Back Alley Brawler dies




Originally Posted by thedarkeone View Post
Here's my idea and keep in mind I havent been able to run part 4 yet.

Personally, I think there will be multiple deaths among our signature heroes. I think Statesman is going to be destroyed quickly; his death being an inconsequential destruction to rattle the other heroes. Ms. Liberty rushes into battle to defend her grandfather only to be swatted away and killed instantly.

From there the Phalanx come together and ask the players on the TF to help take out an evil to big for them to handle alone. During the ensuing battle most of the members of the Phalanx are taken out and it is our characters who finally take down the mastermind and his evil minions.

At least, that would make the last 6+ years of my playing finally make me feel like I am a true hero and have my place in the CoH Universe.
Ah, the clean sweep.

I don't know, that's a lot of new trainers to put in. Too many unique characters thrown under the bus for the sake of the players? Seems a little too bold, for well, any game. I can almost see it though.

Statesman should be more than enough to put our characters at the forefront.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
SSA's = Clues abound, this is the latest. *snip*
Man, I can't read most of the whiteboard and the desk image is really really tiny. What are we supposed to be seeing?



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Sister Psyche or Manticore make the most sense out of the possibilities. I'm leaning toward Sister Psyche because there are more interesting story lines that could spring up from her death than anyone else. And it could also lead to an opportunity for a complete character re-design, since she is by far the most dated looking character in the CoH universe. If she mind-hopped to a different body she could look any way they want her to.
It makes sense. If they want to stuff her in the fridge, they've already set up a way to prevent her mind-hopping.

It's a perfect comic book plot, too. After all: she broke the cardinal superhero rule by killing Malaise out of anger. That's not something that you just get away with.

Think about it, what if he left something behind? A psychic land mine, or even a part of his personality hidden deep in her subconscious. Maybe merging or working with the angry Aurora fragment. Lying dormant until the Phalanx is in a vulnerable position and then taking over, forcing her to betray them.

It could lead to a very tense climax, where she's about to kill one of the other heroes, or open a dimensional portal and empower Rularuu to devour them all. Manticore has his bow drawn and Psyche, realizing that she's out of control and that Malaise-Aurora won from the start, tells him to shoot. He can't bring himself to do it, but the other heroes are pinned down, and she begs him to put an end to her torture. Arrow through the heart, tearful goodbye, cue the waterworks. She doesn't mind-ride because she's been corrupted by Malaise and can't risk that part coming with her, and dies For Real(TM). At least as permanently as anyone every really dies in a comic book multiverse.

I'm definitely thinking some kind of heroic sacrifice. On that front, Psyche and Positron are the two top contenders, and the most likely to have some resonance on the player base. Brawler is the only other one with any real personality to speak of, but it probably won't be him for reasons covered by others. And as much as Statesman annoys me, I don't think they'll kill him off, simply because it would be too obvious.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Man, I can't read most of the whiteboard and the desk image is really really tiny. What are we supposed to be seeing?
Those are just two snippets of the whole deal. I'm not going to put out spoilers, you want the full thing then go through every single corner of every single mission in all four SSA's. There's so far (that I've found) 10 clues, and 5 minor to nothing but fun little add ins.



Originally Posted by ThePill View Post
Man, I can't read most of the whiteboard and the desk image is really really tiny. What are we supposed to be seeing?
LOL, that whiteboard has been in the game since what... launch? Issue 6 at the very latest.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
LOL, that whiteboard has been in the game since what... launch? Issue 6 at the very latest.
Each whiteboard has something new on it, especially the list of names with lines through them and two in specific scratched out, and one with a question mark beside it. Check each SSA there qmoar.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Each whiteboard has something new on it, especially the list of names with lines through them and two in specific scratched out, and one with a question mark beside it. Check each SSA there qmoar.
Go into the SG base editor and place whiteboard 1, 2, and 3 on a wall. Zoom in close.

I'm telling you those have been there for years.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Go into the SG base editor and place whiteboard 1, 2, and 3 on a wall. Zoom in close.

I'm telling you those have been there for years.

Not arguing that, saying in the SSA there's whiteboards with names scratched out, lines drawn through them, and a question mark at the end of another. Not to mention the others there are scattered around, files on desks with photos of the heroes with a (+) and a (-), there's lots of things that I found that relate specifically to this whole mystery. Happy hunting.



You still don't have no proof, So far the main Target is Statesmen and Sister Psyche, you no Sister Psyche is still in bad shape.

The Devs Said who ever dies will be removed form the game forever meaning they need to remove any Content they are in now, meaning a total Revamp of the game, any TF they are in now will need to be revamp or replace.

So Far we seen 1-4 of who will die and yet we still have 3 more to go, meaning anything will happen in those 3 arcs.

Statesmen so far lost everything as well and his TF can be done in a flashback in OB and isn't needed for Taskforce Commander.

Positron seem like he is taking over the Freedom Phalanx and that Statesmen isn't showing himself is a good sign of his Death is near. Once he finds out that Darrin Wade was his Daughter killer.

Statesmen will go after him, which what Darrin Wade wants is to lore Statesmen to him, so Statesmen is falling into Wade trap for sure.

Since no one no's where statesmen is at, no one will be around to help him, then again this is my guess, we really can't point fingers yet.

It can be anyone right now, no ones no's yet, you can't say this guy is going to die, because of what happen so far in the game, really only things we can do right now is guess.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
Honestly, if you want "easiest to replace", it's gotta be Citadel.

OH NO, THE ROBOT DIED! (Quick, go get another robot.)
He's already been destroyed before, and his backed up files were uploaded into Horatio's armor. If he dies, it'll be due to another forced hand-wave.

Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Not arguing that, saying in the SSA there's whiteboards with names scratched out, lines drawn through them, and a question mark at the end of another. Not to mention the others there are scattered around, files on desks with photos of the heroes with a (+) and a (-), there's lots of things that I found that relate specifically to this whole mystery. Happy hunting.
You keep saying that. This thread is about speculation. So put some evidence on the page--no one deliberately coming in here is going to be spoiled.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
He's already been destroyed before, and his backed up files were uploaded into Horatio's armor. If he dies, it'll be due to another forced hand-wave.
See, that's my point, though. The OP was like "Oh, BaBs is the easiest to replace because of {insert reasoning}" where, when it comes down to it, Citadel is just about as easy to replace.

Of course, given the current "Darrin Wade as the Big Bad of the arc" implementation (which I still have trouble buying), Citadel is safe because, you know, he's a freaking robot.

Now, I'm not saying that Darrin Wade isn't really the big bad of the arc. He could be. But if he is, it's one of the lamest things ever. "Oh, I want real powers, not stuff gained from artifacts!" So, uh... Wade... all those people who get their powers from artifacts, or magic weapons or power armor... they want to have a word with you. It's a lame argument.

Mind you, Who Will Die also needs to end with Wade being carved into Wade-McNuggets by someone. Anyone. Hell, I'd give bonus points if it happened because Lord Recluse was pissed because this nobody had his niece killed.



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
You still don't have no proof, So far the main Target is Statesmen and Sister Psyche, you no Sister Psyche is still in bad shape.

The Devs Said who ever dies will be removed form the game forever meaning they need to remove any Content they are in now, meaning a total Revamp of the game, any TF they are in now will need to be revamp or replace.

So Far we seen 1-4 of who will die and yet we still have 3 more to go, meaning anything will happen in those 3 arcs.

Statesmen so far lost everything as well and his TF can be done in a flashback in OB and isn't needed for Taskforce Commander.

Positron seem like he is taking over the Freedom Phalanx and that Statesmen isn't showing himself is a good sign of his Death is near. Once he finds out that Darrin Wade was his Daughter killer.

Statesmen will go after him, which what Darrin Wade wants is to lore Statesmen to him, so Statesmen is falling into Wade trap for sure.

Since no one no's where statesmen is at, no one will be around to help him, then again this is my guess, we really can't point fingers yet.

It can be anyone right now, no ones no's yet, you can't say this guy is going to die, because of what happen so far in the game, really only things we can do right now is guess.

Outside of the game..

Matt Miller = Positron = Big boss in charge right now.
Jack Emmert = Statesman = Was the big boss.

Buying COH Rights from Emmert? Costly.
Advancing with a new Studio Name? Painstaking.
Anticipation for Who Will Die Arc after going F2P at last? Agonizing.
Settling an old dispute after the statue of limitations were up? Priceless.

So what does that mean? Statesman is going to die as a way for Matt to feel better about himself tbh. He's letting go of the old and bringing in the new '' the right way. '' Giving Statesman a honorable death will make Jack not be so pissy, Matt can fully wash his hands of Statesman in a couple of years later, and then finally move onto World Of Heroes as the next great expansion.

It's elementary dear qmoar.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
He's already been destroyed before, and his backed up files were uploaded into Horatio's armor. If he dies, it'll be due to another forced hand-wave.
Not to mention that his Praetorian counterpart was able to upload himself into a freakin' War Walker without issue. So apparently he can run on a wide variety of hardware.

You keep saying that. This thread is about speculation. So put some evidence on the page--no one deliberately coming in here is going to be spoiled.
Can't say for sure without a screenshot, but I'm betting that poster is seeing the erased version of Whiteboard 3 and over-analyzing it. Whiteboard 3 is the one with small text that says "Where do we go from here? What changes might be made? Who can best rep the product? When can we get it done?". The erased version still has half a W and part of a couple of the question marks visible. Those whiteboard textures have been in the game since 2004, though, and show up in random office maps.

There are clues in the SSAs, but not in the stock props that show up in just about every map.



Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
OH NO, THE ROBOT DIED! (Quick, go get another robot.)
As long as it's the new Siege with Citadel loaded into it...

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post
Outside of the game..

Matt Miller = Positron = Big boss in charge right now.
Jack Emmert = Statesman = Was the big boss.

Buying COH Rights from Emmert? Costly.
Advancing with a new Studio Name? Painstaking.
Anticipation for Who Will Die Arc after going F2P at last? Agonizing.
Settling an old dispute after the statue of limitations were up? Priceless.

So what does that mean? Statesman is going to die as a way for Matt to feel better about himself tbh. He's letting go of the old and bringing in the new '' the right way. '' Giving Statesman a honorable death will make Jack not be so pissy, Matt can fully wash his hands of Statesman in a couple of years later, and then finally move onto World Of Heroes as the next great expansion.

It's elementary dear qmoar.
What the crap. THAT'S your secret evidence? I think you SERIOUSLY overestimate the amount of "everyone hates Jack Emmert" going on in the world.

Paragon Studios is doing this for a lot of reasons, but a made up, sad, petty grudge-match is NOT one of them.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
Oh snap, you figured it out!

Now they're going to have to switch it to Hank Hall.
+1 Millinium

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
What the crap. THAT'S your secret evidence? I think you SERIOUSLY overestimate the amount of "everyone hates Jack Emmert" going on in the world.

Paragon Studios is doing this for a lot of reasons, but a made up, sad, petty grudge-match is NOT one of them.

Would be such a "lol" moment though if they did

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
As long as it's the new Siege with Citadel loaded into it...
Metronome has already taken that scrap metal

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
That seems to have the best/most story potential (and it is way easier to bring her back since she has that whole mind ride ability).
Unfortunately, she ends up sharing a body with Synapse. :P



My guess is that they kill Statesman, have Positron lead FF and run STF, and put BaB in Positron's old spot in Steel and run posi's old TF.

Alien 51 - Emp/Energy/Energy Defender
Average Bob - Rifle/Devices/Munitions Blaster
Fusion Avatar - Triform Warshade
Grumpy - Nec/Poison/Mu Mastermind
Metallic Guy - Kat/Inv/Weapons Scrapper



Originally Posted by Alien51 View Post
My guess is that they kill Statesman, have Positron lead FF and run STF, and put BaB in Positron's old spot in Steel and run posi's old TF.
As much as I like this rundown, I still think it's going to be SP.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



I just want to point out to any one who thinks numina will die, or to anyone who countered the surviving 8 aspect: Numina is already dead. This arc is called "who will die".

You can't actually KILL a ghost. It's a concept that's over my head, but they don't "die".

Not even weapons that are especially designed to say "slay" a ghost KILLS them. Why would you even NEED such weapons if you can already physically harm ghosts in this game anyway?

edit: aww <BLEEP!> I just noticed I seriously contradicted myself there >.< but I'll just go with the fact that ghosts are magic and thus can't have everything about them explained scientifically or with normal logic...(Because if it were explainable, they would be scientific, not magic...)



Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
I just want to point out to any one who thinks numina will die, or to anyone who countered the surviving 8 aspect: Numina is already dead. This arc is called "who will die".

You can't actually KILL a ghost. It's a concept that's over my head, but they don't "die".
Never underestimate the power of the comic book handwave.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
I just want to point out to any one who thinks numina will die, or to anyone who countered the surviving 8 aspect: Numina is already dead. This arc is called "who will die".

You can't actually KILL a ghost. It's a concept that's over my head, but they don't "die".

Not even weapons that are especially designed to say "slay" a ghost KILLS them. Why would you even NEED such weapons if you can already physically harm ghosts in this game anyway?

edit: aww <BLEEP!> I just noticed I seriously contradicted myself there >.<
With stranger aeons, even death may die.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound