So what's your concept?




One of the things I enjoy about the City Of... is coming up with concepts for my characters. Even if sometimes the concept I originally thought up is suddenly changed by a random spur of inspiration.

I also enjoy occasionally checking character info's to see what other players have imagined up. This got me thinking, and thereby influenced me to start up this silly little thread. What's your concept?

My latest toon: Rakasi on Infinity server.

My original idea was a sort of an homage to the Legacy of Kain series...particularly the Soul Reaver games in which the main character Raziel was bounded to the sword Soul Reaver (in wraith blade form). Later in the series its revealed that the Soul Reaver is actually Raziel's own soul that had been absorbed into the original Soul Reaver (or simply the Reaver as it was known as before that moment).

Anyhoo...without going into any more great depth into the game (that would take WAY too long).

After doing my first costume mission, it hit me. After coloring all of his /EA powers green, and the "eyes" and FX on the Minotaur Axe to a concept changed.

Rakasi is able to amplify and channel the power of his soul. This ability enables him to create protective fields and amplify the strength of his weapon by infusing it with a part of himself. His soul is also, apparently, destined for battle, as the more he engages in it, the stronger it becomes, and in turn himself (fury generation).

As his power increases, he even learns to use his soul to heal his wounded body (Energize), and steal a portion of another person's soul to reverse the effects of fatigue and enhance his protective fields (Energy Drain).

This is roughly what I came up with. Feel free to share your ideas and imagination here.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Oooh, I get to play!

Biggest, dumbest, strongest brute evar known. So I made Big Thing, SS/Invuln brute, and put the biggest costume possible on him, including the biggest wings, armor, and the largest available head that I know of: A flaming punkin' (from Halloween). Oh, and all the sliders are at 10/right. If they could be 11, they would be.

Baddest, surliest, solo artist, so I made Homeslicer, Claws/WP scrapper, and dressed him all in black, with yellow glowing eyes. He can stand in a veritable SEA of minions and LTs and not take one lick of HP damage.. then wipe them all out in a few seconds. Love that one.

The Dawn Sisters... three Mind/? Magic Sisters who are either 'Trollers or Dom. One is a Heroine, Mind/Emp 'troller. One is a total b***h Villainess, Mind/Psi Dom, and the third is a Mind/Kin 'Troller Vigilante. Three different ways to mess with their enemies minds, all linked by a single tragic accident that befell their beloved pet iguana. Almost got the third to 50, not quite there yet, currently distracted by...

The Brawl only Brute, the Brawlin' Humilator. I picked WM/WP for his powers, but he only uses the Brawl. He's a former boxer who's fallen on bad times in the boxing arena, so now he runs about Paragon smacking all the baddies in the face, and ONLY using Brawl and whatever defensive minded powers he can get, and that's it. Should be interesting to get that one to 50.

I also have one called Holiday Kitten, which I've not played with in a while, but she was to be dressed in whatever current Holiday it would be. The first was a scary flying cat, not quite a bat, but all in black with bones and no mouth. I forget her powers, but she did fly and had the bony wings to go with that. Then she was a pilgrim, then a santa's helper, and so on... I should probably get that one re-rolled one day.

That's it for now... my main ones. Others maybe if I think of them.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



I have two or three favorites. I'll spare you all and only talk about one of them.

Joan of Arkansas (also seen below, in my sig) is the only melee character I ever took to 50. I liked her so much I rerolled her and played her to 50 a second time. She was previously a Broadsword/Fire Scrapper, is now a Katana/Fire Brute. Although Katana has kind of a samurai-infused theme to it rather than medieval Europe, I really Katana's animations much more (especially gripping the sword with both hands). The Brute AT also casts her more easily into the role of "leader" she is meant to play.

Her story is partly a joke, partly not. She is a girl from rural Arkansas who began hearing voices telling her she was destined to lead Paragon to victory over an invading force. She discovered she was gifted at swordcraft, and also that she could light herself on fire and withstand great pain. As a superhero, she is somewhat embarrassed of her powers. She is aware of her connection to the historical Joan of Arc, and thus is "in on the joke," but she is nervous about her future given what happened to her predecessor. (She has reason to worry, IMO; a story with this kind of character can only end in one possible way.)

The message I try to send with the character (and I'm not sure I'm 100% successful) is that real life heroes are often gathered from humorous places, and just like people in the days of Joan of Arc would have derided her as a peasant, so Joan of Arkansas emerges as unlikely, if slightly more plucky, heroine.



My current is Mephitdae or at least I am trying.

She is a Rad/Dark Corr.

She was a wildlife scientist, who was experimenting on a cure for a rabies infection that had spread throughout the Hollows. While conducting her research she was bitten by a rabid skunk, who had been treated with her special vaccine and radiation.

So she injected herself with her serum, gaining, the proportionate strength, agility and senses of a skunk, and allowing her to user her bioelecrical field to form her bio-toxic skunk bolts!

Since skunks are nocturnal she has also developed some control over darkness.

It's a theme!



Another one before i hit the road for work...

Rocky Martin, earth/stone dominator

A former international pop sensation with hit singles like "Livin' la vida rica" and "She bombs", he was loved by all the world over. That is at least until his skin began to turn into stone during a live concert that was being simulcast the world over.

Shunned and disgraced for being a "freak", Rocky went into hiding, which eventually led him to the Rogue Isles. By that time, he'd learned that he could harness and control aspects of the Earth itself.

Determined to make a comeback, he plans to make a name for himself here to any and every (captive) audience he can. He'll make it back to the top of the smash hit at a time.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



My huntsman SoA is Zack Burton, a homage to Jack Burton of Big Trouble in Litte China. He is a former SoA who carved out some personal power, went rogue, bought a cargo boat, and runs goods back and forth between the isles and paragon city.

While in Talos, some tsoo stole his boat while he was rescuing a friends fiancé and all hell broke loose. So he falls back on his training, reflexes, and a submachine gun to kick *** and get his boat back, all while daring the universe to give him it's best shot, because he can take it.



Oedipus, WHAT is that emote you're doing, with your hand on the grounded sword?

BTW, that toon still makes me laugh my brains out every time I see it.

As for me: I will not play any toon that does not have a strong theme and back-story. Indeed, the first thing I do is work out the backstory, and write a full Bio entry.

Yes, I'm weird.

One of my latest concept toons is a fire/wp/soul brute. She was a pretty girl from Appalachia who also happened to be a near-genius who likes inorganic chemistry. She rebelled against peer-pressure to be a cheerleader, and instead got a doctorate in Analytic Chemistry and took a job at Holston Arsenal manufacturing dynamite.

During a Malta attack, (a dynamite factory? get it?) she got turned into living Oleum. Now she's beating up bad guys in Paragon, and the utter hilarity for me is she has both a Doctor's uniform, and a cheerleader's outfit.

Ah, the simple things that make me laff.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
As for me: I will not play any toon that does not have a strong theme and back-story. Indeed, the first thing I do is work out the backstory, and write a full Bio entry.

Yes, I'm weird.
Me too. All of my toons have a bio/story to explain why they're "here" (although
it's debatable how "strong" their story is - good enough for me tho).

I have a few movie homage toons (Ghostbusters, Johnny Dangerously, and even
Lord of the Rings), as well as a Starcraft and Mechwarrior homage toon.

I have an Arizona themed toon (based on Hopi Indian mythology).

I have a few aliens who got here in a couple different ways (one as a Rikti stowaway).

I even have an 11th century knight who ended up here (he thinks) due to "Foul

I have a bunch that are more run-of-the-mill fits (a paid Assassin- stalker, a few
abused/deranged villains, a few in-game faction converts to hero or villainy, etc).

Deciding why a toon is in the "City of" universe is initially as fun as playing them.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Yeah...i gotta few homage toons myself...

Rocky Martin...Ricky Martin (tho i'm sure you guys are smart enough to make that connection).

Ninja T...Mr. T...and he's a ninja...

Brawler T...See above...minus the ninja part...dressed similarly to how he appears on a cover of a GI Joe comic.

Jack Blackheart...well...this one is less of an homage as it's a combination of names. Jack Black and Blackheart. ...And he's a Widow...uh.....-er.....

I WAS gonna make a toon named Rocky Balboulder...but someone beat me to it (at least on infinity....GRR!)

Still wish that CoH had either a duck or chicken head costume option (though i could probably make a reasonable facsimily thereof) so i could do either Duck Norris or Cluck Norris....hehehehe (probably been done already tho...hah)

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



I have a Toxic thing. Feel free to tell me how awesome it is!




Lets see...

Velvet Bedrock (rockity/rock tank) - Elvis impersonator who was granted the power to control gold with his mind by a green fairy after an especially moving performance. Thrown out of Vegas after he unintentionally stripped the plating off a gold covered display Cadillac in the casino lobby when stopping a domestic abuse in one of the hotel rooms.

Big Game Holly (Huntsman) - Overly violent Steve Irwin homage who decided to go for more dangerous game and start hunting superheroes.

Thermal Antipole (ice/therm corr) - alien criminal with ability to convert heat into cold and visa versa. While fleeing space law enforcement, she crash landed on Earth in the distant past and the automatically converted the tremendous heat from the crash into cold which froze her in ice for millenia. This crash killed the dinosaurs.

My Trio of Time Police Department (a budget Oro) officers -

Lance Manfist TPD (time/sonic) - the getting too old for this veteran cop
Rod Johnson (thugs/time) - the brash, play by his own rules rebel cop who isn't above working with the criminals occasionally (probably going Vig)
Virginia Beaver (grav/time) - the young, idealistic female cop who has all the newest gadgets and connections

Lady Clockwork (bot/ff) - rejected by the scientific community after research on using live, disembodied human brains to control the orgone energy used to power her robots.

Forged (ele/fa brute) - Lady Clockwork's friend who was accidentally crushed after discovering her terrible secret. In order to save her, Clockwork placed her brain in her newest, experimental bot - the most powerful to date, but lacking sufficient shielding to contain the excessive heat produced in the reactor. Later broke free of the failsafes intended to keep her under control and turned hero.

Shadow BoXXXer (em/nin) - the "bad girl" in a highly competitive foxy boxing league, her use of performance enhancing drugs caused her to snap and beat her rival and star of the league into a pulp. Now on the run for breach of contract.

Sabine Rebuilt - (sts/ea scr) - BoXXXer's foe now stronger and faster due to the extreme surgery needed to save her life.

I also have a good fire demon/evil ice angel pair of foes if they ever give me ice melee on a scrapper or brute.

I can't make a character without a story, but most of mine have a more generic superhero-y style. These are the weirdos.



I like Joan of Arkansas

my favorites:

Tomb Fisted Kid - murdered sheriff in the old west (Doug Graves), now an undead cowboy. Has cowboy costume but skull head. Dark/dark - his fists have the touch of the grave.

Shackled Soul - elec/elec. A demon summoned in Diable in CoV, but captured by the Legacy Chain who bound him with chains. He is prevented from hurting innocents, so in his desire to harm things he is forced to attack villains

Admiral Abyssal - earth/earth dom - his powers are tinted yellow and blue. He wears an old fashioned diving suit. He was a coral researcher who discovered how to cause rapid growth in corals. Now he uses his good friends the corals to fight crime.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I have a Toxic thing. Feel free to tell me how awesome it is!


(watches video)

(watches video again)

....thats pretty darn awesome.



Burning Corpse: Lived his entire life as a mutant but never knew it. When he was killed in a car accident his parents opted to have him cremated. Upon the flames touching his body he resurrected in a massive explosion.

Pyrohemia: Is a mutant with a blood disorder: His blood combusts on contact with air. He fights by strapping razorwire to his fists....facing inward at his own hands. To stop himself from bleeding to death in a fight, he was given artificial regeneration.

Tsepes: A descendent of Vlad the Impaler, AKA Dracula. Is actually the latest in a long line of mutants, instead of the vampires they were rumored to be. Dracula was a mutant as well, but not knowing what mutants were, his abilities were attributed to the supernatural.

Marshall Stack: Sonic Blaster whose powers are permanently on. If he utters a word he risks destroying the person he's talking to. He enjoys combat, becuase it's the only time he can converse with anyone. He frequently defeats opponents by telling them about his day. He is a distant relative of the actor Robert Stack, and his parents just happened to name him Marshall. They had no idea of the irony of his name and mutant powers.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Nemesis automatons of other NPC heroes. Yes I'm that guy.



The character I'm having fun playing most right now is Rose Alpha, robots/force field mastermind. She has a degenerative neurological condition, complicated by exposure to Rikti War-vintage toxic waste. A research program working with people like her managed to re-direct a lot of her cognitive functions through cybernetic backup systems. Then phase 2 kicked in, and it turned out that the sponsor of the whole thing was a Crey subsidiary looking for new bio-weapons. Unfortunately for them, she proved better at controlling her robot array than at being controlled by the program's headquarters.

When it comes up, she'll emphasize that it's not "Rose and her robots". It's "Rose, an identity housed in seven bodies, one of them the one she was born in". A bit more than a third of a human brain's normal activity happens in the brain she started out with; the rest is spread through the set of bots, and she's at her best when she can have them all out and firing on all cylinders.

Dz131: Rock on. Do you have clicks and glitches?



Originally Posted by MriBruce View Post
The character I'm having fun playing most right now is Rose Alpha, robots/force field mastermind. She has a degenerative neurological condition, complicated by exposure to Rikti War-vintage toxic waste. A research program working with people like her managed to re-direct a lot of her cognitive functions through cybernetic backup systems. Then phase 2 kicked in, and it turned out that the sponsor of the whole thing was a Crey subsidiary looking for new bio-weapons. Unfortunately for them, she proved better at controlling her robot array than at being controlled by the program's headquarters.

When it comes up, she'll emphasize that it's not "Rose and her robots". It's "Rose, an identity housed in seven bodies, one of them the one she was born in". A bit more than a third of a human brain's normal activity happens in the brain she started out with; the rest is spread through the set of bots, and she's at her best when she can have them all out and firing on all cylinders.
That's awesome. One of the better backstories I've seen of late.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
That's awesome. One of the better backstories I've seen of late.
Thanks. I have one of the forms of porphyria myself, and cascading complications, and strange disability issues tend to show up in my characters.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
He enjoys combat, becuase it's the only time he can converse with anyone. He frequently defeats opponents by telling them about his day.
I LOLd at this one Claws.

"I woke up this morning with a freakin crik in my neck, stubbed my toe on the way to the bathroom, and then i burned my eggs. THEN my wife fires up her motor and starts in on me. 'Nnnnnaaaag nag nag nag nag nag' Holy Christ that woman can yammer on and on and on at the slightest little things! And i won't EVEN get into the morning commute traffic this morning. OMG it was HORRID! And to top it all off...YOU decided you wanted to rob the friggin bank. I HAD TO CROSS TOWN FOR THIS!"

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by RaikenX View Post
I LOLd at this one Claws.

"I woke up this morning with a freakin crik in my neck, stubbed my toe on the way to the bathroom, and then i burned my eggs. THEN my wife fires up her motor and starts in on me. 'Nnnnnaaaag nag nag nag nag nag' Holy Christ that woman can yammer on and on and on at the slightest little things! And i won't EVEN get into the morning commute traffic this morning. OMG it was HORRID! And to top it all off...YOU decided you wanted to rob the friggin bank. I HAD TO CROSS TOWN FOR THIS!"
Me too. Great work, ClawsAndEffects.



Transgression: Energy Melee/Dark Armor Brute
He's a Praetorian and was one of those guys that always dreamed of being female. He finally got the chance when a succubus switched bodies with him in order to avoid the Powers Division draft. Unfortunately, she didn't tell him that part. Once drafted, he -- now she -- quickly became the butt of every joke until she discovered her new body can turn negative emotions, her own and those directed at her, into pure, negative energy. Now she dares people to pick on her lifestyle change. If they're lucky, they'll live to regret it.

Brightsaber: Peacebringer
She was a supermodel until the Council tried to force her agency into laundering money. She was the only one to physically fight back and they quickly made an example out of her for it. Barely alive, she was locked up in one of many underground prisons along with everyone else that defied the Council. This included a young Khledian that they had been experimenting on. Unfortunately that Kheldian didn't survive the bonding process so Brightsaber can't change form but she was given more than enough power to level that particular base and several more like it. Now she stalks the dark corners, deep caverns and the very depths of Paragon city as a beacon of light and avenging blade.

Kiyomori: Katana/Willpower Scrapper
Kiyomori can't bend steel. She can't dodge bullets. She doesn't have a flashy alias or costume. In fact, she is a short, petite Japanese woman that and can barely speak English. Her only saving grace is that she's been studying swordsmanship ever since she was in diapers. Everyone, including Statesman, has told her that she'd never have what it takes to be a hero. However, now at security level 50 and with a shard of Bishamonten's soul within her, she has made her point quite clear. You don't need super powers to be a super hero. You only need the heart to do what's right and the willpower to follow your heart.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Oedipus, WHAT is that emote you're doing, with your hand on the grounded sword?

It's called the "Bad Photoshop Emote." The actual emote is the standard idle hands at the side thing. I just quickly Photoshop-ed a sword into her hand for the pic prior to posting. Too bad her halo is missing from the shot (I just got it back today, after having rerolled).

Originally Posted by Guy Perfect
I have a Toxic thing. Feel free to tell me how awesome it is!
That is awesome. Great costume and really cool powers. I had never actually seen some of those before.

I do wish more people would include a pic with their concept (hint, hint ). It makes it easier to tell them how awesome they are too.

Originally Posted by Black Rhapsody
He's a Praetorian and was one of those guys that always dreamed of being female. He finally got the chance when a succubus switched bodies with him in order to avoid the Powers Division draft. Unfortunately, she didn't tell him that part. Once drafted, he -- now she -- quickly became the butt of every joke until she discovered her new body can turn negative emotions, her own and those directed at her, into pure, negative energy. Now she dares people to pick on her lifestyle change. If they're lucky, they'll live to regret it.
Thats awesome with or without a pic.



From the minute I saw the powerset and then they added the hairbow in the Gunslinger set, I knew what I must do.

For the first time, I made a little Japanese schoolgirl.

Powerset: Giant Rocket Hammer/Boyfriend Issues (TW/WP)

Name: Tsundere.

My other fave is Runefrost (ice/cold) a young archeologist who discovered Odin's runes etched into a slab of unmelting ice in northern Sweden. Upon touching them, the power of the runes inhabited her body, and she's been on the run from a group of cultists devoted to Loki ever since.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



Originally Posted by Alexandria2000 View Post
From the minute I saw the powerset and then they added the hairbow in the Gunslinger set, I knew what I must do.

For the first time, I made a little Japanese schoolgirl.

Powerset: Giant Rocket Hammer/Boyfriend Issues (TW/WP)

Name: Tsundere.
I find this funny because I have Street Justice/Invulnerability Brute named Tsunderella. She runs around in the closest thing to gothic lolita that I could make, which includes the gunslinger hairbow. I'm presently trying to figure out which pose goes best with her slogan, "I'm not hitting on you because I like you!"



If he was your boyfriend you wouldn't be tsundere, only when you have a crush dos that hppen. You'd gradually shift into Yandere if you were in a actual bf/gf relationship.