Best server for running I-trials?




Hi, I've just reactivated my sub cus I'd like to run the new content, and since I have these free server transfers now, I thought I'd ask what the best server for me to be on would be, if the main thing I want to do is run incarnate trials? Currently most of my characters are on Freedom, but I thought it was possible exalted or triumph or some other server might be a better choice.



Freedom has the most continually active population.

Virtue is great if you enjoy running the 'harder' and less often ran iTrials.

Union and Defiant really get going late, late night (e.g. 3-4 AM Pacific Standard Time) if you're an insomniac.

Many other servers get iTrials going during their peak times.

My personal favorite is Virtue. That said, Freedom is probably the fastest from league forming announcement time to trial completion time.

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



Freedom here..I cant really imagine trying to get one going on some of the other servers. Perhaps the 'easy' trails like BAFS...but a master UG etc?

I am sure its completly unrealistic..but it would be nice if maybe the LFG tool (not for a league that is formed by invites) somehow worked cross server, creating a temporary shard for the duration of the Trial itself.



*talks on behalf of Union in GMT*

On Union there are quite often iTrials being set up on a daily basis from 6pm GMT in pocket d. Sometimes [quite a lot lately with the trial buffs] you'll see them being run almost all day constantly, but its more of a safe bet to keep the channels open from 6pm.

Though only join them if . . . . you can avoid the green beam of doom! STILL need that badge on rashnu! I mean seriously, how hard is it to stop what your doing and run away from the green!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
An iTrial bus leaves Virtue's RWZ every 5 minutes.
If only.



I only ran them on Freedom and Virtue (Freedom for the first time because I no longer care about my old 50s there except for my Stalker I hadn't played in more than 1 year - btw Necro was it you who gave me Fortitude? I was surprised somebody remembered to buff the lolStalker! - I was the only Stalker in all the 7 trials I ran today, BAF, Lambda and Keyes).

On Virtue, the global channels (especially Virtue LFG Beta, I think that's the name) announce them all the time, but if you prefer you can just go to RWZ. On Freedom the place to be is Pocket D, the global channels I'm on there don't get much use (weird because they're the ones with most users).



Really you can probably get them on a number of servers if you join the appropriate server-specific chat channels. Justice runs iTrials pretty regularly, and you'll hear about them on Justice United.



Originally Posted by Duneytron2000 View Post
Really you can probably get them on a number of servers if you join the appropriate server-specific chat channels.
This. First thing I'd do is get yourself into a global channel where trials will be announced. To find these, I'd go to the individual server forums and look around or ask. You'll also want to figure out what zone the server uses. Some servers use Pocket D, others RWZ.

Personally, I play on Champion and often lead trials there along with several other players. On weekdays, they usually pick up around 7pm Eastern and run into the night, sometimes late. Occasionally you might get on an early afternoon trial. They run at almost any time on weekends. We use RWZ for regular runs and Pocket D for scheduled badge runs.

Most leaders will start off with a BAF, Lambda or Keyes to get everyone going then move onto the more difficult trials. There's not really a trial that doesn't get done on Champion, though I will say that since the new ones came out there's been a shift in focus on getting them done more often. I suspect in a while there will be a very decent variety.

In terms of badge runs, it depends on the trial. If you voice interested in Mo BAF most leagues are willing to give it a go right then and there. Mo Keyes runs happen every Sunday at 3:30pm Eastern. For UGT, it's not uncommon to land yourself on a "bomb badge run".

If you're interested, head on over to the Champion forums and give us a shout.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
An iTrial bus leaves Virtue's RWZ every 5 minutes.
Yep Virtue's always running them, and during peak hours champion server is as well.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Freedom here..I cant really imagine trying to get one going on some of the other servers. Perhaps the 'easy' trails like BAFS...but a master UG etc?

I am sure its completly unrealistic..but it would be nice if maybe the LFG tool (not for a league that is formed by invites) somehow worked cross server, creating a temporary shard for the duration of the Trial itself.
Wow... and attitudes like that are why I avoid Freedom like the plague....

Liberty has Trials going every single night- usually Mos tossed into the mix. They usually start around 7-9 PM EST and continue well into the night. Usually you can get a couple UGTs in and about 2-3 Keyes with BAFs always forming. Recently theres been a big push on TPNs.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Pinnacle does it's fair share as well. Decent trialing community I'd say.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



You can also get trials on Pinnacle in the evenings and weekends, and the occasional one during the day.

I've done trials on Pinnacle, Freedom, Virtue, and Champion, and I have to say I've had the highest failure rate on Freedom. I've also run some very good trials on Freedom, so it's definitely not all bad. If you're a regular and know who to run with I'd wager you would do well.

But it's really a quality vs. quantity issue; if you like running lots of pickup trials with random players who may have PLed their way to 50 then Freedom is your server. The afternoon Titan Weapons came out I ran a trial on Freedom that had three TW characters. It failed miserably, mostly because the leader insisted on running a "slam" and didn't want to take the time to do the trial in the "right" way. They apparently wanted only a shot at a very rare at the end. We didn't even get an astral for the warehouse because we ran out of time during that phase. So for 20 minutes of effort we basically got just a few threads instead of spending 25 minutes doing it the "right" way and getting twice as many threads, three astrals, an Empyrean and random roll on the table.

On the smaller servers certain individuals take it upon themselves to run the trials and they know how to do it. You don't them as often, but they're a lot more satisfying. And since a lot of the people running them are badgers, they want to do all the trials so they get the badges, which makes for a decent amount of variety.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I am sure its completly unrealistic..but it would be nice if maybe the LFG tool (not for a league that is formed by invites) somehow worked cross server, creating a temporary shard for the duration of the Trial itself.
One obvious issue is character name collisions. I don't know how many mechanisms (nooks and crannies of code) assume/require unique character names within a server/league/team, but I can imagine it is many. Name collision resolution is probably a very thorny problem for the current code base. Just my guess.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Freedom here..I cant really imagine trying to get one going on some of the other servers. Perhaps the 'easy' trails like BAFS...but a master UG etc?
orly? I have MoUG. Yay Infinity.
Expand your imagination.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Exalted has some good trial-runners, if you're a VIP.



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
Wow... and attitudes like that are why I avoid Freedom like the plague....

Liberty has Trials going every single night- usually Mos tossed into the mix. They usually start around 7-9 PM EST and continue well into the night. Usually you can get a couple UGTs in and about 2-3 Keyes with BAFs always forming. Recently theres been a big push on TPNs.
I may be biased but....

Liberty ftw!

What Bench said

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
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