Girl Gamer Preferences? (Warning: Girl Talk Inbound, Guys beware! ))




What side do you pick more than others?
Hero mostly, just been easier to level/do stuff on hero side. Still love my villains tho.

What play style do you prefer?
It's usually a tossup between melee (tank/scrapper) or blaster...or my lovely lovely Masterminds!

What power set(s) do you favor?
Dual Pistol for blasters
Demon Summoning for Masterminds
Fire or Willpower for armours on my tanks/scrappers/stalkers

What zones do you like the most?
I bounce around to all the zones.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
I have about 80% Male and 20% Female

Views on Role Playing?
Wonderful if with the right people...otherwise it's kinda scary....

Champion and Exalted



*Drops a couple mice in the girls' fort.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
*Drops a couple mice in the girls' fort.


But, are they the cute red eyed mice? If so, I'm going to scoop them up and name them after the boys in the other thread.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post

But, are they the cute red eyed mice? If so, I'm going to scoop them up and name them after the boys in the other thread.

I DID promise!

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Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
For those who haven't seen it yet (off the topic)
Guy Gamers like... (No Girls allowed!)

Which is totally awesome, by the way. I did break the rules and go there to spread some loving WAR pillows to their fort, but they wouldn't let me decorate the outside with glitter, pink, and ponies.

I just had to say that GIRLS RULE and our Fort is better than their Fort!
*Our fort smells better btw*
<--- Blows cigar smoke into the girl's fort

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

Hyper-Strike cut the chesse!



'Gotta have something for all those mice....

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by The Masked Shrike View Post
Sometimes I play or write male characters. Mostly I don't. It just falls out that way. What works for you is cool; what works for me is cool.
Fair enough. I apologize if I sounded sharp, I do tend to read into things in ways that weren't intended and then respond in kind.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Which is totally awesome, by the way. I did break the rules and go there to spread some loving WAR pillows to their fort, but they wouldn't let me decorate the outside with glitter, pink, and ponies.
Well you have my permission to add ponies to our manly thread



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Well you have my permission to add p*TASER!*TASER!!*TASER!!!*
Thankyou! Nothing to see here! Nope! Nothing! Nothing at all!

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Never really posted much on the forums here, but I do it now in the name of solidarity with my bro FlashToo. 'Sup, Flash?

What side do you pick more than others?
I play blueside almost exclusively because my SG-mates are there, but I started redside and still prefer the Isles. Sure, they're crappy and run-down and full of hopeless people, but they have a lot more personality to me than the vast majority of blueside zones. I love how the ferries have shacks built on them, I love the Luddites, I love the old-style architecture, and I love Recluse's constant broadcasting in Grandville. It just ''pops'' more than your standard everyday New York expy.

What play style do you prefer?
I like teaming because adding synergistic powers together into a Steamroller of Seizure-Inducing Doom is the whole point of a multiplayer game. You become part of something greater than yourself, something that can wipe out hordes of enemies without stopping, something that can take the weakest individual character and buff them into a murder machine. As for positional preferences, I like being in melee because I like charging into the fray and seeing if I can somehow survive the resultant explosions. That being said, melee characters are something I've never been able to stick with-- my mains at the moment are a Dominator, a Controller, a Peacebringer, and a Crab Spider. I like a variety of options at any given time. Flexible utility, as it were, as opposed to hitting the same buttons over and over to punch a guy in the kidney when I could be hurtling him and ten of his closest friends into the nearest wall so my buddies can set them on fire while I convince the boss to take an ill-timed nap. Flashy effects and orange numbers don't hurt.

What power set(s) do you favor?
Depends on the concept; I have to be able to make whatever it is match what I want, with what it looks like mattering way more than what it might actually be. My ghost, for instance, is an ice/thermal controller, with all the powers colored grey and light blue. Nothing else seemed right.

What zones do you like the most?
Nerva Archipelago (the hilarious store names, the hot-dog stand, the marina...), Saint Martial (casinos with gargoyles go!), Port Oakes (old Spanish fort filled with ghosts, that bar made of boats), Grandville (because VERTICAL and punching guys off high places).... and Founder's Falls (canals). Croatoa's pretty nifty, too, but it'd be better with architecture like the Isles.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
Usually males, I suppose because most of my concepts work better with males and because the female walk annoys me. Out of my three mains, one is female. None are attached, though this may be because one is an android (Dom/PB), one is a ghost (Troller), and one is a violently unstable Crab Spider (uh... Crab). I've never noticed much inherent difference between playing male or female aside from a vague expectation that a) single females must end up romantically involved somehow and b) all males are obsessed with females. Given that I've ignored both a) and b) and gotten away with it just fine, I can surmise that these are merely tendencies and not rules.

Views on Role Playing?
The only reason I stick around. If it doesn't have a personality and a story to go with it, I can't play it for longer than about 10 levels. I just lose interest.




Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
It's not going to change until we "boy gamers" start seeing more females IN PERSON around the gaming table playing RPGs and other table games. The collectable/tradeable card games do see more females, though.
I've never seen this complete lack of female gamers. A smaller number, yes, but not non-existent. Even way back in the dark ages, about 1978, when my pen & paper campaign started, it consisted of my 3 closest friends, 2 of their sisters, and 1 of their moms. Between all the P&P games I've run or joined over the (gulp) decades, I'd guestimate at least 1/3rd of the gamers I've played with have been female.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



What side do you pick more than others? - Always blue. I cannot stand red side.

What play style do you prefer? - Controllers or Blasters

What power set(s) do you favor? - I LOVE plant control and fire/ or /fire just about everything.

What zones do you like the most? - I honestly have no preference.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''? - Always female.

Views on Role Playing? - Eh, I can take or leave it.

Servers? Justice is my home, I have bought almost all of the slots possible on that server, but I have toons on all servers. 370 toons if you must know.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



I don't consider myself a "girl gamer", much as I appreciate your making this thread! This is the only MMO, or even computer game I've ever played, though my husband has recently bought me a few of the "staple" games. My husband is a GM, so I've role played ever since I've met him, and our gaming groups tend to have more females than males. Thus, I've never considered our gender to be under-represented in the RP world.

What side do you pick more than others?

Blue. Am very proud that after 5 years, I finally got an old villain character up to 50, all on redside. I dislike the same old dirty, sepia-toned maps, but I have to say Mortimer Kai is the best TF/SF ever, and the SSA's are better on that side, too. Overall, I much prefer to play blue, and pretty much hate red.

What play style do you prefer?

Aggressive, high-damage usually. But anything I play has to be able to stand on its own. I will delete anything that ends up being "team-dependent", after trying everything I can think of to make it stronger and tougher. What self-respecting superhero is all needy and dependent, I ask you? Hey, meet my Blanche Dubois homage character, Madame Whiney-Butt! I don't think so!

What power set(s) do you favor?

Trollers are my favorite, and tend to resent being referred to as "support" since a good troller can blow anything else out of the water. Also love a good blaster. But I have more melee characters than anything else, especially scrappers. I learned to play on scrappers, and have been told I play almost everything like a scrapper. I have 3 - count 'em, 3 - who play at actual range.

What zones do you like the most?

I always think of Talos (or Cap) as being the center of the CoX Universe, but only because everything's so convenient. There are several zones I dislike playing in because they are awful to play with super speed: Faultline, Founder's, and everything redside.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

Female only. However, I have taken a slight "walk on the wild side" (do de do, de do, do de doo) with a new fish toon, Hey, they give us something as interesting as a FISH, there is no way I'm not gonna play it, you know? She has a male, huge body, because a female body would be just silly (Says woman with fish toon). Why would a fish have breasts and a nipped in waist?

Views on Role Playing?

I do tabletop RP. In CoH I have only PR'd in the usual sense briefly when running into an RP team, or if someone starts talking to me in character. I don't really "get" RP as it's done here, but am glad for people who do, and who enjoy it.

That said, I often RP in my own peculiar way. If the toon I'm playing has a very fleshed out character, then I tend to act out that aspect of my own personality. (Luckily, I do not make characters who are butt-heads ) Most of my friends do the same, though none of them would ever consider themselves to be RP-ers.


Always Virtue



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
I don't consider myself a "girl gamer", much as I appreciate your making this thread! This is the only MMO, or even computer game I've ever played, though my husband has recently bought me a few of the "staple" games. My husband is a GM, so I've role played ever since I've met him, and our gaming groups tend to have more females than males. Thus, I've never considered our gender to be under-represented in the RP world.
Aww! You're welcome



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
On a separate note, it's nice to know in a MMO dominated by guys that there's a good number of other girl players. Thanks for the replies!

Now I can tell my hubby, '' Hah! And you said there would be maybe 2 other female players. Cough up the month long back rubs, I won the bet! ''
I'm somewhat shocked that this would come as a surprise to your husband (and yourself), because we really have A LOT of female players in this game!
It is possible that Virtue has a larger percentage of females, so my experiences are skewed, but I'm not honestly convinced of that... as I've met and seen plenty of females that play on other servers and have gone to Meet & Greets and such.

It's definitely a disparity that has grown smaller and smaller throughout most games.
I don't know... I've table-top RP'd with girls since I started RPing and have played mmorpgs in guilds and SGs that have often been more women than men.
My wife also RPs and plays CoH, so that's a constant too.

Anyway, I'm glad your husband was wrong!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



What side do you pick more than others?
All factions, depends on the character background. Mostly Praetoria and Blue Side. Red Side is O.K but I hate the layout of the place. Especially Mercy Island... >_<

What play style do you prefer?
Casual, Mostly Solo & Grouping if my SG members are on.
I like the freedom that comes from Solo, there is no pressure and you can go AFK to grab a snack/chat with family members.

What power set(s) do you favor?
Hard to say, I mostly pick corrupters and melee characters. I don't have Dominators, Controllers or Defenders. I almost never pick a powerset based on what it can do but mostly on the feel of it and how it fits the characters I have in my mind. The actual animation of the power is a big factor in what I choose.

What zones do you like the most?
Nova Praetoria / Imperial City / First Ward. I really like that they don't have the giant blue zone walls and there are so much more greenary!

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
Both, I have equal number of male and female villains/hero characters.

Views on Role Playing?
I come from tabletop D&D and really miss it. So I participate in Roleplaying whenever I get the opportunity. I would love to get involved with the plot and other characters.
Though it can be hard because I'm an alt-holic and RP seems to be very clique-ish. All the more so since I don't spend a great deal of my in-game time in Pocket D.


I will miss you City of Heroes..



What side do you pick more than others?
Red/rogue, I never could stand blueside.

What play style do you prefer?

What power set(s) do you favor?
My main is a regen stalker, I also enjoy my kinetic corruptor

What zones do you like the most?
First Ward for the post-apocalyptic atmosphere

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
Both, evenly.

Views on Role Playing?
I enjoy it... when I can find it, good villain and morally grey RP is hard to find. (Apparently there is such a thins as too cruel for a villain)




What side do you pick more than others?

*I prefer redside.

What play style do you prefer?

*An impossibly broad question, since every AT demands different strategies.

What power set(s) do you favor?

*Some days this, the next day that.

What zones do you like the most?

*St Martial is probably my favorite zone ever. Also like the original DA and Croatoa.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?


Views on Role Playing?

*I find it amusing, since the only RP I have ever seen is on a level with the Three Stooges [and please excuse the disrespect, Stooges]. Impossible to take seriously.


*A populated one.



What side do you pick more than others?
Blue side because I love teaming and it is much harder to find team on red side. (I do prefer red side stories)

What play style do you prefer?
Support. I have at least one character of each AT, but prefer playing defenders/coruptors.

What power set(s) do you favor?
Fire blast and the most of support sets (rad, kin, dark, cold...)

What zones do you like the most?
Croatoa / St. Martial

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

Female, but I do have some male alts.

Views on Role Playing?
Tried it and haven't like it. I don't mind if people around me RP - I will just write all in brackets.

Union and Defiant (and since server list merged at least 1 alt on each server)

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
As to the "gamer girl" label.... I'm, err... really too old to be called a "girl".
I don't mind if someone call me girl, I know I am too old to be girl, but it is kind of flattering.

I have started playing games on ZX Spectrum, and haven't stopped since.

"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
On a separate note, it's nice to know in a MMO dominated by guys that there's a good number of other girl players. Thanks for the replies!

Now I can tell my hubby, '' Hah! And you said there would be maybe 2 other female players. Cough up the month long back rubs, I won the bet! ''

Aside that, it's a nice read.
Bah. I doubt that the MMO is truly "dominated" by guys. Sure, it's probably majority male. But not by as much as you'd expect.

Also, as time goes by, you'll see that the population will even out more.

Take Origins and GenCon.

Early on, it was almost exclusively a sausage-fest. Okay, there HAD to be a better way to put that, but...

About 10-12 years ago we started seeing a major up-tick in female gamers of the non-conslut and non-girlfriend variety.

Now what we're seeing? Families. Second (and third) generation gamers (who're bring the spouse and kids).

Heck, the first time I met our managing developer's wife and first-born, the kid was less than a year old and snoozed the con away in a stroller-seat.

Now he's about to graduate high school.

Cripes! Now I feel old!



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Two of our three daughters are enthusiastic gamers. They have several game consoles, I know a Wii and a PS3 among them. They also play CoH. Mrs. Animal plays CoH, as well.

I have only my own experience to go on, but I see no reason women wouldn't enjoy gaming as much as men do.

I used to fiddle with my back feet music for a black onyx. My entire room absorbed every echo. The music was . . . thud like. The music was . . . thud like. I usually played such things as rough-neck and thug. Opaque melodies that would bug most people. Music from the other side of the fence.



Boy am I ever late to the party.

One thing I've noticed over the years is that female players tend to play female characters. I've asked about this phenomenon, but I've never gotten a straight answer (except for that one person who didn't like the sound of all the jumping grunts). Does no one know why they play female characters? |-:

Of course, many male players also play female characters exclusively, so the reverse isn't true.

How 'bout ye, female players? I skimmed the thread looking at the answers to that question, and there's an overwhelming preference for female characters. Care to share why you play female characters?