed her.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
Without judging your chosen buzzwords, they pretty much all boil down to the fact that many of us didn't think of her as "child-like", we thought of her as a child, period.

Turning her into a mid-twenties adult is a bit more chaw than we were prepared to chew.
And so did I, but when I found out she was an adult, I was able to accept it and not desperately cling to the idea of her being a child or accuse the devs that this was inconsistent writing.

The devs have shown lots of poor writing consistency in the past, but this wasn't one of them.

Edit: You want inconsistent writing on Penelope Yin? Here's one from Agent G
Originally Posted by Agent G
It's over. The PsychoChronoMetron is destroyed, and can never be rebuilt. Sands, Nocturne, and Castillo are all back in custody. We won't be able to hide Penelope Yin's powers anymore, so we're arranging some tutoring from Sister Psyche, Aurora Borealis, and others for her. Arachnos and the Sky Raiders still have their bases here, but I feel confidant Longbow and the PPD will be able to contain them.
And now they're saying "no one knows who trained her"? Yeesh.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I agree that they weren't clear about Penny's age, that the misconceptions were not cleared up properly, etc. But I call's 'em as I see's 'em, and this one isn't a canon error or a retcon. It's an obscurity fault.

Now if you really want to get bent out of shape, try figuring out how old Vanessa DeVore must have been when Mr. Yin nailed her.



And now they're saying "no one knows who trained her"? Yeesh.
I don't think Sister Psyche and Aurora were training Penny for combat or superhero work. Who trained her for that is pretty obvious: "Rusty".

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
And so did I, but when I found out she was an adult, I was able to accept it and not desperately cling to the idea of her being a child or accuse the devs that this was inconsistent writing.

The devs have shown lots of poor writing consistency in the past, but this wasn't one of them.

Edit: You want inconsistent writing on Penelope Yin? Here's one from Agent G

And now they're saying "no one knows who trained her"? Yeesh.
Look - Complaining about the age thing is not some emo attachment to unicorns and glitter, so how about if we just dispense with the desperation and the denial, alright? Consistency is exactly what the complaint is about, though I'm not going to ram it down your throat if you happen to have a different definition of consistency.

Complaining about having to adjust and deal doesn't mean that we're not all just going to adjust and deal. With any luck, someone in the writing staff will look at the complaints and say "Well, maybe we should be more thorough next time." That's the ultimate goal, if there can be said to be a goal. Nobody who is complaining, nor any of the people who have commented WITHOUT complaining, are going to lose sleep over Penny being revealed to really be a young adult instead of a mature teen in the "current" timeline of the game.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
And so did I, but when I found out she was an adult, I was able to accept it and not desperately cling to the idea of her being a child or accuse the devs that this was inconsistent writing.

The devs have shown lots of poor writing consistency in the past, but this wasn't one of them.

Edit: You want inconsistent writing on Penelope Yin? Here's one from Agent G

And now they're saying "no one knows who trained her"? Yeesh.
*looks at her hybrid Psy/Electric attacks*

Not Obvious at ALL, I was surprised she didn't show up as a Clockwork/Empathy Mastermind Honestly! However her costume is horrible.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
And now they're saying "no one knows who trained her"? Yeesh.
They tutored her - but she was trained by others

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I thought the reason for this change was simple.

The hinted incestuous relationship between Tyrant and Dominatrix was unacceptable, and then retconned.

The hinted pedophile relationship between CWK and Penelope Yin was unacceptable and then retconned.

IMO, the problem isn't that the retcons occurred, it's that someone actually ok'd the original take on things in the first place.



Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
The hinted pedophile relationship between CWK and Penelope Yin was unacceptable and then retconned.
when was this hinted?



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
when was this hinted?
I swear to god, this whole time I thought it was a sister/big brother thing.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



I just find it amusing that a character named as a Wacky Races reference is now becoming a premier hero in the game. I wonder if one of her rejected hero names was "Pitstop"?

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"