Proposed Meet & Greet, Baltimore/DC Metro




Nuts, schedule conflict with my surgery. It would be interesting to talk to people about online roleplay and where they see themselves in the game.



I will be stopping at D&B tommorrow to confirm the dates, I am confirming for 10 people but that should get us enough room if more show up. I hope to see you all..

EDIT: Planning for the 18th of February, (Saturday) at the D&B at Arundel Mills Mall near Baltimore MD. I can post directions if anyone needs it.

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Just got off the phone with D&B, we are good for Saturday folks, the combo is $18.75 a head as an FYI, and it is a walk-in status but they have a table held waiting on us for the 18th. How's 6PM for everyone. (I suggest planning 20 minutes extra time to park, as parking at the mall is very very painful at the moment, there is a valet service if you care to use it ($3.00). Please wear some sort of name tag, a CoH shirt, or some other identifying feature... You won't be able to miss us, I promise...

I have the following people as attending
Elvnsword09 (will be wearing a City of Heroes Shirt)
ObsidianLight (Will be wearing a City of Villains **** (red with White Lettering))
Archangel Mychael +2 (Will be wearing a Players Summit 2011 shirt)
Quasadu +1
Glass Goblin (will have bells after we are done with him jking, maybe... )
Torres Prime
Turgnev +1

This puts us at 15... 5 to go for the private party room

Out of you guys who is bringing kids, wives, etcetrea it effects where they seat us. If we hit over 20 we all get a discount too if I can get the numbers a week ahead of time.

I got the time off from work, and it seems to all be coming together!
I am going to hit all the boards with this.


"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



I will be there!

Edit: I *might* be bringing my girlfriend. She enjoyed the last one even though she doesn't play CoH. I'll let you know if that's the case.

I'll also go ahead and post a reminder on the LJ community and ask folks to come confirm in this thread if they are attending.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



I'll be there. Damned if I know what I'll be wearing clothes wise, but I'll don the blinking Awesome button. But also I'll be showing up with Quasadu who is very tall.

sketches on tumblr | finished pieces and resources on dA

Currently most active:
Shining Finger: 40 Elec/Titan][Summer's Son: 38 Fire/Fire/Pyre
Hyperion Tekk][Dark-stream
City of Heroes LiveJournal community.
Friendly, helpful and surprisingly light on the drama.

Save our game Master post.



Originally Posted by syrusbLiz View Post
I'll be there. Damned if I know what I'll be wearing clothes wise, but I'll don the blinking Awesome button. But also I'll be showing up with Quasadu who is very tall.
And I will probably be wearing the t-shirt that you designed.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



File me for a sure, I'll try to get there. Honestly, never met people from online before, so I'm a bit skittish about going, but CoH is full of nice people, I need to meet more people, and this is so insanely close to where I live it would be impossible not to go. If I go, I'll probably have a black T-shirt with a blue Superman "S" and holding a German/Bavarian Alps-esque hat (not wearing, a true gentleman never wears hats indoors).




Originally Posted by Mistah_H View Post
File me for a sure, I'll try to get there. Honestly, never met people from online before, so I'm a bit skittish about going.
I was too, when I went to HeroCon 2009. But, you're going to find you're right at home, as opposed to having 'stranger danger' nervousness.

You'll be having far too much fun to give a rat's *** about the fact they're from the internet.

Hmmmmm....I'm thinking I'm going to have to arrange a drunken task force (scavenger hunt)....Well, you don't gotta be drunk, but it's a lot more fun if you're toasted. :-D

Liberties may have to carry me out by the end of the night, LOL.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.

Freedom, Virtue, Exalted



How I wish I could come to this .

You guys have a great time!

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
How I wish I could come to this .

You guys have a great time!
It's not like you need to see your family at all, right? We're much more important!

I have to run this by the better half, but I should be there. I'll be wearing my name tag from the last D&B get-together, if I can still find it.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
How I wish I could come to this .

You guys have a great time!
-Hugs Zwill-

We wish you could come too!! That would be tons of fun

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.

Freedom, Virtue, Exalted



Posted an announcement to each of the server pages with a link back to here, and to the facebook group I created for this, and I messaged Zwill and let him know what we the fans are doing in they're East Coast absence, in hopes they will at least bring some attention to the meeting for us in the next couple weeks and make it the best possible Meet and Greet it can be.


Ah while I as writing that Zwill posted... ::laughs:: We wish you could come to Zwill!

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



I would love to meet up with you. I moved to Maryland from Miami last autumn, so I don't know my way around all that well yet, but according to Google Maps I'm only 45 minutes away. I should be able to find my way to a mall big enough to have a D&B. (Of course, I couldn't find my way around Miami after living there for forty years. Yeah, I'm rather navigationally challenged.)

So add me to the list, and barring something odd intervening (like finding work), I'll be there with bells on.*

PS: Thanks for putting your red name in this thread, Zwill, or else I'd not have seen it, since most of my forum time is spent in the test areas.

*Actual bells not guaranteed, and are in fact fairly unlikely.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I'll be wearing my name tag from the last D&B get-together, if I can still find it.
That is a good idea... but I don't think there's much hope of me finding it. I'm gonna try, though!


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post

*Actual bells not guaranteed, and are in fact fairly unlikely.
Note to self: Bring Bells for Goblin to wear

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.

Freedom, Virtue, Exalted



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
How I wish I could come to this .

You guys have a great time!
BAH! You Slacker! I'm sure you have some lee-way to write a 2-way plane ticket and Hotel room off as a Business Expense in this case.

Doesn't that title under your screen name read "Community Manager" ?
Aren't we the Community? Well part of it at any rate.
Doesn't the Community need to be managed?

Sounds like a job expense to me.

P.S. I SHOULD be able to make it. Just need to clear it with work. Will check that schedule when I get into work Saturday.



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
That is a good idea... but I don't think there's much hope of me finding it. I'm gonna try, though!
WHAT?! You mean after all the effort I put in to make that tag you didn't keep it in a safe place?!

J.k. :P



I missed the last two, but should be able to make this one.
Looking forward to it.

Tentatively for two.



Hey all, just had a thought I wanted to toss on the table for another M&G down the line: The Avengers Movie premier. We all get together in DC, or Virginia or whatever, see if we can get a group rate on the Tickets, and hit up a showing with all of us together. Thoughts on that?



weird thing is I have been to that Mall all 3 times I have been to the Baltimore/DC area but I live 2000+ miles away in Arizona



And, of course... I get an invite in the mail yesterday locking up February 18th...
If I can work my way out of this, I will, but it looks like I most likely will not make it.

Hmm... The Avengers proposition is intriguing... I'm generally a bit of a shut the hell up and let me fully immerse myself in this movie person though, so I'd hate to meet some of you by telling someone unlike that to shut the hell up...
Of course, 1) we may all want the same movie-going experience and/or 2) we may see it beforehand and then pull a Mystery Science CoHM&G.

I'll keep watch and chime in when I have nothing to say.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



It's not certain, but I will attend if possible.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I have to run this by the better half, but I should be there. I'll be wearing my name tag from the last D&B get-together, if I can still find it.
...I think I only tossed that out in December (while cleaning out the wife's room as the nursery), so sadly, I'll have to use my Summit 2011 badge instead. Torroes did a great job on those, didn't he?



Originally Posted by Torroes_Prime View Post
Hey all, just had a thought I wanted to toss on the table for another M&G down the line: The Avengers Movie premier. We all get together in DC, or Virginia or whatever, see if we can get a group rate on the Tickets, and hit up a showing with all of us together. Thoughts on that?
I'd love to get together for that, as I should still be in the area. We'll have to all talk out how we watch movies maybe see the Chronicle or something to see if we have the capability of all watching it together.

I am going to go to the mall in the morning to plan out a scavenger hunt. It's gonna be things you can see from the halls of the mall itself, not in the stores, thinking 5 items.

We are also going to TRY and organize a door prize if finances allow.

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...