GI Joe: Retaliation trailer
Some interesting cast additions. Dwayne Johnson and Bruce Willis. but nothing to upgrade it from Netflix list. but then again there's only one release that I have at See in Theater and that's Avengers.
On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3
Bruce Willis?? That just made this movie watchable, for me.
I'm praying Ripcord gets offed, quickly and violently.
Looks like it's worth a watch to me, but I don't expect high art from a GI Joe movie - and I enjoyed the first one well enough on a purely brain-dead guilty pleasure level.
I liked the glimpse I saw of a Cobra Commander helmet.
Also, the IMDB page has a character listing, which is fun in and of itself. RZA as Jinx's blind ninja master? I can dig it.
Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

Looks about as action-y as the last one. But I get squicky when it comes to slaughtering Joes wholesale, and this feels a lot like Renegades (G.I.A-Team) so im not exactly jumping for joy. Also, no Destro?
Poo. Until i see more, ill wait for Netflix.
I like what I see. Especially seeing Cobra in a completely ridiculous plot where they take over the freakin' U.S.
Tried watching the original GI Joe on a recent transatlantic flight - gave up after the somewhat Team America Parisian sequence, though Chris Ecclestone's utterly shameless scenery-chewing helped me through the early bits. It's still more than I managed of Transformers DOTM.
As someone said to me recently over a lovely dinner, no-one in Hollyweird ever got rich by overestimating the public's tastes. Dwayne and Bruce's charisma should help lift it a bit and they might have afforded some better writers this time around.
TBH I had the same expectations of Captain America and was very pleasantly surprised by how bloody good and rich it was, so source material shouldn't always be an issue...
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

Seems as though they are mostly ignoring the first one. Only Duke, Snake Eyes and Zartan are back from part one, as far as I can see. I wonder if the "they're all dead!" line includes Scarlett, Hawk and the others.
After the first movie, the person I felt bad for (aside from myself, for having sat through it) was Larry Hama. If I had spent years creating and writing characters only to see them turned into what the first film was, I would have been rather upset about it.
At least now it looks like they tried to address some of the things people didn't like last time (looking at you, Snake Eyes mask).
Also, given that G I Joe is not the usual "real American hero" team in the movies, but an international force, is the decision of the American president to wipe them out "with extreme prejudice" the best way to go?
Est sularis oth Mithas
Well, the president was replaced by a Cobra operative at the end of the first movie.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
Well, the president was replaced by a Cobra operative at the end of the first movie.
/e shrug
Est sularis oth Mithas
depends on the little details, far as the trailer shows, the Joe's betrayed the country somehow.
Yes, because this is GI Joe, other countries exist solely for America to fight in them.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
depends on the little details, far as the trailer shows, the Joe's betrayed the country somehow.
Zartan is the bad guy. Works for Cobra.
The Joes don't betray the country. If anything they get set up as patsies by Zartan and Cobra Commander.
"my cholesterol's a little high"
Might watch this.
I want Willis to say at least once in the movie "And knowing is half the battle!"
OK, that upgraded my interest in this movie. Granted, it was upgraded to "Redbox it, if even that" to "don't go unless it starts getting good reviews".
AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan
Making the movie closer to Renegades is a good idea.
After the way they undermined the character of The Baroness in the first movie, there's no way I'm seeing the second.
Wee Little Tank Girl, Wee Little Widow, Wee Little Clockwork
Well they fixed Snake Eyes and Cobra Commander, so I'm in.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."!
oh my...expectations rose to cautiously optimistic
edit: Sgt. Slaughter rumored to have a cameo role (PLEASE BE TRUE!) and Marlon Waynes isn't listed in the casting, so to most of you, this is a good thing