Loot Filter?

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Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Oh God yes, I've wished for something like that so many times.

As for people who suggest WAI, balancing by annoyance in a game is never a good thing. Never. It may be intended, but that doesn't make it right.
I completely agree. MMOs do it as a policy and that is ultimately contributing to some of their difficulties. Even WOW is not immune to the consumer waking up.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



How lazy ARE you people?

There are stores everywhere, deleting the nearly worthless stuff takes seconds, and there are so many travel powers that you can pop to a store and back in under a minute.

You already get things directly added to your inventory automatically and that isn't convenient enough?



Originally Posted by Machariel View Post
How lazy ARE you people?

There are stores everywhere,
Except inside trials

deleting the nearly worthless stuff takes seconds,
Which could be more than enough time for distraction to tilt a bad pull into a wipe in a trial.

and there are so many travel powers that you can pop to a store and back in under a minute.
Which doesn't help you, say it with me, IN A TRIAL.

In closing, get off your high horse and get the frack over yourself.

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Originally Posted by Machariel View Post
How lazy ARE you people?

There are stores everywhere, deleting the nearly worthless stuff takes seconds, and there are so many travel powers that you can pop to a store and back in under a minute.

You already get things directly added to your inventory automatically and that isn't convenient enough?
Are you serious? Some people won't be happy until they get an "I Win!" button, and others won't be happy until the game plays itself while they are offline.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
trial stuff
Then don't do it in a critical time during a trial (i.e., 90+% of the time). Or sell your stuff while the trial is queuing. You know, that time when you're waiting around in RWZ or pocket D, where there are stores?

Incidentally I think the idea that taking under five seconds to delete a stack of common salvage or a bunch of trash recipes is going to seriously threaten a trial is, at best, pretty strong optimism about your own impact unless you are the only person on lichen duty on the Underground.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Except inside trials

Which could be more than enough time for distraction to tilt a bad pull into a wipe in a trial.

Which doesn't help you, say it with me, IN A TRIAL.

In closing, get off your high horse and get the frack over yourself.
Trials are the only time I don't even bother clearing out my inventory first, but you're saying you get a lot of drops from them? I always assumed my low drop rate was due to the larger distribution spread of the league.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Machariel View Post
Then don't do it in a critical time during a trial (i.e., 90+% of the time). Or sell your stuff while the trial is queuing. You know, that time when you're waiting around in RWZ or pocket D, where there are stores?
Yes, that'll help when your inventory fills up during...

Virtue Server
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If that's really a problem then the person in question should buy the extra storage that's for sale in the store.



IIRC drop rates on trials are way lower than in normal content... its totally anecdotal but I am pretty sure I fill up way faster on tips than on trials.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Yes, that'll help when your inventory fills up during...
Wait a second, you're giving me lip about saying enhancements are garbage loot and now you're only talking about trials? Are you the worst trial runner in the world? Kickin' a found-SOs build for UG, oldschool? Give me a break.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Wait a second, you're giving me lip about saying enhancements are garbage loot and now you're only talking about trials? Are you the worst trial runner in the world? Kickin' a found-SOs build for UG, oldschool? Give me a break.

No, I'm using it as an example of a time where "just run to a store" isn't a suitable solution.

Virtue Server
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deleting the nearly worthless stuff takes seconds
This is bad logic and you should feel bad.

Mere seconds times x can equal big *** waste of time over a sufficiently large value for x. The only thing that's relevant here is the ratio, and ten seconds every ten minutes starts to add up quick. Don't try to nitpick on the exact values, I don't give a damn if you're super duper uber fast at deleting enhancements, for me this is a game not a race.

If you still disagree, feel free to contact me through PMs so you can spend 10 minutes daily working on my tax report! I'll use the time to play more CoH and delete enhancements, we both win.

Edit: besides, I'm being way too conservative now that I think about it. Recipes fill up way faster than enhancements and I take much longer than 10 seconds per 10 minutes opening my recipe window, checking what's worth keeping and what I should just delete, esp. with inventions recipes from sets where some are worth 5k and some are worth 5m. I'd be surprised if managing drops doesn't end up taking at least ~5% of my playtime.



That's great Nihilii, now care to justify the fact that you care whether your enhancements are full or not in the first place? You cannot get a useful drop in that slot. Not until they add a new kind of enhancement that isn't poop compared to basic IOs.

As I previously laid out, the only category of drops that you could conceivably care about in a pressing manner is recipes. Even without veterancy, which I know you have, or storage boosts, which I suspect you have, you can carry a lot of recipes at level 50. You know, the level where it matters most that you have space to receive drops? If you can't sort out your recipes in the sixty seconds that even speed trial teams take between trials then I'm not sure I know what to tell you.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
The only thing that's relevant here is the ratio, and ten seconds every ten minutes starts to add up quick.
I've been playing for something like 8 years and I've never seen inventory fill up so fast that it was necessary to stop and delete drops every ten minutes.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
That's nice, you're wrong, managing your inventory is so fast you can do it in the animation time of a particularly long power and this game is so easy that you can not play for 5 seconds every 20+ minutes, deal with it, and have a negligible impact on your experience.

If you are so bad at the game that you are having problems managing your inventory, you are probably not good enough at it to actually benefit from any improvement.

Oh and "ten seconds every ten minutes" is nothing, even if you did, as you imply, have to drop everything else you're doing to handle the HORRIBLE MONSTER that is your inventory.
And it does not add up "quickly." It adds up at the rate of 10 sec of "lost time" every 10 minutes.

Here I'll make your life even easier - you know that you can activate powers with your keyboard, right? Leaving your mouse to sloooooooooowly (I assume) move over to the salvage window, right click, and hit 'delete stack'.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
That's great Nihilii, now care to justify the fact that you care whether your enhancements are full or not in the first place? You cannot get a useful drop in that slot. Not until they add a new kind of enhancement that isn't poop compared to basic IOs.
Funding? And the purpose of the filter being to clear out less valuable drops to make way for more valuable ones.

Virtue Server
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There are no "more valuable" SOs. All you do is sell all of them to the nearest available store because they're all worth the same amount in the aggregate and nobody would ever use them. On page one I discussed the merits of a filter for the other types of loot and why it probably wouldn't help much either. You ignored that part of my post to respond with a one-oath retort, leaving a big impression on us all. Care to go back and read the rest now?



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
There are no "more valuable" SOs. All you do is sell all of them to the nearest available store because they're all worth the same amount in the aggregate and nobody would ever use them.
I hate to burst your bubble but most of my characters use regular enhancements like DO's and SO's. Less than a dozen are mixed IO's and DO/SO's, and only 3-4 are only IO's. Finally, none of my character use IO sets. Just basic IO's.

And I have over 100+ characters.

So in the future please don't speak for everyone.



As long as the drop rate stayed the same, it wouldn't matter if there's a filter. You'd just be making less money from not being able to dump IOs on a vendor in favor of not clogging your recipes.




Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
There are no "more valuable" SOs. All you do is sell all of them to the nearest available store because they're all worth the same amount in the aggregate and nobody would ever use them.
Bull&^%$ again. I use them all the time until at least level 40. Before then, even level and higher SOs are equal to or better than standard IOs in enhancement values. As for value in general, damage SOs sell to the store for more than, say, a taunt SO.

Do try to learn what the hell you're talking about before coming here and parading your ignorance, eh? And stop assuming that the way YOU play is the best and the way everybody else plays.

Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
As long as the drop rate stayed the same, it wouldn't matter if there's a filter. You'd just be making less money from not being able to dump IOs on a vendor in favor of not clogging your recipes.
Well, that's the thing. I'll manually go through and delete low value recipes/salvage when I hit a stopping point anyway if I can't swing by a store to offload them. Or, if I don't, then the full inventory is blocking potentially higher value drops. Deleting a temp power revolver recipe and getting a purple as a drop is a fine trade-off, IMO. ( Had that exact thing happen. Very next drop was a purple. So, ultimately, I made MORE money by manually "filtering" )

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I hate to burst your bubble but most of my characters use regular enhancements like DO's and SO's. Less than a dozen are mixed IO's and DO/SO's, and only 3-4 are only IO's. Finally, none of my character use IO sets. Just basic IO's.
Super. Do you individually consider whether to slot or combine each and every SO that drops? Or, like virtually every single person I've ever seen talk about enhancing via SOs on any team I have ever been on, do you wait until a multiple of five plus two level and then go fill up your entire build with SOs in a couple of minutes? I can tell you which of these two strategies is a better use of your time!

You are right that there's no accounting for taste however so far be it from me to tell you to stop doing it the first way if that's what you do (which I never attempted to do, you'll notice). I'm sure you realize you could be playing in a more optimal way.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Bull&^%$ again. I use them all the time until at least level 40. Before then, even level and higher SOs are equal to or better than standard IOs in enhancement values. As for value in general, damage SOs sell to the store for more than, say, a taunt SO.

Do try to learn what the hell you're talking about before coming here and parading your ignorance, eh? And stop assuming that the way YOU play is the best and the way everybody else plays.
Tyger42, Tyger42, Tyger42. What are we going to do with you? Here you seem to be indignantly proposing a filter that would delete all and only the specific SOs that you don't want. Do you think the devs are going to add this, just for you? Do you really?

You then go on to propose a filter that deletes "low value recipes." Tell me, Tyger42, how does it do that? Does it delete all white recipes? Oops, that keeps you from getting commons, which are extremely valuable to sell. Ten times as valuable as SOs, in fact, with a similar drop rate. Or does it just delete all of the recipes that you don't want? How does that work, again?



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Bull&^%$ again. I use them all the time until at least level 40. Before then, even level and higher SOs are equal to or better than standard IOs in enhancement values. As for value in general, damage SOs sell to the store for more than, say, a taunt SO.
I just want to point out that if you started using IOs - even just commons - at level 27, when you can slot level 30 enhancements, you wouldn't have to buy new sets of SOs at level 32 and level 37, which saves you a ton of inf because Level 30 commons are the same as even level SOs (like .2% difference), and they never degrade. Level 35 commons are essentially the same as +2 SOs, and level 40 commons are better than +3 SOs. (I am not 100% sure on these numbers because the wiki is on blackout but I am pretty sure.)

Heck, pretty much any character of mine that is level 30+ is slotted with a mixture of 30/35/40 commons because they're essentially the same as SOs and never degrade. This has stopped the hurt on my pocketbook because I don't make a lot of inf (I don't play the market much, and I don't farm at all).

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.




If enhancement drops are really all that vital to you, then have fun with it. But don't expect them to create a system that lets you weed them out automatically just for the benefit of you and a few like you.

Oh, and if you really think the few seconds it takes to manage your inventory will cause your trial to fail then you are severely overestimating your own importance.

My memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

"The tip of a shoelace is called an aglet, its true purpose is sinister." The Question