And I'd like fries with that (LOL) [some what humorous non rant]

Blood Red Arachnid



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
The only thing that catches my eye on that note was "full io sets needed."
I don't have a single character with a full io set! But somehow I iTrial with Wendy several times a week and have never had issues at all.

Some League leaders do whatever they can to make sure their league won't fail. I appreciate the pressure some of them put themselves under (I hate League leading). But it can drive them to make silly requests like this. And that just makes me laugh.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
JUST to clarify based on a few of the posts... I never said I one starred or placed this person on ignore I simply said the advertisement seems silly. Come on .. I now have 17 incarnates that have nothing BUT t4s in all 5 powers and 12 of those have multiple destiny options. At some point every single one of them was a 50 +0 and it was being allowed to join trials and earn my level shifts that allowed me to get there.

The league I run with nightly has no problem letting a few +0 tag along .. No we aren't insane we make sure we have plenty of +3s to ensure we can carry those folks till they can carry themselves.
Bolded emphasis mine. Running BAF and Lam at +0 is considerably easier than running MoM or TPN at +0.

I think I've been on half a dozen or so MoMs where there were 6 or 7 +0s, or +1s for that matter, and none of them were successful. Could it have just been bad luck or a poor mix of ATs? Possibly.

Having skilled players with you is great but if you lack the tools to overcome the "gimmicks" of the trials, you will fail no matter how many skilled players are there.

Personally, I think if the devs are going to be introducing more difficult trials they should "level restrict" them based on 50+0/1, 50+1/2, 50+2/3 etc.

I would guess most people wouldn't particularly like that, but I think it would solve a lot of recruiting headaches. But to sweeten the pot on that suggestion, I would also give league leaders the option to disable the level restriction should they choose to.

And don't get me wrong - I don't think excluding people is right, or fun, or overall a good thing. But not having the tools to contribute makes for a poor overall game experience as well.

Anyway, as always, YMMV, just my 2 cents, etc.

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Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
Personally, I think if the devs are going to be introducing more difficult trials they should "level restrict" them based on 50+0/1, 50+1/2, 50+2/3 etc.
I'd add to that. If you level restrict an iTrial to 50+1, then that should guarantee at least a rare Incarnate salvage upon completion. If it's restricted to 50+2 or 50+3, a very rare at the very least.

That would help to take out some of the grind in doing these trials as well. Sometimes it feels like it takes ages to get all the rares and very rares you need to get your Incarnate abilities, and meanwhile you end up with a huge collection of threads, commons and uncommons. So either make better ways of getting the rarer bits or... something, I don't know.

That's all I got!



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
That would help to take out some of the grind in doing these trials as well. Sometimes it feels like it takes ages to get all the rares and very rares you need to get your Incarnate abilities, and meanwhile you end up with a huge collection of threads, commons and uncommons.
I know what you mean. But I suspect it is this very phenomenon that led the devs to give us the ability to convert these lower types of salvage to the rarer types. Clearly it isn't the most efficient use of the common and uncommon salvage, but if you have tons of it just lying around, go ahead and start converting them to rares and very rares.

I had a friend who was Incarnating up and he had the very rare he needed for a tier 4, but didn't have the rare he needed for the tier 3 before it. He had lots of extra uncommons, but I couldn't convince him to convert some of them to the rare piece he needed. If he had done that, he could have had his tier 4 power right then and there, but for some irrational reason he kept running trial after trial after trial with his ability at tier 2, waiting for a rare to drop just so he wouldn't be "wasting" his stockpile of commons and uncommons. *shrug*

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



I once saw someone posting in a global channel, "Looking for any trail!"

To which I had to pipe up with "Oregon Trail forming, PST for invite!"

I recieved numerous tells asking me to join, and some were serious.

Good times, good times.



Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
Asking for specific ATs is kinda silly, I agree.
In general I agree with this, but for the MoM trial Dark Miasma's rez (howling twilight) is incredibly usefull since there's no hospital to go to and using Desdemona's rez very often can seriously reduce the time available to complete the trial.
