Loot Filter?

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Super. Do you individually consider whether to slot or combine each and every SO that drops? Or, like virtually every single person I've ever seen talk about enhancing via SOs on any team I have ever been on, do you wait until a multiple of five plus two level and then go fill up your entire build with SOs in a couple of minutes? I can tell you which of these two strategies is a better use of your time!

You are right that there's no accounting for taste however so far be it from me to tell you to stop doing it the first way if that's what you do (which I never attempted to do, you'll notice). I'm sure you realize you could be playing in a more optimal way.
Hmmm. Use the stuff that drops for free and enjoy playing the game with the occasional stop at a store to sell what I can't use or get my panties is a twist trying to squeeze every last bonus point out of my enhancements every 5 levels while miserably standing around at an NPC store where I'm constantly scrolling thru a seemingly endless list of enhancements with stupid names I can never remember.

I'll take use the stuff that drops for free, sell the stuff I can't use, and only pay for new enhancements when it's absolutely necessary and sometimes not even then. I've lost count of the times I've let slots remain empty because I wasn't about to spend inf on enhancements that drop for free.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Hmmm. Use the stuff that drops for free and enjoy playing the game with the occasional stop at a store to sell what I can't use or get my panties is a twist trying to squeeze every last bonus point out of my enhancements every 5 levels while miserably standing around at an NPC store where I'm constantly scrolling thru a seemingly endless list of enhancements with stupid names I can never remember.

I'll take use the stuff that drops for free, sell the stuff I can't use, and only pay for new enhancements when it's absolutely necessary and sometimes not even then. I've lost count of the times I've let slots remain empty because I wasn't about to spend inf on enhancements that drop for free.
Perfectly understandable. You also don't sound like the type to get flustered about the fact that we still lack a loot filter, even though the devs have known that we wanted one for three entire days.



It's really frustrating in a trial to see someone get a purple and then you check your recipes and see they're full of junky standard IOs. I know tons of you guys love your standard IOs but I like my sets. You can turn off your loot filter while I can turn it on.




Right Click --> Delete works for me... <shrug>

During lulls, /auctionhouse is also very handy.

A filter might be a useful QoL idea, but I could easily come up with at least
a dozen other things I'd prefer to see the devs spend their time on.


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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Perfectly understandable. You also don't sound like the type to get flustered about the fact that we still lack a loot filter, even though the devs have known that we wanted one for three entire days.
I c wat u did thar.

Also, LOL!


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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Tyger42, Tyger42, Tyger42. What are we going to do with you? Here you seem to be indignantly proposing a filter that would delete all and only the specific SOs that you don't want. Do you think the devs are going to add this, just for you? Do you really?
...why wouldn't they? An auto-delete filter would have no affect on the drop rate, so it's not going to imbalance the game. It'll merely be a convenience.

Nice that you break out the condescending attitude though. It only emphasizes the weakness of your stance.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Perfectly understandable. You also don't sound like the type to get flustered about the fact that we still lack a loot filter, even though the devs have known that we wanted one for three entire days.
...who's flustered...?

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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I just want to point out that if you started using IOs - even just commons - at level 27, when you can slot level 30 enhancements, you wouldn't have to buy new sets of SOs at level 32 and level 37, which saves you a ton of inf because Level 30 commons are the same as even level SOs (like .2% difference), and they never degrade. Level 35 commons are essentially the same as +2 SOs, and level 40 commons are better than +3 SOs. (I am not 100% sure on these numbers because the wiki is on blackout but I am pretty sure.)
But when I'm generally running around with +3 SOs at level 27, 32, and 37, it's a significant difference to me. I start sliding over to commons as I get the recipes in the mid 30s, sure, but I'm still filling in a lot of gaps with drops. I'm not going to pay for common IOs on the market before 40.

Virtue Server
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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
...why wouldn't they? An auto-delete filter would have no affect on the drop rate, so it's not going to imbalance the game. It'll merely be a convenience.
Because you can pay to increase your storage capacity, and putting in a filter circumvents most of the reason for increasing storage, which mostly eliminates the need to purchase storage capacity increases, which makes them earn less money.

Ergo, they're almost guaranteed not to do it. Since I am not on their marketing team, I can't say they definitely won't, but I would be ridiculously, fabulously surprised if they did. (And just to note, if I *were* on their marketing team, I would veto this based on my previous reasoning.)

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I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Perfectly understandable. You also don't sound like the type to get flustered about the fact that we still lack a loot filter, even though the devs have known that we wanted one for three entire days.
I'm neither for nor against a filter. I also haven't made any critical comments to the people that think some drops are garbage when I personally either use or sell everything I get. To each his own.

But I will reiterate that I believe that if the devs were to add a drop filter, it would only act as an auto delete, and I will get a great amount of amusement watching the peanut gallery make their rage posts because they assumed the filter was more than an auto delete, and that the filter is bugged because their trays aren't filling up as fast.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Because you can pay to increase your storage capacity, and putting in a filter circumvents most of the reason for increasing storage, which mostly eliminates the need to purchase storage capacity increases, which makes them earn less money.

Ergo, they're almost guaranteed not to do it. Since I am not on their marketing team, I can't say they definitely won't, but I would be ridiculously, fabulously surprised if they did. (And just to note, if I *were* on their marketing team, I would veto this based on my previous reasoning.)
Not necessarily. Inventory can still easily fill up with "good" drops that aren't filtered out. By your logic, they should remove the ability to manually delete drops, too. It has the exact same effect.

Virtue Server
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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Not necessarily. Inventory can still easily fill up with "good" drops that aren't filtered out. By your logic, they should remove the ability to manually delete drops, too. It has the exact same effect.
Again I ask, "How does the filter exclude only bad drops?" No one has explained this yet. Are you expecting a giant list of all possible drops and you uncheck all the ones you don't like? Corollary: as someone who likes SO drops because you can sell them for inf, have you considered that excluding even the less valuable ones is a much larger hit to your influence over time than the rare instances where you let your tray fill up but have no time at all to delete things yourself?



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Again I ask, "How does the filter exclude only bad drops?" No one has explained this yet. Are you expecting a giant list of all possible drops and you uncheck all the ones you don't like? Corollary: as someone who likes SO drops because you can sell them for inf, have you considered that excluding even the less valuable ones is a much larger hit to your influence over time than the rare instances where you let your tray fill up but have no time at all to delete things yourself?
Well I imagine in a perfect world you would get a pop up window for the filter and you'd be able to select to filter out groups of drops.

For example

o All SO's
o Magic SO's
o Natural SO's
o Mutation SO's
o Science SO's
o Technology SO's

And players just check the ones they want to auto delete.

Also there could be tabs on the pop up window for DO's, SO's, and IO recipe's so there wouldn't be a lot of clutter crammed into one window.

I don't think the filter would work well with IO Salvage because what's valuable and what's junk on the market is scattered between the common, uncommon, and rare designations.



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
Wait are we talking about SOs as in Single Origin or Standard IOs? O_o
Single Origin.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Again I ask, "How does the filter exclude only bad drops?" No one has explained this yet. Are you expecting a giant list of all possible drops and you uncheck all the ones you don't like?
Actually I was thinking something more along the lines of an ignore list. Something client side. Right click a drop, select "filter" from the drop down menu, and it'll be added to your auto-delete list. It's not really that complicated a concept.

Virtue Server
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I can't see the devs implementing something that makes afk pvp io farming any easier or more exploitative than it already is.

That's what a loot filter would be good for. Just saying....

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