Girl Gamer Preferences? (Warning: Girl Talk Inbound, Guys beware! ))




So, here goes some questions that mostly flow to fellow girl gamers.

What side do you pick more than others?
What play style do you prefer?
What power set(s) do you favor?
What zones do you like the most?
Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
Views on Role Playing?

I personally enjoy the role of a Praetorian, not sure why, guess it's the freedom of really choosing what you get to do. The feeling of not being shadowed by another person, and to decide if you're going RageChick or Benevolent Angel on the opponent at hand. Every girl loves to be bad now and then so it's only natural that my villain goes on a spree of free loving rampaging, just for kicks. I'm not really into the hero side so much but I'm giving it a clean shot.

As for play-style? I don't know why but I tend to lean more towards Soloing. I don't mind the whole team play thing but it just doesn't appeal to me. Probably because I spend A L O T of my time changing costumes, switching to different alts, and getting a feel for different power sets. I'm a horrible alt-o-holic I noticed, and after a bit of teaming with the same group I get bored with them. I'm extremely fickle.
*Snippet: I love PVP so I'm aggressive in my style, and it does reflect in the way I play. Mood has a lot to do with it also.

As for my favorite set? I'm so stuck on two. Divided really. I can't decide if I like my 50 dominator more (got to by soloing w00t), or the MMs. I really am enjoying the Petless MM option (run at the lowest level diff atm) just for fun, but when I do use them I'm partial to ninjas and thugs. For the secondary? I'm loving the ice/ice/ice for the dominator, and for the MM's I'm adoring the ninjas due to my lulz complex with meme possibilities. Also the thugs are a fun set I'm exploring with. Kinda sorta messed around with a couple of others but I'm not enthused with any other sets just yet.

Zones? I personally love the Hive area, Atlas is nice, Grandville, Praetoria's Nova is just beautiful, but over all I think I'm in love with Croatoa. I have no clue why, maybe it's because of the Halloween feel, mostly the colorful floating bubble sphere things. I love the way they just float around aimlessly.

Which sex do I play more? A female. I've made a couple of guys some that make my hubby walk by and go, '' Really? REALLY Jennifer? A naked roman? A semi-nude Cowboy? Bruce Lee in a towel? Wtf - Is that Chuck Norris? '' But aside that my mains which I play on are female. I thought about it as to WHY but nothing comes to mind except, '' Cause I wanna. '' I made one in the image of myself just for kicks and don't really use her, just change it every now and then.

Role playing? I dabble in it, I kinda do it here and there. Nothing serious. I will sit back and watch others, join in when I can but I notice a mass majority of groups are ''cliques'' that don't seem too open about strangers walking into their ''moments.'' I understand plot lines, but when I got yelled at for attempting to squeeze into a scenario while in a public location where traffic was high I couldn't help but laugh, and say, '' Kay. '' Not against it RPing but it's not a main thing for me, at least.

Servers? I find that exalted is pretty nice, virtue is good for some hearty laughs and mostly nice people with a pretty cool radio station. Lots of people. Freedom? Well I've seen some things on there that make me think of WoW so I tend to stray away from that server, though I heard its PVP community is the crem'e'le crop. Might give it a go.

Just thought I'd make a topic and see what the girl populous side of CoH thinks, nice to meet other GG's anyway. So what about you?



1 - I only play blue side

2 - I only have one avatar, and I'm a crapper, so I guess that "melee" is the playstyle I prefer

3 - MA/Regen

4 - All the zone are nice in their own way, but Atlas Park is the heart and soul of the game.

5 - Female - my digital superheroic self

6 - I don't RP, but if I ever end up on an RP team, I just go with the flow - it's pretty easy, I just react as if I was living in the CoH universe

7 - I'm on all the servers, to spread the love

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I tried the scrapper thing and got pwnt. Might give it another go sometime. What is it that attracts you the most?



But, Lulipop, did you try the crapper thing?

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
2 - I only have one avatar, and I'm a crapper, so I guess that "melee" is the playstyle I prefer
And, GG, you missed a smiley face on your number 4

And now I'll run away since I don't belong here >.<

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



I play blueside more than anything because I don't like how depressing redside looks (even though it has some of my favorite stories) and I don't like how fake Praetoria looks (even though it's supposed to )

I have one of everything, but I don't really enjoy my one tank or my two stalkers. I have a tendency to favor support-capable characters but not exclusionary. I don't really have a preferred playstyle. However: all of my characters live in melee, even if they are not melee oriented. It's just easier that way. I don't have a preferred powerset or archetype or anything.

I really, really, really like Croatoa and the updated Faultline. I have a feeling I'm going to really, really like the updated Dark Astoria, as long as John "Ambushman" Hegner didn't go crazy in it.

I don't roleplay but I don't care if other people do. I play females almost exclusively, but mostly because I hate the way the males run and grunt. If they didn't run like a stick was up their butts, I might play more dudes. I play on all of the servers, but more heavily on Justice, Infinity, and Virtue.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



What side do you pick more than others? More heroes than villains, but it depends on what character concept I come up with.

What play style do you prefer? I prefer blasters, controllers and Masterminds. Not so much of the melee in-your-face style, though I do have a couple scrappers.

What power set(s) do you favor? WIDE variety there, but when it comes to blasters, my heart belongs to energy/energy. Oh yeah...

What zones do you like the most? I've found details that I love in virtually every zone in the game. I adore Praetoria because the art overall is the best in the game, but I've spent dozens of hours prowling everywhere just to find scenic places to film.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''? Usually female. I have a few male characters, but yeah, mostly female. They range greatly in age, personality, and looks.

Views on Role Playing? I enjoy it, especially when it's fun. (Playing my southern belle cancan dancer/saloon girl pistoleer, Ante Up, when she levelled, she exclaimed "Well, tie me up and tickle my fanny with a feather!" Suffice to say, she brought the team to a screaming halt as laughter ensued.)

Servers? Justice primarily, with Triumph as my home away from home.


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Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Yess, post what servers you play on so w-...all the guys can join you and ERP your leg for fun and /slap your behinds till they're rosey red...

Except Golden Girl. She's a prude



What side do you pick more than others?
Blue because I hate navigating red and Praetorian missions are very hard to solo.
What play style do you prefer?
I solo when I can but have no problem teaming but it has to be people I know, I don't pug. At all....Ever
What power set(s) do you favor?
I like being either some kind of healer, or a willpower brute of some kind.
What zones do you like the most?
Aesthetically? Founders and pretty much anywhere in Praetoria.
Otherwise? eh anywhere but Faultline.
Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?
female toons alts chars charas whatever you wanna call them
Views on Role Playing?
I enjoy role play but usually light in the MMO setting and don't do it a whole lot here, I am very used to table top rather than the standing around socializing in character part.



Personally, I hate the notion of the "girl gamer." I am a woman who plays video games. That's all. I'm not special or different for it, I'm not trying to be cool, I'm not trying to be one of the guys, and I'm frankly a little embarrassed that I do fall into almost all the stereotypes.

To answer your questions:

I play blue. I used to play red exclusively, then slowly started drifting over, then noticed that people actually PLAY on blueside so I stuck around.

I enjoy playing every AT except blaster and stalker. I most prefer what might be called "aggressive support," meaning "controllers and defenders that can hold their own in scrapperlock." The four toons I play most often are an Ill/Rad controller, a Grav/Kin controller, a Time/Sonic defender, and a melee fortunata. For a long time I also had a BS/Shield scrapper and a Grav/Rad troller that I enjoyed a lot but I play them less these days.

My favorite zone is probably Croatoa.

Of the three characters (as distinct from toons - keep reading) I play, the Ill/Rad is a woman, the Grav/Kin and Time/Sonic who are two versions of the same person are a man, and the Fortunata is a vaguely female Cthulhubeast.

I am a roleplayer. Every one of my characters has a concept behind it, and the reason I only really play three of them out of the many, many alts I've come up with is so I can keep track of personalities and story interaction with the other people in my RPSG (and so the rest of my SGmates can too). The Ill/Rad is a time-displaced scientist from the age of steampunk who is delighted that she can now vote and have a doctorate in a field that means something - not to mention is fascinated by all the advancements in technology over the past hundred years, the Grav/Kin//Time/Sonic is a Midnighter who began dabbling in the dark secrets of immortality sometime in the 1930s and is haunted by his conscience, and the Fortunata is an escaped product of mad Arachnos science cloned from Rularuu stock who has decided that Primal Earth belongs to her and it's therefore her job to maintain it. Two of the three characters (the midnighter and the cthulhubeast) are romantically attached, but I don't ERP and did not plan said attachments.

I'm on Virtue.

{}... .-



1. Villains

2. Dominator

3. Mind Control/Psionic//Telekinetic/Telepathic/Psychic etc.

4. Villain Side, but I really like beautiful things, and scenery... So I also like Imperial City, the buildings are nice and the details the whole zone has.

5. Female

6. Don't RP much but it's nerve wracking and "panic mode" when someone RP's me out of nowhere (I play along to challenge myself. I just sometimes RP by myself while fighting stuff... LOL), fun sometimes and very scary. Where's the pause button when you need it?! My bf laughed at me when he caught me RPing, he called me "Role Player!!!"

7. Virtue

[center][size=1][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] GLOBAL: @Antoinette |[/font][/color][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] MAIN: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Pinkrise[/font][/color][/url][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma] | SG: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=Tahoma]The Ethereals [/font][/color][/url][font=Tahoma][color=#FF99CC] | PROJECTS: [/font][/color][url=][color=#FF99CC][font=tahoma]Rogue Magazine [/font][/color][/url][/size][/center]



What side do you pick more than others?

I mostly play blue side, villains feel more schoolyard bully and not as fun in my opinion.

What play style do you prefer?

I like playing damage dealing classes. Blasters, Scrappers, Brutes, Dominators.

What power set(s) do you favor?

Stylish ones, i refuse to play sets which will obscure my character (fire armor, stone armor etc).

What zones do you like the most?

Praetoria, First Ward, Atlas, old Galaxy, Cimerora.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

I only play as (cat)girls pretty much.

Views on Role Playing?

I don't mind it, but i don't actively seek it out. If someone would initiate something with me, or i'd join a team where everyone else is roleplaying i would probably go with the flow. Otherwise i don't RP that much.


Defiant and Virtue mostly. Got some chars on Union i barely play. Bouycotting Exalted since i think a server for VIPs only is a really bad idea for the community as a whole.



I prefer girl gamers that are about 5' 6" tall and 140ish pounds. Glasses are good. I generally prefer non-blondes, and I have a general weakness for redheads. I like wit and intelligence. Personality has such a wide variance that I have to play it by ear.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



What side do you pick more than others? Heroes
What play style do you prefer? Melee
What power set(s) do you favor? Any Weapons set
What zones do you like the most? Pocket D I suppose
Do you usually play as a male or female character? Female
Views on Role Playing? Yes please
Servers? Justice and Virtue



What side do you pick more than others?

Probably hero, but it's fairly evenly split.

What play style do you prefer?

I like blasters and scrappers.

What power set(s) do you favor?

I like Dual Blades and Martial Arts a lot. I haven't really tried out Street Justice, but I expect I will like that quite a bit. And I'm really looking forward to Staff Melee.

What zones do you like the most?

I like the revamped Faultline and the Rikti War Zone.

Do you usually play as a male or female (word of hatred) ''toon''?

Almost all of my characters are female.

Views on Role Playing?

I don't usually RP.


I abandoned Freedom for Exalted.



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
Personally, I hate the notion of the "girl gamer." I am a woman who plays video games. That's all. I'm not special or different for it, I'm not trying to be cool, I'm not trying to be one of the guys, and I'm frankly a little embarrassed that I do fall into almost all the stereotypes.
Yeah, this sort of thing is often an excuse for someone to average out the answers and point out the differences between those and the average from male gamers (or from the playerbase as a whole) and use them to support the thesis that women are strange creatures from some other universe who will forever remain a mystery to man.

My anwers also largely apply to the group I play with, which is almost entirely made up of guys (including my husband).

What side do you pick more than others? Heroside is kind of the "default". Any character who is not specifically an evil git/a refugee from a totalitatrian regime will be heroside.
What play style do you prefer? Support. I like to sit in the back and tip the odds further and further in our favor. Also Scrapper/Brute, for when I'm tired of always surveying the battlefield tactically and want to just run in and bash stuff.
What power set(s) do you favor? Debuffs, especially slows! I love my Stormie main and I'm having great fun with my time Manipulation.
What zones do you like the most? Hm... no particular preference. They're all kind of cool in their own way. I do find the Hollows awe-inspiring.
Do you usually play as a male or female character? Female. I have a few male characters (including one I made specifically to get some use out of the male-only set in the Magic pack) but I can't seem to find a concept that I'll really stick with.
Role Playing? Yes, a lot, all the time. It's the main attraction of this game for me.
Servers? Virtue, with some alts on Infinity and a few lowbies here and there made to try out powersets.

Character index



Originally Posted by Johnstone View Post
But, Lulipop, did you try the crapper thing?

And, GG, you missed a smiley face on your number 4

And now I'll run away since I don't belong here >.<

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Yess, post what servers you play on so w-...all the guys can join you and ERP your leg for fun and /slap your behinds till they're rosey red...

Except Golden Girl. She's a prude

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I prefer girl gamers that are about 5' 6" tall and 140ish pounds. Glasses are good. I generally prefer non-blondes, and I have a general weakness for redheads. I like wit and intelligence. Personality has such a wide variance that I have to play it by ear.
Good Luck

Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
Personally, I hate the notion of the "girl gamer." I am a woman who plays video games. That's all. I'm not special or different for it, I'm not trying to be cool, I'm not trying to be one of the guys, and I'm frankly a little embarrassed that I do fall into almost all the stereotypes.
Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Yeah, this sort of thing is often an excuse for someone to average out the answers and point out the differences between those and the average from male gamers (or from the playerbase as a whole) and use them to support the thesis that women are strange creatures from some other universe who will forever remain a mystery to man.
I get both of your points but I personally don't mind the term GG. I've left any and all animosity for it long since behind, way back when I was really young. I started gaming way back when the game-boys were clunky and the screen was nearly black&white.

I don't use the term to sound cool, or to brand myself in the congeniality of media's hype stream but instead use it as a way to separate myself from guy players. I mean we COULD just say gamer but after going to conventions, joining clans, growing with the times it's sort of been stamped on our gender in a harsh way. We can't escape it. You meet with a group of ''gamers'' and you're the only female it's almost clandestine to bridge a conversation all about ''you'' and why you game.

Does it get annoying? Yes. Does it get repetitive? Yes. Do the annoying nerds that (can be cute sometimes) hit on your because you're a female become a nuisance? Yes. Is there any way around it? No. Not for now anyway, that is until more of us play MMO's/Vidya in general so to even out the playing field of ''gamers'' in general.

I personally adopted the term, '' Girl Gamer '' and made it a part of my routine. When I go on Xbox Live to frag some people the first thing I do is declare; '' Hi, I'm a girl gamer. I'm not here to flirt, no I don't want your package, and yes I'm married. Now that we've got that out of the way, sup? '' Over zealous, childish, and verging on lulzworthy? Yeah, I know. However, it drives the point home and after about a few rounds of silence or being ignored after the ''married'' part I start getting people yelling at me for constant head shots. Or they scream out of anger for my sneaky skills, or give me props on knowing how to do this or that.
Same in WoW, when I first started people were like '' ZOMG GIRL ON MIC R U HAWT? '' and even when I did webcam with a group it was, '' ZOMG U R SINGLE. SH0W UR BODY '' which was funny, got a little offended but over time I gained respect in the circle after pwning in PVP. Seeing how the attitudes have changed over time; it has gotten better but people would rather note a female player as a '' Girl Gamer'' than a woman, and again, I don't see us losing the eye of males due to ''us'' being a rarity for at least another 3-4 years.

It's just how it works, so that's my take on the term ''Girl Gamer.'' Turned into a mini-rant. Meh. In short, sorry if I offended you for using that term it's just something I personally have accepted as part of my lifestyle until the term '' Woman Gamer '' becomes popular. Hell, I'd even take '' Milf Gamer'' over it. But, it's the world we game in for now. But soon, it won't be a males digital paradise, it'll be ours.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
I personally adopted the term, '' Girl Gamer '' and made it a part of my routine. When I go on Xbox Live to frag some people the first thing I do is declare; '' Hi, I'm a girl gamer. I'm not here to flirt, no I don't want your package, and yes I'm married. Now that we've got that out of the way, sup? '' Over zealous, childish, and verging on lulzworthy? Yeah, I know. However, it drives the point home and after about a few rounds of silence or being ignored after the ''married'' part I start getting people yelling at me for constant head shots. Or they scream out of anger for my sneaky skills, or give me props on knowing how to do this or that.
Same in WoW, when I first started people were like '' ZOMG GIRL ON MIC R U HAWT? '' and even when I did webcam with a group it was, '' ZOMG U R SINGLE. SH0W UR BODY '' which was funny, got a little offended but over time I gained respect in the circle after pwning in PVP. Seeing how the attitudes have changed over time; it has gotten better but people would rather note a female player as a '' Girl Gamer'' than a woman, and again, I don't see us losing the eye of males due to ''us'' being a rarity for at least another 3-4 years.

It's just how it works, so that's my take on the term ''Girl Gamer.'' Turned into a mini-rant. Meh. In short, sorry if I offended you for using that term it's just something I personally have accepted as part of my lifestyle until the term '' Woman Gamer '' becomes popular. Hell, I'd even take '' Milf Gamer'' over it. But, it's the world we game in for now. But soon, it won't be a males digital paradise, it'll be ours.
I wouldn't go so far as to say "offended," so much as "annoyed."

Maybe it's because I'm not a console user, and never have been even when I was in the clunky-black-and-white-game-boy stage (I didn't have one; I played PC games even then) and that WoW only kept my interest for about ten minutes before I got bored and came back to CoH, but somehow I've never had these conversations with my male fellows that you describe - they just skip straight to the part where I'm being yelled at for using cheap moves with Zasalamel if it's in person, and if it's mentioned online it's somehow never a big deal (for instance, while on a male character, "also I have a huge crush on Richard Hammond" "wait youre gay?" "no, female" "oh, ok then" and that was that).

I dunno, it's probably just the huge dissonance in your experience and mine. To me it's never been a big deal unless the woman in the equation makes a big deal of it, so I've basically come to the conclusion that it'd stop being a big deal, ever, if people would just quit starting things. It also probably doesn't help that a friend of mine tries to paint herself as a gamer when she really doesn't care about anything but the cosplay and the attention it gets her.

{}... .-



Does it get annoying? Yes. Does it get repetitive? Yes. Do the annoying nerds that (can be cute sometimes) hit on your because you're a female become a nuisance? Yes. Is there any way around it? No. Not for now anyway, that is until more of us play MMO's/Vidya in general so to even out the playing field of ''gamers'' in general.

It's not going to change until we "boy gamers" start seeing more females IN PERSON around the gaming table playing RPGs and other table games. The collectable/tradeable card games do see more females, though.

I own a game store. I haven't seen who plays in the RPGs that happen every night and sometimes day, but I'm sure I can count on one hand how many players are female, and I won't have to use all my fingers, either. (I know of two offhand, and doubt there's more, but there could be). Miniatures night there might be a wife and husband that play, but with two kids they don't show up often. I can understand the lack of females in miniatures since most are historical wargames, but there are a few fantasy skirmish ones as well (I have an elven army with a couple of unicorns and couple of faeries, manly ones of course , and quite a few female figures.. I like painting those ).

I'll take the blondes, Tenzhi.



Lets see as a gentleman rogue who spends no small bit of time at virtues D I say I love all gamer girls equally

Id say i favor none as I go with bold and flirty or shy and sweet on a whim. Human or other matters little as well Ill take a cat girl or a alien with scaly skin and a tail if they are fun to chat with, though them cat girls can be the meOW!

Im big on lore based RP so do enjoy when the lady has enough brain in her head to pick up on some of the basics of our games world which most Lore RPers I know are women. Seems guys tend to go more with the look at my so called original uberman, where as ladies who RP seem more interested in being part of a smooth flowing universal approach easy to fit into once you know the game abit.

I also RP 2 female characters, no not lesbians, though I have them married in concept to avoid those pesky guys like myself One is the praetorian dimensions countess crey, aka Julianne Thompson. The other is our worlds countess crey see both married to my alts the counts from both domensions Actually Julianne though only one I play now and then is one of my favored lore based concept toons to use, though Id probably let a serious lore rping female pilot take the name and concept over if I found one interested.



Wow. Big "SON I AM DISAPPOINT" to the community members who think this thread is for trying to pick up a date. If you don't have anything productive to add, don't say anything at all.

That's all the participation in this thread that I'm going to have.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
Maybe it's because I'm not a console user, and never have been even when I was in the clunky-black-and-white-game-boy stage (I didn't have one; I played PC games even then) and that WoW only kept my interest for about ten minutes before I got bored and came back to CoH, but somehow I've never had these conversations with my male fellows that you describe <snippage>
I have to agree. I started out in pen and paper games back in the '80s, played a lot of MUSHes in the '90s, and started MMOs about 6 years ago. I've never been harassed or hit on in an MMO. I've also never been fawned over, had people shower me with stuff, or any of that kind of thing. I tend to gravitate toward male-dominated hobbies, and I've been fortunate to avoid preferential treatment as well as disdain. My experiences have been good; I've been lucky.

As for the questions asked:
What side do you pick more than others? I play blueside most of the time. Redside just holds no appeal to me. I like to play good guys, not bad guys. Also, I find the Isles dark, badly laid out, and depressing. Praetoria looks great but I also find it unappealing.

What play style do you prefer? I generally play solo, or in a duo with my husband. I also enjoy playing with a couple of friends in a small team. Large team activities stress me out and I avoid them. As for archetypes, I like to play control or melee (tanks or scrappers). I do not enjoy playing support. I have no interest in PvP.

What power set(s) do you favor?
Whatever work best for the character concept. I enjoy playing my illusionist, my plant controller, my dual blades scrapper. I tend to rely on Willpower as it's a set that feels like 'set it and forget it.'

What zones do you like the most?
I generally prefer sunny, open zones like Atlas or Talos. Faultline cleaned up nicely. My characters always seem to live in Faultline or Founders' Falls--some nice apartments and condos in those zones.

Do you usually play as a male or female character? I nearly always play female characters, here and in other games. I guess it's a case of 'write what you know.'

Role Playing? I am a roleplayer, though I scratch that itch in pen and paper games at the moment, so I don't RP as much in CoH.

Servers? I started on Victory and still have characters there, but I guess these days my main server is Virtue.

Busting heads since 1938

Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic



Originally Posted by The Masked Shrike View Post
Do you usually play as a male or female character? I nearly always play female characters, here and in other games. I guess it's a case of 'write what you know.'
This has always been a head scratcher for me, and I have heard it before. I've roleplayed as many men as women without a second thought, and it just doesn't feel any more difficult. I mean, what is the difference, anyway, when I'm already making a point of the character I play not being me? I mean, sure, "write what you know" is still the same strategy I use for my characters, but I don't feel it's inapplicable to the male ones. Just because The Hour Thief is a man doesn't mean I can't write what I know in terms of his being a reader, or a tea drinker, or an idealist, or terribly lonely. Hell, it's a superhero game - I'm writing what I don't know half the time anyway even when I'm playing a female character. I may not be a man, but I'm not a suffragette who got booted 100 years into the future (read: the present day) either, and I'm pretty sure none of us can fly or shoot fire or build a robot army. Next to everything else I'd have to portray without ever having experienced it, being male just feels like a drop in the ocean to me... maybe I'm weird.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
It's not going to change until we "boy gamers" start seeing more females IN PERSON around the gaming table playing RPGs and other table games. The collectable/tradeable card games do see more females, though.

I own a game store. I haven't seen who plays in the RPGs that happen every night and sometimes day, but I'm sure I can count on one hand how many players are female, and I won't have to use all my fingers, either. (I know of two offhand, and doubt there's more, but there could be). Miniatures night there might be a wife and husband that play, but with two kids they don't show up often. I can understand the lack of females in miniatures since most are historical wargames, but there are a few fantasy skirmish ones as well (I have an elven army with a couple of unicorns and couple of faeries, manly ones of course , and quite a few female figures.. I like painting those ).

I'll take the blondes, Tenzhi.
Well, my experience is counter to yours, although I suspect that is because I have never actually done any gaming in my FLGS (friendly local game store), just some shopping, and usually with my husband. All of the gaming groups I belong to (currently 3) are at least split 50/50 male female, and one of them has only 2 male members out of a mix that varies from 6 to 8 depending upon the game.

In fact, not to be stereotypical, the Sunday afternoon group female population usually has knitting or other hand work to do during gaming, so the group is kind of a mix between knitting circle and gaming group.

Oh, and in case it wasn't clear from the above - female, gaming for about 20 years now, starting in tabletop, branching out into computer (Heroes of Might & Magic I-IV FTW), then taking up CoX because of the costume creator & superhero theme.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by FlashToo View Post
This has always been a head scratcher for me, and I have heard it before. I've roleplayed as many men as women without a second thought, and it just doesn't feel any more difficult. I mean, what is the difference, anyway, when I'm already making a point of the character I play not being me? I mean, sure, "write what you know" is still the same strategy I use for my characters, but I don't feel it's inapplicable to the male ones. Just because The Hour Thief is a man doesn't mean I can't write what I know in terms of his being a reader, or a tea drinker, or an idealist, or terribly lonely. Hell, it's a superhero game - I'm writing what I don't know half the time anyway even when I'm playing a female character. I may not be a man, but I'm not a suffragette who got booted 100 years into the future (read: the present day) either, and I'm pretty sure none of us can fly or shoot fire or build a robot army. Next to everything else I'd have to portray without ever having experienced it, being male just feels like a drop in the ocean to me... maybe I'm weird.
Sometimes I play or write male characters. Mostly I don't. It just falls out that way. What works for you is cool; what works for me is cool.

Busting heads since 1938

Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Wow. Big "SON I AM DISAPPOINT" to the community members who think this thread is for trying to pick up a date. If you don't have anything productive to add, don't say anything at all.

That's all the participation in this thread that I'm going to have.
And here I was about to send you a gift basket with Klondike bars... oh well

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