Replacing Statesman
I'm still hoping for the triumphant return of Hero 1, player-made replacement aside.
He fits rather neatly into the role. But perhaps that isn't what they're after. To whit:
1) Patriotic
2) Invuln Tanker
3) Incarnate
4) Has a connection to Ms. Liberty
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For the next year, have 12 heroes from each server fill in for Miss Liberty (one hero for each month on each server). That would be a lot of contest winners! The characters must not only look the part, but have a bio that shines, because trainer bios are now readable. (Which is awesome!!!)
Devs could pick from the runners up in the upcoming Freedom Phalanx contest. It would give a lot of depressed finalists a pick-me-up!
After that, the role can either be filled with an established lore character; or...maybe even better, each server could vote for a winner from the year's 12 trainers. This would give each shard of Primal Earth its own trainer!
P.S. Sorry if I responded off-topic...the title of the thread reads "Replacing Statesman" and everyone seems to be responding to that. The body of the original post seems primarily to ask who might replace Miss Liberty as a trainer in Atlas Park, which is what I responded to.
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I suggested Hero One as the new owner of the STF - but I suspect it'll go to BAB
That's more hunch than anything but I see it like this: BAB has never been a member of the FP, and I don't see much reason for him to join now - he's always been more individual. But he could own the STF quite easily.
Hero One is (at the time of writing) on the cusp of being cured and he now has quite an extensive story. To then park him on a ship in IP rather wastes that several years of Game Lore. But to rehabilitate him into the Freedom Phalanx or have him very closely associated with them permits a number of things:
- He's been through more than most of the FP put together. Even if we are the new "top dogs" in the game, there's still a compelling argument for a Mentor figure in the game - somebody we can go to for something as simple as a metaphorical pat on the back. You know the scenario - you've just had seven buckets of the proverbial kicked out of you and you're on a forced solo mission - so you need some spiritual guidance or similar. I strongly suspect Hero One is being held back for big things in the wider tale.
- Back Alley Brawler is a figure of great renown but he hasn't actually done a huge amount during the history of the game. Mostly his Regulator activity seems to have taken place in the 70s and 80s and then he became a trainer - very much our version of Luke Cage. Giving him a primary role in the leading SG would grate a little. On the other hand, being the guy who once trained us at level one, getting to offer us one of the most challenging TFs in game has a big synergy to it.
- There's quite a compelling argument to say that the existing signature characters haven't actually done what they set out to do and need to move on and let the young bloods (ie US) take over. They've been in charge for the best part of a decade and spent all their time firefighting and not putting anything to bed. The number of loose ends in the game is getting to be beyond a joke now and we really need closure on at least one or two before we push the story forward. This gives us the opportunity to say "Move over Freedom Phalanx. You did your best but now it's time for the real heroes to step up to the plate and fix the stuff you simply contained." That would take guts from the Devs to put their characters far further in the background but in terms of Lore it makes a lot of sense.

Thelonious Monk
Statesman Prime. The dude from Praetoria.
I vote for Coyote, but only if he is in coyote form ala the new power
and his nemesis Bad Horse
For the next year, have 12 heroes from each server fill in for Miss Liberty (one hero for each month on each server). That would be a lot of contest winners! The characters must not only look the part, but have a bio that shines, because trainer bios are now readable. (Which is awesome!!!)
Devs could pick from the runners up in the upcoming Freedom Phalanx contest. It would give a lot of depressed finalists a pick-me-up! |
I really like this idea!

Thelonious Monk
I say the devs go with The Replaceman.
@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor
Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.
Give Positron the Statesman TF, as well as leadership of the Phalanx.
Give Brawler the Positron TFs.
That's pretty simple, right? I don't recall anything about Positron's TFs having anything to do with Pos himself.
Statesman Prime. I had to he'll be making meta-jokes about the players...
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
No one stays dead in comics for very long (unless your Uncle Ben or Gwen Stacie). I can imagine the cheesie way they are going to bring him back in a year or so and explain his semi fake death. Heck I can see them using his replacement as an explanation for his return that it was him all along testing the cities new heroes Incarnates to see it they had what it took to take up the mantle.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
Give Positron the Statesman TF, as well as leadership of the Phalanx.
Give Brawler the Positron TFs. That's pretty simple, right? I don't recall anything about Positron's TFs having anything to do with Pos himself. |
God no. One, it forces unnecessary changes beyond what is already being done. BAB doesnt currently have a TF, and he's currently just a redundant trainer in Atlas, so have him take States spot for giving the STF. (Him being retired would also explain why he's just directing traffic instead of going in to beat up Recluse himself.)
And the mere thought of Positron becoming he head of the Freedom Phalanx is so stomach churningly bad. There's literally -nothing- good that comes from it.
I don't know that Hero 1 would fit into Paragon City, outside the RWZ, very well - he's from the UK after all, if he was well enough to be "out and about" wouldn't he return home?
I would rather visit Hero 1 in London after he's feeling better.
It's long past time we left (North)America and saw what heroes and villains are like in the rest of the world.
Dark Watcher is now the last remaining founding member of the FP. He could return to the team, and Hero-1 take over for him in the RWZ.
"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash
Or they could take the easy road and just give Statesman a title of 'Echo of' and make him translucent. They did it to Galaxy City!
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
With the demise of Statesman in SSA 5, we all know the Devs are going to have to shuffle some contacts around to replace him.
Positron has already said they are playing a player contest to fill Statesman's slot in the Freedom Phalanx, but someone need to take over the Statesman Task Force.
I think the obvious choice here is Ms. Liberty as Marcus Cole's heir.
This leaves Atlas Park in need of a new trainer. I'd love to see Coyote promoted to that spot, since he doesn't get to help newbies in the tutorial anymore.
Back Alley Brawler is a contender for either of the above roles, but I'd personally rather see BABs get a new TF or such.
So what do the rest of you think?