Girl Gamer Preferences? (Warning: Girl Talk Inbound, Guys beware! ))




What side do you pick more than others?

I primarily play heroes. Even when I play villains and praetorians I tend toward the 'nicer' end of things. I'm excited about the alignment system as it allows me to make vigilantes and rogues, rather than full bore villains.

What play style do you prefer?

When I first started out I was a blaster at heart. Then I found that I really, really loved support. From there I branched into tanking, which for me was proactive support - if I can keep the team from being hurt in the first place it's all good. Then I started mixing it up with MMs and brutes. The only ATs I've tried that I just don't like are Kheldians and Stalkers. I can't get into the squid/lobster alien thing and stalking is so not me.

What power set(s) do you favor?

All of them save those that obscure my look. I'd love to try a stone tank, but that whole Granite-thing just turns me off. Fire auras give my eyes fits. Beyond that... I love them all. My favorites so far are Radiation (both blast and emission), Energy (blast), Invincibility, Street Justice, and Widows.

What zones do you like the most?

My favorite zones are those with their own stories: Dark Astoria (I adore the fog and ghosts), Croatoa, Striga, RWZ, and even the Hollows.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

Usually female. I have a few male toons, but that's because they're part of my ongoing story. For example one of them is the time-travelling son of my original heroine.

Female is a word of hatred? Not to me. I was in the military. Female was a term that kept us from being called 'girls'. Much more preferrable.

For the whole girl gamer thing I embrace it. I am a gamer. I am a woman. Get over it, world.

Views on Role Playing?

I like RP. No, I don't ERP. Asking is a one-way ticket to gignore.


Pinnacle (original), Liberty (primary), Virtue (secondary), and now Exalted.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?


Female is a word of hatred? Not to me. I was in the military. Female was a term that kept us from being called 'girls'. Much more preferrable.
Emphasis mine. Female is not a word of hatred. Apparently you didn't see the hoo-ha thread.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



What side do you pick more than others?

Mainly hero, although I have a dozen villain concepts still around.

What play style do you prefer?

See sig - I blast stuff, even when I'm playing 'fenders and 'trollers. If I am in melee, it's a scrapper.

What power set(s) do you favor?

Blasty stuff - fire and energy are kewl. And I love my new namesake Dark Blaster.

What zones do you like the most?

I spend the most time in Talos, but that's mainly because it is still a hub of sorts, with access to about eveything else, so I can go to where the fun is if something is called out on a global.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

All of my characters are female. I cannot stand the way male & huge models run, like they have a stick up their hindquarters. Females carrying weapons have the same look, but I try to overlook that and try not to run while carrying a broadsword out, etc.

BTW, I used to reprimand people for using the word "toon". That is a game by Steve Jackson Games, and it generally referred to an anthropomorphic rhino or badger, a la Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (that dates the game - and me - doesn't it?). I gave up years ago, too many people seem to like the term "toon".

Views on Role Playing?

I don't usually RP, although I am part of a couple of regular TF groups that do some light RP while running TFs. It's generally the same characters (see what I did there?) so each of them develops a bit of personality leading to RP during the string of TFs.


Infinity, mostly. Villains are on Triumph. I have bases on those two servers and also Guardian, Liberty (where I started) and Victory, so I have several characters on those servers as well.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
It's not going to change until we "boy gamers" start seeing more females IN PERSON around the gaming table playing RPGs and other table games. The collectable/tradeable card games do see more females, though.

I own a game store. I haven't seen who plays in the RPGs that happen every night and sometimes day, but I'm sure I can count on one hand how many players are female, and I won't have to use all my fingers, either. (I know of two offhand, and doubt there's more, but there could be). Miniatures night there might be a wife and husband that play, but with two kids they don't show up often. I can understand the lack of females in miniatures since most are historical wargames, but there are a few fantasy skirmish ones as well (I have an elven army with a couple of unicorns and couple of faeries, manly ones of course , and quite a few female figures.. I like painting those ).

I'll take the blondes, Tenzhi.
Just because you don't see something doesn't mean you can pretend it doesn't exist. Many women avoid shops because of the way they get treated when they go into them.
My brothers frequent the local shop, everyone knows them. I never go in without my husband or brothers or a group of people because the very stereotypical depiction of how girls get treated in most cases is true. They get looked at like either they don't belong in the world they just walked into or they get treated like a novelty.
I grew up playing table top.
I'm an avid console gamer.
I first picked up MMO's shortly after getting used to playing something not the Sims on the computer through Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Husband got me into Everquest but my tendency to not play with people I didn't know and our sharing an account made my playing there short lived. Then I got into Guild Wars and since it was free I was able to get a friend into it and the whole hiring henchmen to help you on missions to solo made it easier to play (wish more games would do that). Then we each got accounts on City.

In regards to being called a Girl Gamer, I personally don't care. But I'm not one to get up in arms about that junk. Any kind of label is wrong if you go that far, I'm not a gamer, I am a person, I game, I read, I draw, I make jewelry, I have a job with a title, none of these define me. You could call me, Gamer, Artist, Librarian, or incredibly awesome person worth knowing.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
What side do you pick more than others?
What play style do you prefer?
What power set(s) do you favor?
What zones do you like the most?
Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
Views on Role Playing?
I play Red side more because I solo more. I keep weird hours, so I am usually alone.

I am not sure Mastermind is a play style but if it is, I play it.

My "toons" (why is that a hated word?) are themed, so sets depend on concept.

St. Martial is my favorite place to be because of all the lights. Founders Falls is second.

I play primarily female, but if the concept works I will roll a male.

I role play all my characters. All my characters have my personality.

Liberty is my home.



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
It's not going to change until we "boy gamers" start seeing more females IN PERSON around the gaming table playing RPGs and other table games. The collectable/tradeable card games do see more females, though.

I own a game store. I haven't seen who plays in the RPGs that happen every night and sometimes day, but I'm sure I can count on one hand how many players are female, and I won't have to use all my fingers, either. (I know of two offhand, and doubt there's more, but there could be). Miniatures night there might be a wife and husband that play, but with two kids they don't show up often. I can understand the lack of females in miniatures since most are historical wargames, but there are a few fantasy skirmish ones as well (I have an elven army with a couple of unicorns and couple of faeries, manly ones of course , and quite a few female figures.. I like painting those ).

I'll take the blondes, Tenzhi.
Huh, that's odd since in the tabletop gaming club at my college there's PLENTY of girls there. I run a D&D 4E game there and out of my core group of six players two of them are girls and one of them is openly gay. In fact, those three are the ones who have been playing the longest, and as such have found themselves getting the most plot-important roles. Though I will admit I don't see many girls going into the local tabletop gaming store, so maybe the dorm ballroom is a more comfortable locale, who knows :/

This whole discussion on the term "girl gamer" reminds me of a blog my friend started up. It's only got one post so far, but hopefully she plans on updating this thing more (and if not I'll bug her until she does). It's called "The Second Gamer" and is really just about her experiences as a girl who plays games. Check it out:



Originally Posted by Silver Gale
...women are strange creatures from some other universe who
will forever remain a mystery to man.
QFT. Women ARE a mystery - even Steven Hawking thinks so.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



What side do you pick more than others?
I technically have more bluesiders than redsiders (because that's where most other people play, the crazies), but I identify strongly as a redsider. I can go out and go good deeds any time I want to in the real world. I may not be able to fly, but I have a mean foot stomp. It is a fantasy to me to be cruel and mean and not actually suffer any consequences for it, so I'm all about the redside in game. My main and namesake is a villain, but my significant other and a lot of the friends I've made in game are goody goodies, so I have bluesiders to play with them. I could go rogue, but those villain merits are just so lucrative...

What play style do you prefer?
I love me some scrappers. And some masterminds. I would die before playing a defender or controller for longer than a couple of missions.

What power set(s) do you favor?
I like toggles and pets. The more clickable powers I have, the more confused I get. So give me a good willpower scrapper or bots mastermind, and I'll click and forget about it.

What zones do you like the most?
I am oddly attached to Sharks. It's just so cozy. And a great place to hunt for tips.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
With the exception of two toons that needed to be male to complete the concept, my toons are all female. In a sense, I view each toon as a facet of myself, and most of my facets are female.

Views on Role Playing?
It can be fun. I have two toons that I do light RP with, but I don't have the time, energy, or focus for regular RP involvement. But I ran SSA5 last night RP-style, and it was satisfying and fun.

My main is on Protector, as are most of my in-game friends. There's a significant redside presence there compared to the other servers I play on, so it became my home for the good company doing bad things. My main hero is on Virtue, where my real life other half plays. I also play on Justice, and have toons on Liberty and Pinnacle for teaming with friends.



What side do you pick more than others?

What play style do you prefer?
-I have always loved being a healer, but also enjoy old school tanking and scrapping

What power set(s) do you favor?
-see above

What zones do you like the most?
-Founders for the beauty, Croatoa for the magic and fantasy feel, FBZ for the sheer awesome outer spaciness

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
-99% of my chars are female...the 2 that aren't are animals

Views on Role Playing?
-I can if everyone else is, but don't usually

-all on Triumph.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



What side do you pick more than others?

I have more villains than heroes because I prefer redside content. It's better written IMO and I like the Rogue Isles. But since most people play blueside, I probably spend more time over there.

What play style do you prefer?

Ranged damage. Melee's alright (can't wait for staff melee!) and support characters aren't really my thing. I usually play Crabs, Doms, or Blasters.

What power set(s) do you favor?

Crab Spider, easily. I like the toxic AoE damage, the ability to survive the aggro if things go badly, and the pets to help clean up. Outside of SoAs I have a lot of fire/ or /fire characters.

What zones do you like the most?

Grandville, Cimerora, and Croatoa.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

Almost always female. I've made a few male characters in the past and haven't been able to get into them as much.

Views on Role Playing?

I've never been able to get into RPing in City. I'll try and go along with things if I join a team that's RPing but I usually don't RP on my own.


Mostly Infinity and Virtue, though I've got a couple characters on Exalted to see how i like it.



I'm not big on the whole Girl Gamer/Guy Gamer thing, either, to be honest. We're all just Gamers and that's the only thing that ought to matter... But given the spirit of the OP's intentions, I also don't see a reason not to satisfy her curiosity about her fellow female City-dwellers.

What side do you pick more than others?
The last time I looked at City Tracker, it told me I had something on the order of 45 different characters. All but ten of them were listed as Heroes.

That's a little misleading, though. See, of those ten "villains", six are actually Rogues, and one isn't a red-sider at all. He's a Praetorian Loyalist... My only two real villains are Mei'jen, a Nemesis operative, and Cholula, my Night Widow.

What play style do you prefer?
I like to be right in the middle of things. I don't play to hang back and let someone else have all the fun... Given that, it's no surprise that the majority of my crew are melee types of one sort or another. (I'm a fan of scraps and stalkers, and I absolutley adore my "up close and personal" human/dwarf Peacebringer-) My support characters tend to stay closer to the action than most. My Masterminds in particular are prone to jumping right into the fight beside their minions, but even my defenders are fearless.

The only two of mine who ever really keep their distance are my Archery blaster and my "blaster-build" human/nova Peacebringer, who were both designed specificly to attack from orbital range.

I don't PvP in City. That's what Aion was for.

Team-wise, I spend most of my City time at the two extremes of the game. I play almost entirely either solo/duo or on large, multi-team leagues... I'm one of those weirdos who actually enjoys most of the iTrials, I love Mothership raids and I find beating up on poor Hami to be great fun. But I also love soloing certain of my characters, and running duo with FCM. For some reason I've never really gotten into the "normal"-sized team-of-eight thing.

What power set(s) do you favor?
Willpower is defensive Love. Dual Blades is stabby Love. Dark is inky-black sinister Love... And Peacebringers have a look and sound that appeals to me very strongly, for completely aesthetic reasons.

What zones do you like the most?
I like Striga and Croatoa, Saint Martial, Cimerora, Nerva, the new Dark Astoria, and Imperial City... I also absolutely love the look, the creatures and the over-all other-worldly oddness of the Shadow Shard zones. I've spent a lot of time out there, just flying around looking at things.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
My list is almost exactly 50/50 male-to-female. I'm aggressively devoted to gender parity among my crew, and my favorites tend to be an even mix of both. Palrah, my blue-side main, for instance, is male while Grey Kestrel, my red-side main, is female.

Views on Role Playing?
I'm an old-school tabletop role-player, so you'd think I would be into that in City, right? I'm not, really. At least not the "public role-playing" that goes on with some SGs and in the usual gathering spots on Union and Virtue. Some of that comes from an inablity to both type out a conversation and play the game at the same time, but mostly it's a matter of disinterest.

Instead, I'm what I'd call an "internal" role-player. My crew are all unique characters, with personalites and back-stories of their own. Most belong to a species of (utterly non-canon, though canon-related) Rularuu, that I've put a fair bit of thought into. I write for a few of them occasionally, but by-and-large I'm the only one who ever knows their personal details, what they might think of something, or how they would react to it beyond the game-play on the screen. I typically don't share that kind of thing with my fellow players, and I don't feel any particular need to... I guess it's always been enough that *I* knew Pally has a crush on Lady Grey, or that Kestrel and Cardinal are an item, or that Shade really does consider Sky Dragon a friend. Even when she gripes about having to bail his goofy butt out of trouble. Again.

Liberty is my "home server", but I also play a bit on Exalted, Union and Virtue. I have one single scrapper, Solace of Silence, in exile on Freedom.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



What side do you pick more than others?

What play style do you prefer?
melee - I love Tanker Tuesdays (when I'm able to attend).

What power set(s) do you favor?
Hard to say, really. I've tinkered with a few different sets and find each to be interesting, different, and fun in their own ways. Currently, I'm liking my fire/dark tank, even if I don't get to play it much due to my ice/mace and kin/arrow incarnates stealing my attention.

What zones do you like the most?
For looks; Atlas, Founders, Cim, Praetoria,
For fun; Croatoa, Cim.
For functionality; Talos

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
Mostly female.
I don't care about the "toon" vs. "char" debate. They are both valid for me.

Views on Role Playing?
Amusingly enough, even though I'm theatrically trained, I'm not a big RP'er. Not that I don't occasionally enjoy watching the interplay with those who do, I just don't do it much myself.

Primarily Justice, with occasional forays to Champion and Virtue

As to the "gamer girl" label.... I'm, err... really too old to be called a "girl".
I started with ye olde Atari back in the day, then graduated to tabletop DnD (and another military-style that I can't remember the name of).
Had a gaming group (3 gals, 5 guys) that met every weekend and played a variety of tabletops and card games for a while. Then Hubby and I moved 1300 miles away.
Played Diablo, D2 & LoD until we were introduced to CoH... end of story.

I do feel the odd sense of "not belonging" when I walk into a comic or gaming store. Mostly, because I'm not as much of a comic geek as most gamers seem to be.
Also... I'm old. So, yeah... awkward.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



What side do you pick more than others?
Blue because even though some of red side looks neat. It's hard for me to get around. Even my villains are more "misunderstood" ie doing what they think is best, than being truly evil.

What play style do you prefer?
I love my scrappers, my blasters, my controllers and my dominators

What power set(s) do you favor?
That's tough... I like to feel like my powers are doing something. If I don't feel useful, I don't want to play. I like MA, SJ, and my Elec scrappers. I love my ill rad,my earth fire dom, and my plant kin. The thing that makes or breaks a character for me is if it all works together. The concept, costume, name and powers all have to come together .... or the character will not last long.

What zones do you like the most?
Founders is one of my favorite zones. Bricks and Cim, are on the list too. Praetorian zones look nice, but I don't spend enough time there to "like" them.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
female alts

Views on Role Playing?
I perfer light rp. I like my characters to have a concept and a story. I may be in character, but for the most part I do not rp.


Bright and Shiny,
American Wonder



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
As to the "gamer girl" label.... I'm, err... really too old to be called a "girl".
Beats the heck out of ma'am, though.

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Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Yeah, this sort of thing is often an excuse for someone to average out the answers and point out the differences between those and the average from male gamers (or from the playerbase as a whole) and use them to support the thesis that women are strange creatures from some other universe who will forever remain a mystery to man.
So far it looks like, upon averaging out the answers, they're all over the place.

What side do you pick more than others?
Vigilante. I like villains conceptually but I really get tired of fighting Longbow and Arachnos all the time.

What play style do you prefer?
Trick myself out with IOs, set my difficulty as high as I can handle, and go kill massive swarms of stuff. I usually only team for TFs, my weekly static team, or with my husband and our RL friend.

What power set(s) do you favor?
Ooo, so many good ones, it's hard to choose. Fire Blast, very much Fire Blast. I also like Willpower and Storm Summoning, and there is that special place in my heart for Assault Rifle, the red-headed stepchild of powersets.

What zones do you like the most?
The Shadow Shard, although I rarely go there because there's nothing to do, and Striga.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
Usually female. I have a few males but I find it harder to make good-looking costumes for them, because so many of the pieces just don't look good to me when used on guys. I also hate most of the guy hairstyles.

Views on Role Playing?
I generally don't, but if everyone else is doing it I'll play along.


Champion, sometimes Freedumb.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



What side do you pick more than others?
Heroes, definitely. I tried to get into Villians and I did like the powersets, but now that they're available Hero-side, the Villian-side has kinda lost the appeal, except for my one 50 MM that I'm keeping there.

What play style do you prefer?
I solo mostly, due to being on mostly in the mornings, so I like ATs that can hold their own. I like scrappers mainly, and now brutes. I went through a defender phase, I might try it out as a corruptor now. I started getting into controllers a year ago when I took a year off, and now that I'm back, I've tried many dominators. Of course, I have the obligatory blasters. I tried Hero MMs, but I think they are more well-suited than many to redside. One warshade and one widow, just to try the epic sets.

What power set(s) do you favor?
I love, love, love the new Street Justice. It rocks so much when paired with WillPower. Dual Blades is so much fun too. I'm a sucker for Gravity Control, so I'm glad to see it get some much-needed love from the devs finally. I like Ice when blasting, mainly for the controls. I like Energy Assault for doms. I wish I could find a character I can get into Empathy with as a defender. I do like Radiation Emission as a defender.

What zones do you like the most?
I like Atlas Park a lot, probably because I have rampant altitis. Talos Island is a good base zone once in the 20s. I like Brickstown for the 30s, I have a suspicion I still haven't explored the entire zone, with the numerous subterranean areas. Peregrine Island is fun once I get to 45 or so.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
Female mainly. I tried a couple of guy characters, but just couldn't get into it.

Views on Role Playing?
I'm not detail-oriented enough to keep up with it on even one toon and keep my story consistent, nevermind more than one. I don't mind the folks that love it, though, it makes running through Pocket D interesting sometimes in the snippets you pick up running by. It's only a big deal on Virtue, as I have almost never seen anyone doing it on any other server.

I started on Triumph, still have my first 50 there. Moved on to Pinnacle long enough to get about 10 characters there. Tried Protector for like a month. I have a whole bunch of test defenders on Guardian when I was trying to choose a good powerset combo. Then I moved to Freedom and I love the player base there. Branched out to Virtue and now I mainly stick to Freedom and Virtue.



What side do you pick more than others?
Redside, sometimes I just like being evil.

What play style do you prefer?
It actually depends on how I feel, so lately I have been soloing.

What powersets so you favor the most?
I absolutley love my NW and Fortunata and it happens to be the same toon just 2 different builds, I also like my triform PB.

What zones do you like the most?
Croatoa and the new DA.

Do you usually play as a male or female toon?

Views on Role Playing?
I don't roleplay alot but when I do it's rare but I am not a serious roleplayer, hey if you want to roleplay go ahead have fun but if you're one of those players who take roleplaying very seriously to the point where you get mad because I am not roleplaying then don't team with me.

Pinnacle FTW!!!

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
I dunno, it's probably just the huge dissonance in your experience and mine. To me it's never been a big deal unless the woman in the equation makes a big deal of it, so I've basically come to the conclusion that it'd stop being a big deal, ever, if people would just quit starting things. It also probably doesn't help that a friend of mine tries to paint herself as a gamer when she really doesn't care about anything but the cosplay and the attention it gets her.
Too true on all accounts, and the only reason I declare myself as a female gamer at the beginning is so the guys would get all their perv comments out the way. In PVP you generally find that egos are high and they must show off to their other friends. Why? I have no idea, but it's often times hilarious to hear them. Probably doesn't help that a good portion are young men so I have learned to expect it, especially the '' show ur mammeries if i kill u moar than 20 times. '' I could just leave but on a popular server or the map with the best slaggers it's hard to not run into them. I shut them up real quick though with equal trash talk so it's all good.

Honestly, I don't even need to talk trash half the time for my kill count is enough to make them either hate me, respect my skills, or congratulate me on a good game. Makes me feel all warm and squishy inside.

Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
It's not going to change until we "boy gamers" start seeing more females IN PERSON around the gaming table playing RPGs and other table games. The collectable/tradeable card games do see more females, though.

I own a game store. I haven't seen who plays in the RPGs that happen every night and sometimes day, but I'm sure I can count on one hand how many players are female, and I won't have to use all my fingers, either. (I know of two offhand, and doubt there's more, but there could be). Miniatures night there might be a wife and husband that play, but with two kids they don't show up often. I can understand the lack of females in miniatures since most are historical wargames, but there are a few fantasy skirmish ones as well (I have an elven army with a couple of unicorns and couple of faeries, manly ones of course , and quite a few female figures.. I like painting those ).

I'll take the blondes, Tenzhi.
I can say that in my experience a lot of younger women, or girl gamers in general (in this generation) would rather have the imagination drawn out. No so much on table top but beautiful scenery, and as for comic stores/gaming stores that are NOT gamestop you probably won't find many ladies. Dunno why but I would rather visit a gamestop to get what I want, and leave. Sometimes a best buy, rarely a walmart, and I'm not a big comic book/table top kind of person. Different generations, different strokes. It all paints the same but I can understand where you're coming from.
Good luck on the blondes, they do say they have more fun.

Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
Lets see as a gentleman rogue who spends no small bit of time at virtues D I say I love all gamer girls equally

Id say i favor none as I go with bold and flirty or shy and sweet on a whim. Human or other matters little as well Ill take a cat girl or a alien with scaly skin and a tail if they are fun to chat with, though them cat girls can be the meOW!

Im big on lore based RP so do enjoy when the lady has enough brain in her head to pick up on some of the basics of our games world which most Lore RPers I know are women. Seems guys tend to go more with the look at my so called original uberman, where as ladies who RP seem more interested in being part of a smooth flowing universal approach easy to fit into once you know the game abit.

I also RP 2 female characters, no not lesbians, though I have them married in concept to avoid those pesky guys like myself One is the praetorian dimensions countess crey, aka Julianne Thompson. The other is our worlds countess crey see both married to my alts the counts from both domensions Actually Julianne though only one I play now and then is one of my favored lore based concept toons to use, though Id probably let a serious lore rping female pilot take the name and concept over if I found one interested.

Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Wow. Big "SON I AM DISAPPOINT" to the community members who think this thread is for trying to pick up a date. If you don't have anything productive to add, don't say anything at all.

That's all the participation in this thread that I'm going to have.

Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Emphasis mine. Female is not a word of hatred. Apparently you didn't see the hoo-ha thread.
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
She means the word "toon", not the word "female"
Yup. I meant the word ''toon.'' Sorry.

Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
QFT. Women ARE a mystery - even Steven Hawking thinks so.

Steven Hawking is a stud.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Beats the heck out of ma'am, though.

Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
Thanks for that! It's fav'd. Tell your friend I enjoyed the read, and can identify with some of it. Tell her to write more.

On a separate note, it's nice to know in a MMO dominated by guys that there's a good number of other girl players. Thanks for the replies!

Now I can tell my hubby, '' Hah! And you said there would be maybe 2 other female players. Cough up the month long back rubs, I won the bet! ''

Aside that, it's a nice read.



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Soooo is this theee lolipop? You're pic certainly looks like her. If so I loved the way you livened CoH faces up!
Yup, I'm back after a small hiatus. I won't bug the Facespeepz anymore. I got banned, deleted, and had all sorts of fun with that site. I almost forgot all about it.

Thanks for reminding me.

Is Spencer still a Mod there? What about that new girl that appeared? Is she still a mod? I loved their community and to spark the interest with my photos that '' broke the rules. '' Especially with all the l33t speak I did. Zomg. Memories. So many laughs from that place.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I saw this and the other thread that it inspired and thought I'd share an image that came to mind:
Wait? What? Link to the other thread? I didn't know it inspired another, I just got home. Lol.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Yup, I'm back after a small hiatus. I won't bug the Facespeepz anymore. I got banned, deleted, and had all sorts of fun with that site. I almost forgot all about it.

Thanks for reminding me.
It got boring after you got banned

As for your questions

What side do you pick more than others?

What play style do you prefer?

Speed TF's, and PvP

What power set(s) do you favor?
Buff/heal sets

What zones do you like the most?

No preference, last few months was in Pocket D for the arena

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?


Views on Role Playing?

not my thing


Freedom, Victory, Champion, Justice

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
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For those who haven't seen it yet (off the topic)
Guy Gamers like... (No Girls allowed!)

Which is totally awesome, by the way. I did break the rules and go there to spread some loving WAR pillows to their fort, but they wouldn't let me decorate the outside with glitter, pink, and ponies.

I just had to say that GIRLS RULE and our Fort is better than their Fort!
*Our fort smells better btw*