And I'd like fries with that (LOL) [some what humorous non rant]

Blood Red Arachnid



Okay so earlier today I was on and saw this post for a MOM:

[Virtuebadges09] Xxxxxx Xxxxxx: last call for MoM itrial leauge LFM. +3 incarnate shift appreciated, full io sets please. widow or dark miasma prefered, pst for an invite, thanks.

I couldn’t help but want desperately to add something like..

Must enjoy long walks on the beach and watching the sunset. Will be required to submit detailed list of all purple enhancements and a complete diagram of build. Certificate of accomplishment detailing successful completion of all Itrials at LEAST once. MUST have appropriate costume and no one will be permitted to join without a Bio that is at least 450 characters in length. Check box to indicate preference(s) [ ] Star Trek Next Generation [ ] Battle Star Galatica [ ] Star Gate One [ ] Futurama .. Note: anything less than 3 check marks disqualifies automatically.
First as the title indicates let me clarify this is NOT a rant. I could care less what these leaders want and my very solution to dealing with them is very simple.. I don't send a tell and don't join their teams... EVER!

I realize that on some of these new trials having a team with more 50 (+0)s than those with 3 level shifts can be a problem. On trials like the UG or MoM attention to who has clarion, barrier, etc can spell the difference between victory and defeat but .. FULL IO Sets, 3 level shifts and widows or characters with Dark Maisma required? Please!! LOL

A while back the league I run with nightly had a guy join that INSISTED we needed at least 3 widows to have a chance at succeeding on a MoM .. The combined Mind Link helping to counter the effects of the psi.. Strange we do Mom nightly and prior to his arrival had succeeded constantly with exactly NO widows at all

Some of the advertisements are funny and others make you wonder.. “So back when you were a 50 (+O) how would you have felt if no one wanted to invite you to their team until you some how managed to obtain 3 level shifts with no ability to get on a league and do trials?”

OF course things are going to go easier with a 16 man league that all have 3 level shifts. But when you start requesting specific ATs and even Powers maybe its time to take a short break from the game and get back in touch with reality.. I'll take 16 players, with the right amounts of Clarion, Barrier and Rebrith, that know how to play the game and their character over a goof that can't follow instructions, can't grasp the concept of PINK CLOUD kills and spend more time whining about being dead than fighting any day!

Please feel free to add your own stories of ... ?? I am not even sure what to call it .. Trial Sobbery? hehehe

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Okay so earlier today I was on and saw this post for a MOM:

[Virtuebadges09] Xxxxxx Xxxxxx: last call for MoM itrial leauge LFM. +3 incarnate shift appreciated, full io sets please. widow or dark miasma prefered, pst for an invite, thanks.

I couldn’t help but want desperately to add something like..

Must enjoy long walks on the beach and watching the sunset. Will be required to submit detailed list of all purple enhancements and a complete diagram of build. Certificate of accomplishment detailing successful completion of all Itrials at LEAST once. MUST have appropriate costume and no one will be permitted to join without a Bio that is at least 450 characters in length. Check box to indicate preference(s) [ ] Star Trek Next Generation [ ] Battle Star Galatica [ ] Star Gate One [ ] Futurama .. Note: anything less than 3 check marks disqualifies automatically.
First as the title indicates let me clarify this is NOT a rant. I could care less what these leaders want and my very solution to dealing with them is very simple.. I don't send a tell and don't join their teams... EVER!

I realize that on some of these new trials having a team with more 50 (+0)s than those with 3 level shifts can be a problem. On trials like the UG or MoM attention to who has clarion, barrier, etc can spell the difference between victory and defeat but .. FULL IO Sets, 3 level shifts and widows or characters with Dark Maisma required? Please!! LOL

A while back the league I run with nightly had a guy join that INSISTED we needed at least 3 widows to have a chance at succeeding on a MoM .. The combined Mind Link helping to counter the effects of the psi.. Strange we do Mom nightly and prior to his arrival had succeeded constantly with exactly NO widows at all

Some of the advertisements are funny and others make you wonder.. “So back when you were a 50 (+O) how would you have felt if no one wanted to invite you to their team until you some how managed to obtain 3 level shifts with no ability to get on a league and do trials?”

OF course things are going to go easier with a 16 man league that all have 3 level shifts. But when you start requesting specific ATs and even Powers maybe its time to take a short break from the game and get back in touch with reality.. I'll take 16 players, with the right amounts of Clarion, Barrier and Rebrith, that know how to play the game and their character over a goof that can't follow instructions, can't grasp the concept of PINK CLOUD kills and spend more time whining about being dead than fighting any day!

Please feel free to add your own stories of ... ?? I am not even sure what to call it .. Trial Sobbery? hehehe
Having failed my fair share of MoM's because of the lack of level-shifted characters, I can appreciate the "need" for them.

Asking for specific ATs is kinda silly, I agree.

I know the person who uses that particular advertisement and he's a nice guy

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



The only thing that catches my eye on that note was "full io sets needed."

The "widow or dark miasma needed" could be one of those 'things' where the leader would like x AT/powerset....okay no biggie....

But full io sets? Really?

*shrugs* Not that it bothers me.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Oh, I saw this person on Virtue last night, in the Rikti War Zone. I immediately gave them a 1-star and noted why just so I'll know to avoid that person again.

What made it worse for me was that I'd just logged in my level 50 blaster, whom I'd only recently started unlocking and equipping Incarnate slots, and as such did not have any rare or very rare Incarnate powers yet. I've already got three +3 Incarnated characters who would have qualified for those silly rules* that player was making, but I kinda wanted to get my blaster up to +3 that night, sooo.... yeah, completely useless to me!

*(Maybe not my Warshade, who has no purple or PvP sets; No purpled out Warshades for me, yet!)



Its more of a symptom of current iTrial design.

I don't think I would 1 star people for trying to increase their odds of beating trials. There are not enough people leading the "harder" trials anyways and when people read posts like this, it will just create the "silent" screen.

Also, WW you don't know the makeup of the team, there might have been enough 50s on the team that the trial leader did not feel comfortable inviting more.

*goes back to running BAF, LAM and Keyes*

In the case of UGh, TPN and MoM (and soon to be DD) I'll just wait til they are fixed to be more inclusive.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



So much hate for a person who didn't even say he wouldn't accept anyone else, just gave a list of what he'd prefere.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Yeah, I also see that occasionally on Virtue. And, like Wicked Wendy, I simply ignore those leagues and go do something else.

I agree with pretty much everyone around here that high player competence is more valuable, in general, than full IO sets or particular power sets. But the level shift thing I sorta get, after all, the purple patch imposes significant penalties for level differences, and when you simply don't have the survivability and dps to take out MM in under three minutes in the final fight, well, there's not much point in even starting the trial. The scant astrals and threads you'll earn aren't worth it, IMO.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
So much hate for a person who didn't even say he wouldn't accept anyone else, just gave a list of what he'd prefere.
I don't know about anywhere else, but inside the RWZ he was most definitely saying that he wouldn't accept anyone who wasn't at least +3, and was insisting that people petitioning to join his league tell him what IO sets they had equipped.



Yeah, seen that exact add a few times. As I pretty much stop running trials at +3, never been tempted to join or bother to find out how strict it is.

So much hate for a person who didn't even say he wouldn't accept anyone else, just gave a list of what he'd prefere
Not hate, disdain.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



If they were going for a MoMoM then I could see the 'requirements' being so galvanised to ensure success. Protection against Psi damage, Dark Miasma for healing and Howling Twilight mass-rez/stun, full IOs for say positional defenses and regen. But then that's why I don't do them anymore.

Something humourous of my own: before the cutscene skipping, BAF was a good place to pop up some cutscene side-bubbles. So mine was "I fancy some KFC". Few trials went by and someone asked just what the heck I was on about. So I told them it's because they're famous for their 100% chicken breast. Yes, they did groan at that.

Best one I saw was someone who'd made two binds and when it jumped to Siege and Nightstar they blurted out two lines from South Park Mel Gibson "Oh, my nipples are so tender. Don't squeeze them anymore!". Needless to say, we were all in stitches for the rest of the trial.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Yeah, I also see that occasionally on Virtue. And, like Wicked Wendy, I simply ignore those leagues and go do something else.

I agree with pretty much everyone around here that high player competence is more valuable, in general, than full IO sets or particular power sets. But the level shift thing I sorta get, after all, the purple patch imposes significant penalties for level differences, and when you simply don't have the survivability and dps to take out MM in under three minutes in the final fight, well, there's not much point in even starting the trial. The scant astrals and threads you'll earn aren't worth it, IMO.
UGh, TPN and MoM have high enough failure rates I just don't bother with them anyways. Level shifts and incarnate powers are very helpful for the team success rates but it also creates this eliteism which I don't like. Of course by saying you would 1 star people like this will just push more people to refuse to run such trials and force Positron's hand to consider Nerfing iTrials rewards again because people don't run the "hard" trials anymore.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



All I'm going to say is that after more than a dozen failures... there are only two characters of mine that will set virtual foot inside a MoM trial. Both are +3. One's a Dark defender. The other's a Dark corruptor.

I don't care about what anyone else brings... I go in there with level shifts and Shadowfall, or I don't go in at all.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
Of course by saying you would 1 star people like this will just push more people to refuse to run such trials and force Positron's hand to consider Nerfing iTrials rewards again because people don't run the "hard" trials anymore.
Play my way or the highway? I'm sure he's not that out of touch with reality. If you do that sort of thing too often for too long, you'll end up losing more subscribers than you might gain from it. Probably a lot more. I'm sure the bean counters over at NCSoft wouldn't like that very much.



I know this guy, I was on the trial.

It went pretty smooth. Not badge perfect, but no OMG WTF WHY ARE WE FAILING! Dark and Widows make the zone a lot easier on a team, but they aren't needed, it is possible to do it without them.

But the IO thing was stupid. I'm full IOed and I need to be to play the game how I want as a tanking crab, but you can still rock this in SO, or basic IOs or whatever. He didn't ask me what IOs I had though, I just said I was a 53 crab and he was happy to have me. Maybe it is all that sweet buffing I bring :P

And he also had a bit of a thing about destinies. He wanted everyone rebirth/barrier, failing that, whatever gave you a shift.

So basically, a little silly, but it worked. I still prefer teams where anyone can join, so long as we get a majority of +3s :P



Originally Posted by Trilby View Post
I know this guy, I was on the trial.

It went pretty smooth. Not badge perfect, but no OMG WTF WHY ARE WE FAILING! Dark and Widows make the zone a lot easier on a team, but they aren't needed, it is possible to do it without them.

But the IO thing was stupid. I'm full IOed and I need to be to play the game how I want as a tanking crab, but you can still rock this in SO, or basic IOs or whatever. He didn't ask me what IOs I had though, I just said I was a 53 crab and he was happy to have me. Maybe it is all that sweet buffing I bring :P

And he also had a bit of a thing about destinies. He wanted everyone rebirth/barrier, failing that, whatever gave you a shift.

So basically, a little silly, but it worked. I still prefer teams where anyone can join, so long as we get a majority of +3s :P
Well the destinies I can understand. The group I runwith always does a Destiny count prior to Queue for MoM and the UG. The leader wants to be sure he has X amount of Clarion available (to negate Mez) and especially with MoM Barrier, the one with 1 or 2 rezzes depending on t3 or t4, comes in handy helping to avoid using the Infamous DEZ REZ.

JUST to clarify based on a few of the posts... I never said I one starred or placed this person on ignore I simply said the advertisement seems silly. Come on .. I now have 17 incarnates that have nothing BUT t4s in all 5 powers and 12 of those have multiple destiny options. At some point every single one of them was a 50 +0 and it was being allowed to join trials and earn my level shifts that allowed me to get there.

The league I run with nightly has no problem letting a few +0 tag along .. No we aren't insane we make sure we have plenty of +3s to ensure we can carry those folks till they can carry themselves.

Now IF, as mentioned, someone was attempting a Master run sure I can understand wanting to optimize chances and seeking out only +3s but I have done every single trial countless times now and there is no particular AT that is required for any of them.. Heck we have even done the Penny battle on Mom with a SoA Bane taunting because we had NO tank or Brute! AS for Dark I have several characters that use it .. It has 3 powers that debuff ... So does RAD.

To each his or her own and if those leaders find enough players to join them I am sure they do just fine but they spend a lot more time looking for team mates and I am polishing off my second or third trial while they are just STARTING their first with all of those restrictions. The one thing I didnt bother to copy was some of the comment in broadcast the individual got in reply.. Not one of which was positive. Most regarded his shopping list of requirements to join his league as a joke.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



That's one of the reason I have benched all my 50's and up. I was trying to work on getting all the Alpha level shifts on one and it seems there is a headlong rush to have perfect characters for the new trials.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
I agree with pretty much everyone around here that high player competence is more valuable, in general, than full IO sets or particular power sets.
I really want to see the reaction to people spamming "lf3m must be competent player"



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
That's one of the reason I have benched all my 50's and up. I was trying to work on getting all the Alpha level shifts on one and it seems there is a headlong rush to have perfect characters for the new trials.
I wonder if this means the trials are destined to go the way of PvP in this game*; only used by an elite clique that demand such uber performance from billion inf builds, and which absolutely no one else will touch.

*(Before the changes that were made to cause that particular elite clique to flee, leaving PvP virtually abandoned, haha.)



As a Tier 9 if I went premuim all I would lose are incarnate trials*

*sure, FW, some character slots, base rent, etc....

If there is no reason to run trials, there is no reason to pay money.

Thinking about the topic more, it just seems like WW is trying to shame someone trying to make a winning trial. To which I will say, its both a symptom of trial design (debateable as to how much level shifts are needed) and how hard it is to lead a trial (aka catherding)

Just wait until the DD trial shows up with 54+3s.....I'm hoping the devs make that a 54 trial and not do the 54+3 stuff.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Well now why not just have a level 60 trial?

The AV could look at us and say, "You're all gray to me. No XP!" and then fly away. Trial failed!



Wait... they're asking for full IO sets now? That is unfortunate.

I, personally, have hosted many MoM trials. My first few hosts, I failed most of them (back when the trial was actually *new*). But then, I added one stipulation to my teams:

"Forming MoM Trial! PST for an invite if level 52+. Meeting in RWZ1"

And all of the MoMs I have hosted with that stipulation have succeeded... I think. At least I don't remember any of them failing, as often as I have run them. No required ATs, no required sets, no required destinies or lores, nothing. If you have the levels, come aboard the soul train, because we're doing MoM tonight!

I have also been on many successful MoMoM runs that only had the stipulation of being +3. Even one of my +2 runs got the three MoM badges. The secret to this is that the enemies don't do all that much base damage, even with psionic damage not being frequently resisted. The real killer is the level shifts, and in general you shouldn't be fighting something higher than maximum difficulty in the first place. With a few level shifts the damage becomes manageable enough that you don't instantly die in the second phase, and you can probably do enough damage to get past the final two phases.

The secret to MoMoM badges isn't more level shifts, either. The biggest killer to the MoMoM badges is the second phase (... again), where some n00bs decide to kill every void the second it wanders near Penny, despite when everyone says not to. Keeping Aurora healed and Severing the connections is quite easy to do the first time around, so long as your volunteered healer can grasp the concept of "stand in the glowing portal for a few seconds while facing Shalice and you'll see when the room changes".

For the DD trial coming out... yeah I'm probably going to go with 53s. You really shouldn't fight something higher than +4 to you.

TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide



To continue with the humorous intention of the thread: does this mean I'd be disqualified on my main, because I have an SO slotted?

In Rest.

I've spent roughly 1.5 billion Inf on his current build. Everything else is IOd to the nines. But because I don't have him completely stuffed with IOs, I'd not be able to join!

That bit's silly. Everything else he asks for is pretty much okay, though specific powersets seems a little OTT.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



To me, this is just emblematic of every other raiding system that's ever come along in a game where in order to do x, you must have y.

It also assumes a level of dedication to tricking out your characters and having builds that maximises success in Trials. This is no different to me than having stat-specific armor, particular stat-boosting traits and so on.

If the point here was to make these accessable to everyone, then they've failed. Players will of course put more or less time into whatever activity they like to do, and you'll of course get cliques who do things 'hardcore'.

But this divides the player community (small enough as it is, really) along lines that if the Trials were truly designed to be friendly to all (and frankly I've had enough of some named Devs saying 'it's just a slightly steeper learning curve' as a means of trying to smokescreen the tricks and mechanics that do not encourage newcomers to such things), that too has failed.

But there's a mandate either from Positron or marketing or both that this is a 'necessary' part of gameplay. I'll leave it to other posters to answer whether that is true or not, but for my part, I strongly disagree.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



To be fair, all the bosses in MoM are 54+2 so you really need to be +2 at least or you get smacked hard by the purple patch.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Out of curiosity, I joined the trial mentioned in the OP. It was among the smoothest ones ever: Penelope died after only 3 voids even though we weren't intentionally going for the badge. Almost nobody died to purple patches in phases 1 and 4 because Malaise was dying so fast that he tended to go down after only 1 round of world of anguish.

I have a feeling that much of the stigma against asking for level shifts on trials simply comes down to people wanting others to let their +0 characters tag along for rewards. And yes, while player competence technically matters more than build, player competence in this game is low in general, yours truly included.