23 Years old and 'Totally a trained Superhero' (minor spoilers)




Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
I swear to god, this whole time I thought it was a sister/big brother thing.
that's the impression I got from the LGTF...a deranged, overprotective, older brother



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
The hinted pedophile relationship between CWK and Penelope Yin was unacceptable and then retconned.
when was this hinted?
Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
I swear to god, this whole time I thought it was a sister/big brother thing.
Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
that's the impression I got from the LGTF...a deranged, overprotective, older brother
Indeed.... they said he wanted to make her his Princess not his Queen.

That implies a more platonic or familial relationship, not a romantic one.

One of his lines during the LGTF is about protecting her from "boys" which always struck me as very fatherly. (Who hasn't had/been faced with the overbearing father who never thinks you're good enough for his daughter?)

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
that's the impression I got from the LGTF...a deranged, overprotective, older brother
I'm pretty sure CK has a line about protecting Penny "from boys", and it isn't something that suggests a brotherly sort of protective spirit, though I guess it's just vague enough to be open to interpretation.

Of course, that whole bit just reinforces the whole "kid" aspect of things, or maybe it's just CK's own personal insanity that makes him treat her that way instead of treating her as a roughly twenty-year-old woman. (Age guess based on the implied aging that happens to Temblor and Fusionette between Faultline and RWZ.)

As for a "hinted at" pedophile relationship, that just goes back again to the fact that Penny's age was so indeterminate that people assumed she was a kid. Clearly, if she's 18-20 by the time of Lady Grey's Task Force then there's not even a hint of pedophilia in the relationship.

I'd even go so far as to say that one reason that Penny became a "much loved" character (to use the Dev's words from the preview of I-22) is BECAUSE so many people viewed her as a kid. If she had been viewed by everyone from the beginning as a peer of Jim Temblor and Fusionette, I am of the opinion that she would not have become nearly as much of a "much loved" character. Your mileage may vary, of course.



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
I just find it amusing that a character named as a Wacky Races reference is now becoming a premier hero in the game. I wonder if one of her rejected hero names was "Pitstop"?
I really think they should have given Muxley (the Lost boss) some kind of ambient snicker sound effect in that mission.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I really think they should have given Muxley (the Lost boss) some kind of ambient snicker sound effect in that mission.
He does. He has two lines, one is the snicker and the other is "Rackin' frackin' rausey-rakin'!" Then we meet the rest of the cast in the following mission.

I do like when a silly reference suddenly ends up becoming an important part of the story.

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Originally Posted by McNum View Post
He does. He has two lines, one is the snicker and the other is "Rackin' frackin' rausey-rakin'!" Then we meet the rest of the cast in the following mission.

I do like when a silly reference suddenly ends up becoming an important part of the story.
Yeah, I just would find it amusing to hear Muttley's actual snicker sound as a triggered audio loop of some kind.



Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, children of all ages (lol sorry I couldn't resist) ... Once more we are attempting to tie Real Life/Time to a game/comic. In SSA arc # 5 Statesman died at the hands of Darrin Wade and yet the same day I completed that arc I was in IP and waved at STATESMAN standing around on the deck of that ship ready to send heroes off to battle Lord Recluse. In SSA # 6 we now know that Sister Psyche also perishes but last I checked she is still outside the hospital in IP sending heroes off to battle Freakshow and Claymor.

The explanation... those events (the TF) occurred in a time before the SSAs cause their demise. Now I haven't seen anything, then again I wasn't looking, that states that Penny is now 23 and was or wasn't 18 back when Faultline was revamped and she appeared.. yeah I wouldn't have guessed she 18 either. But we are dealing with a fanatsy game here and how many movies, TV shows, etc have you seen where in one scene an actor is a small child and in the very next one 20 years have gone by and they are a full grown adult? So five years have passed since Penelope Yin appeared in Faultline and began asking us to rescue her dad.. where exactly is it written in stone that now (5 year of rl later) she can't be 23, 33 or even 103?

Now frankly if the Devs are saying she was 18 in 2009 and is 23 now they are grasping at straws.. would have been easier to just say time has passed and she's an adult now. Her character still looks fairly youthful in the SSA arc and until grey hairs and wrinkle start to appear if anyone works out, watches their diet and takes care of themselves can you really tell if someone is 20 or 35 without taking to them and getting a feel for their level of maturity? LOL frankly with some of the people I have worked with/for over the years I know 40 year old males that still act like they are 15 most of the time.

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�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Now I haven't seen anything, then again I wasn't looking, that states that Penny is now 23 and was or wasn't 18 back when Faultline was revamped and she appeared..
SSA6's bio for her when she's your ally says she was eighteen.

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Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
I swear to god, this whole time I thought it was a sister/big brother thing.
Especially when you consider that (based off SSA1.6) she's now about 20 something, she sounds to be about the same age (maybe a little older) that CWK was when he got Steel'd, I've always figured he does have a thing for her, but isn't going to go any closer cause of his condition.

That if the ever got his body back, then something might happen.

And to give Penny her due - she was untrained at the time of Faultline. Her father is missing, and people are STILL after her. I could so totally see her playing the part of someone a few years younger than she really to try and encourage people to help her.

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Here's an interesting question - If CK is Penny's mysterious trainer then what does that say about him? Is he coming to terms with his own condition and cognizant of the true source of his "robotics" skills?

There's at least one universe where that knowledge resulted in the extinguishing of humanity...



Here's an interesting question - If CK is Penny's mysterious trainer then what does that say about him? Is he coming to terms with his own condition and cognizant of the true source of his "robotics" skills?
In the accidental beta leak of what appeared to be a SSA 2 mission, there was a scene in which, if you allowed Penny and the King to talk without attacking, she manages to talk him into accepting her new role as a hero. Of course, that's just a small part of a (presumably) much larger picture.

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Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Especially when you consider that (based off SSA1.6) she's now about 20 something, she sounds to be about the same age (maybe a little older) that CWK was when he got Steel'd,
Actually, doing a bit of head math, The Clockwork King could have been as young as fourteen when Bluesteel MURDERED HIM.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Actually, doing a bit of head math, The Clockwork King could have been as young as fourteen when Bluesteel MURDERED HIM.
it was natural selection

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.