Loot Filter?

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Hey everyone
So I was wondering if anyone had ever brought up the idea of a loot filter. So many times have my enhancement trays been filled with junk I don’t need and same goes for my recipe slots. Has no one thought of implementing a Filter that the user can adjust to automatically NPC unwanted recipes and enhancements? It just becomes such a hassle when you’re in a long Trial or TF or SF and your enhancement slots are full along with your recipes and you don’t even notice that you’re missing out on so much loot.



I'm pretty sure a loot fiilter wouldn't work as it could screw with drop rates in your favor, I can't see it being implemented for this reason.

You can however earn more recipe and salvage slots ingame, and you can buy more salvage/recipe/enhancement slots on the market. Past that you just need to sell periodically and/or delete things that aren't worth anything.

Eventually down the line you will get paragon rewards for remote access to the auction house and vault which help alot too.



The way it could work is that you still get the loot but if it doesnt pass the filter it is sold to a NPC for a fraction of the price rather than wasting space. So say an enhancement sells at a NPC for 10,000 inf, if it doesn't pass your filter u can get 5,000 inf and u get the inf on the spot rather than having to go to a npc.



Junk loot doesn't just exist for no reason, it's meant to engage the player by motivating them to go to a store to unload it. It was actually quite a coup when they changed it so only single origins dropped past, what was it, level 30? In any case, a filter would be counterproductive from the devs' perspective.



So its ment to clutter your inventory and make you stop in the middle of a trial to unload it in hope that something better will fill its space? oh well looks like I will just have to expand my inventory.



Well I kind of doubt that they expect people to put together exactly that line of reasoning. For one thing, if you're running a trial you probably don't care very much whether or not you're earning a couple extra packets of 10000~ influence since you'll also be earning incarnate currencies that are orders of magnitude more valuable to you in terms of benefit for time invested. For another, it isn't meant to cause immediate distress on your part, which is why you can delete them on a whim.

What it does do is add a small but steady pressure to the back of your mind that encourages you to do one additional thing just before you log off, just so you know you have it done. Oh, while you were logged on for the extra minute or two it took to sell your SOs, useless IO recipes, salvage and possibly your spare inspirations someone sent you a tell asking if you wanted to join a speed manti? You do want to join a speed manti? Better sell quick, wouldn't want to keep your team waiting!

Note that I'm not disparaging this, but that's how it works.



Generally speaking, I will go to my salvage/recipes before a TF and trash or vend what I don't want/need. Before a TF, I also sort my salvage by amount descending.

If, in the middle of a task I notice one of them is red, I will wait for a lull in action (between missions, if someone is stealthing, between spawns, etc) I will quickly open my salvage, right click and hit "s" to delete the stack of 9 Kinetic Weapons, 7 Rubies and 5 Hydraulic Pistons. If I happened to need one, I would likely get a bid of 5 inf to fill relatively quickly.

The same goes for recipes, though I tend to put higher priority on monitoring them. I'll quickly delete the temp powers and low-value IOs during a pause in action.

It literally takes seconds to do it.

Thank you, Champion.



Many times I've thought of how useful it would be to flag items of a certain origin or rarity as "do not accept." I could care less if my enhancement tray or salvage inventory fill up while I'm doing something, but when my recipes are full I start to twitch nervously and delete things I don't want as quickly as possible. It's definitely a bit of a hindrance at times.



WAI - Sadly

Timesinks are built in from the ground up.
*Dons old man garb* Shoot, I remember when stores weren't even on the map, *Waves cane in air* We had to actually find the buggers with our eyes!

I'm so used to periodically deleting all the junk from cluttering my inverntory that I've even been known to do it in the thick of things if I get full, I can delete a stack or two before a power finished animating usually.

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Originally Posted by mellatica View Post
So its ment to clutter your inventory and make you stop in the middle of a trial to unload it in hope that something better will fill its space? oh well looks like I will just have to expand my inventory.
Say hello to the reason they'll likely never implement something like this. Your issues are solved by giving them money. It's bad business sense to circumvent getting money.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by mellatica View Post
Hey everyone
So I was wondering if anyone had ever brought up the idea of a loot filter. So many times have my enhancement trays been filled with junk I don’t need and same goes for my recipe slots. Has no one thought of implementing a Filter that the user can adjust to automatically NPC unwanted recipes and enhancements? It just becomes such a hassle when you’re in a long Trial or TF or SF and your enhancement slots are full along with your recipes and you don’t even notice that you’re missing out on so much loot.
Historically, yes. This has been brought up before. AND it has also actually been implemented. Once upon a time, your enhancement tray would fill up with useless TOs even at 50. A filter was added that would just not let junk drop past a certain level.

Back then, and I think it's still a valid request, people had hoped to see an option to filter out stuff you don't care about. It'd be nice to see something like that, as well as expanding the idea to encompass the new recipes and salvage.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
Generally speaking, I will go to my salvage/recipes before a TF and trash or vend what I don't want/need. Before a TF, I also sort my salvage by amount descending.

If, in the middle of a task I notice one of them is red, I will wait for a lull in action (between missions, if someone is stealthing, between spawns, etc) I will quickly open my salvage, right click and hit "s" to delete the stack of 9 Kinetic Weapons, 7 Rubies and 5 Hydraulic Pistons. If I happened to need one, I would likely get a bid of 5 inf to fill relatively quickly.

The same goes for recipes, though I tend to put higher priority on monitoring them. I'll quickly delete the temp powers and low-value IOs during a pause in action.

It literally takes seconds to do it.
This. I never start a TF without "emptying my pockets". And I have also found that if I do this and I still get a full Enh tray or Recipe box, then it's extremely likely that one or more of my team also has a full tray or box, so it's no big deal for the team to take a short break to either sell or store stuff in the vault or SG Enh tables. Recipes are a bit more problematic, but a quick trip to the store to sell Common IO recipes doesn't take long either.

And, as others have pointed out, the Devs have already provided a solution - purchase more inventory.

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Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Oh God yes, I've wished for something like that so many times.

As for people who suggest WAI, balancing by annoyance in a game is never a good thing. Never. It may be intended, but that doesn't make it right.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Well I kind of doubt that they expect people to put together exactly that line of reasoning. For one thing, if you're running a trial you probably don't care very much whether or not you're earning a couple extra packets of 10000~ influence since you'll also be earning incarnate currencies that are orders of magnitude more valuable to you in terms of benefit for time invested. For another, it isn't meant to cause immediate distress on your part, which is why you can delete them on a whim.

What it does do is add a small but steady pressure to the back of your mind that encourages you to do one additional thing just before you log off, just so you know you have it done. Oh, while you were logged on for the extra minute or two it took to sell your SOs, useless IO recipes, salvage and possibly your spare inspirations someone sent you a tell asking if you wanted to join a speed manti? You do want to join a speed manti? Better sell quick, wouldn't want to keep your team waiting!

Note that I'm not disparaging this, but that's how it works.
I simply delete the junk and keep doig what I was doing. I never call up /auctionhouse to sell trash. It's not worth the time.

So yes /signed to a loot filter.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I could see the devs adding a filter, but it probably wouldn't work the way the OP wants it to. Our devs have a sense of humor so the filter would just auto delete the drops the player doesn't want. It wouldn't replace what was being deleted with something else that wasn't being screened.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I'm pretty sure a loot fiilter wouldn't work as it could screw with drop rates in your favor, I can't see it being implemented for this reason.
A properly done loot filter wouldn't do jack @#$% to drop rates. It'll just auto-delete what you set it to delete. Drop rates are untouched.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Junk loot doesn't just exist for no reason, it's meant to engage the player by motivating them to go to a store to unload it.
How the frack does this "engage the player"?

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I could see the devs adding a filter, but it probably wouldn't work the way the OP wants it to. Our devs have a sense of humor so the filter would just auto delete the drops the player doesn't want.
That would actually be perfect for me. Of course, I'd mainly just be filtering stuff that doesn't vendor for much and only gets piddly change at the market after sitting for weeks listed at 1 inf.

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
That would actually be perfect for me. Of course, I'd mainly just be filtering stuff that doesn't vendor for much and only gets piddly change at the market after sitting for weeks listed at 1 inf.
Yeah but can you imagine the rage posts from people that would be complaining that the filter is bugged because they're getting "less drops" when they use the filter?



To come at this from another angle, who cares if your enhancement tray fills up? They're basically worthless other than to completely new players. The only filter there would probably block drops entirely. For salvage, as Bram and Aura said all you have to do is quickly chuck your biggest, least valuable stack and you're good to go again. Even if you don't bother doing that, though, you're really not losing much influence. A million or two here and there is really a drop in the bucket in the end.

Recipes actually matter since if those are full you have no chance of getting a purple, a respec recipe, and so on. How would you suggest a filter here work? If you filtered out commons, you'd actually be losing fairly reliable income at level 50. I suppose some people could live with that. If you filter out uncommons, it begins to have an impact on the game's economy. Some sets would cease to be generated by purple farmers, including popular ones such as efficacy adaptor and doctored wounds. If you allowed players to filter out rares, why that would just be silly. You'd stop getting almost everything of value.

It seems like some people are imagining a selective filter where you can uncheck all of the snipe sets, all of the stun sets, all of the accurate ____ sets... Now that, I feel secure in saying, is never going to happen.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yeah but can you imagine the rage posts from people that would be complaining that the filter is bugged because they're getting "less drops" when they use the filter?
While I imagine there'd still be a lot of those even if the filter spelled out exactly how it worked every time you turned it on ( Or was called "auto-delete" and the list you set up was called "auto-delete list" even ), it could only be chalked up to the user's own stupidity and, thus, the rage posts could be relentlessly mocked.

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
To come at this from another angle, who cares if your enhancement tray fills up? They're basically worthless other than to completely new players.

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Your opinion might differ, but enhancement drops are inherently worthless to me as well. Even at low levels they are at best Spare Change.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Originally Posted by ItsJustJake View Post
Your opinion might differ, but enhancement drops are inherently worthless to me as well. Even at low levels they are at best Spare Change.
Saying they're worthless to you is completely different from saying they're worthless to everyone but brand new players.

Virtue Server
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I agree. I prefer saying "mostly worthless". To me they are annoying, like temp power drops. Other people might still use them. I only ever slot them as temporary placeholders.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Eventually down the line you will get paragon rewards for remote access to the auction house and vault which help alot too.
Unfortunately, you can't use /ah in a mission any more. But it's easy to delete stuff.

Originally Posted by ItsJustJake View Post
Your opinion might differ, but enhancement drops are inherently worthless to me as well. Even at low levels they are at best Spare Change.
Even at high levels. I love getting DOs in the mid- to high-thirties. /sarcasm


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But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

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