Red Star Transfered to Troll --Please Help

Ad Astra



This was not my base, thankfully, but it did happen to my friend.

Breakdown of story:

Red Star has been offline for longer than designated time.

Troll ended up with Red Star

Troll has kicked 98% of the SG

Troll has deleted the ENTIRE BASE (and it wasn't easy putting this one together either)

Officer who is still in has next to no permissions.

Is there any way to get the base back into more cappable hands through Customer Service or something?

This isn't a small SG either (well, it wasn't) and has a very sizable bank of Prestige that has been worked very hard for.

Any help would be appreciated.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.

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The problem here is that CS will very likely say that it's the responsibility of the person who gave the griefer the higher SG permissions - promoting someone who then turns out to be a problem is regarded as a player problem.

@Golden Girl

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Still, it won't hurt to ask. Especially with his actions.

Contacting Customer Service is worth a shot.

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Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The problem here is that CS will very likely say that it's the responsibility of the person who gave the griefer the higher SG permissions - promoting someone who then turns out to be a problem is regarded as a player problem.
And they would be right. It's a really crummy thing to do, but it's not strictly griefing.

Either the red star should have been set longer, or it should have been passed to someone "more capable" first so that this wouldn't happen.


"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
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Well taken at the OP's face value, I'd have to say thats some real villany right there.

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The most prevalent theory on why the Superleader (Red Star) designation was added to SG ranks (back at the time it was added, I13, IIRC) was to give CS an "out" for keeping out of SG squabbles. It seems very likely that they will not get involved in this situation.

Unfortunately, there is a system in place for preventing folks from taking over SGs:

1. Set the Leader demotion to the max (45 days).

2. Make sure that the Superleader logs on during that time.

3. If it looks like the Superleader will be gone longer than that amount of time, promote a trusted friend/SG member to Superleader before the leave of absence.

4. Don't invite people you aren't sure that you can trust into the SG or kick them before taking the leave of absence.

It sux for your friend that his SG wasn't protected, but the steps above would have prevented the problem.

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Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

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You could always all quit the SG except for the troll and start again, and this time be careful about who you're inviting.

Bad luck on the deletion etc, but look at it as a learning experience.



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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



To be fair, when I saw the thread title, my first thought was "OFFS... wah!" Next time around (hopefully never, certainly), try something like "SG and base wiped". Short, unaccusatory, drama-free. If you're looking for help with a problem, folks here are pretty helpful. I can understand the anger, but the moment you add "butt-hurt" to the mix, you're playing Russian Roulette with your potential responses. You are (presumably) here to get assistance/advice, not to vent your spleen, as inviting as that might seem... especially if it's not even your spleen to vent.

As for the actual issue, I honestly think there's no help for it. Moral of the story: Log into your Superleader at least as often as required to prevent SG leadership from transferring to "the first person that logs in after your Superleader status lapses", which I think is still the way it works.

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I'm sorry for your friend, but I can't see why CS would get involved in that situation. I don't see how any rules were broken. Being a ****** isn't against the rules.

My advice is to tell your friend to drop the SG asap, put the offending person/persons on global ignore, and get far, FAR away from the drama. Round up some of his real friends in the game, maybe a chunk of that 98% who were kicked, and start a new SG. Drama, negativity, getting caught up in lunatic power plays is a recipe for finding another game where people are nicer.

But, see, this is CoX, and there isn't anywhere with nicer players. There are handful of 14 year old jerks (sadly, sometimes these types come in a 45 year old body) who just don't realize this isn't the game for them. Yet. The only thing to do is get as far away from them as possible. Immediately, if not sooner.

SG's have changed a lot in the last few years, and there is no earthly reason to pour blood, sweat and tears into one. Just play the game as one normally would, and don't worry about anything but having good times with good people. Prestige builds quickly. Now, a large roster of players is meaningless. A huge base filled with zillions of rooms isn't needed (unless someone in the group enjoys base building, God bless 'em.). Find a nice group to COA with, and use the coalies teleporters until they can build their own.

What you need to make a good SG is a few good people. That's it.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post
This was not my base, thankfully, but it did happen to my friend.

Breakdown of story:

Red Star has been offline for longer than designated time.

Troll ended up with Red Star

Troll has kicked 98% of the SG

Troll has deleted the ENTIRE BASE (and it wasn't easy putting this one together either)

Officer who is still in has next to no permissions.

Is there any way to get the base back into more cappable hands through Customer Service or something?

This isn't a small SG either (well, it wasn't) and has a very sizable bank of Prestige that has been worked very hard for.

Any help would be appreciated.
I'm truly sorry this happened.

This is why, when I hold rank whether in my own SGs or any other, I make sure to log in every couple of days at LEAST. That way this isn't an issue.

I would definitely one-star the perpetrator, and I might even end up jumping servers to get away from them. I have leapt servers to get far, far away from d-bags in the past, and I'm capable of such future action. But I've always been one to take a Spyderco Harpy to a Gordian Knot, anyways



If you do need to restart your SG, you might want to post something in the Market forum about it, and about how much prestige you previously had. There are people there who are literally looking for any excuse to convert influence to prestige, and could probably help you recapture some of your prestige or work out some sort of deal.

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Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
The most prevalent theory on why the Superleader (Red Star) designation was added to SG ranks (back at the time it was added, I13, IIRC) was to give CS an "out" for keeping out of SG squabbles. It seems very likely that they will not get involved in this situation.
Basically this. You can call it an excuse for CS to avoid involvement but there's no denying the fundamental idea that if the SG was still important enough to the original Red Star leader he/she could either find a couple of minutes every 45 days to log in or manually transfer the Red Star to someone of their specific choosing who's more actively playing.

Sure I feel sorry for the fate of the SG in question, but I would be amazed to learn that CS would do anything about it.
Live and learn I guess. *shrugs*

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Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post
This was not my base, thankfully, but it did happen to my friend.

Breakdown of story:

Red Star has been offline for longer than designated time.

Troll ended up with Red Star

Troll has kicked 98% of the SG

Troll has deleted the ENTIRE BASE (and it wasn't easy putting this one together either)

Officer who is still in has next to no permissions.

Is there any way to get the base back into more cappable hands through Customer Service or something?

This isn't a small SG either (well, it wasn't) and has a very sizable bank of Prestige that has been worked very hard for.

Any help would be appreciated.
That really sucks but as far as CS is concerned once that person got promoted to SL the base and everything in it belonged to him.



To the OP - Yeah, the whole situation sucks. I'm sorry for what happened, but if the guy couldn't be trusted, he should not have been promoted high enough to be able to get the red star or the star should have been transferred sooner.

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Similar thing happened to a friend and his sg on Virtue. Guy ended up cleaning out billions worth of IOs. Yes, they should be more careful, but considering this IS an MMO, and the devs seem to be dead set against as ever having single player Bases, wtf? So we cant have single bases, and we are meant to TRUST some people enough know..form a super group with them, yet..if on of those people suddenly goes a bit nuts, the devs just say..tough? Awesome.

Note..I have petitioned and had Purple IOs returned, that I have accidently deleted due to lag and crashing. If they can 'give' those things back, after a 5 minute check to be sure I actually HAD said IO...WHY can't they give people back the contents of their bases?



Well, it's an extreme longshot but I figured I'd throw it out there...

You mentioned that you've got at least one friendly character still in the SG. My suggestion is this: after a few days, check to see whether the troll logs on frequently with the character he used to screw up your supergroup. If so, there's not much you can do - and everyone's suggestion to just start again from scratch is probably best. But if the troll stays logged off lay low, completely ignore the troll, and don't provoke him in any way (by "lay low" I don't mean don't log in - I just mean be patient and try to avoid interacting with the troll in any way if he *is* logging on with other characters).

If the character that messed up the supergroup is not one the troll actually plays a lot you might be able to take advantage of the fact that people like him often do what they do specifically because it gets a rise out of others. If their targets aren't "playing ball" (just ignoring them entirely), they get bored and move on in search of more victims who will "play ball." In short, if he loses interest in antagonizing you and your friends he might focus his attention elsewhere. That *could* cause him to:

1. Not log on with the specific character used to ruin your SG - particularly if it isn't really a character he actually plays a lot, OR...

2. It doesn't sound like he really has any interest in actually re-making the SG or anything; he's just doing what he does to be destructive. When he's done and satisfied he's caused all the grief he possibly can, he might quit out of the SG (who knows, maybe he'll join another SG with that character hoping to cause trouble).

The point is, once he's lost interest in causing you any more grief, you or a friend's character might get the red star back by default, which will give you access to your large pool of prestige when "rebuilding" your SG.

Yes, I know it's a *big* long shot (there are a *lot* if very iffy conditionals in what I wrote above), but it might work.

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OP, not sure much can be done but sympathy. In my experience the CS team are some of the best people in this game and I'm certain that if they can do anything they will, but I don't believe there's such a thing as a roll back so you may not have much luck.

I'd suggest following Eco's idea of reforming the SG and starting from scratch but be a lot more careful who you invite.

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What Coulomb2 is probably the best advice that can be followed - ignore the Troll as much as possible and hopefully you can at least reclaim ownership of the SG so you can start the rebuilding process.

I doubt CS will get involved. I've had situations where CS helped me in situations where I wasn't expecting any help (getting a market refund for when I accidentally put something up for 500mil once), but I had a very bad situation a few years ago that shattered my faith and trust with CS that's still not fully recovered (I had some recipes on the market - including a LotG Recharge - that disappeared and CS refused to even look into the situation properly.)

It doesn't hurt to ask, just don't expect much. That if they actually do help, you'll be pleasantly surprised.



CS won't do anything They just pointed me to the CS FAQ page and said "Tough luck buddy."

I am in a similar situation right now... Due to some real life events, I did not have the opportunity to log in and maintain my position.Now, the base that I spent a long time building had leadership transferred to the first person to log on after the duration expired. Unfortunately that member happened to be one that rarely ever logged on, maybe once a week or so.

I have been trying to make contact with this person to get lead returned but they do not reply to my emails

To make matters worse, this new leader has done nothing whatsoever, no upkeep paid and SG mode *still* not on. Why sit on a SG and do absolutely nothing with it? We are a small SG, it is only build well because I contributed my own infamy to do so and provide useful items for members. Only one other officer had contributed to helping in construction but he has not been on in some time due to school and work.

I suspect they are not a subscribed account, preventing the payment of upkeep. Which in that case I do not understand why CS would not pass lead to someone who has a subscription...

Lesson learned: I was too kind to offer help to lowbies and to trust members. I may have to start over again. This whole ordeal leaves a sour taste in my mouth.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I have been trying to make contact with this person to get lead returned but they do not reply to my emails
Email isn't a great way to communicate, now that we have all the account stuff in there. The word EMAIL is always red when I log in, since there are emails with reward items attached. How would I ever know if someone sent me an email? I don't even open it unless I need to send an item somewhere.

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This is why I have two accounts and supergroups made up of just me. Grranted it helps that I was here for the Great prestige gift many moons ago.

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I both have 2 accounts and my own SG, I'm also now in charge of what's left of one of the divisions of Hero Force... so I do have to remember to log in my HF toons. Which is not hard since I play nearly every day and I placed some of my favorite toons in that division. But before that, the leadership had indeed passed to another member at random, and that's happened to other divisions as well. So far no major issues have arisen because of that though.

Mostly if/when leadership of a division has passed, it's been to a long time member who logs in regularly. We hardly have any other kind of members anymore.

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Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
I am in a similar situation right now... Due to some real life events, I did not have the opportunity to log in and maintain my position.Now, the base that I spent a long time building had leadership transferred to the first person to log on after the duration expired. Unfortunately that member happened to be one that rarely ever logged on, maybe once a week or so.

I have been trying to make contact with this person to get lead returned but they do not reply to my emails
Check your permissions. You don't have the red star, but you still have a gold star, and you might be able to set the auto-demote to absolute minimum (15 days) if the permissions are such that level 5s are allowed to change it still. If the guy who got it is one of those folks who's usually idle, you'll get the star back pretty quick.

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Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Note..I have petitioned and had Purple IOs returned, that I have accidently deleted due to lag and crashing. If they can 'give' those things back, after a 5 minute check to be sure I actually HAD said IO...WHY can't they give people back the contents of their bases?
(I'm using the generic "you" not personal "you")

Well base storage was never intended to be extra personal storage even tho a lot of players want to use it as such. When you use base storage you are accepting that everyone who has been given permission to use the bins can take whatever they want. If said enhancement/inspiration/salvage isn't on your character it isn't "yours". It belongs to the SG as community property.

Personally I don't put anything into base storage that I know I want to keep unless it's a solo base under my complete control. It's not that I don't trust my friends and SG mates but I've seen too many misunderstandings happen and I've seen bases get cleaned out, and rosters deleted when players had disagreements with SG leadership or a jerk made a powerplay after getting auto-promoted.



Originally Posted by Cende View Post
Check your permissions. You don't have the red star, but you still have a gold star, and you might be able to set the auto-demote to absolute minimum (15 days) if the permissions are such that level 5s are allowed to change it still. If the guy who got it is one of those folks who's usually idle, you'll get the star back pretty quick.
Unless the new leader removed everyone's ability to set permissions the poster should also be able to grant permission to pay rent to any rank with the gold star and lower who is a subscriber.