Our humans are ugly




Ugly bags of mostly water...

Originally Posted by herotoonefan View Post
I have to say, as an old-time comics fan, I love the fact that the heroes and villains look so much like good silver-aged comic book art rather than bulgy plastic puff-stickers, cell-shaded TV cartoons, or anime.

If I go back and look at my 80's and 90's comics, this game looks tons more like them than any other similar themed game out there. I guess people these days are thinking of the game more like a superhero movie than a comic book, but I like the authentic comic book look and feel.

I would be sad if the game started looking like an Xbox game (like some superhero movies lately have looked) or started to play like a first-person shooter--which seems to be what people who are less from a classic comic book angle and more from a "gamer" background seem to want.

But, I also know that ultimately people will vote with their dollars, and that will win out. I have two VIP accounts--one that is years old--so I get two votes :P!
I share similar tastes and feelings as herotoonefan and was going to mention roughly the same stuff.
Not that I'm against some improvements, mind you, but I really don't find myself having an negative issue with how the character models look.

The thing that does really bug me about the characters is the SEAMS... especially the skin textures and the neck!
So, I could certainly see fixing up the skin textures some, although "fixing" can become such a subjective thing it can be scary.
The feet and hands, funny enough, never really bother me.
The hair doesn't bug me either.

Sure, I love greater modern graphics (although, not what I've seen in other mmorpgs, that's for sure), but I have zero negative issues with the looks of this game's characters.
Yes, it is an older game, but I think the style really does a great job of bending with the time.

To each their own, of course, but I thought I'd make my own opinions known along with the rest of the feedback.

Ugly bags of mostly water!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I share similar tastes and feelings as herotoonefan and was going to mention roughly the same stuff.
Not that I'm against some improvements, mind you, but I really don't find myself having an negative issue with how the character models look.

The thing that does really bug me about the characters is the SEAMS... especially the skin textures and the neck!
So, I could certainly see fixing up the skin textures some, although "fixing" can become such a subjective thing it can be scary.
The feet and hands, funny enough, never really bother me.
The hair doesn't bug me either.

Sure, I love greater modern graphics (although, not what I've seen in other mmorpgs, that's for sure), but I have zero negative issues with the looks of this game's characters.
Yes, it is an older game, but I think the style really does a great job of bending with the time.
I agree. I want my characters to look vaguely cartoony. That other game overdid it. This game is fine. I don't want my CoH characters to look "real". In fact, I intentionally turned off some of the new-fangled graphics features of ultra-mode, not because my rig couldn't handle them, but because they removed the cartoon-ish feel from the game.

Though people here seem to complain about it all the time, the hands really don't bother me. Most of the hairs don't bother me, though I think a few are terribly ugly. I am completely wierded out by the assertion that female arms look like sausages - I actually think they do a pretty good job for as few polygons as they use.

There are areas I think are need improvement, even for cartoonish looks. Necks is my big one Necks look horrible in profile - the front of our necks are not concave!. (In portrait necks look OK to me.) Bare feet: they look like bars of soap. Come on, surely bare feet could get a couple more poly subdivisions so they aren't actually cuboid.

A minor model bugaboo that is a pet peeve of mine is that some old, medium-long hair models have exposed back-facing polygons. I've never understood how it's persisted so long. What this means is that these hair models expose to you the "back" of an outer hair surface. These surfaces don't render, so you see through the hair when you look at that surface. The surface in question is exposed when you look at the character directly in the face - you'll find you can't see the hair hanging behind their head, even though there would be hair there if you looked at the back of their head. This error (and it's definitely an error) could be fixed without altering the shape of the hair at all. While fixing it would add polygons to the hair model, it seems to me it could be fixed adding very few - even just a couple of planar surfaces on the "inside" of hair model could cover the exposed back faces. (I do know how these sorts of models are made, so I'm not completely talking out of my butt on this, but I don't know what the current poly/vertex counts are, what are considered acceptable limits, and whether fixing this would actually cause a problem. Subjectively, it seems unlikely to me.)

I'm pretty happy with the game's graphics. I really don't worry about it being upgraded, and I would not want any such upgrades that did happen to replace the current overall look unconditionally. I would be pissed if the the poly models for my characters' faces changed. They look like I want them to. If they didn't, they would look like something else.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I wouldn't mind an update to how our character models looked, but if we ended up with something like our Distinguished Competition's plastique or our Chief Opposition's shiny clay, I will throw a fit. Promise. City's character models are halfway between drawn art and reality, and that looks way better than those other two's.
Agreed. But an easy fix for that is 'simply' (it'd still be quite a bit of work, but less so than an engine overhaul) would be to;
-Re-render everything with HD textures rather than the current SD ones
-Smooth off the character model to eliminate the 'square neck' syndrome we have at the moment.
-Go over and take out those horrible 'divider lines' on joints, like neck, elbows, etc.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



A couple of points I want to address.

Firstly, the necks. I get the impression that no-one really likes those, and there's a reason they're towards the top of my list, even with my biasses. I feel that there is a lot that could and should be done to make our heads feel less like they don't belong on our bodies, and fixing the neck seam would be my choice for a starting point. Tweaking face skin textures so they actually match the upper body texture without a significant colour difference would be the direct follow-up.

Secondly, on the subject of "cartoony graphics," I'm not sure I agree entirely. Don't get me wrong, I'm not shooting for photorealism here. I'm not even that interested in making actual humans - aliens, mutants, demons and so forth are more my style. I certainly don't want to just rip off the Unreal 3 engine and overexpose the game to a ton of shaders. That would be counter-productive.

I like (love, actually) stylised designs that aren't overflowing with "fidelity," but there are ways to achieve stylised looks without relying on blocky models, low-resolution textures and awkward physique. I feel that games like Advent Rising, Saints Row (yes, seriously) and others have done a fairly good job of balancing detail to stylised design, and I trust our art team is good enough to pull that off here, as well.

Finally, I feel it's high time "tights with skin" were revamped as a whole category, to give us control over our skin textures. The way I envision it, it would work a lot like Tights, only we'd get a selection between about two or three different skin textures with only patterns available for them, followed by all the "whole body texture" tops and bottoms like Angelic/Bridal/Excess/Hearts Plus, Metal, Leather, Witch and so forth. Like basic tights, the basic skin textures would support all the patterns our one skin texture supports right now, with no "none" option available, obviously. That's for both women AND men, so that men can have tights with skin tops and bottoms, too. And if we're worried that patterns over the male chest will be a problem because men have nipples (and it is), then men can be given a top with and without nipples, where the nipple-less top pattern options will simply not include anything too "revealing.

The reason I talk about the above is because I wouldn't imagine replacing the existing models, just for the simple fact that people have grown attached to them. That's why we need the ability to customize our own bodies, not just what we put on them - so that if and when we get better-looking bodies, they come as an addition, rather than a replacement.


At the end of the day, though, my general point is that the cool new costume pieces using the latest technology the game has to offer don't have to be just clothes and armour. New body parts and, hell, entire new human bodies could and should be among the new stuff we get. The art team of today can do better than the art team of 2001.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
All this other Stuff aside I'd really like to give at least one of my female characters abs so if you could send me the info on how you did that I'd appreciate it.
It seems like Premium accounts aren't allowed to send or receive PMs (that's a head-scratching decision), so I can't seem to send you any of my instructions, but if you can find a way to give me an e-mail address, like by in-game offline tell if you're allowed to do that, we can pick it up from there. My global is the same as my forum name - @Samuel Tow.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I just have to say that, personally, this all falls into the category of stuff I don't care about and wouldn't notice if they changed.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



I dunno, I think that in a superhero game there's a certain charm to having characters that look plastic and doll-like.

{}... .-



For the neck problem...there's a reason why 99% of the costumes I make have the spiked collar on them.

But generally, I've prefered the look of CoH's chaarcters over the competitions! Our characters look like they should be a comic book.

You hear the complaints "Oh they look dated" "Oh look at the shiney awesomeness of this new competition" and yet, look how the competition is failing. Maybe if they're artwork looked like a comicbook, it'd suck less

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I don't mind the way we look overall. Yep, the neck seam bugs me, and uggg, the feet! Another irksome thing is the white skin. It has odd, tan shading, which looks awful. Now, my white colored characters are trying to look awful. They're usually dead. Possibly undead. But it's another kind of awful altogether. Looks like a white-skinned creature used bronzer up and down her arms and legs. Now, I can get by with the body by using "tights" white, and using one of the painted-on prints, to look like my toon is wearing, say, a belly shirt, but sans the peculiar bronzer-on-the-stomach look. But I can't do that for the face! And the face just looks bad. the way the pale skinned males look, with muscles painted on with more bronzer, that looks horrible too. There must be a better way to do that.

I like the way we look, overall. I would not (NOT!!) want to look like something from someone else's game. I want us to look like US. That said, if we could look like we do, but with more texture, less "flatness" (and far less bronzer) - that would be something I'd love to see!

So listed above, these are the things that annoy me. Samuel, if this is an issue you feel has enough support to warrant a potential change, why don't you ask a red name if this is even feasible? No point in getting hopes up for something that just cannot realistically happen.

Second, I am guessing that the art department is more interested in (and believes WE are more interested in) costumes. In particular, costumes we would pay for. What if this were put up as something purchasable? Would we be willing to PAY for upgraded bodies? Is there a market for this?

(To answer my own question, yep, if it was a good job, I'd definitely be interested, if they cannot undertake a job that size without charging us for it.)



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
For the neck problem...there's a reason why 99% of the costumes I make have the spiked collar on them.
It's for a neck problem......sure........




On a tangentially related note, I'd like to ad that I like how heroic the game mechanics and play style feels for a game where I'm pretending to be a comic book superhero. Graphically or game wise I wouldn't want just a modern first person shooter or Xbox game that happens to have tights and capes.

What I mean is, I've noticed some (usually new free account) people complaining about the "clunky" play style, especially the rooting effects. I LOVE it when my hero plants his or her feet and unleashes a powerful blast or blow, as opposed to jogging in circles and cricket-hopping and or running and shooting or punching back over their shoulder.

I really believe that the key to this game is theme, feel, and story (and I don't think that is just my wild idea, it's pretty much the intent and reality of the game). While there will always be PVPers and gamers (and I'm glad they're here and they have a place and every right) it'll never be a bleeding edge, extreme PVP system and I wouldn't want a white-knuckle twitch-action style. I love the fact that I can play and also watch how frikkin cool the Superaction is!

Maybe this should have been a separate thread, but I didn't think it was a topic worth starting a whole new one .



Body as it is is OK... (More polygons wouldnt hurt either...)
But we need a new, updated texture for naked body. Better musculature, different kind of layers of musculature definition, better bare hands and foot.
Detailed female chest like the witch top or barbarian bikini.
We need a new basic body texture that could work for skin and tights and all the patterns.



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
I don't mind the way we look overall. Yep, the neck seam bugs me, and uggg, the feet! Another irksome thing is the white skin. It has odd, tan shading, which looks awful. Now, my white colored characters are trying to look awful. They're usually dead. Possibly undead. But it's another kind of awful altogether. Looks like a white-skinned creature used bronzer up and down her arms and legs. Now, I can get by with the body by using "tights" white, and using one of the painted-on prints, to look like my toon is wearing, say, a belly shirt, but sans the peculiar bronzer-on-the-stomach look. But I can't do that for the face! And the face just looks bad. the way the pale skinned males look, with muscles painted on with more bronzer, that looks horrible too. There must be a better way to do that.
There's a very simple reason for this: Pretinting. Yes, seriously. The base skin texture for both men and women is brown-ish, which causes every colour you give it to be tinted slightly brown. That's why it's impossible to match, say, the Tee Tights With Skin shirt to Tights legs. That's also why white skin looks like it has brown blotches on it - because the base skin texture does, too, and while just doesn't colour the base texture much if at all.

Some say this was done in order to make it impossible to match skin to tights, but the way I see it, someone just thought that all or most characters in this game would be Caucasian, so the base skin texture is coloured like Caucasian skin tone. It's less problematic with darker skin colours just because dark colours tint the base skin colour much more aggressively and mask it, but brighter and non-human skin colours make this quite evident.

Having already gone ahead and swapped skin texture for tights texture (which for men is identical, just not brown), I find that the result is a lot more appealing. I still can't make "naked" characters because the skin colours we're given simply don't match any of the costume colours we have, but the skins actually look more natural to my eye, at least. That, and the disconnect between skin and face is actually LESS with non-tinted skin.

Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
I like the way we look, overall. I would not (NOT!!) want to look like something from someone else's game. I want us to look like US. That said, if we could look like we do, but with more texture, less "flatness" (and far less bronzer) - that would be something I'd love to see!
That's precisely my point. I'm not looking for anything any more photorealistic or "different" than the IDF pieces. In fact, I'm looking for something a lot like the IDF pieces, but in a different theme - the theme of the human body, not the clothes people wear. Our art team have proven quite capable. I'd love to see what they can do with the human physique if they're this good with everything else.

Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
Samuel, if this is an issue you feel has enough support to warrant a potential change, why don't you ask a red name if this is even feasible? No point in getting hopes up for something that just cannot realistically happen.
It's feasible. The last I heard on the subject, David Nakayama said something like this would happen eventually, but couldn't give any definite timeline. In the intervening two years, a new, rather more muscular skin showed up for females in the game's files, but it's not accessible anywhere from inside the game. I've gone ahead and pulled the skin out to test-drive it, and it's not half bad. It's what's in the background of the Barbarian bra upper body. Last I heard, David was talking about needing some "tech" to make this happen, which I believe just means more UI work to accommodate the change, because the City of Heroes development team approaches changes to the UI with the same enthusiasm as a vampire approaching a cross dipped in holy water set out in the midday sun.

Some of those are obviously less realistic than others. Fingers is pretty much right out given that ALL gloves would have to be touched up and David has pretty much killed any hope for a new model or for slider rescaling. Some, however, are more realistic than that. Having decent bare feet is a matter of giving us Zombie feet with a less speckled dirty texture that match the upper feet skin.

Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
Second, I am guessing that the art department is more interested in (and believes WE are more interested in) costumes. In particular, costumes we would pay for. What if this were put up as something purchasable? Would we be willing to PAY for upgraded bodies? Is there a market for this?
I would pay for a pack like this in a heartbeat. To be honest, a "human physique" pack would affect a good third to half of all my existing characters, and that's a HELL of a lot more than any other pack I can think of. I would pay for decent feet. I would pay for decent arms. I would pay for better skin textures. And I would pay for these things without a second thought at all.

Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Body as it is is OK... (More polygons wouldnt hurt either...)
But we need a new, updated texture for naked body. Better musculature, different kind of layers of musculature definition, better bare hands and foot.
Detailed female chest like the witch top or barbarian bikini.
We need a new basic body texture that could work for skin and tights and all the patterns.
This is more or less where I stand. There are a lot of body parts that are currently sub par that the City of Heroes of today can do a much better job or rendering and that the art team of today can do a much better job of presenting. There's more than enough material in there for a whole Costume Pack, if not more, and I don't believe it's any less warranted than medieval armour or wild west clothes.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I was going to say the look of the humans does not bother me at all, but two things are annoying: the neck line, and the tinted skin which does not match anything else.

I just bought the mutant pack and wanted to use bioluminsence - which is based on skin. So if I use that on my legs I cannot get the organic armor boots to match except by using black - and even that doesn't totally match.

The neckline isn't much of an issue, because I look at the game with the camera back aways and don't see that much detail.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
For the neck problem...there's a reason why 99% of the costumes I make have the spiked collar on them.
Yeah, that neck seam bugs me sometimes. My favorite part of the recent new costume packs was that it gave us new things to put over the neck seam!

I use the Reaper detail more often than the spiked collar to cover the seam, but that does cut down on your available hair choices.

Really I'd almost like a "neck" costume area seperate from Shoulders so that you can cover the neck seam and still use the other shoulder details.




Having played other games, I'll stick with CoH designs just fine. No silly putty bodies or Uncanny Valley here.

And I still have yet to find a male hair choice anywhere that beats Barbaric or Long. (Yes, I am balding, shut up. :P )

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Haven't read the whole thread, but...

I'm a bit irked at all the 'game engine's ten years old, where's CoH2, it's like playing Manic Miner!' moaning.

The older faces etc could do with sprucing up, sure, but I've got no complaints about what the game looks like for the most part. It's awesome - I can fly and shoot energy blasts and punch supervillains off buildings.

And one of my heroes has a brain in a jar for a head!

I hope the game's still around for threads complaining about the 20-year old engine



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
For the neck problem...there's a reason why 99% of the costumes I make have the spiked collar on them.
I use Neck Chain a LOT, or sometimes Heavy Neck Chain. ..... So most of my characters have "bling".

But generally, I've prefered the look of CoH's chaarcters over the competitions! Our characters look like they should be a comic book.
My one foray into the competition didn't last long, mostly due to the look of the characters. (and the game didn't grab me, either, even though I love the PnP version.. yeah, they're not the same).



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
I use Neck Chain a LOT, or sometimes Heavy Neck Chain. ..... So most of my characters have "bling".
Ditto. I often make it dark colors and matching the top of their shirt/chest, going for more of a thick collar or turtleneck look.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
My one foray into the competition didn't last long, mostly due to the look of the characters. (and the game didn't grab me, either, even though I love the PnP version.. yeah, they're not the same).
The look of their characters is problematic because their artists did a crap job, not because technology is evil and realism is ugly. Both Champions Online and DC Universe Onlie have male characters that look like walking wardrobes and female characters that look foxy. You can deviate, but I was never able to deviate by much since the more complex the body and face sliders get, the less I can use them and just end up making the same body and face all over again. And I HATE characters who stand with their knees bent. That's just goofy.

I have a lot of confidence in our art team, however. They've produced some amazing things recently, and I'm more than confident they can hit it out of the park in this regard, as well. I've never been a fan of bashing on anything that comes from another game just because it comes from another game like that game's developers have cooties, and "good graphics" is certainly not something to be taken lightly in this regard.

We can argue up and down as to what constitutes a better artistic style, but we really shouldn't be arguing that a better looking game is somehow inferior to an older, blockier game just because the older one is ours and we're used to it and the new one is different. We can make this work.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I keep meaning to talk about this, and it keeps slipping my mind:


Of all the things we can do to our characters' bodies - cybernetics, monster parts, armour and so forth - the one thing our game supports very little of is actual tattoos. Yes, we have a few Tights patterns that kind of work like tattoos, but those are both very few, all too symmetrical and they don't actually look all THAT much like tattoos, all told. Run a Google search for "tattoo" if you need proof. The one actual tattoo option we do have is the Yakuza full-body art that covers the entire torso and arms (but there's nothing for the legs) and women don't even get that. They get discontinuous hand tattoos from the Yakuza set that don't have anything to connect to. And even them full-body tattoos are a bit extreme for most cases.

One of the big problems is that we have a hard time putting patterns on skin, especially for women since they have no option for skin without "clothes-like" patterns for it. Another big problem is that most of our patterns are very big and also very symmetrical. If I wanted, say, a line of flaming skulls tattooed down my right arm but not my left, I can't have that. If I wanted a crouching tiger on my left shoulder and upper back, I can't have that, either. And I can't have either of those unless I "cheat" and make a "naked" torso girl with a some form of sleeveless jacket so I'm still technically wearing clothes but I can "paint" on the torso without worrying about Tights With Skin options.

I'm really kicking myself for not having thought to bring this up earlier, considering this is pretty much the whole reason that made me want to post about this in the first place. You might think that tattoos wouldn't be all that popular among players, but I'd actually argue that the primary reason for this feeling isn't their popularity, but the simple fact that we CAN'T have decent tattoos which could be popular. I've experimented with Tribal and it... Kind of works but then it kind of doesn't and it it doesn't even work all that well when it does work and so on, but the options are VERY limited.

When I talk about more improved bodies, I do mean better textures and 3D details, yes, but I also mean the ability to do more to our bodies than we can now. There may not appear that there's all that much we could do with our bodies outside of dressing them up in clothes, but there are quite a few things we can do that don't involve covering up.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The brownish pre-tinting of the skin texture has always bugged the snot out of me too. I make almost exclusively non human characters, and most of them have greyish skin. It looks incredibly silly to have grey skin with brown pre-tinting, likewise the other even more exotic shades. Needless to say, I use tights for any exposed skin south of the neck where possible, matching as close as I can, which isn't perfect. On my non-human characters, I can't use the "with skin" costume options much, because the brown pre-tinting is even more glaringly obvious on the rest of the body. And since we have some cool "with skin" options (such as barbarian women's top and bottom), that's kind of frustrating.
Please, please PLEASE ditch the brown pre-tinting on skin textures!

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



you can have a tattoo on one arm by having one arm be bionic so it is different than the other one. Limits your options for one arm, but it isn't too bad.



What did everyone think of the side-by-side screencaps of MMO Grinder's two characters, the one from WoW and the one from CoX intended to be a recreation of the WoW character (seen at the 6:25 mark of his video review)?

The difference in texture/model detail is pretty noticeable, don't you think? Am I to believe that the detail exhibited by the WoW version would somehow feel out of place in CoX? I'm not sure I would agree, and I say that as someone who loves everything that makes (or can make) a superhero MMO look and feel like its source material. But maintaining low model or texture detail doesn't strike me as a laudible means to that end. As Sam said, it's not photorealism that's the goal, but surely the same kind of graphical improvements seen in more recent costume pieces could be applied, to good results, to the rest of the core model bits. The argument that hands and feet which look like bricks better embody the comic book aesthetic just doesn't ring true for me.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller