Red Star Transfered to Troll --Please Help

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On a somewhat related note, I just noticed yesterday that I'd assumed leadership of a Villain Group.

This is "Villain Force - Rho Ruffians", a villain division of Hero Force (there are only two redside divisions total). I'm a division leader or Hero Force - Alpha Assault already, so it's not like a random newbie taking over the group.

Now, redside doesn't get played that much, but there are a handful of people who still log in to their VF characters, while I only log in one a week normally. It was pretty much blind luck that I wound up as leader. But in the past I'd been frustrated that the Rho Ruffians base was so small and basic. It had four teleporters in two rooms, a med bay, three salvage storage units, one IO storage unit, an invention crafting table and vault door, one enhancement storage unit, an ouro crystal, plus enough power and control to run it all. That was just about it -- all on one of the smallest plots available. It was functional yet exceptionally small, and yet we had over 8 million prestige unspent.

So... I spent it.

We now have a larger teleport room with an extra port to Pocket D, a larger med bay, a much larger power supply in a huge room, a much larger workroom with many more storage bins and a tier III empowerment station, larger computer room, a very large decorative room that I don't even know what to do with yet, and a lot more room to build on one of the largest plots available. I kept the original design and color scheme, I left the one small "meeting room" alone, I didn't change the entrance at all -- I tried to match the original design plan even though it's pretty basic -- and I made sure that both the entrance, the teleporters, and the enhancement storage were all within one room of the med bay. Hopefully nobody can complain. ^_^ And there's a million prestige left to build with, if I'm so inclined! (Which... given how little work I normally do on the other bases I'm in charge of... I probably won't be.)

Not sure when or if the previous leader will be back though. The VGs get so little attention, I'm not sure that the previous leader was the official leader either, or *who* should be in charge of them anymore.

One of the other things that had annoyed me was that the IO storage bin was set to leaders only, which is the default setting. That's fine if you're using it to keep valuable IOs that you don't want any random person to take and sell for their own profit, I have one bin set aside in Alpha Assault for that purpose. But this was the *only* bin in the base, and it was being used for *nothing*. It literally had four very generic IOs in it -- a cheap Gaussian's, a couple of Adjusted Targeting -- that I know had been there since last August at least. That's when I used the base to craft a couple of random drops, and then found that I wasn't even allowed to drop them in the bin for someone else to use. I mean, being cautious is one thing, but if you have nothing for people to steal and aren't using the storage bin for anything at all, what good does it do to set the permissions so high? So now that I'm in charge, all bins but one are usable by everyone. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
Originally Posted by Bloodspeaker View Post prevent SG leadership from transferring to "the first person that logs in after your Superleader status lapses", which I think is still the way it works.
... leadership transferred to the first person to log on after the duration expired.
Originally Posted by Organica View Post
On a somewhat related note, I just noticed yesterday that I'd assumed leadership of a Villain Group.
... I'm a division leader or Hero Force - Alpha Assault already, so it's not like a random newbie taking over the group.
Just to clarify how the leadership star is supposed to work...

From P-Wiki patch notes page, re; issue 14, 8-4-09:
The position is affected by auto demotion, and it is the only rank now affected by this design. When that occurs, it will pass to the next highest rank member that has logged in most recently. Any player that has been logged out for longer then the auto demotion time is not eligible to be promoted, regardless of rank.
So... theoretically, the star should automagically fall to the "second in line" that has logged in most recently within the demotion time window.
IF none of the seconds have logged in within that time window, the star will fall down the ranks until it finds the toon that fits the parameters.
IF nobody has logged in within the demotion time window, the star will go to whoever logs in "first".

So.... my suggestion would be, log in your leadership toons often.


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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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